I Have a Dragon

Chapter 1234: : Blood-stained God Emperor Realm

Xuanyuan Linxue dared to be so crazy, but the three hundred gods who followed her were not so arrogant.

"Yueyue actually has three thousand incarnations ... At first, she was the first on the list of emperors!" Shen Shen, one of the emperors called Chihu, said.

"How about the first? Her three thousand incarnations are regarded as forbidden laws, and it is weird that her divine power can be restored to the level of that year! And, don't forget that, that year was that year, now ten thousand years have passed, and we are early Just surpass her! "

"That's right! Not to mention, there is also Lin Xueshi coming, it is easy to destroy them two and one dragon! It is simply not possible for them to have any chance of shooting!"

Apparently, the gods all saw their own strengths. Although Yueyue is terrible, is it comparable to the 300 gods they joined together? What's more, there is Xuanyuan Linxue close to the existence of Huahua.

Mo Nan met and was worried for a while, but now there is no retreat at all, he said in a deep voice: "Master, I'll drag Xuanyuan Linxue, you will deal with them. Their number is dominant, you must be Be careful."

He knew that Xuanyuan Linxue was definitely the most terrible existence, but his physique should be able to withstand one or two. As for the other emperors, although there were many masters, running was always possible even if the master could not beat him.

Gaoyue looked back at Mo Nan gently, with a look of relief in her eyes, saying: "It seems that my disciple has really grown up! The master has lived so long, although Xiu has not grown, but I still know a few people who are at the intersection of life and death! Now they are all here ... "

Bang! !!

"Yueyue, such a big scene, you are going to kill us!"

A roaring voice rang out, followed by a very burly figure. The muscles on his body were like dragon-shaped beards, exuding an endless vicious beast.

His appearance, accompanied by layers of beast-like roar, sounded like waves, slaps!

Mo Nan's heart trembled, and the reincarnation disk behind it was also a buzzing light. It was the beast's way, and a name suddenly came out of his mouth: "The Seven Ancestor Gods-Beast Gods?"

"Hahaha, it's not just me! And they--"

Boom! !!

A middle-aged man appeared in the void, his face was engraved with vicissitudes, his eyes had the power of time, his long hair had fallen to his waist, and there seemed to be a cry behind his back. The strong wind blew out, and the situation changed, but he was still standing there, not sad or unhappy.

After Mo Nan saw the middle-aged man, there was a sudden throb in his blood. Even he felt that he was his offspring, and he slowly spit out a name: "The Emperor-Fu Cang soul!"

Fu Cangshun only glanced at Mo Nan indifferently, and Gujing had no waves, without saying a word.

There was a dark mass that appeared next to it. There was a figure inside, which made a terrible unpleasant sound: "Yueyue, your disciples are growing very fast! Go on like this, no more than ten thousand years, all heavens No one is his opponent! "

Yueyue smiled proudly and said, "Thank you Ghost Emperor for your praise! In front of this level, you have to rely on several people to shoot together!"

Mo Nan's heart was agitated, and he was always used to fighting alone. Suddenly, there were so many powerful helpers, and he was still not used to it. But looking back, Master Yueyue and them collectively called the Seven Patriarchs, of which there must be a real life and death relationship.

Mo Nanlang chanted: "Since you are all here, how can you have Emperor Shura and Jail ancestors!"

The beast **** snorted angrily and said, "The two of them, like a ghost, how dare to offend the world of contention?"

"Hey, old beast, don't you slander our ghosts? Our ghosts have no dignity?" The ghost emperor shouted.

Mo Nan didn't expect these ancestor figures to be so arguing, and interrupted immediately: "They will come-Shura Road, Hell Road! Turn !!!"

Boom! !!

In the midst of it, it seemed that there was a powerful force that summoned them directly.


Emperor Shura, the two ancestors of the ancestor came out of nowhere, and appeared to Mo Nan's side in an instant.

This surprised the beast **** and the ghost emperor.

"You two are here too-oh, Prince Monan, are you? You are quite capable! Both dead old men have listened to you!"

