I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 980: misunderstanding

If Song Jian kills these griffins, although they can also occupy the gryphon lair, but if he wants to recruit the griffon, he must wait for a day and he can recruit tomorrow. If these griffins can be surrendered, they will Will immediately join Song Jian's army.

Under the threat of death, three griffins chose to obey, and one griffin would rather die and be killed by the pikemen. These soldiers can also be promoted by killing the enemy to gain proficiency. Now two gunmen have been promoted to the third level, and four gunmen have been promoted to the second level.

Song Jian looked at the attributes of the griffins, the third-level units, and the attributes were a lot higher than the gunmen, but in contrast, the combat experience required to upgrade also improved a lot.

Griffon: Attack 13, Defense 8, Skills: Lightning Burst

Ordinary pikemen attack the gryphon, and even its defense cannot be broken. Each attack can only be deducted a little health. Only when using the skill array can it pose a threat to the gryphon.

The release of the stab skills requires a certain number of pikemen. The attack of each pikeman can be superposed according to a certain ratio. The more the number of pikemen, the higher the damage of the stabs, and the number of people will reach a certain level, even if it is simple. The first-level services of this category can also pose a threat to high-level services.

Gryphon's lightning burst skills should be the skills of waving wings and emitting lightning bolts before. This skill is also very powerful. Not only does it have high damage, but it can also trigger the paralysis effect. In one stroke, all ten gunmen are seriously injured. , Lost the ability to continue fighting.

With the addition of three griffins, the strength of the army led by Song Jian has greatly increased, but for him, this increase in strength is optional, and he is now just preparing for future wars.

"Let go of the griffins, that's my prey!" As Song Jian was preparing to leave the army with him to continue his exploration, a loud roar suddenly sounded not far away.

Looking up, a female knight in a red cape with a thin inner armour appeared in Song Jian's vision.


Song Jian's eyes narrowed, did he meet the appraisers from other camps so quickly? You know, the appraisers from the human camp are only him.

However, Song Jian soon discovered that the other party was not the appraiser, but the indigenous people of the appraisal world, which seemed to be a hero.

Behind the horsewoman, there were fifty or sixty gunmen and archers, and seven or eight Crusaders.

Song Jian's eyes fell on the crusader fighters who seemed like tin cans. This is the fourth-level arm of the human camp, which is equivalent to heavy armored warriors. In addition to a heavy armor, there is a wide-bladed sword and a metal shield. Both attack and defense belong to very powerful arms.

Looking back behind him, Song Jian found that his army seemed a bit shabby. Perhaps this is why the female knight dared to threaten to give up after she had occupied the gryphon lair?

"Recruiting heroes does not necessarily have to be recruited in pubs. If you encounter them in the wild, you can surrender the opponent as long as you defeat the opponent." Song Jian turned his eyes to the female knight riding a jujube-tall horse. Meaningful smile.

Kaitlyn felt that today was a lucky day for her, but she was bored and took her troops out to relax, and she could meet a griffin lair in the wild.

She just learned how to train a gryphon knight from a dwarf master, and unexpectedly met the gryphon lair. It seems that the goddess of luck really cares for her.

"If I can train a Griffin knight, maybe I can make this unit my specialty!" Kaitlyn felt a little excited when she thought of the special unit.

If you can really take the command of the Griffin Knight as your own specialty, maybe your father will no longer stop himself from going to the battlefield and become a true female officer.

"Foreigners, I now order you to give up this griffon lair in the wild!" Catherine said with a serious face: "As a reward for discovering them, you can leave here with the three griffins you have conquered."

Once a wild unit is conquered, it will be difficult to betray it again. Unless morale is low and flees in battle, it will take a lot of time and energy to grab the other unit's arms. Compared to occupying a unit that can produce Griffon units every day In the wild lair, these three conquered griffins are insignificant.

"Ma'am, are you going to rob me? This is the biggest offense against a lord!" Song Jian said with a smile, and at the same time he struck his fingers, and the soldiers behind him immediately formed a battle formation, even three just joined The gryphon also spread its wings and let out a threatening hissing.

"Are you going to fight with me?" Catherine was surprised when she saw the other's actions. You must know that the strength of a hero is directly proportional to the army he led. The opponent only has shabby ten gunmen and three The griffins that have just conquered, although I don't know what the reason is, the three griffins that should have been low in morale are also in a state of high morale, but how can such an army be their opponents.

"Can't the other party recognize the Crusaders?" Catherine suddenly had a thought in her heart that felt ridiculous. You know, even the eight Crusaders she led could defeat the other's army, let alone He also has 58 pikemen and archers.

After measuring the strength of each other's army, Catherine suddenly became angry, pointed at Song Jian with a long sword and said, "Foreigners, you will be punished for your pride! Fight!"

The army behind Catherine immediately lined up in a charge formation, and roared.

The roar of dozens of people sounded more shocking than that of ten people, but in the eyes of Song Jian, Catherine's army was not worth mentioning at all.

Yehuo Honglian Wanjian Jue!

Song Jian wielded the sword, and released Wan Jianjue towards the distant cliff. Hundreds of spirit swords emerged densely in the air ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Flying towards that cliff;

Banging ~

A terrifying explosion sounded, and the violent explosion made the cliffs near the griffon's lair tremble. Two newly born little griffins called out in horror, their voices were immature.

Catherine's eyes and mouth grew round. At this time, she suddenly realized that the other party only conquered a gryphon lair and three griffins with only ten spearmen. How could it have been if it were not for its own strength? Do this kind of thing?

Looking at the distant cliffs that were almost razed to the ground, Catherine's eyes looked terrified and regretful.

"I actually blinded my eyes and wisdom because of greed, and provoked such a powerful man!" Catherine thought remorsefully, and countless thoughts came to mind in an instant. She was thinking about how to be in such a powerful one. The hero retreated in front of him, instead of remembering the other gryphon's lair.

"I think this may be a misunderstanding." Catherine's charming smile appeared on her face, and her voice softened a lot.


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