I Have a Dragon

Chapter 1027: : Shrine of the First World War

"Do you want the origin of my avenue?"

Mo Nan looked at Chixiao Jiutianjun, without a slight wave on his face. Everything that just happened seemed to have nothing to do with him. He only stretched his wrist slightly at this moment, glancing at the big curse still sealed in his wrist.

"Hey ~ You nine dogs, you do n’t even look at the person in front of you, you dare to fight his original idea?" At this moment, Qi Tiantian suddenly spoke, and her voice was full of contempt provocation. Taste, only half of the moment, let the Xiaoxiao Jiutianjun flashes of anger.

This heaven-sweeping insulted them so much! It is truly unforgivable!

Mo Nan glanced back at Tiantianyan, but he understood the intention of Tiantianyan, but just wanted to find some problems for him. It's just that he never thought about handing over the source, so her provocation wouldn't matter much.

This time, they surprised Nangong Zhulu.

Their dignified Nangong family is also a clan in the mad sand robbed territory! Even the clans like them were caught by Chixiao Jiutianjun, and they finally had to give in. Where did the three people from Monan come from? Seeing the repair, there is no such thing as "True Jun" yet, how dare to provoke Chixiao Jiutianjun?

"You are crazy? They are Chixiao Jiutianjun, but Tianjun! It was just that we should not go this way. I also know that the origin is important to you! But it is impossible to lose your life for this origin! They are going to kill you, they just don't have a trick! Give them the origin of the avenue! "

Nangong Zhulu was still very guilty. If she was not in this direction just now, maybe Mo Nan would not be implicated. Even if it is their family affairs, losing the root of the avenue is like cutting meat, not to mention a casual repair like Mo Nan, this is just the only chance in a lifetime.

"Thank you for your kind intentions-but, no one can take my things!" Mo Nan heard the words and shook his head gently. His eyes were dazzling and swept towards Chixiao Jiutianjun on the mountain.

At this time, Qiu Xi was unwilling to make more nonsense. He just raised his hand, and a rolling force appeared in his palm. He was about to kill the next moment.

The old pig saw Mo Nan saying so, he always had a big heart, and immediately shouted, "Fuck, you do n’t see who we are, even we dare to rob? One by one, blind dog eyes? I Boss is King of Eyes, have you heard of it? "

King of Eyes?

When the name came out, everyone in the audience was stunned. Even if he was going to shoot Qiu Xi, he certainly heard the name. Isn't the Lingmou King No. 1 in Tianwu? Moreover, he is also the owner of the vast demon soil.

"You are the King of Spiritual Eyes? What evidence do you have?" Qiu Xi's eyes sank, and the other Tianjuns behind him were also moving and swept towards Mo Nan, to see if Mo Nan was the bright one in the rumor. Tianjiao?

But what does it look like? Moreover, how could the Lingmou King appear here?

A man standing next to Nangong Zhulu also showed a hint of doubt on his face, but then shook his head and denied it.

He shouted loudly: "When is it all the time to borrow someone else's name to scare them away? You don't have to look at it, where is this? If King Lingmu comes, will he just take you two? Hurry up Turn the curse back to their source, and they will look at our Nangong family's face, and maybe they will kill you. Come on! "

Indeed, in everyone's eyes, the repair of the old pig is very low, and the repair of the heavenly pig is directly sealed, and it is completely gone.

If it's the dignified king, would it appear here?

Qiu Xi heard a laugh, and the old voice shook the world, and the breath on her body was mentioned again: "If you are the King of Spiritual Eyes, it will not be a great achievement to kill you? Now, even if you ask for forgiveness, you will die! "


Suddenly, Chixiao Jiutianjun lined up in a straight line.

They will not underestimate any opponents. Nine of these people who hunted down the Nangong family also shot together. Now they have to deal with the people who claim to be the King of Eyes, and of course they have to be more vigilant.

