I Have a Dragon

Chapter 1336: : Crossing the sea of ​​destruction

"Boy, don't you deceive people too much! Do you think you have broken the power of the Seven Saints?"

Bai Ye's ancestors and others were also cut out. It was unexpected that Mo Nan would break into the seventh palace directly, and all the palace killings could not damage him on the way.

Especially the battle flag in the hands of Mo Nan, so prestigious and orderly, the gesture of eternal order really eclipsed their power of the Seven Saints.

In fact, not only him, but also that Nan Ke was always in a state of wonder. She now awakened the power of the magic blood and the bone emperor, but under such circumstances, she was constantly restrained by Monan. .

The most abominable thing is that her powerful power was cracked by a trick in front of Mo Nan!

At this point, Nanke never dared to be so embarrassed!

Mo Nan stood proudly in the seventh palace. He was the one with six battle flags and fell next to him. He frowned and yelled, "I said, you seven dead gates, you have to die!"


Mo Nan's sweep of the six battle flags in his hand was a direct bombardment of the rolling six forces to the seventh palace meeting.

It was also at this instant that the divine power he had left in front of the six palaces all echoed at the same time, and Qiqi bombarded seven palaces. The most mysterious place of these seven sacred powers is the combination of the seven powers and the transformation of the seven into one.

At any time, it seems to be changeable, but because it is a powerful artifact, even if it is a hegemon, it is difficult to break the power of the Seven Saints.

But Mo Nan is different, he attacked seven palaces at once!

"I see where you are hiding-where to borrow!"

Boom! !!

The seven palaces trembled together! Those intriguing palaces seemed to be about to collapse, and dust burst from the roof of the palace, and the glazed tiles above made a clicking noise.

One hundred ancestors and others stood among them, terribly horrified, shaking their bodies for a few moments before stabilizing, and couldn't help but scream, "Boy, you're so sleepy that you want to break our Seven Holy Powers!"


All of a sudden, all three ancestors rushed up.

Nan Ke, who fell in the distance, also made a long shout, and killed him with his sickle in his hand.

"It's up to you? Want to stop me?" Mo Nan's battle flag flew, and the entire battle flag suddenly became tens of thousands of meters in time, directly blocking half of the sky, blocking them all.

Nanke and Baiye's ancestors bumped into the battle flag one after another, making a sound of screaming, they were unable to break through the battle flag.

Then, Mo Nan looked at the huge banner, and reached out to jump on the banner:

"Dragon formation!"


With a dragon chant, a totem shape of a golden dragon was formed in the center of the six battle flags.

This totem is 10% light shining across millions of miles, illuminating the sky and covering everything to form light!

Boom boom!

Among the seven palaces, all six supernatural powers appeared, including the war slaves of heaven, Huang Quansheng of hell, the battlefield of all ghosts of the Hungry Ghosts, the **** of war of Shura of Asura, and the beasts of beasts boiling !!

If humanity also appeared, it would be the strongest scene!

Boom boom!

It was just a collision, the Seven Holy Palaces standing on the sea, all collapsed. The fragmented scene was deeply imprinted into the minds of countless people in a domineering form that pierced the eye.

This is definitely an unforgettable bombardment in life!

Until, all seven palaces collapsed and sank into the sea! On the other side of the battle flag, the ancestors of Baiye and Liangyi were exclaimed!

"You little beast, you really dare to break the power of our Seven Saints!" The third ancestor exclaimed.

"Abominable! Damn it! Damn you even if you die ten thousand times! The power of the seven sages is to be dedicated to Taiyi Wandimen! If you do n’t know life and death, you dare to break the Wandimen Treasure! "

Bai Ye ancestor shouted in anger, immediately dragged out the name of Wandimen, in an attempt to use this name to deter Mo Nan.

But if it is someone else, they will indeed be deterred by the Emperor's Gate, after all, the terrible nature of the Emperor's Gate is not something they can be provoked by. Unfortunately, they just met Mo Nan.

