I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 682: Aftermath of surge in power

Song Jian spent a moment in his eyes. After he recovered his vision, he found that he did not return to the assessment hall, but directly returned to his safe house, the manor castle.

Regarding his appearance, few people noticed and no one cared. The existence of the City of Hope Alliance relied on Song Jian's strength and its manor castle, but in the development process, Song Jian's sense of existence was extremely low;

Song Jian left for a few months. For the rest of the League of Legends, they have become accustomed to it. Even some new players who joined the League of Legends like to talk with their friends about their leader who has never seen the dragon.

In the end, only the housekeeper George appeared unexpectedly in front of Song Jian.

"Master, you are welcome to go home!" Said the steward George respectfully;

Song Jian smiled slightly: "George, report on the development of the territory in the past few months!"

"Yes, master, in the three months and 27 days you left, the development of the territory is as follows ..."

Song Jian was lying on a rocking chair, listening slightly to George's report with his eyes closed, but thinking of another thing in his mind.

"My first-level combat assessment mission has been completed, but the mission reward has not been issued to me yet? It will not be swallowed by the system."

Song Jian completed the assessment with double S difficulty, rewarded that all attribute points were increased by 45 points, skill points +12, and then a skill book with a grade of not less than legendary quality was obtained;

Coupled with the reward accumulation of each ring, Song Jian can directly upgrade to level 4 and obtain 10 free attribute points at the same time. Such a rich reward, after Song Jian came out from the assessment task, he did not receive any system information. This cannot Don't make him strange

"People with first-order combat power have complete crushing power against those who have not reached the first-order combat capability, not to mention that I have completed the double-S difficulty assessment task. For those who have only completed the B-level or even C-level As for the players of the assessment task, I also have crushing strength on them, but when will this reward be given out? "Song Jian frowned slightly.

When Song Jian was puzzled, a huge force spewed out of his body. His body, like a fish, bounced from the chair, and then floated quietly in the air.

George, who was meticulously reporting, was taken aback by this scene, but soon he was pushed out by a gentle force;

"George, you step down first!" Song Jianqiang said unbearably;

"Yes, master!" George moved his lips slightly, as if he wanted to ask something, but in the end he just closed the room door quietly and left;

"Damn, it's just a reward. Is it so painful?" Song Jian gritted his teeth and felt that his body was rubbed into a powder by a strong force, and then recast a little bit;

Apparently he was about to die, but he couldn't faint. Every cell in the body was fragmenting and reorganizing. All these feelings, Song Jian felt it.

In ten minutes, for Song Jian, he was living like a year, and his overall attributes increased by 45 points, which made Song Jian change his personality. Every cell in the body was reshaped once again to achieve the optimal combination.

Song Jian was lying on the ground panting heavily, his body armor was soaked with sweat, and although his face was rosy and full of energy, his eyes showed an indelible exhaustion;

At this time, Song Jian's strength changed dramatically, and he felt that he slightly moved a finger, and the whole manor castle would be destroyed directly;

This feeling of being able to blast a planet with one punch made Song Jian cautiously, not even daring to move his fingers, so he lay quietly on the floor and felt;

The day passed so quietly, the afterglow of the sun slowly disappeared from the window, and after a while, Yuehua bloomed out of the window and shone on Song Jian's body.

Instinctively, the imprint of Song Jian's chest began to shine, slowly absorbing the essence of the moon. Fifteen minutes later, the moon was blocked by thick clouds, and darkness returned to its surroundings.

For a long time, Song Jian slowly stood up from the floor, the whole person fluttered, as if a gust of wind could blow away. Moved to the bed step by step, Song Jian lay down gently, the wooden bed issued a crisp "creak" sound, there was no other sound, Song Jian soon fell asleep, and heard a steady breathing ;

Speechless overnight

The next day, Song Jian turned up and sat up. After a day and night of adjustment, Song Jian was finally able to control his skyrocketing strength. At least, he would not crush the cup when he drank water, and would not collapse the bed while sleeping;

Wang Qi and others who already knew Song Jian's return came to the castle consciously, watching Song Jian eating breakfast in slow motion. Several people looked at each other, and Li Ke'er even laughed directly.

"Song Jian, what's wrong with you? Are you sick or injured?" Wang Qi asked, frowning slightly;

The city of hope is growing faster and faster, but the resistance and pressure are also increasing. If Song Jian has not occupied the first place in the rank honor list, the pressure on the alliance will be even greater;

"Nothing, it will be fine after a while." Song Jian did not want to explain too much, and said casually: "How has the recent development of the war alliance?"

"We have already built the teleportation array, and we have also opened the authority to other cities." Wang Qi said with some excitement: "It is only a city that is willing to open authority with us. For now, there are only evil cities."

Song Jian hesitated, but quickly reacted. It seems that if he wants to go to other cities through the teleportation array, he can not only build the teleportation array, but he must also get permission from other cities to connect the transport array to the transmission network. ;

But now there are links between the Sin City and Doom City Teleport. For the time being, it is enough for now. If you want to go to other cities ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ it's a big change from the Sin City.

"In addition, the Sin City has provided us with a lot of promotion materials. It won't be long before we can try to advance to a first-tier city!" Wang Qi said with excitement;

Song Jian smiled a little. It is a matter of time to advance to the city. He not only promotes the territory to a city, but also continues to expand until it encompasses the entire city of doomsday;

"In terms of the area of ​​the Doomsday City, at least it must be promoted to a nine-level city before it can be fully included." Song Jian secretly said.

"By the way, after the teleportation team was established, did anyone leave through the teleportation team?" Song Jian asked.

"There are some, but not many." Wang Qi said, "and there are people who have returned and left."

Song Jian smiled slightly. Although the living environment of the Doomsday City is poor, there are many opportunities and there are no restrictions. Although some other big cities are safer than the Doomsday City, a fixed class hierarchy has been formed. Players want to be in this way. Out of the city, the difficulty can be much higher than the city of doomsday;


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