I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 691: Random Blade Sword Formation

"Is this guy a melee profession or a legal profession?" Song Jian saw the two-headed giant rushing towards himself, and quickly slammed his sword to resist;

Song Jian, whose strength attributes have exceeded a hundred points, can stand with the two-headed giant even without using sword skills;

Dance of Folding Wings!

Three Swords!


Song Jian's sword skills unfolded, and the two-headed giant was a little overwhelmed, and the sword marks were marked on his body. However, although this two-headed giant had a red fruit on his upper body, his skin was extremely tough, and the purple-black scales on the surface , Which caused it to greatly reduce the damage, although it seems to be suppressed by Song Jian, very terrible, but actually the blood value has not decreased much;

"It's just a bigger sandbag ..." A sneer emerged from the corner of Song Jian's mouth, his body was short, and the sword in his hand was stabbed from under the ribs of the two-headed giant, pierced into its back waist, but hardened. The scales blocked it, and a plutonium shot out;


The two-headed giant's right-handed sword slammed from the bottom up. Song Jian quickly ducked to avoid it, and when he was about to rush up, he suddenly saw that the left-handed staff of the two-headed giant bloomed a bright red light. .

A ball of fireball, the size of a basketball, quickly condensed on the top of the staff. Before Song Jian stood still, a fireball had hit him;

"Instant fireball!" Song Jian shouted in surprise, dodging in no hurry, and was hit directly by the fireball in his chest. The whole person stepped back five or six steps, and his back hit the wall severely;

A more than three hundred points of injury floated from Song Jian's head. Song Jian's face was ugly. This two-headed giant looks like a person, but in battle, it looks like a magician and a soldier are joining forces. Confrontation

And no matter what magic of the wand of the left hand is instant, in melee, there is no way to avoid it even;

Song Jian's face was ugly and he snorted, summoning the little stone man directly;

When the little stone man more than one meter tall appeared, he seemed very happy, jumping constantly, making some strange noises in his mouth;

"Smash it's head!" Song Jian ordered;

"Strike hard!" Shouted the head on the right side of the two-headed giant, the right-handed sword drew a red mark in the air, and the hot breath raised the surrounding temperature by several degrees;

A group of flames emerged from the surface of the sword and chopped towards Song Jian;

Lightning strike!

The red fire heart ape sword flashed electric light and collided fiercely with the sword. At this time, a human-sized stone ball was thrown at the head of the two-headed giant;

The target of the stone ball is the head on the left. At this moment, the left hand of the two-headed giant is quietly aligning the top of the staff with Song Jian's abdomen. A hot breath is condensing at the top of the staff;

Uh ~

The stone ball hit the skull on the left of the two-headed giant, and directly tilted the head back. Although it did not trigger the stun effect, the energy of the elements condensed on the top of the staff rose sharply, and then quickly dispersed.

A counterattack damage of more than 500 points floated from the top of the two-headed giant;

"Good job!" Song Jian laughed;

Vientiane swordsmanship, twilight snow!

Song Jian whispered, and the sword in his hand waved fiercely, as if a tornado was blowing in the air. The entire second floor hall suddenly began to snow, and within a few seconds, a thick layer accumulated on the floor. Bai Xue covered all the corpses on the ground.

With Song Jian's long sword dancing, Bai Xue flying in the air toward the two-headed giant. Each snowflake was formed by the condensing of sword energy. The moment when he approached the two-headed giant, the speed suddenly accelerated, sending out a burst of air. Sound, on the two-headed giant, left a three-inch sword mark.

Uh ~

Along with Song Jian's long sword dancing, a series of sixty to seventy points of injury floated over the head of the two-headed giant, and a layer of hoarfrost appeared on the surface of the body. Both the speed of movement and the speed of attack weakened a lot;

嘭, 嘭, 嘭 ~

The little stone man on the side shouted, while continually condensing the stone ball, aiming at the head of the two-headed giant and smashing it;

Bright cut!

A dazzling golden sword was severely chopped on the shoulder of the two-headed giant. Although it is not a shadow undead creature, the damage of this blow can be ranked in the top three of all Jian Jian's sword skills.


The dazzling sword air directly broke the defense of the two-headed giant, and a wound more than a foot long appeared on its shoulder, and the flesh turned out, exposing the white shoulder bone inside;

The two-headed giant suddenly lifted the staff with his left hand, and then slammed the ground with his wand;


With a light sound, Song Jian suddenly felt a sense of energy, exuded from the two-headed giant, and was taken off directly. Numerous dark gray energy spots appeared beside the two-headed giant;


"Damn, it's another instant spell!" Song Jian glanced at his vitality value, which directly exploded more than 800 points of damage;

"Unfortunately, a crit!" Song Jian drew a bottle of advanced healing potion and poured it into his mouth;

Bloody Blade Dance!

The head on the right side of the two-headed giant yelled, and the speed of the sword's swinging speed accelerated, causing a burst of crimson energy to blow out the surrounding white snow;

Song Jian was shocked, and quickly implemented the "speed sword" skill;

Dang Dang Dang ~

A series of impacts were carried out dozens of times in an instant. Even though Song Jian used the "speed sword" skill, he still couldn't completely stop the attack of the two-headed giant and suffered seven or eight hits on his body;

Fortunately, the damage is not high every time. When the effect of the two-headed giant skills is over, Song Jian's blood value has only dropped by more than 500 points.

"This is only the second layer. It is so difficult. There are at least four layers at the back ..." Thinking of this, Song Jian's face suddenly became difficult to look at. After having a first-level combat power, his strength soared, and Song Jian's mentality began to slow Slowness has changed, but now Song Jian no longer has that kind of thought.

Three sword stones were found from the parcel column, and Song Jian threw directly into the air ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ and suddenly a fang-shaped sharp blade phantom appeared in the air;

Random Blade Sword Formation!

In the air, an arc-shaped sword with a handle length of three feet is slowly emerging. There are dozens of handles. With Song Jian drinking softly, "kill," these sword-like blades are like beasts. Spinning in the air, chopping over the two-headed giant;

This sword formation, although it is also a junior sword formation, is the most powerful attack in the junior sword formation; it has no other additional effects, but only blindly pursues attacks.

Once the sword array came out, the two-headed giant could not resist at all, his hands fluttered, a roar made a sound, and he retreated back and forth;

Uh ~

The sharp sword gas easily tore off its scale defense. After a short time, the two-headed giant bleeds, and the blood value drops rapidly;


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