Where did Manan control Wandi Gate or Yidi Gate? He didn't take a closer look, and pronounced generally saying: "Dead-"

He reached out and grabbed the wild ancestors in the volley.

With a snap, I choked on the throat of Bai Ye's ancestors and drank like a condescendant: "Your seven gates, **** it!"

kill! !!

Huh! !!

One punch directly smashed the head of Bai Ye's ancestor!

Then, the ancestors of Liangyi were not spared, but they also reached out and grabbed their hands, then turned their fists into dragon heads, and hit them with a punch.


Liangyi ancestor is dead!

The third ancestor had always been quiet, but he was very savvy. When the Seven Holy Palaces collapsed, he was about to run away, and in a blink of an eye he had fled to the horizon.

Mo Nan gave a cold grunt, and his right hand bent five fingers, forming a dragon claw.

His eyes were even more dazzling like a deserted sword, and he caught a glance at the escaping third ancestor!

Huh! !!

The ancestor who was flying took a moment to stand his body, looked at his chest in horror, and his pupils suddenly shrank. It turned out that at this moment, a huge hole was born in his chest.

His heart was actually dug out!

He wanted to look back, but he found that he didn't even have the strength to turn back, and there were six rounds of reincarnation force around the body, and he twitched his body!


"Slay the Seven Holy Gates--"

Mo Nan was proudly in the sky, and single-handedly pointed at the practitioners of the Seven Holy Gates, and coldly ordered:


The great herdsman, too demon sword, Jiuying and others were already ready, and immediately came out of the explosion, and rushed to the Seven Holy Gates together. The Seven Holy Doors watched their three ancestors fall.

They still had a fight at heart, they didn't need any order at all, they started to retreat with a wow.

Defeated! The tree fell down!

The entire Seven Holy Gates, at the moment of this escape, meant that they would be completely destroyed!

Until then, Mo Nan turned to look at Nan Ke.

At this moment, Nan Ke didn't even think of escaping, but looked coldly, giving birth to a decisive battle! If there is a hero, this Nanke can be considered half.

She suddenly said, "You, you have holy spirit too? Impossible! You can't get through!"

"Nothing is impossible for me!"

Mo Nan also talked to her nonsense, a wave of the battle flag, and a stabbing, directly broke Nan Ke.

split into two!

And Nan Ke's body also fell heavily on the surface of the sea.

But there wasn't a few breaths at all, and the magic of Nan Ke's body began to condense slowly, and her figure began to form slowly.

A long sarcastic voice also came out: "Taoist, Taoist, do you really think you can kill me? I am immortal, it is better to be reincarnate!"

Mo Nan's brow frowned, and it seemed that his six reincarnations were indeed incomplete for humanity.

If humane existence exists, he can definitely make Nanke go away with one stroke and disappear forever!

"I can't kill you, and I can't let you escape my Wuzhishan!"

Suddenly looking back at the most holy phalanx on the returning platform, Mo Nan yelled, "You should also complete your repression mission!"

boom! !!

With one punch, Mo Nan blasted the returning platform, and with a bang, the entire returning platform began to disintegrate.

He inserted the six flags in the hands of Xiu Hai at the sea, and then he stirred violently.

Turn over the river!

Boom boom--

The entire huge sea of ​​destruction looks endless. At this moment, with the agitation of Mo Nan, it keeps getting smaller, smaller, and then smaller. Those seawaters are also continually shrinking, and sea levels are constantly disappearing.

This terrible sight is that even the six monks and their seven holy gate monks who are hunted down are horrified to stand in the air.

They seemed to be watching the ocean dry.


boom! !!

In the end, Mo Nan contracted the huge repair sea into a huge "drop" with a diameter of less than three meters! Among the drops of water, Nan Ke was so good that she was trapped inside.

It's like a fish kept in a fish tank!

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