I Have a Dragon

Chapter 1015: : Sentencer, King Youdu!

Dangdang ~

The world is long, the echoing sound!

That arrow was caught by the stone hand of jade, because its speed is too fast and the reason of its mighty power, its tail is still trembling and buzzing.

But at this moment, only the voice of this divine power echoed in the heavens and the earth. Whether it is the tens of millions of practitioners in the city or the practitioners outside the city, they are all in a shocking silence!

The raven is silent!

A pair of eyes and a consciousness all stared at the statue of Youdu King.

A horrified thought spread in the minds of the practitioners: Wang Fu was born again?

The fossil king of Youdu, who has been reborn at this moment? The reason is that Mo Nan shot an arrow with the wild waste cracking arrow? Oh my god! How did Mo Nan know that Tianjian can wake up Youdu Wang Fusheng? How could he pull the arrow? Isn't he the Lord?


The surface of the stone statue of the King Youdu began to crack continuously, with a clear sound.

Cheng Zhiming's eyes widened, his breathing was rapid, and his hands were shaking constantly. As if he saw the most terrible existence, a drop of cold sweat dripped from his forehead: "No, no, it's not true I am the leader, I am the leader of the law enforcement! "


At this moment, a sound of blasting broke the stone statue, and a cold and enchanting figure came out with an arrow.

She is tall and has a long black dress, cold and frosty, her hair fluttering, and she holds a sky arrow in her hand. At this moment, she seems to be the independent empress of the world!

Thousands of repairers were startled, and then a deafening shout broke out.

"King Youdu! King Youdu !!!"

"The King of Youdu is resurrected! She is finally back!"

These practitioners were all shouting sincerely, raising their arms and shouting. At the beginning, they guarded the demon earth, and the capital of Youdu Wangshe became a benevolent. Everyone has a reputation in his heart. Youdu has long been a hero in people's hearts.

Now she finally woke up from the stone statue, how happy she was and howled she cried!

When Mo Nan saw the king of Youdu awake, his heart was also extremely excited. He had heard about the Three Thousand Avenues in the last life, and the law enforcement leaders in charge of the Celestial Law were often the "avenues of heaven punishment", which also meant that the law enforcement leaders It is "exercise for heaven, execute it for heaven!"

He just made that arrow, but he took in the breath of the Avenue of Heaven!

Among the sounds of thousands of shouts, Youdu Wang was also trembling, she knew all around her with her divine power, but she remembered the past, and since she was a law enforcement ambassador, it has always been feared by all races. Talking to her all the time was trembling, afraid to laugh.

But now, she saw thousands of practitioners cheering for her and crying for her. This was a scene that she had never seen when she was the law enforcement chief among the swallowing clan.

Her eyes also looked directly at Mo Nan outside the city. Although they were far away from each other, they could not see the figure at all, but they found each other at a glance. "Dear Lord, thank you!"

When many practitioners heard this, they knew that Mo Nan needed to speak, and all of them suppressed their excitement and calmed down.

Mo Nanxin comforted: "King You, don't have to say thank you! Welcome back--"

The corner of King Youdu's mouth was slightly tilted, he held the celestial arrow, stepped out suddenly, turned into an arrow, and appeared in front of Mo Nan.

She glanced at the bow of Mo Nan's hand and said, "I never thought you could even take it!"

"Hahaha ~ naturally not as good as you make it!"

Mo Nan smiled, and passed the wild waste arrow in the past. This artifact that can shoot and kill the **** of heaven is really very good. Even Mo Nan moved his own thoughts, but it was just a love thing. . He knows that this wild and wild arrow represents the criminal law of heaven. He has righteousness in his heart, and naturally he will not be greedy.

"Thank you!"

Youdu Wang stretched out his hand and directly took the Wanhuang Rikongkong Arrow. In her eyes, the Shengongtian Arrow originally belonged to her. She did not hesitate, and she also had a sense of justice that she could not blame.


As soon as she shook the bow, the whole person's momentum changed in vain. If she was a dazzling star before, now she is like a glare sun.

With divine power, the king is like a generation of queens!

"Take care of some important things for me and meet with Mo Mozhu!"

Youdu said, as soon as he turned his eyes, he looked directly at Cheng Zhiming and others in front.

Behind Cheng Zhiming, there were several law enforcement ambassadors from Chu Qin. When they saw King Youdu, they were horrified and stunned. They fell to the ground and knelt down.

