I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 963: Hide effect

Song Jian and the boss of the elven form entangled for several minutes, once every ten seconds Wan Jianjue, so that the blood value of the boss quickly fell, and Song Jian is not innocuous, whether it is boss skills, or ordinary attacks , All make Song Jian feel overwhelmed, after all, boss attacks are not vegetarian;

I don't know how many high-level healing potions have been poured. Song Jian feels that he is walking a bit "walking" now, and his stomach is full of high-level potions;

Watching the boss holding the stiletto kneeling on one knee, his body exuding a thick black breath, Song Jian breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly sat down to continue to inject the potion;

The third stage change of the boss has already begun. Unless Song Jian hides in the broken kingdom of God, I am afraid that I will never have the opportunity to fill himself with healing potions. Almost all the attacks of the abyss monsters are large-scale. Attack, even if he is filled with healing potion, there is no way to carry damage to replenish Qi and blood value;

After returning to his best condition, Song Jian looked at the boss with less than one million points of blood and blood. Suddenly there was an urge to cast another moon to smash light and cut. Once you trigger ten times the critical damage, The boss in front of him may be directly dropped by him;

However, Song Jian hasn't found a way to trigger 100% of critical strike damage. Once there is no way to trigger critical strike damage, hundreds of thousands of damage and five minutes of painful recovery torture, Song Jian can easily make select;

"If it wasn't for this ten-fold crit damage, I would really like to feed this skill directly to Wan Jianjue to upgrade!" Song Jian said to himself, breaking the sky sword forward, Yihuo Honglian Wanjian Jue, The boss, which has become a dragon, flew over;

The damage of covering the moon and breaking light is indeed a lot higher than other sword skills. If it is another player, even if it takes five minutes of weakness to use it, I am afraid that this skill will not be easily given up;

However, if ten times the critical damage cannot be triggered, the damage of covering the moon and breaking the light is not as good as the first stage of the karma fire red lotus Wan Jianjue, let alone the karma fire red lotus sword of the second stage, and the temporarily unsustainable The third stage

Song Jian made up his mind to try at most one more time to cover the moon and shatter the light. If he could not trigger ten times the critical damage, then feed it;

Dozens of spirit swords flew towards the Demon Dragon. This time, the damage of Wan Jian Jue did not appear as a surprising bonus. The damage of the red lotus attribute of the industry fire also seemed to be suppressed to the limit. After all, the Abyss Demon Dragon can also control it. Abyss magic fire, fire resistance is not generally high;

In the first stage, Wan Jianjue only caused 110,000 damage to the boss, which is lower than the average damage. Moreover, none of the sixty spirit swords burst into crit, or the damage deepening effect appeared, which also made Song Jian had a clear understanding of his face;

I saw the huge monster dragon boss firmly tied to the center by a red lotus flower, and then a karma fire red lotus sword shining with the sky ’s sword energy fell from the air and was severely chopped behind the dragon's neck. After the dragon resisted and released his skills, Song Jian gritted his teeth, and once again he was ready to experience the whole body being evacuated, and severely cut a sword towards the boss!

Cover the moon, break the light!

With a light drink, the light in the entire space seemed to dim, and a bright moon appeared on top of the monster dragon boss. At this time, the monster dragon boss was raising a low roar, and the abyss of the body surface continued like a thick mist. Rolling, even over the copy, began to condense a thick dark cloud;

Song Jian knows that this is the first large-scale attack of the boss, which is almost a "full screen" damage. No matter how far he stands, he will be attacked;

At this moment, a dazzling sword light rushed towards the boss at the speed of tearing space-time, and a cloud of mist completely covered the moon above the boss' head. At this time, the boss had been shrouded in darkness. Whether it is the rolling abyss breath or the special effect of covering the moon and breaking the light, all the places where the dragon is located are covered by a dark mist;

Rub it ~

The sound of a blade cutting into the body spread throughout the entire copy. After Song Jian released the sword, he went directly into the broken kingdom of God, not even looking at the damage caused by the boss.

You know, at this time, Song Jian's blood value has been locked to a point. Once this boss's skill is released, no matter where Song Jian is standing, he will be attacked. At that time, he can only trigger the death again. Enemy, escaped!

Fighting the pain like a million ants phage, Song Jian secretly vowed in his heart that if this time can not trigger ten times the critical damage, then this moon-shattering and light-cutting skill will definitely be retaliated by Wan Jianjue Devour

This is an epic skill, even if the sixth level of Wanjianjue, at least one third of the proficiency can be improved;

It is too painful. It seems like there are countless thin blades that cut Song Jian's muscles one by one. It also seems that 10,000 ants have penetrated into Song Jian's body and are constantly eating.

The five-minute time is literally seconds and years, and every moment makes Song Jian suffer tremendous pain. At this moment, Song Jian suddenly received a system prompt;

System: You have endured painful torture, persisted tenaciously, and increased your willpower by 1 point; every time you release this skill, you have a chance to increase the user's hidden attributes!

Song Jian froze, and repeatedly glanced at the system prompt, this skill can even improve the hidden attributes? And not only can it increase willpower, but also other hidden attributes have a chance to increase?

Should I still devour this skill?

Song Jian suddenly became hesitant. You must know that although hidden attributes cannot immediately improve combat effectiveness, hidden attributes have an irreplaceable role in many aspects. Most importantly, there is no way for free attribute points to improve hidden attributes. Can be improved by chance or golden attribute points;

But many times, the player does not see the hidden attribute at all, and even many times the player does not know that he has the hidden attribute. Even Song Jian has only turned on the hidden attribute of willpower, so even if he gets gold, Attribute points, most people just add to their main attributes;

"His mother, this skill has a hidden effect. It turns out that its real effect is not to use against the enemy, but to improve its hidden attributes ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ How do I release its sequelae? Great! "Song Jian suddenly felt that the five minutes of weakness did not seem to be so painful.

Five minutes later, the state of weakness finally disappeared. Song Jian quickly took out a bottle of mead and filled it up. His blood, spirit, and even sword energy were all consumed, which was really uncomfortable. This is a kind of From the torture at the cellular level, Song Jian feels that after trying once, and having the courage to use it a second time, he can already be regarded as a brave;

After restoring the state, Song Jian re-emerged from the broken kingdom of God. At this time, a huge demon dragon corpse lies on an island in the middle of the lava lake. He opened the battle record and glanced at the last shot. Covering the moon and breaking the light, he directly set off ten times the critical damage and hit more than 1.3 million damage;

Although hundreds of thousands of damage were spilled, the consequences were the same, and the last boss was killed in seconds.

"Hey, there's an epic item in hand!" Song Jian's eyes fell on a booty glowing with fuchsia, but when he picked it up, he picked up a gold-quality skill book first;



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