Emperor Shura and Yuzu came here with strange looks, and they did not seem to be willing to come.

But since it's here, it's polite!

"A rare gathering!"

"It's rare, it's just the old thing of Ji Taizhuo, okay!"

When Mo Nan saw them meeting, he immediately thought of Luo Xi, and Luo Xi went to seek revenge from the old emperor Ji Taizhuo. It has been a long time and there was no response at all.

He also tried to run the heavenly road several times, and couldn't sense the existence of Ji Taizhu.

Seeing these six words, there were five full-times at once, plus the words of Yueyue were six ancestors. Even the three hundred **** emperors felt a sudden heartbeat.

Because they all know that although these six avenues are declining, they are even closer to disappearing after the six rounds of reincarnation, but in legend, the power of the six dao is stronger than their stars.

There is really no certainty against this ancient heritage ancestor!

"It seems that everything that can come is over! It just happened ..." Suddenly, the waiting Xuanyuan Linxue smiled proudly and continued: "I want to completely smash your six paths for a long time. Today you didn't even hide , Then I will remove them together! "

Huh! !!

The beast **** roared, and the power of rebirth of the beasts flowed from his body, and Shen said, "The world of fighting will kill me for tens of thousands of years.

Mo Nan was inspired, and the reincarnation behind him revolved suddenly, injecting ancient **** power into several of their ancestors, holding the war gun in his hand, and the golden dragon on his shoulders groaned into the sky and instantly circled out.



Mo Nan's body flickered away, Jinlong rushed to his feet and skyrocketed, and he was supported in a moment, and his teeth and claws flew away.

Beyond the distant horizon, those mighty men looked clearly.

In front of the star-like emperor gods, Mo Nan stepped on the golden dragon, and the first one rushed away. At the slightly behind distance of the golden dragon, Yueyue, Fu Cangshun and other ancestors juxtaposed together and wiped them out. After a long divine light, they broke through the starry sky and attacked the past.

Such a scene was deeply imprinted into the minds of every powerful person in a brand-like way.

The battle of the ancestors and gods is definitely to be a myth of the heavens and the world, and it is indelible!

"The dragons of the heavens, I'll kill them all!"

Xuanyuan Linxue's body is also Diwei Wanli, the **** light burst, with more than 300 divine emperors, turned into a meteor in the sky, and greeted them together.

The two sides collided fiercely under the stars!

The whole bright night sky made a loud noise and changed directly into daylight. The blood of the **** emperor suddenly fell from the void and stained the whole world of **** emperor.


Jinlong roared, and his huge body swept between the gods and emperors, biting Xuanyuan Linxue.


Xuanyuan Linxue just stretched out her hand, and Wan Daoguang swayed in her palm. With a bang, Jin Long blasted out. In the battle between the gods, I do n’t know who sacrificed 80,000 temples, spread out in the void, and stood tall, but when the golden dragon flew out, it fell down fiercely, and the pressure was loud. It's broken ...

"Nine fingers broken!"


The gun in Mo Nan's hand burst out, piercing Xuanyuan Linxue's brows.


Xuanyuan Linxue actually turned around, and gave a cold mang on the pointer, a light buzzer made a crisp sound, and the whole buzzer of the dragon soul was sent out to Zhenfei.

"Boy, go back and practice for 30,000 years!"

Huh! !!

Mo Nan's arm was numb in vain, and he hadn't responded yet. With a loud noise, he was also blown out. Suddenly, he was astonished in his heart. What kind of state is she in Xuanyuan Linxue?


Yueyue called anxiously, but at this time she could not go to see if Mo Nan was seriously injured. She rushed away with a sigh of anger, and sipped coldly: "The **** emperor is the first! Me too!"

bass! !!

She put her hands together, and a tens of thousands of meters of giant sword suddenly formed. She broke through the ten thousand methods and stabbed Xuanyuan Linxue straight.

Xuanyuan Linxue still relied on the jade hand to directly blast it up. She sharply blocked the sword tip, and suddenly made a rattling noise, and the endless light of God burst out from the sword tip. The voice of Binghan also came:

"First, there will always be only one!"

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