"Boss, boss ~"

Cheng Zhiming gritted his teeth and shouted, "What leader? Right now, there is only one leader of the law enforcement officer, and that is me Cheng Zhiming. I am the leader of the Emperor's seal, she, she is just a traitor to the law enforcement agent! What are you kneeling on her? Get up, get up! "

Under the cries of Cheng Zhiming, Chu Qin and others were trembling, half-bent, not up, not up.

The King of Youdu was so cold, she cried, "Cheng Zhiming, do you remember what the responsibility of our law enforcement is?"

"Well, allegiance to the Emperor is our responsibility, and you are a traitor who betrays the Emperor, and you deserve to mention the law enforcement agent? You also deserve to tell me the law, you are simply the shame of the law enforcement agent!" Cheng Zhiming yelled, It's somewhat courageous.

If you change someone else, even if you step into the demon earth, it will take a lot of courage, and he is here against Mo Nan, King Youdu, and thousands of demon repairers. This is not something that most powerful people can have. Courage.

"You are wrong! Punishing evil and doing good, acting for heaven, and maintaining the law of the sky, this is our God's responsibility!"

The King of Youdu slowly raised the arrow of Wanhuang, and said in a cold voice, "But you, during the period when I was not the leader, you murdered the innocent and bullied the weak for the swallowing of the heavenly people. You were divided to win the position of leader Enforcement, killing hands and feet! I said that even if I fell one day, this wild arrow will still hang for a hundred years, waiting for the next person who can master the law of heaven and execute the punishment! Unexpectedly, you came to steal- "

Cheng Zhiming looked embarrassed. He knew that King Youdu was about to take action. At the first sight, the body of God was also exposing Taoist divine power. The "executive seal" in his hand also appeared, suppressing the Quartet.

He yelled, "Well, this wild arrow is originally caused by our law enforcement, on what basis do you own it?"

Youdu shook his head in disappointment. The ten thousand wild cracked arrows have powerful symbolic meaning. The grip of the **** bow is regarded as heaven, and the ten thousand arrows are regarded as demons. This Cheng Zhiming is to use the upside down black and white arrows of the ten thousand cracks. How can she bear it?

"Master the law of heaven, and touch the law of heaven--sin plus one!"


You Meng Wang Meng drew a bow, the sky arrow stunned, pointing directly at Cheng Zhiming.

"You have no right to sentence me!"

Cheng Zhiming snarled suddenly, his body armor soared, almost covering him with his body, and suddenly opened a mouthful of Emperor Wei in his mouth.

The practitioners were shocked when they saw the situation. It was unexpected that Cheng Zhiming still had a mighty coercion on his body! No wonder he has such courage to dare to fight against King Youdu.



Cheng Zhiming ’s “Enforcement Seal” exploded, and the endless power of heavenly law permeated in it. Moreover, on top of the huge jade seal, there was a black tripod. Every sound echoed.

"This is the heavenly law artifact?"

"Retreat-don't be tough!"

There are constant shouts from the practitioners, and there is a natural fear of this law. According to legend, the first heavenly law of the heavens is hidden in the seal of law enforcement, but it contains the power of rolling heavenly law.

The Celestial Law that all the Celestials need to abide by. Who can fight against it on their own?

Even when King Youdu saw it, his eyes were cold, and he screamed angrily: "Heaven is to discipline himself, to abstain from heaven, you are actually used to kill the enemy! Really wicked!"


Cheng Zhiming's body skyrocketed and instantly became a hundred meters tall. A huge black tripod was formed behind him. On top of that black tripod, a golden old word appeared. People fixed their eyes on it, it was an ancient heavenly law!

The overwhelming force of heaven's law was directly pressed down, and many practitioners of Motu have retreated, until they retreated to Motu City Pond before restoring some calmness.

At this moment, even the ten demon emperors guarding the city, two of them opened their eyes and swept towards the direction of the law.

And he was able to stay. Only Mo Nan and several others stood beside Youdu Wang!

"Hahaha ~"

Cheng Zhiming was full of divine power throughout his body, and the ancient characters of Taoism were entangled in his body, and suddenly turned into tentacles of thousands of ancient characters. He seemed to be a huge "spider", and those "long feet" were all ruled by heaven. Made of ancient characters.

Bang Bang!

Every time he took a step, the earth broke, and the sky also burst with lightning.

"King Youdu-see if your heavenly arrows are in charge of heaven, or my heavenly law is paramount!"

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