I Have a Dragon

Chapter 1422: : Guardian Tenjin

The gods spoke, the gods sounded like thunder, and the rolling voice shook the world.

Moreover, this kind of divine sound did not know that it contained tens of thousands of years of divine power, and the moment it was spoken, the mighty divine power came down.

Mo Nan was walking forward step by step, and suddenly heard this sacred sound, he stopped for a moment, the rolling black clouds hovering above his head, and the huge black sky pillar beside Mo Nan was also blasted. Shattered.

This black tianzhu was originally formed by various evil spirits, and it has long given birth to terrible evil spirits. Even the goddess of the sea, emperor, vulcan and so on are helpless.

But unexpectedly, the **** of this war god's ancestral city opened his mouth, and the black sky pillar was blown away like ashes.

Mo Nan's body was also at this moment, and finally really revealed it.

He had a beautiful appearance and a handsome face. Although he had converged all the divine rituals, he still had a stunning feeling.

Especially his silver hair, the dress of the emperor's dragon embellishment and Luo Xiye's wrapped silk are a bit like a mystery.

The practitioners around them suddenly saw Mo Nan's body, and they all stepped back. After a while, they looked at Mo Nan, and then turned to look at the idols in Hei Diya, and screamed in horror.

"He's the big demon! Finally his true body is revealed. What kind of race is this breath?"

"It's terrible. He even shocked the statue of the defender in the ancestral city of God of War. This Mo Nan is definitely a big devil!"

"You can't see what race or cultivation, but he is definitely a big devil. Otherwise, how could the idol wake up?"

"Let's retreat! This is not something we can participate in. It would be nice if the Black Emperor was there. Now, just watching the idol of the moat can kill him?"

Although the practitioners were also surprised, they also retreated.

For a time, Mo Nan's tens of miles were flat wasteland, and no practitioners approached at all.

Mo Nan was also a little surprised at this moment, his eyes looked as if he could see a distant guardian statue.

Being able to dispel the curse of the stars at such a long distance is not easy.

However, Mo Nan finally shook his head and said Shen Sheng:

"It's not you who can stop me!"

He could feel that it was definitely not this idol that could stop him in this Hei Diya.

"Sinister, stop !! Take a half step forward, cut!"

Within the distant God of War ancestral city, the giant idol once again sent out the words of puppet, and the meaning of the warning was already obvious, as if Mo Nan dared to step forward, it would be killed by him.

Suddenly, Mo Nan laughed. He reached out and pointed at the ancestral city of God of War, and yelled:

"The emperor will play with you."

Then he stepped forward.

Taking this step out is already with a rolling power, centering on his footboard, a buzzing sound of a bright totem.

Intricate totems lay on the ground instantly.

Then, a roaring beast rushed out of the earth.

This kind of beast is a bit like a fire unicorn, but it is black in body, blasting out from below the ground, and at a glance there are thousands of them, roaring forward and rushing away.

In a short time, it was really a dense crowd of scary monsters siege.

"Ah ... the big devil is siege, come to resist!"

I don't know who yelled, and they rushed to the monsters together.

On the other side of the God of War ancestral city, there was a sudden roar, the magnificent idol shattered, and a six-pointed star flashed out of it, directly submerged into the void.

Almost at the same time, all the practitioners felt that the sky was bright, but now it was clear, but they could clearly see the twinkling six-pointed star falling from the sky.


Shocking, the Liumang star turned into a guardian **** and fell heavily on the earth.

The earth around them was flattened open, and several beasts were severely smashed.

The guardian **** held the halberd in his hand, sweeping in front of him, all the dust spread away, revealing his true content.

It was a burly **** who was five meters tall. He looked very strange, his face left indelible marks in the previous war, and his left eye turned empty.

It wasn't the kind of hollow without eyes, but almost half of the face, not even the contours outside the eyes, and the half of the back of the head was gone.

From this vacant eyeball hole, you can directly see the scene behind him, becoming a real hole.


The guardian screamed angrily, and in his hand it was a halberd, but it was chopped down like an angry knife.

With a loud slap, a huge kilometer of magical halberds turned into a split in the middle of this split, slashing down at Mo Nan's head.

As Mo Nan's pupils shrank, he suddenly realized that the magical powers of the defensive gods were not simple. A seemingly simple move brought the rolling rule to the ground with the power of strangling.

"Nine fingers broken!"

Mo Nan's trick was learned in the Ever Hope Realm that year, and he didn't remember how long it hadn't been used.

The world of ten caves behind him burst open, and the fingertips were swept up.


With a crisp sound, terrible fingers rushed into the sky, forming the substance, smashing the illusionary halberd that the **** of the wall split.

A terrible fingertip power has rushed straight into the sky.

The power of those law strangulations was immediately scattered, forming various shapes in the air, rushing to the surroundings.


Mo Nan's body flickered and flew towards the guardian god.

"Bold and evil!"

The guarding **** shouted indifferently, and rushed from a distance.

His body seems to be the center of all laws, and every move is carried with powerful laws.

boom! !!

The other person's true body had rushed to the front, and Mo Nan and this huge retaining wall Tianshen punched!

With their fists as the center, the rolling divine power and endless rules collided together, forming a hemisphere shape that stretched for tens of thousands of miles in an instant.

As if a wall appeared out of thin air.

Mo Nan's arm was slightly numb, and he suddenly saw a flash of light in the void of the guardian god, and a flame of God's light shot directly.

Although looking at it was just a flash of light, Mo Nan's consciousness swept in, and he suddenly found that it contained endless red flames. Otherwise, it was like a boundless sea of ​​fire.

Even the consciousness that Mo Nan swept in was burned directly.

"Some capable!"

Mo Nan's pupils were also opened, and the star disillusionment appeared directly, emitting a terrible divine light, directly colliding with the flame of the other party.

boom! !!


The weird voices are endless, and the two sides are suspended in the air, and the light of the two sides is like a straight line connecting them together.

The lights collided and they continued to explode. Just now they hit the huge hemisphere wall formed by the punch, and they fell and fell directly from the air.

The mighty men around him were driven out farther by the ferocious beasts from the beginning.

Therefore, despite the fierce battle between Mo Nan and the Guardian God, none of them were affected. One by one, looking from the sky, their eyes widened.

"What a terrible existence this is?"

"Look at it, those are the battle marks left by their battle!"

"This big devil, his finger just contains too much mysterious power. Where did he learn from? If I can, then it will definitely be king, and it will not be impossible to be king in the future."

Many powerful people have looked at the traces of war, especially the moves that Mo Nan used.

The "one finger broken nine stars" and the substantive finger marks rushed into the sky, which contained endless avenue traces.

Many powerful people immediately secretly learned, and forcibly probed into the consciousness, as if to peep at the truth of this supernatural power from the traces of this avenue, secretly learning this terrible supernatural power.

It was just that they didn't see long before they blew out blood.

There are weaker powerful people who fall directly from the sky.

"Don't steal the lessons, the magical powers are too overbearing, I can't wait to steal them!"

Just at this time.

Above the sky, the guardian **** suddenly screamed in pain, his flames lost to Mo Nan's star and disillusioned, and fell directly from the sky.

It's just that the others are in the air, and the two turned over to stabilize their bodies.


He fell to his knees on one knee, and his face was already angry.

He held the halberd with both hands, bleeding blood from the palm of his hand, and stained his halberd.

All I saw was that he was shining brightly and slammed into the ground.


"Come out!!"

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