Another Tianjun elderly man held a long electric whip, and looked at Mo Nan with a smile on his skin. Shen said, "When you reach the" Shinto "alliance, you, the King of Eyes, is a street mouse. You are with us The ants are in front of you. This is not a place where you can come. If you don't obediently hide in the magic soil, you dare to scream in front of us. Look for death! "

Mo Nan's twin pupils slowly emitted a bright light. His voice was fierce, and the whole world was like:

"There are no places I can't go!"


Qiu Xi and others shot together at once, and the prestige of Chixiao Jiutianjun is also very loud in the "Shinto" alliance. The reason is simple. Nine of them joined forces, but they are more powerful than the other Tianjun forces.

Among the powerful minds of heaven, there are eight attributes of sky, earth, wind, thunder, water, fire, mountain, and ze. Eight of them have each cultivated one. Together, it is really powerful.


An elder Tianjun holds Tian Lei in his hand and splits directly in the void, and the rolling Lei Man suddenly forms a dazzling Rachel blade.

Ray Mang stabbed for miles!

White light illuminates the sky, strangling the consciousness of all practitioners.

Bang! !!

"In front of me, do you deserve Ray?"

Mo Nan also reached out and grabbed into the void. Above nine days, suddenly a "bang" sounded, deterring the world.

These nine days of lightning are also divided into many types, Tianlei, Diweilei, Demon Leap, Crossing Thunder, Tianzhao Thunder, Shenlei, and so on. Now the lightning caught by Mo Nan is not just white light covering the sky. At the same time with a golden color.

嘭 ——

Mo Nan pumped the nine-day **** thunder fiercely, and in the middle of the air he directly smashed the long man's sacrifice of the Rayman's sacrifice. In the nine days, Ray Mang was more than decisive. Two paragraphs.

"Ah-" A scream was the last word of the old man.

This came down too suddenly. When the two cracked corpses fell and the thunder and lightning were dispersed, the practitioners present were surprised to watch the scene in front of them.

A thunder struck Tianjun?

That ’s God!

This time, not only the Chixiao Tianjuns were shocked, they were also shocked by Nangong Zhulu.

The most surprising thing is that she has been given the title of Tianjiao since she was conscious. Some people even compared her to the demon girl in Endless God Realm, but the last time she lost in the Tianwu competition The subsequent battle was defeated by Mo Nan.

Unexpectedly, after her crazy cultivation, she thought she could surpass Mo Nan, but Mo Nan now gave her enough shock.


Qiu Xi also roared loudly. The blue tendons around his body were raised, and there were already flames burning in the blood vessels. A short breath suddenly burned the whole body.

His entire body is also skyrocketing in the flames!

"Taste me, September fire!"


The whole mountain was burned to ashes, and the flames of the sky burst into flames.

When Nangong Zhulu and others saw this, their faces changed greatly. This flame was already a "real fire" level, and they immediately sacrificed their true energy to resist this monstrous flame.

"Well, let's go together!"

Mo Nan's voice was cold, and she didn't put the flame in front of her eyes at all.

His eyes flickered, and a hot fire burst into his eyes. And this kind of flame is exactly the flame which is possessed by the digger. In legend, it is also the first flame of mankind!

Bang! !!

If Qiu Xi's September stream fire is burning the sky, then the savage flame of Mo Nan is definitely devouring the starry sky.


Suddenly, the flames soared into the sky and devoured all directions!

"Ah-this is, slap fire?"

"He is really the King of Eyes, ah, brother, save me!"

Chixiao Jiutianjun still wants to escape, but these flames seem to be corroding. As long as they are contaminated, they simply cannot be tolerated.

The famous Xiaoxiao Jiutianjun made a violent cry in the flames. After only a few dozen breaths, the screaming sound slowly decreased.

Mo Nan's pupils were lightly closed, and the flare disappeared instantly!

Whistling and blowing.

Several rings, as well as the original source of frost, were taken from the sky ...

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