I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 576: Viscount

Take control of all of Ryan's sons and kill them all at the right time, which was originally part of the Blood Queen's plan.

However, her plan cannot be so simple and rude. It must be the same as letting the owner of the city die, or poison or cause all kinds of accidents. It will never be the case that several heirs were assassinated at the same time.

Although Sulawi also felt something wrong, he sent the main guard of the city to the children who had inheritance rights, saying that it was protection, but it was actually surveillance.

Once the Lord of the City died, it was obviously unreasonable for the Blood Queen to take control of the entire city as the Lord of the City. The best way is to foster an inheritor and become the Lord of the City, and then slowly insert his own cronies until the evil capital After all the rights have been taken over, it is not important whether or not the owner is.

However, I did not expect that the Blood Queen was so vicious. After the conspiracy failed, she had to run away and kill all the children who had the right to inherit. For the evil city, this was the revenge of Chiguo.

"Master, Lord, what's the matter with you?" Sulawi saw the Lord fall backwards, quickly stepped forward to hold it, and shouted, "Go and call the doctor, come to the doctor!"


Song Jian followed Anna and temporarily lived in the city's mansion. No one knows whether the blood queen will appear again and assassinate the city lord. Although her refining of the dragon soul has begun to spread throughout the mainland, I am afraid that she is already burnt out. Even the blood capital of her city would not dare to go back, but with the **** queen of the blood queen, no one could guarantee whether she would return to the city of sin and assassinate the city's Lord Rein.

Once the Lord of the City died, and all his children who inherited the right died, the Sin City would definitely fall into war due to the battle for the Lord of the City.

After Sulawi battle, although Anna has cured all his injuries, but the mental exhaustion can not be completely eliminated, he should have rested, but because of the sudden coma of the city owner, he had to guard him all the time. , Just like he was poisoned.

Anna, as a life priest, naturally had to guard her around the city. As for Song Jian, she had to follow Anna because of the task.

The third ring task has been completed, and the relationship with Anna has also been directly elevated from respect to reverence, but another reward has not been issued, which is why Song Jian had to follow Anna's side.

The permanent residency of the Sin City is still very attractive to Song Jian now. This city is not only a city of science and technology, but also a city of trade. The most important thing is that Song Jian has seen the most players. In such a city, any miracle will not happen. I was surprised.

If you want to obtain permanent residence in this city, you must own a property in this city, just like Song Jian in the city of hymns, owning a shop that is 100% his own. The city government of Songcheng applies for permanent residency.

The reward for the successful completion of the third ring is to reward Song Jian for his permanent residence in this city, which means that Song Jian will get a real estate in this city.

As for the type, size and location of this property, Song Jian can't control it. He has to wait until the city owner wakes up.

Sulawesi has ordered that all the city guards sent out will be summoned back. In fact, the Lord Rain is also a strong man who is not weaker than Sulawi, but because all his sons and daughters died, Lein The mind has received a huge shock. At his age, if there is no heir, it will be difficult to have another one in the future.

This move of the Blood Queen did attack Lein's weakness.

Everyone was guarding the city's mansion, waiting for Ryan to wake up.

One day passed quickly, and it wasn't until the next evening that Ryan opened his eyes slowly.

It was very exciting to see the city lord wake up. Sulawi was very excited, but when he saw Lein's pair of lifeless eyes, the body that was originally trying to rush over was agitated;

"Lai, Lord Lord, what are you doing?" Sulawi asked carefully.

"Rein, are my bloodlines really all cut off?" For a long time, Rein asked softly.

Sulawesi, the body of all sons and daughters of Rein, he has carefully identified, and all are kept in ice;

"Sorado, Haben, Ennis, and Master Avent, their bodies, I have all kept in the underground ice cellar, you can always ..." Sulawi hesitated for a long time and whispered.

"Anyante is only eight years old, how can she get out of hand!" Ryan yelled suddenly, with an angry look on his face.

"Sulawi, I'm going to issue a city order, call all the soldiers, and declare war on the capital of blood!" Ryan shouted indignantly.

Sulawes hesitated for a moment before whispering, "Ryan, now is not the best time for revenge. In your unconscious months, many people have been secretly loyal to the Blood Queen ..."

Sulawesi stopped. The previous evil capital, everything was decided by Rein. Rein had absolute control over the city, but now, many people have betrayed Rein. Now Rein Because of waking up, some cleansing is inevitable, otherwise, once the war with the blood capital is provoked, these people who have betrayed Lein will put the sinful capital into despair.

Ryan was silent, half a moment, raised his head, stared at Sulawi and asked, "Who is there?"

Sulawi saw the anger in Rein's eyes and was relieved. Rein's eyes were full of silence just now. Sulawi was really afraid that Rein would renounce himself since then.

But seeing the current Rein ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Sulawi put down his heart, even if filled with anger, it is always a hundred times stronger than giving up sinking.

The two talked in the room for a long time, and each order was passed from this room. Until late at night, Song Jian was suddenly awakened by a servant and came to the room where Ryan was.

"I've seen Lord Lord of the City!" Song Jian stroked his chest with his right hand, and made a salute towards Lord Yin, who was half-lying on the bed.

In addition to Lein in the room, there were Sulawi and Anna, both of whom looked at Song Jian with a smile on their faces.

Song Jian could be rescued this time. Song Jian should be regarded as his first achievement. Not only did he get the cup of life from the dark castle, but also when the blood queen was soaring, it was also Song Jian's pet, the black dragon. It turned out that Dragon Spirit was refined, which made Sulawi startle the Blood Queen away.

"Song Jian, I want to thank you for saving my life and saving the city of the evil capital!" Lein nodded toward Song Jian and said slowly, "In order to express my gratitude to you, I decided, The title is given to you, and from today you are the Viscount of the Sin City! "


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