I Have a Dragon

Chapter 1106: : Xiaodaoyou, we meet again!

"This place is too restrictive!"

After Mo Nan rushed out of the golden sandy beach, he saw that there was a dense forest in front of him, apparently the sea breeze was sometimes blown by the sandy sea, so the trees here formed the shape of growing to one side.

"This golden sand sea is a pity ..."

Although Mo Nan knew that there would be many treasures in the sand and sea, he did not want to go back! He also recovered a lot along the way, and it seems that he can always restore his whole body with the third Nine Eyes.

Looking at the vast forest, instead of driving in the starry sky, Mo Nan rushed into the huge starry sky wheel, suspended himself in the air, and swept towards the dense forest with his sense of God.

Suddenly, he swept over a strange white beast with a whole body of snow.

It looks like a fox, but it has a pair of flesh wings, slowly floating above the top of the tree, the fat body, the white hair, but people can see at a glance that it is A spirit beast.

"Hehe, there is such a spirit beast, this eternal hope world is indeed full of unknowns."

As soon as Mo Nan was about to move his body, suddenly, the flying fox turned back alertly, as if it was frightened, and he rushed into the forest with a bang.

"It has words on it?"

Although it was only a glimpse of surprise, Mo Nan also discovered the unusualness of the flying fox. His thoughts passed by and he immediately chased after him. This kind of spirit beast does not know what effect it has, it is an opportunity to meet.

What Mo Nan couldn't think of was that the speed of that flying fox was too fast, as if ordinary people saw lightning, and they flew across the dense forest for hundreds of miles.

"Strange, is it a creature that can penetrate all the trees? If my consciousness is a little weaker, I'm afraid I really let you run away!"

Mo Nan thought about continuing to chase away, chasing for seven or eight hundred miles, bypassing several unfathomable black pools, he saw that the flying fox suddenly fell into a small earth slope.

Disappeared directly on the ground, gone!

"This place is too weird!"

Mo Nan thought, looking up on the ground, and found that it used to be a tomb, but how did the flying fox get into a tomb? A sharp extension of his divine thought penetrated into the earth.

It penetrated more than a thousand meters, and found out that there was a vague shadow inside, and there was a natural restraint that shielded the mind.


Mo Nan didn't want to, he just grabbed a volley on the ground, and with a buzz, a golden palm appeared and grabbed the ground fiercely.


He grabbed it somewhere else, to say the least, it has a depth of 10,000 meters, but here he only scratched out a depth of 100 meters. After the dirt was turned out, it also showed a dark yellow color, and also carried fine sand.

Mo Nan didn't dare to use too much divine power to make a blast. He caught a dozen times before touching the following things.

Take a look at the restriction!

Underneath it was a huge statue, which looked like a flying fox. It's just that the statue is thirty to forty times bigger than the takeoff fox.

"The statue has become spiritual?"

Mo Nan grabbed the statue with one hand, and started with a very heavy hand. From the outside, it seems that there really was such a flying fox beast buried in the past ...


With a little movement of his divine power, the whole statue was broken into pieces, and a crystal flying fox was really found inside. This flying fox is only the size of an ordinary cat, and it exudes a soft source of power.

Good treasure!

Mo Nan didn't think about it, he just received it in his real world, and even the time stone in the ring was collected. This treasure is still safe to put away.

Just when he had just put away, he didn't have enough breaths, and a thick voice came from the sky.

"Hehehe, Daci's mother's sorrow! I really have a relationship with Xiaodaoyou, we met again ..."

Mo Nan looked back and found that a thick fat man who came out of the air a few miles away was not a fake monk Wuliangjia or who? This immortal even came along.

"You're here just right! I'm looking for you!" At this moment, Mo Nan was already capable of recovering the heyday. He had to use the third eye at any time.

"Oh! It's so rare, it's so rare. You can find the Bailing gathering holy place here, Xiaodaoyou, you are really too connected! Haha ~" Wuliangjia said this, and the whole person has arrived. Mo Nan was in sight.

