I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1644: Dark gate

Looking at this black light door full of evil aura in the distance, Ao Qing's mind suddenly came up with memories that had been sealed for a long time. It was an unbearable experience and the darkest piece of history in the Sea Clan.

It is precisely because of that dark history that the Sea Clan lost the last emperor, a true dragon clan!

"Darkness, the door of darkness, the door of hell, **** it, it actually reopened, and the sea clan's disaster is coming again, this time, can anyone save the sea clan!" Ao Qing's face showed a miserable expression. look.

"You little guys go back quickly and inform the patriarchs of the various races that the dark gate has opened, let them send the most elite fighters of all races here, go!" Ao Qing shouted at the young men around him.

The faces of Bingrui and several people changed drastically. Although they had not experienced the tragic history of the Sea Clan, when the ancestors mentioned that history, even the most powerful Sea Clan would have a look of fear on their faces. This gave the Sea Clan youths They are deeply impressed.

"Yes, elder!"

This was not the time to make trouble, and several teenagers immediately turned their heads and ran, swimming towards the residences of the various ethnic groups!

Ao Qing looked at the Dark Portal with a hesitant look on his face. After a while, Ao Qing rose into the sky and flew towards the Dark Portal.

"This... my lord, the door of darkness can be opened. Before long, there will be endless **** monsters pouring out of the door and destroying the world!" Ao Qing shouted to Song Jian, "It must be as fast as possible. Seal the Dark Portal, my lord..."

"The Dark Portal?"

Song Jian looked towards the tall black light door not far away. At this time, the evil aura exuding in the light door was so strong that it turned into substance, condensed into black tentacles, and peeked out of the light door.


An evil light appeared in the eyes of the magic dragon tortoise, staring at Song Jian and shouting: "Humanity, your world is about to be destroyed, the demon kings of the abyss and hell, will come to this world and destroy this world!"

"Hmph, take care of yourself first!" Song Jian snorted coldly, swinging the sword towards the head of the dragon turtle.

Stars Annihilation consumes a lot of energy and cannot be used continuously, but the Shenyue skills are different. A chaotic sword energy of tens of meters will almost tear the entire sky and slash towards the head of the dragon turtle.

"Here's another trick!" The Devil Dragon Turtle let out an angry roar, and could only postpone the summoning of the Dark Portal, turned around, and slammed into the bright sword energy with a hard tortoise shell.

With a loud "bang", the dragon tortoise was smashed by this sword for hundreds of kilometers, leaving only a faint white mark on the tortoise shell, which soon disappeared.

The tortoise shell behind the dragon tortoise is extremely defensive and able to withstand the attacks of several god-level powerhouses. Although the sword fairy profession is among the top ten only professions, it is a very powerful existence, but it is facing the monster dragon tortoise. When the tortoise shell, there is also a feeling of helplessness!

"Unfortunately, the karmic fire furnace has been used to refine the dragon horn giant tortoise, otherwise..." Song Jian glanced at the karmic fire furnace looming in the void, and a look of regret appeared in his heart.

"However, the strength of the Devil Dragon Tortoise is no better than that of the Dragon Horn Giant Tortoise. The Dragon Horn Giant Tortoise cannot break the space barrier, and the Devil Dragon Tortoise is not necessarily so..." Song Jian secretly said.

After all, the Karma Furnace is just a formation. The attack power of the Dragon Turtle is as strong as the defense power. Whether it is a black beam like a laser or the shocking kick before, it is not an ordinary god-level powerhouse that can directly contend. .

"My lord, the magic dragon tortoise is powerful. I only need a little time to seal it up again when the patriarch of the sea clan comes with the artifact..." In the distance, Ao Qing stared at the black light gate nervously. , Shouted to Song Jian.

"Seal? Seal it, how can I get its core?" Song Jian glanced at Ao Qing and said inwardly.

In an instant, Song Jian flew to the side of the body of the Devil Dragon Turtle again, with the Heaven Breaking Sword in his hand, and kept cutting off his hands, feet and neck, which were exposed to the outside.

The strong shell of the turtle does not mean that the other body parts of the dragon turtle are also strong. Otherwise, Song Jian would not be able to chop off its right claw with a single sword.

In addition, the body of the dragon turtle is so large that it cannot dodge Song Jian’s attack. For a time, millions of damage points floated from the head of the dragon turtle, while the dragon turtle took Song Jian. There is no way!

"Damn human!" The Devil Dragon Turtle roared, his body began to shrink slowly, and within a short while, it became a human-like appearance.

"The Law of Demonization!"

With a roar, the power of the law of the magic dragon tortoise began to spread in all directions. It was different from the power of Song Jian's law of time. The power of the law of magic was like thick ink, full of evil aura.

Ao Qing watched the ink-like aura spreading in all directions, a look of horror appeared on her face, and she hurriedly drew back hundreds of kilometers away.

Once this demonization law is contaminated, it will immediately degenerate into an abyss monster and become a puppet of the dragon tortoise. Therefore, the human sea tactic is useless for the dragon tortoise and will have a counterproductive effect.

The demonized law quickly eroded towards Song Jian, and the eyes of the Devil Dragon Turtle became more and more evil.

"Humans, become my puppet, I want you to be worse than dead!" Devil Dragon Turtle roared.

At this moment, a faint transparent breath spread from Song Fitness, and the power of the law of time emerged. Song Jian's ten-meter radius became the forbidden area of ​​the law of magic, and it could not spread an inch at all.

At the same time, a layer of sharp swords appeared on the surface of Song Fitness's body, guarding his whole body strictly!

God fell!

There was another sword aura of tens of feet, slashing towards the dragon turtle. Although the size of the dragon turtle at this time has become much smaller, it is impossible to avoid it in the face of the soul lock. Open, can only helplessly use the turtle shell to resist again.

At this moment, a arrogant laugh sounded from the dark gate.

"Hahahaha, the dark door has been opened again, the masters of the abyss hell, gather the army, let us step on the outside world!"

In a short while, a ferocious hellhound head came out from the dark gate, followed by the second one, and the third one, this is a three-headed hellhound demon with With the strength of the pinnacle of the legendary realm, it was the first abyssal demon to discover the Dark Portal.

The body of this hellhound demon is too large, and the Dark Portal is a bit small for it. It struggles desperately, trying to get out of the Dark Portal. After a while, half of the body has appeared. Game world.

"Damn it, can't you enlarge the gate of darkness!" the three-headed hellhound demon roared dissatisfiedly. At this moment, a bright sword aura rose from a distance, and the three-headed hellhound demon made a move. Stagnation, looked towards Song Jian's location.

"This figure...a bit familiar, and this sword aura, seems to have seen it somewhere!" The three-headed hellhound whispered to himself.

Suddenly, it seemed to be thinking of something, and the three heads showed a look of horror at the same time. After looking at each other, they began to shrink back desperately!

"Damn it, why did he meet this guy... I can't be the first bird, wait, wait!"


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