I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1655: Build a magic circle

The Karma Furnace can condense the divinity contained in the corpse of the divine creature. As long as the divine creature is hunted down, whether it is a demigod or a god-level, Song Jian can obtain a large amount of divinity.

Using divinity can not only improve the quality of equipment, but also promote the skills that meet the requirements to become god-level skills. In the future, if Song Jian masters the method of using divine nature to condense divine power, then he will be able to obtain a lot of divine power.

However, Song Jian has never used the Karma Fire Furnace to smelt Legendary Realm BOSS. After all, Legendary BOSS has no divinity. Once in the Karma Fire Furnace, they will only be smelted into dross by the furnace.

But the corpse of the cannibal ray in front of him, Song Jian always felt a little strange. After smelting it, there may be unexpected gains!

Thinking of this, Song Jian directly put the corpse of the cannibal ray into the furnace of the karma fire. Soon, the karma was burning and the pirate ray continued to be grilled. After a while, the corpse of the piranha turned into one. Pile of ashes.

"Nothing?" Song Jian shook his head, preparing to cancel the karma furnace, suddenly a blue light burst out from the carcass of the man-eating rays.

A look of surprise appeared in Song Jian's eyes. With a move with his right hand, he immediately took the blue light into his palm. Observing carefully, this blue light turned out to be an item with attributes.

"The orb of attributes, blue quality, usefulness, when used on an item, there is a certain chance that it will have the attribute of'bring out the game';

Song Jian, the attribute pearl, has also been obtained in the game, but most of the attribute pearls he obtained have added some personal attributes, which are no different from attribute fruits. Unexpectedly, the attribute pearls smelted from the carcass of the cannibal rays today, It has such a peculiar attribute.

"Unexpectedly, there are no restrictions on the quality of the items?" Song Jian showed a surprised look in his eyes. You must know that the quality of this attribute pearl is only blue, but in theory, it can be effective against epic, legendary, and even artifacts. Function, so that it has the attribute of "bring out the game".

You know, even if you can bring out a silver or gold item out of the game, it is an amazing thing. If you really bring out an epic or even legendary item, it will definitely be in the real world. Caused a huge sensation!

"There is a certain chance. Haha, I am afraid that the higher the quality of the item, the lower the probability. Since this attribute bead is blue, it must be the highest for the blue quality item. The probability of silver and gold will be much smaller. As for the epic and legendary qualities, I'm afraid it really depends on character!" Song Jian laughed.

However, after all, such a blue-quality attribute jewel is worth far more than a piece of silver or gold equipment. Once the bet is completed, its value may be comparable to epic and even legendary quality equipment.

For Song Jian, this was also a surprise, and he took this blue-quality attribute pearl into his bag.


The game update lasted for twelve hours. After waiting the next day, Song Jian discovered that the game icon on the phone had changed from gray to color again.

As soon as he entered the game, Song Jian discovered that Wang Qi and others had entered the game earlier than him.

Seeing Song Jian, Wang Qi and others hurriedly surrounded him.

"City Lord, the city defense magic array is ready to be built!"

"So fast? Are all the materials ready, Master of Architecture Magic, are they all ready?" Song Jian asked in surprise.

You know, the magic circle of "The Shelter of the Sea God" requires not only the core of a god-level marine creature, but also the core of the magic circle. To build the magic circle, it also requires a lot of other materials, not just quantity. There are many requirements and varieties. Song Jian estimates that it will take at least one or two months to collect all the materials.

Unexpectedly, it was only a few days before the defensive magic circle could be built, which was beyond Song Jian's expectation.

"Hehe, the efficiency of the city lord is so high, we can't make too much difference!" Wang Qi and the other managers laughed. These days, the managers of the City of Hope are really busy with the night and day. In just a few days, we prepared enough materials and gathered all hands!

Soon, all the materials were all, and more than a dozen magicians with master-level qualifications in architecture began to build the core of the magic circle layer by layer.

It took quite a long time for the main structure of the magic circle to be fully constructed.

"City Lord, can activate the magic circle!" Wang Qi said a little excited.

As a fifth-level city, it has its own legendary defensive magic array, which can definitely record the major events in the city chronicles!


There was a roar, and the whole city shook slightly, like an earthquake. Countless people began to exclaim and rushed to the street. After a while, a faint dark golden light curtain rose slowly from the center of the city.

"The energy in area 3 runs smoothly, and the nodes light up in turn..."

"Everything is normal in Area Two..."

"The energy of area 8 fluctuates slightly, within the normal range, and is closely concerned..."


People in the City of Hope are very nervous. The defensive magic circle does not mean that it will be built successfully. Once the construction fails, it will not only waste a lot of precious materials, but also cause a devastating blow to the City of Hope. But it is related to everyone's vital interests.

The dark golden light curtain does not rise fast. Occasionally, there will be regional light curtains that shake obviously, but soon, these abnormalities are quickly eliminated.

In a full quarter of an hour, under everyone's treacherous gaze, the dark golden light curtain rose completely, and at the same time it was successfully shaped.

"Success, success!" Wang Qi shouted excitedly. Although dozens of previous simulations did not find any problems, Wang Qi was still very excited when it was really successful.

Song Jian also exhales. UU reading www.uukanshu.com can clearly feel that this dark golden light curtain covering the entire City of Hope is far different from the previous simple defensive array. Even Song Jian He, a powerhouse at the pinnacle of the Demigod, would need at least a cup of tea to break through.

As for other legendary powerhouses, it is impossible to break through this large defensive array without using up the energy of the defensive magic array in one or two hours!

"Where is this?" A young man next to him in a purple robe and holding a one-handed short staff glanced at Wang Qi, put his mouth down, and said with a slightly mocking expression: "The entire magic circle is divided into three. The stage, the shaping of the light curtain, the display of its characteristics, and finally the most important spiritual transformation..."

"This is the first stage of success?" Wang Qi was stunned, looking at the young man beside him.

"Look, the second stage is about to begin. This stage determines what the special effects of the magic circle are. Although the special effects are random, they have a lot to do with the kernel. Our kernel has good attributes and the chance of obtaining powerful features. Very big!" The boy said confidently.


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