I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 238: Zizhulou

Taking a look at the red bloodgrass that had become dilapidated in his hands, Song Jian threw it away.

Broken herbs have no value at all, and they can neither be refined nor sold, but only one was collected, which made Song Jian realize the "medicine collection". It was a small surprise.

Song Jian started to wander around the edge of the woods. This place should have existed for a long time. There are a lot of herbs in the woods. Just a few steps, you can find a plant.

Canaan stood in front of the window of the bamboo building and looked towards the woods side. When he saw Song Jian plowing the soil under the tree, he could not help but slip his mouth, yawned, and turned to lie on the bamboo bed that had already been packed.

Song Jian is a novice in drug collection, and he has not collected the tools. He collected dozens of strains in a row, and finally got "broken herbs", which made Song Jian feel a little irritable.

"Since no matter how careful you are, you can't collect the complete herbs, and it is a waste of time. You might as well just pile up the experience points." Song Jian secretly said.

The next moment, Song Jian walked up to a red bloodgrass plant, and his hands were inserted directly into the soil to scoop up the herbs from the soil.

The herbs in the hand only had a small section of roots left, and a long section of the roots remained in the soil.

System: You have collected a "broken herb" and gained 1 experience in collection;

"Hehe." Looking at the system information, Song Jian laughed, dropped the herbs, and continued to walk towards the next plant.

In this way, Song Jian ’s speed of collecting experience has increased greatly. If it ’s in the real world, such collection will not be of any benefit and will waste herbs. But now in the game, no matter how many broken herbs, Song will be given to Song. Jian to add a little collection experience.

In half an hour, Song Jian collected more than sixty herbs, which was several times faster than before. Although the collection was not successful once, the collection experience has accumulated to eighty-two.

"Gathering like this, I don't believe that when the level of medicinal herbs is improved, broken herbs will still be collected." Song Jian secretly said.

After more than twenty minutes, Song Jian finally enriched his experience in collecting herbs.

System: Increase your medicinal skill level to level 2. [Medicine Collection]: Passive, Level 2. When collecting herbs, the efficiency is increased by 10%, and the collection success rate is +1.

Seeing that the "collection success rate +1" attribute appeared after the drug collection skill was upgraded to level 2, Song Jian knew that he was working in the right direction.

This kind of collection is very destructive, but these herbs are not cultivated by Song Jian, so no matter how wasteful it is, you won't be distressed.

After the level of medicinal herbs was improved, Song Jian continued to collect as before, and the first herb he pulled out was still a "broken herb", and his collecting experience increased a little.

The second-level collecting technique is upgraded to the third level, which requires two hundred points of collecting experience. For Song Jian, it is just pulling two hundred herbs.

More than two hours later, Song Jian's collection technique was upgraded to Level 3. He was also tired of back pain and back pain. He had thrown broken herbs everywhere in the woods. For such a long time, he did not even collect a complete herb. Here.

[Medicine collection]: Passive, level 3, when collecting herbs, the efficiency is increased by 15%, and the collection success rate is +2

After resting for a while under a big tree, Song Jian walked towards the depths of the woods, and the herbs on the edge had almost been stabbed by him, so he could only continue to search deep in the woods.

There are more herbs deep in the woods, but they are only some low-level herbs. They can make red bloodgrass, which is the primary healing agent, silver leaf grass, which is the primary healing agent, and blackthorn, which is the primary defense agent.

These herbs are not very valuable. The most important thing is that Song Jian does not have a related pharmaceutical formula. Even if he carefully collects them several times, it is useless to obtain the complete herbs. It is better to "collect" them quickly, at least in a short time. Increase the medicinal skill by several levels.

More than a dozen strains were collected in succession, and the collection experience increased by more than ten points. The third-level medicinal technique requires three hundred points of collection experience to rise. According to Song Jian's rate, as long as the medicine is sufficient, more than three hours can Raise the collection to another level.

"There are a lot of herbs!" Song Jian casually dropped a broken herb and dug it towards the next one.

The more you go deeper into the woods, the more often herbs appear. Some herbs and even three or four plants grow under a big tree, saving a lot of time looking for herbs.

Song Jian inserted two hands into the soil and pulled them upwards after closing. The action is extremely familiar. Such a medicinal action, if seen by other medicine collectors, will definitely scold him for wasting herbs, but here he is never mind.

When Song Jian shoved hard, he suddenly felt that the herbal medicine in his hand sank, and there seemed to be some power resisting his collection.

Song Jian's strength attribute at this time has reached 17 points. With a little effort, the resistance force was directly suppressed, and a "blue rat grass" with a long root was pulled out.

System: You have collected a "Blue Ratweed", and the collection experience is increased by 3 points;

Blue sage (white), herbal medicine, can be used to configure the slow potion. Collection requirements: Level 1 medicinal surgery.

"Yeah, the collection was successful?" Looking at the blue sage plant in his hand, Song Jian was somewhat surprised. You must know that he has collected more than 300 herbs, and the method of collecting herbs has been upgraded to the third level. Got a plant.

After playing with it for a while, Song Jian put the blue sage in the parcel box. This is a complete herb that can be sold to the system store. It can also be worth a few doomsday coins, but it cannot be discarded.

Collected all the way ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Where there is herbal medicine, Song Jian will go wherever he is. Soon, he will come to the deep woods.

After failing to collect again, he threw away a broken plant and Song Jian looked up.

"Well, there seems to be an open space ahead?"

In the gap between several big trees, Song Jian saw a place in front of him that seemed to have been leveled into a clearing, and a row of bamboo fences was faintly visible.

Song Jian walked forward quickly, about a distance of five or six meters, and he suddenly opened his eyes. It turned out to be a medicine field, about two acres of land. It was divided into more than a dozen areas, and each area Both are overgrown with herbs.

Next to this medicine field, there is also a bamboo building. This bamboo building is different from the bamboo building in the previous village. The bamboo buildings in the previous village were all made of green bamboo, but in front of this bamboo building, But it is made of purple bamboo.

Song Jian glanced at the lush herbs in the medicine field and glanced at Zizhulou, hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to go to Zizhulou to search.


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