I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 965: destroy

"The last hidden boss is ... the fierce soul of the dragon?" Song Jian froze, then a strange smile appeared on his face;

You know, after any dominion boss is killed, the soul will be automatically absorbed by the broken kingdom of God, and it will become the power to repair the kingdom of God. The same is true for the defending boss. After being killed by Song Jian, its soul It was turned into the power of the soul by the kingdom of God to repair itself, so this last hidden boss was actually killed by the broken kingdom of God!

"This can be regarded as crooked!" Song Jian shook his head, secretly in his heart;

In the system, you killed ten bosses. The first round of the quest "Sword of the Immortal" is completed, and you get 1 golden skill point, which can upgrade any skill to a level!

The second ring of the system mission "Sword of the Immortal Road" was opened, the task content level reached level 50, the second-order combat capability assessment was started, and the customs clearance evaluation was above a level; if it failed to meet the task requirements, the sword of the Immortal Road task failed;

"The hidden boss, the fierce soul of the dragon, is even a master-level boss?" Song Jian's face showed a happy smile. The ten master-level bosses required by the sword fairy road mission turned out to be after the clearance of the abyss demon shadow. , All done

However, the 50th and second-level combat performance evaluation of the second ring is still far away for Song Jian, although his level has been improved by one level to reach 46th level, which is only fourth level from 50th level. Gap, but as for the combat experience required by these four levels, ordinary players may have to brush a year of strange to get;

After forty-sixth level, he gained a common skill point, completed the first ring of the mission, and gained another golden skill point. Song Jian left the ordinary skill point directly on the sword skill, and the fourth-level master Sword skill, increased the sword value by one hundred points, +1 to the sword, and increased the sword sword power by 5;

The improvement of imperial swordsmanship can only be regarded as a satisfactory rule, but also an accumulation of quantity, and there is no obvious change;

However, when Song Jian applied that golden skill point to the yehuo Honglian Wan Jianjue, the improvement of Wan Jianjue suddenly made Song Jian startled;

You know, the number of spirit swords summoned has been greatly increased before upgrading to the sixth level of swordsmanship. On the basis of the sixth level, the number of spirits swords has doubled directly to 20 To 220 Spirit Swords, the power of each Spirit Sword has also been increased to 200 Weapons Power, the attack range has increased by 200 meters to 1,200 meters, and the sword gas consumption has doubled accordingly, reaching Six hundred points

In order to improve Wan Jianjue, Song Jian has been calculating how many skill books he needs to consume and how much proficiency he can increase. Now he has been upgraded two levels in a row, which immediately made Song Jian have an unexpected surprise. boss, try the power of the seventh-level Wanjianjue;

Soon, a light blue teleportation light gate appeared on the central island of Magma Lake. Song Jian stepped towards the light gate, but after entering the light gate, the option to dispose of the copy appeared again;

Plunder, occupy, destroy!

There are three options, plunder is to plunder the entire copy of the resource, you can get a lot of materials unique to the abyss, and after the first clearance of the copy, choose plunder to obtain the most abundant materials, many special abyss materials, only the first It will only appear during plunder;

The second occupation is to attribute the ownership of this copy to Song Jian. Although it is impossible to perform any operation on the copy, any player who enters the copy must first pay Song Jian a certain amount of money to enter, which is equivalent to Song Jian's collection. The ticket to enter this copy is a long-flowing choice. Although the one-time harvest is far less than the first predatory option, the benefit generated by the second option will be far greater than the predatory over time. !!

The third destruction, there will be no benefit, just wipe this copy completely, as if it never existed, all the second and third small copies before, after the Raiders of Hope City players have chosen destroy;

Only in this way can the abyss passage be completely cut off and opened from these copies;

Although copies of the Abyss Shadow have spread almost throughout the world, Song Jian didn't want the Abyss monsters to emerge from his territory when the war broke out. The damage caused by this is really too great!


Song Jian did not hesitate to choose the third option. In this way, there will no longer be a fifth-level abyssal copy in the entire city of Doom. For other players, this is also a loss, and they will never lose it again. Ca n’t brush this five-level copy. Many players do n’t even pass the normal difficulty level. There are a lot of equipment and materials in it, and they ca n’t be brushed later.

I believe that many players will secretly resent Song Jian, but there is no way. The City of Hope Alliance will expand its territory. To prevent the abyss channel from appearing from the territory of the City of Hope Alliance, you must choose the destroy option;

After choosing to destroy, Song Jianying slowly disappeared into the teleportation light door and appeared again. Song Jian found that he was actually teleported to the manor castle;

Almost all players near the Abyss Shadow were teleported out, and no player was able to stay around the copy of the Abyss Shadow;

Then, the huge black pyramid began to tremble violently, and cracks appeared on the surface of the pyramid. The black pyramid originally exuding a metallic luster seemed to have experienced thousands of years of weathering;

A gust of wind passed, and the pyramid began to collapse and turned into a large amount of black fine sand, which was rolled up by the strong wind;

The huge pyramid, tens of meters high, collapsed and collapsed in an instant. The scene was really amazing. Many players opened their mouths and saw a ghost expression;

"That's it, destroyed?" Some players can't believe their eyes. Even a normal player knows how much benefit a five-level and forty copy can produce. It can definitely make a person get rich overnight. But this is such a huge wealth, Song Jian said that he gave up and gave up directly!

"Here, I am afraid that the benefits that have been given up will be in the hundreds of millions," said some players unbelievably;

"It's more than that, but I won't be able to change the equipment anymore, unfortunately ..."

"Why destroy it? Isn't the occupation good?"

"Maybe because the abyss channel is about to open? He doesn't want the abyss channel to appear in the city of the end ..."

"Huh, I think it's because this copy blocked the way to expand the territory of the City of Hope, so he chose to destroy it. The wolf's ambition ..."


Players have talked about Song Jian destroying the only fifth-level copy ~ www.ltnovel.com ~, but for Song Jian, he doesn't care what other people say.

As soon as Song Jian returned to the city's capital, another great voice spread throughout the city of Doom;

The City of Hope hopes to launch a territorial expansion campaign. All affected players will automatically enter a hostile state. The territorial expansion campaign lasts two hours. After five seconds, the campaign will start!

Looking at the red light soaring into the sky, a smile appeared on Song Jian's face. It seemed that Wang Qi was really full of confidence in him. He just cleared the copy on his front foot, and Wang Qi launched the territorial expansion campaign on his hind foot. Knowing that before launching the battle for territorial expansion, a lot of preparations were needed. He must have been preparing after Song Jian entered the copy;

"Expand it. I feel that there is not much time left for us. We must incorporate the entire city of Doom into the territory of the League of Nations before the war begins!" Song Jian secretly said;



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