At a glance, he saw the thousand-meter deep hole behind Mo Nan, and looked at the broken statue, his face sank, and then narrowed his eyes immediately: "Little friend, can you find any treasures? Can't you bring it with me? Give me eighteen levels of **** and try to overdo it! "

Mo Nan gave a light meal in his heart. Does this fake monk know the eighteenth floor of hell? Today, his nine-lily cave heaven is considered a waste, that is, the cave heaven of the eighteenth floor of **** cannot be united. Moreover, looking at this fake monk, he also knows a lot of things in the eternal hope world.

In this world of eternal hope, all the practitioners are told to "go with the breath of eternal hope". As for what they will find and where they go, all the practitioners are unclear.

"Hmm, you have hundreds of peerless artifacts, do you want to grab them?" Mo Nan said intentionally.

"Haha, there is no artifact in this place where Larks converge. Alas, the great sorrow of Daci his mother, great opportunity, great opportunity ~" Wu Liangjia groaned, and suddenly reached out and patted it in a raised small soil **** .


With just one palm, he caught a huge statue.

The statue looked a bit like a buffalo.

Wuliang Gahaha laughed wildly, shattered the statue with one hand, and found a fist-sized white jade inside, which also exudes the source of divine power.

At the first sight of Mo Nan, he was shocked. Are there statues under these dirt slopes? However, it seems that this buffalo-like white jade is much smaller, and it does not have the pure stream power and whiteness and flawlessness of his flying fox.

"Xiaodao friends, let's talk first! These are all fierce things, the lark here is mine, don't touch it!" Wuliangjia said, and went to the second Tupo Already.

"But here I first found out, you are upright and upright! You have to do it, though! Come on! It's a big deal!" Mo Nan gritted his teeth and stepped forward, his body surging.

"Hey, it's a bit interesting. Then I'll let you have a few!" Wu Liangjia said, and suddenly a statue was dug up.

The humiliated man in Mo Nan's heart has not tried such a humiliation, but he is not an immeasurable opponent now, he can only bear it, and when he is promoted to cultivation, he has to make the whole All the fake monks' possessions were seized.

Thinking, Mo Nan also started to dig on the second dirt slope.

He didn't want to be too close to Wuliang Jia, and he even went further.

Although he speeded up, when he dug up one, Wuliangjia had already dug seven or eight. He glanced at Wuliangjia fiercely, still thinking, if all the cultivation practices are suddenly restored now, and a full blow will hit Wuliangjia?

"Oh, Xiaodaoyou! This can make it impossible. I have a lot of compassion throughout my life. I don't like to fight and kill. Don't mess with your mind. Because of you, I have two chances. If I have a chance, I'm sure Repay you! "Wuliang Jia turned his back to Mo Nan, but seemed to know what Mo Nan thought.

"No need!" Mo Nan Shen cried.

"Well, kinda temperament. Then, do you know what these spirits are for?" Wu Liangjia shook his cheeks on the left and right.

"There will be no future!"

After Mo Nan spoke, he flew away immediately. He did not want to know, but as soon as he returned to normal, he would be able to use the six heavenly books to identify.

After all, he found a cave and hid.

"There is a natural barrier here. This cave is weathered again. No one should come here."

After he got inside, he first laid it out.


Then, the third eye was opened directly, and the injury on his body recovered to the peak state in a few short breaths.

"My strength is finally back! However, I am far from strong enough!"

Mo Nan shook his fist and took out a lark jade. Suddenly, the entire cave was illuminated by the source of jade's power, and the surrounding atmosphere became different.


Suddenly, the Taiji Ancient Array was transferred in the cloudy sky in the sea, and the "Six Roads Without Phases" was constantly turning on the heavenly book, and the jade message appeared all at once.

"Okay! Good thing! Haha, with you, I stepped into the Seven True Gods from a young god, and it is just around the corner!"

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