I Have a Dragon

Chapter 1225: : The Mystery of the Dragon Race

"All Ashura Road Shards ?!"

Mo Nan's expression froze, and he suddenly stood up, now he wanted the reincarnation to be full. He can kill the strong at a lower level, and just after entering the realm of the gods and can kill the sorceress, besides the reason for removing the golden dragon, there is the power of reincarnation given by the reincarnation disk.

If it is said that being out of the realm is just a kind of divine power, then he is having the out of the divine power, the power of the golden dragon, the power of the reincarnation disk, and the power of blood Shura.

Now, his reincarnation is only complete with "Hell Road", the rest are incomplete, and there is no fragment like "Human Race". After causing Tiantianyu to fall into reincarnation, there was no chance to become a human race.

The completeness of reincarnation is more than that. He dared to let Li Anjiang go to **** and let the gods of **** obey orders. It was not just as simple as relying on Ende. Most importantly, he had a complete **** path.

This time fighting with the world of war, he let the ancestor personally guard the heavens. If there is something unexpected, there will definitely be the whole gods in **** to intercept the inmates.

"Prince Monan!" Emperor Shura also stood up, his voice firm: "A drop of Shura blood for all the Shura Road fragments, would you like?"

When Mo Nan saw him like this, he calmed down all of a sudden, and he said in a deep voice: "I don't understand! Even if Shura Tears are useful, you would be willing to use all the Shura Road shards to replace them? My Shura Tears are inevitable It's too valuable! "

Emperor Shura smiled helplessly, and gently stretched out his hand, with a buzz, a piece of Shura Road fragment floated into the palm of his hand, he looked at Mo Nan helplessly, and said in a deep voice:

"Indeed! If it is worth talking, a drop of Shura tears cannot have a piece of reincarnation disk at all! But, I have no choice! I have spent my entire life looking for a piece of Shura Road Shard, and I gave you three last time. At that time, I have confirmed that you have reincarnation. Sure enough, you have reincarnation in the chaos world ... "

He paused, as if pushing his heart, saying the words of the lungs: "When I saw your huge reincarnation disk, I knew it! The fragments of my reincarnation path can't be kept. Even if you don't fight now, there will be One day, six rounds of reincarnation are complete. At that time, I'm afraid I won't hand it over, it won't work! "

Mo Nan smiled lightly, and wanted to deny, listening to Emperor Shura's tone, as if he was treating him as a tyrannical dictator. However, when the words came to his lips, he held back again, because he also understood that he must control the six reincarnations!

Therefore, no matter who it is, no matter what method he uses, he must get all of it!

Emperor Shura deeply sighed again and said, "Instead of tearing your face with you one day, I might as well trade with you while there is still some value! Because these fragments are here for me to play a role It ’s not big, and if I get Shura tears, I can truly awaken blood, and even become a blood Shura. Within a hundred years, I can definitely rule the Shura world! "

Mo Nan couldn't imagine that Shura Emperor would be so direct in speaking. However, Emperor Shura must have another meaning. Now that he has to control the six reincarnation disks, he is determined to get them, and the reincarnation disks are definitely attracted by all heavens and earth to come and peep.

Rather than being ridiculed every day, it would be better to hand it over first and gamble on his dragon prince! If he wins, he will help one of the six complete ones!

"Okay—you help, I'll take it!"

Mo Nan whispered, Shen said, "You help me to be full, and I won't spit it! A drop of Shura tears may be a bit difficult. I'll give you two now! Help you unify the Shura world!"

"This! Ah--Thank you Prince Monan !!" Emperor Shura overjoyed, saluting heavily to Monan.

From now on, not only the Shura world, but even the Shura who is exiled to the heavens, as the Shura Emperor, he must absolutely gather together!

The two sides immediately started trading!

After Mo Nan gave two drops of Shura tears, there were only four drops left! And he has all the remaining fragments of Shura Road!

At this moment, there are **** roads in his six reincarnation rounds, and the Ashura road is complete!

"Looks like we all need to retreat!"

Both sides got what they wanted, and they chose to retreat and integrate.

Mo Nan has stepped into a magical state, and he needs to retreat is simply too simple.

In the sea of ​​knowledge, a huge reincarnation disk emerged. Pieces of ashura roads were almost automatically closed together, and directly completed.

"Asura Road-it's perfect !!!"

Buzz! !!

Suddenly, Mo Nan felt that among the stars he could absorb, there seemed to be one more Shura star. And, at this moment, he found that the huge reincarnation disk turned a little click.

In the perfect **** road, Ashura's road exudes a mist of sound.

"What is this voice? Is it the power of prayer? I heard the voices of Hell and Asura?" Mo Nan found that these voices were unstable and disappeared after a while.

But he clearly felt that the power of his reincarnation has soared more than 100 times compared with the past.

Even now, he is confident now, and it is simply a trick to slay the existence like that after the end of the world!

After half a month of retreat, Mo Nan opened his eyes!

"Prince Monan!" Long Ge obediently stood outside the door, saw Mo Nan stepping out, and quickly came up to sue. When Mo Nan first came to the Dragon Clan for the first time, Long Ge still had a lot of dissatisfaction with Mo Nan, even jealousy and hatred, but he did not show it.

But now, Long Ge has completely surrendered. He thinks it is a great honor to stand in front of the door and wait for Mo Nan to go out.

