I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 184: Black dragon cub

The closer the building is, the more the temperature rises. In the eyes of Song Jian, there is even an illusion that the air is burning;

Entering the interior of the building, Song Jiancai found that there are no signs of modern civilization at all. The interior of the building is like a deep cave. The surrounding walls and columns are all covered with a thick layer of rock. The surface of the rock is dark red. The light shattered into crevices like blood vessels, and crimson red viscous liquid flowed slowly in these crevices, eventually all converging in a bowl-shaped nest deep in the hall;

This huge bowl-shaped nest with a diameter of more than ten meters is all carved from hot rock. The surface is glowing with hot rays. It is inlaid with fist-sized ore crystals. A thin gold wire holds all these crystals. Linked together, the arrangement of these crystals has a feeling of matrix formation, and the closer you get, the more dangerous you feel.

This bowl-shaped nest is like a cauldron with boiling magma tumbling in it. Countless magma tumbling in the nest, half of the hall is reflected in a dark red;

Song Jian also didn't know how the black dragon Albatarian got so many magma in such a modern city, it seems that the magma has been heated all the time and can never solidify;

At this time, Song Jian's eyes fell on the surface of the bowl-shaped nest again. Could it be said that this magic array formed by many ore crystals provided heating for these magmas?

In this bowl-shaped nest, three black dragon eggs each standing tall are erected. The surfaces of these three black dragon eggs are glowing with cyan light, with a little silver light shining continuously, which looks like stars.

"There are actually three black dragon eggs, and Deirdre's test task only needs one. Then, can I put two in my pocket?" For a time, a surprised smile appeared on Song Jian's face;

Song Jian walked quickly towards the black dragon's lair. At this moment, the ore crystals on the surface of the bowl-shaped lair suddenly burst into a dazzling light, and a heat wave spread out in all directions. Instantly, the whole hall The temperature quickly increased by dozens of degrees, and Song Jian suddenly felt as if he had entered a huge steamer, and his blood value began to fall quickly;

Uh ~

The heat wave rushed across the hall, and Song Jian didn't even have a place to dodge. He could only help the face door with helpless hands, and his body sank slightly to resist the blow;

Boom ~

The heat wave struck, and Song Jian's body shook. A burning tingling sensation came from his skin. A hundred points of fire damage floated above his head, and a bad state of "burning" was also attached;

Burning (Level 1): Causes the target to lose 10 Qi and Blood per second for 60 seconds;

After looking at the blood value, Song Jian was startled. This time, he lost 180 points of blood value directly. Fortunately, he, otherwise, if he changed to another ten-level player, this blow would be directly spiked. ;

As for the first-degree burning state, with Song Jian's current blood and blood recovery speed, it is no longer necessary to take it to heart;

Song Jian rushed towards the huge bowl-shaped nest, which was located at the deepest part of the hall, at least twenty meters away from the gate.

When Song Jian was close to the nest, the ore crystals on the surface of the nest shone again;

A hot air wave rushed towards Song Jian again;


A flame damage of more than two hundred points floated from the top of Song Jian's head. The closer he got to the lair, the more damage he suffered;

At the same time, the burning status of the first level has also become second level; the blood loss per second has changed from ten to twenty;

At this time, Song Jian became a little nervous, even if the blood value recovers even faster, the two attacks have cost him 400 points of blood value, if it is not absorbed by the "Dark Slayer (foundation)" The blood of the black dragon has condensed the rune of the dragon blood, which increases the blood value by two hundred points. Just now, he has already killed Song Jian;

However, the recovery rate of qi and blood value over 500%, so that Song Jian's qi and blood value at this time remained at more than 300, and was still recovering at a rate of more than ten points per second;

"Now it is the second-level burn. By the third and fourth levels, my speed of blood value has been offset. By then, I'm afraid I will only have a dead end. I ca n’t even run!" Song Jian has felt a sense of urgency, his life is threatened, and he must speed up;

When Song Jian was less than one meter near the nest, the ore crystals on the surface of the nest once again dazzled, this time shorter than the last time interval, and the light was more dazzling;

Almost has become a substantial flame wave, condensing on the surface of the nest into a huge fire dragon virtual shadow, fluttering in all directions;

Song Jian's heart was as if pinched by a big hand. His pupils shrank suddenly, and his thoughts moved, and the figure disappeared immediately, replaced by a huge black mist with a diameter of more than five meters;

Huh ~

A phantom of a fire dragon passed through the black mist. Above the black mist, a 150-point fire damage emerged;

Song Jian's strengths are in one breath. After being transformed into dark fog, the spell resistance is increased by 100%. If it is not his quick response, the fire damage of this blow must have exceeded 300 points ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ plus the third-level burn Burning, I'm afraid it will kill Song Jian directly;

Fortunately, after the incarnation of the black mist, only more than a hundred points of damage were lost, and the "burning" status is still only level two;

Song Jian did not dare to hesitate and flew towards the nest. At this moment, a dragon egg from the edge of the nest began to shake violently, and cracks appeared on the surface of the egg shell;

"Click, click ~"

The crackling sounded, and the dragon egg broke completely in a few seconds. A four-footed lizard with red body and eyes that had not been opened crawled out of the dragon egg and fell directly into it. Among the magma.

Song Jian was surprised to see that the height of a dragon egg was only the size of a slap. After the baby dragon fell into the magma, it did not even have a bubble. The broken dragon egg also Slowly fell into the magma, but it disappeared;

"Three dragon eggs, there are only two left? This young dragon will not be burned to death by magma." Song Jian looked at the rolling magma, secretly in his heart.

When Song Jian was about to grab the other two dragon eggs, a crimson figure flew out of the magma. The young dragon with a big slap looked like a large lizard with wings. The scales on the body were originally The crimson red gradually turned into cyan, there were only two bulges on the head, and the dragon horns had not yet grown;

[LV1 Black Dragon Cub] (Elite): Qi and Blood, 200/200, Spirit: 50/50; Features: Fire Enhancement, Primary Magical Immunity; Skills: Dive, Claw, Flame Jet

At this time, the black dragon cub was still dripping with magma, and a pair of dark golden eyes were staring at the black mist above his head. From this black mist, the black dragon cub felt a closeness on the blood;

"Mom!" The black dragon yelled loudly at the dark mist;


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