I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 601: Eagle 3 Brothers


In the quest that Song Jian took, the fallen mob that needed to be killed!


Himan, no, Hismanti suddenly became furious and yelled at Song Jian: "Don't give me that name again!"

With Hissmanti's roar, its body also swelled rapidly, and the whole person quickly expanded from the original one to seven meters to a height of nearly three meters.

On its body surface, cyst-like sarcomas also appeared, densely packed together, layer by layer, looking very disgusting.

At this time, the name and attributes also appeared on top of it. Sure enough, Song Jian guessed that this was the last BOSS in the floating base, the Fallen Moonkin, Hismanti;

"Thirteen thousand blood values?" Looking at Heathmanty's attributes, Song Jian's eyes showed a look of horror, and he couldn't help taking a breath.

Heisman raised his arm and slammed his hammer into the ground;

Bang ~

A loud noise, a strong energy, rushed towards Song Jian, Song Jian, like a small stone, was thrown out, his back hit the wall of the entrance fiercely.

Suddenly, a fierce pain came from his back, and there was more than 500 points of injury floating overhead;

"First-order combat power? This is impossible!" There was an incredible look on Song Jian's face. You should know that this mysterious garden copy is only a thirty-level copy, and the level is not high. The monster is right

At this time, Song Jian's eyes suddenly fell on the iron cables that bound Hissmanti's limbs. With the rapid expansion of Hissmanti's body, the black chains tied to his limbs did not change. The muscles of Smati's limbs close to the iron cord were all squeezed together, and the iron cord penetrated deeply into its flesh;

Heathmanty waved his arms frantically, but couldn't break the chains.

Looking at Hissmanti, who is constantly screaming, Song Jian slowly withdrew from this secret room. It was because of the shackles of these iron cables that Heistmanti, who originally had first-order combat power, could not play what he should Strength.

"Even if there is a chain cable, it is not easy to kill Heathmanti ..." Song Jian glanced at the taskbar, and said secretly in his heart.

Hisimanti's long tongue can spit out three or four meters away. The stroke of flying Song Jian reached seven or eight meters. If he fights in the back room, it is impossible to avoid it. s attack.

In this way, if you want to kill Heathmanti through battle in the back room, the effect of restraint will be much smaller. The best way to kill is to stand where Heismanti cannot attack. It causes damage. If it is a five-person team, there should be remote professionals in it, it is easy to kill the boss in front of you.

"If you really kill it in this way, the quality of the BOSS pop-up items will definitely be greatly reduced, but my most important purpose here is to help Anna get the flowers of life vines, followed by completion The task of killing Heathmanty is not unacceptable as the quality of the explosive items is weakened. "Song Jian secretly said.

If Song Jian wants to kill Heathmanti safely, he must attack it from a distance of ten meters. Among the skills that Song Jian masters, there are not many skills up to ten meters away. The body type knows that this should be a thick-blooded BOSS with a blood value of 13,000 points. If the damage does not reach a certain level, I am afraid that it will take too long to kill the BOSS. ;

So Song Jian intends to search other places in the base first. If the vine of life can be found best, even if it can't be found, it would be better if he could find some other powerful weapons to deal with Hismanti;

It's like the kind of corrosion solution that Sismanti said. If Song Jian can find the No. 6 laboratory and get this solution, then if you go to Sismanti, I'm afraid it will easily kill the BOSS.

Many monsters and plant monsters still remain in the base. Most of these monsters are in the level of 278 to 30. The strength is naturally not worth mentioning to Song Jian. If Anna is not waiting outside, Song Jian doesn't want to drag too long, and here he upgrades, at least three or four times as efficiently as in the wild;

However, despite all the searches, Song Jian's combat experience was rapidly improving, and he saw that he had collapsed to almost half of his position.

It ’s only two levels away from the 30th level. After the 30th level, Song Jian can wear the suit of the ancestor ancestor, which is comparable to the epic equipment set. After wearing it, Song Jian ’s strength will change dramatically. At that time, even if he was singled out by Heathmanty, I am afraid it will be a very simple matter.

Song Jian searched all the way and encountered several storage rooms in the base. Most of the contents inside had been corroded and could not be used, but even so, Song Jian still found some materials worth thousands of dooms in it. Found nothing.

The most important thing is that Song Jian found a torn diary in a small laboratory. In this diary, a map of a small part of the base was actually recorded. Obviously, the owner of this diary had just entered the base. , Also encountered the same trouble as Song Jian.

In this incomplete copy of the map, Song Jian saw the exact location of Labs One to Three. Most importantly, it also recorded a large-scale laboratory with the strongest defense in the base.

"This should be the laboratory for studying the vines of life." Song Jian nodded the laboratory located at the center of the base with a smile on his face.

As Song Jian walked towards the large laboratory in the center of the base, besides the copy, Ye Tong and the three eagles also came to the entrance of the copy.

"It should be here," Ying Yang said softly, looking at the stone door at the entrance of the copy.

Yingfei pulled out the seed of opening ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ and said, "Let's go, brother, we don't have much time, so we need to be tight."

Ying Yang nodded, glanced at Ye Tong, and suddenly gave Ye Tong a creepy feeling, stuttering, "You, wouldn't you want to die?"

Yingji smirked abruptly: "Killing you is not good for us. Remember to follow us when you go in. Here is a copy of level 30. I am afraid it will be very dangerous at your level."

Ye Tong breathed a sigh of relief. It was because these three people put too much pressure on him. Around them, there were still five or six wood-timber-like tauren. These were the black-hoof tribe people controlled by their three brothers. .

The eagle flew forward, and put the opened seed into the bottom groove of the stone gate. After waiting for a while, the duplicate door did not look like it was opened at all.

The three brothers of the Eagles changed their faces and looked at each other.

"Brother, someone started the story mission in advance. We have to wait for him to come out before we can start the copy!" Ying Fei said ugly.


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