"Huh! Is there news from Xi Ye?" Mo Nan asked.

"For the time being, no! All heavens and heavens, it is too difficult to find a practitioner like her. There is some movement in the world of controversy, from the heavens and heavens to continually call the strong back! Your heavenly family is safe Nothing! The search for the reincarnated Tensei Fairy has also begun! Prince, this time I came, mainly the master to pass on a message, so you can see her after leaving the customs! "Long Ge said respectfully.

Mo Nan nodded, Long Ge was very clever, all he said was what he wanted to know!

"it is good!"

Just say a simple word, the body flickers, and it disappears out of nowhere.

Seeing this, Long Ge couldn't help but look around, shook his head with a bitter smile, and the gap between the two was really getting wider.

After seeing Yueyue, the teachers and apprentices inevitably whispered a few words.

Mo Nan found that Xin Yue's newly-grown arm had exuded the magical power, and it seemed that it had taken a lot of effort.

"Tuer, you are now a prince, and you should know a lot of the secrets of the Dragons!" Said Yue Yue in a deep voice.

When Mo Nan heard the words startled, he had long wanted to know the secrets of the Dragons!

"You follow me!"

Lei Yue didn't talk much, took Mo Nan into the land of the Dragons, stepped into the forbidden ground, sank the bottom of the sea, and wore it into a huge ancient tomb.

On this way, Mo Nan didn't speak, but he clearly felt that this is definitely the most secret place of the Dragon family!

"Tuer, do you know why our dragons and the big fights have been hostile for generations?"

"Isn't it rumored? The battle of the dragons slaughtered my dragons, of course, they don't share the sky!" Mo Nan Shen said. He just knows such a reason.

Gue Yue grinned reluctantly, and said, "I show you the most powerful emperor list among the heavens and the world!"


The moon's hand swipes in the void, and a phantom appears!

It was a huge barren star, and the magnitude of it was afraid that it could be described as endless. On the barren ground, there are huge monuments, which are weird and seem to exude a faint ancient power.

Mo Nan was shocked when he saw the tens of billions of dragon pillars, but there are at least tens of millions of such ancient steles in front of him!

Many of them are baptized by time, there is no handwriting anymore!

But some have weird names written on them!

"These are the characters who appear after the list of emperors. Among the heavens and the world, they are the most dazzling beings of all ages! The more you go up, the higher his cultivation is ..."

Mo Nan heard the words, and slowly looked up. He didn't even know the name above.

I didn't even hear it!

When he saw the third, Mo Nan's body trembled, because this character had a strangeness that he couldn't say, and only saw the words: "The Emperor of the Old Man-Fu Cang Soul!"

"This is? The Emperor of the Seven Ancestors?" Mo Nan was startled.

Haoyue moved her lips and did not answer, but Shen said, "He has nothing to do with us. Look at the names of the second and first place!"

"Dragon King-Li Yuntao!" Mo Nan's voice was even more loud, and then he looked at the first place, which said: "After the great battle-Xuanyuan Linxue!"

"How is this going?"

She Yue stood on her body and looked into the wall inside the tomb, her voice echoed bit by bit: "Ten thousands of years ago, a dragon king of the dragon family was born, it is even more shocking than you are now Only brilliant, he went under the pseudonym Li Yuntao and appeared on the list of emperors. Within ten years, he defeated all the emperors and ranked first! And in the world of controversy, there was also a wonderful woman who was crowning the world step by step The emperor list finally met the Dragon King ... "

"The Dragon King lost?" Mo Nan looked at the ranking and asked casually.

"They met and even fell in love! They even wanted to become acquaintances! Unfortunately, this Xuanyuan Linxue was a spy sent by the great emperor, and its real purpose was to completely exterminate our dragon race!"

When Yue Yue said this, it seemed to have killed his intentions, and the whole earth palace began to tremble. "At that time, our dragon tribe had already fallen. There were no dragon emperors for tens of thousands of years, and the dragon king was known as the most May be the candidate for the new Dragon Emperor, unfortunately, unfortunately ... it is because of such a woman that the true dragons owned by our dragons are extinct ... "

Mo Nan's brow froze tightly. I never imagined that the Dragon family still had such a secret.

He suddenly said: "No-if it fell, the name on the list of emperors would have disappeared long ago! Why is Li Yuntao's name still there? And why is the Great Emperor not on the list?"


Suddenly, a huge black shadow in the underground palace protruded from below the ground, and spit out a long whisper:

"Because I am still alive!"

Roar! !!

Mo Nan's body and mind shuddered, and Jin Long in his body suddenly groaned. He came out of the body and hovered around.

And the shadow in front of him turned out to be a black true dragon!

This dragon seemed extremely old, and was even dying. The dragon scales had even fallen off, but it was supported by a terrible divine power. It seemed that the dragon's back was standing for nine days!

"Shenlong!" Mo Nan exclaimed, "Don't you say that the dragons have no real dragons?"


Jinlong also circled another long chant, and there was too much communication in this chant. It seems that the old generation of dragons is meeting the new generation of dragons!

He Yue said in a deep voice: "Tuer, he is the last dragon king of our dragon clan! It is also because of his name that the daredevil dare not step into my dragon clan!"

"Second Emperor List: Dragon King, Li Yuntao!"

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