I Have a Dragon

Chapter 839: : Nine Arrows Do Not Die


Everlasting Arrow!

The black bow of the blackbird was torn directly from the void. The powerful voice buzzed between heaven and earth, and even the Caiyun Army opposite the Great Rift heard it clearly at this moment.

"It's a wild arrow, and King Youdu is about to enforce it!"

Suddenly, all the monks were startled and backed away. They were all deterred by the perpetual coercion of King Youdu. When she took the law, even the chiefs of the ten ancient clan dared to kill. .

With so many generations of law enforcement leaders, they are all right. There was once a law enforcement leader who dared to kill the emperor and cut off the emperor's favorite concubine.

Now seeing King Yudu's shot, how could they not be afraid?

"This time, King Lingmu is trying to escape!"

"He deserved the crime. Not only did he kill the Emperor Jiu Shao, he also used taboos and killed hundreds of thousands of loyal soldiers! Even the King Youdu shot him ten thousand times is not enough to atone for sin!"

嘭 ——

As soon as King Youdu reached out, she held the Wanhuang cracked empty arrow in her hand. Her eyes were cold and bright, and the black light visible to the naked eye was emitted from the crossbow, especially the trembling buzzing sound, as if it were The final judgment on all living beings in heaven and earth.

That kind of bright heavenly power!

For the sky!

Mo Nan's expression was also stunned. He felt the power of heavenly power radiating from King Youdu, and could not help but jump in his heart. If there were fragments of heavenly power on his body, he would never be afraid of these wild arrows, but he just chose to, There are no heavenly fragments on him.

"Spiritual eyes ... now that you confess your sins, let's do it!"

Youdu Wang firmly held the Wanhuang cracking arrow, facing away from Mo Nan, his eyes showed resoluteness, and his body was rolling away.

At this moment, she seems to be a sky bar! She alone can represent Tianwei!


Mo Nan looked up at the sky. He glanced coldly at King Youdu, pointed to the undissolved "Feng" in the sky, and raised the scroll for nine days in his hand, and said in a deep voice: "You think it is your angry arrow Amazing or am I even stronger in these nine days? "

King Youdu also frowned. She has always been decisive in law enforcement since law enforcement, but the nine-day scroll in the hands of Mo Nan is also a fetish. She is not sure to defeat the nine-day scroll in the hands of Mo Nan.

If under the watchful eyes of so many powerful men, she would not be able to take down Mo Nan, it would definitely damage her majesty, but if she did not take Monan, she would be sorry for her five word.

"No matter how strong you are, either come here to wait for trial or eat me a arrow!"

Youdu Wang fiercely pulled the wild arrow from the emptiness arrow and jumped, and the rolling arrow string was already tightened to a terrible degree, and the surging divine power drew from the arrow string.

When the mighty men next to them saw it, they all looked surprised.

Youdu Wang is finally going to take a shot. This time, Mo Nan will definitely not be able to escape, because he has no way to go to the sky. Tian Ce Fu, Luna Clan, Tian Zheng Jun, etc., their mighty men are proud to watch all this.

Especially the strategist Han Yezhou, who stands far above a huge starship. He impressed anyone with ease and resourcefulness, so standing directly at the front did not fit his style.

However, even so far, he sees it all clearly!

"The law of heaven cannot control me!"

Mo Nan sighed angrily and stretched the scroll of nine days forward in his hands. A pair of bright pupils shot from behind the scroll. He said, "You want to fight with me too, go back and let the emperor come—"


Above the sky, the sky thundered fiercely!

As if this thunder was a signal of war.

You Changwang shouted and pulled the wild arrows in his hands!

bass! !! !!

The terrible crossbow was exploded, and it was shot out directly. The terrifying power instantly crushed the sacred tree shovel below the ground into pieces. The angry arrows seemed to be incarnate and shot straight. Mo Nan!


The nine-day scroll of Mo Nan's hand was a fierce block, and the magnificent rays burst into the sky, piercing the nine-day sky!


Wandao Jianmang shot all around, turned into a substance, and inserted into the cliffs around the Great Rift Valley.

Huh! !!

Mo Nan's body flew straight out and hit the cliff of the Great Rift opposite. The terrifying force exploded and blasted away the alien Caiyun Army arranged on the edge, and fell to the ground like dumplings.

In the middle of the great Rift, the nine-day scroll was still suspended in midair, and a bright angry arrow shot straight at the nine-day scroll.

At this moment, one arrow and one scroll still maintained that offensive and defensive posture!

The buzzing light continued to radiate, and the bright arrows made a clicking noise. It was one foot away from the main body of the nine-day scroll, and it couldn't be shot anymore.

"Nine heaven fetishes ... is it stronger than my heavenly law?" King Youdu's eyes opened, and she looked at everything in front of her inconceivably.

All the other practitioners were stunned and staring at everything in front of them. They could not imagine that it would be impossible to meet God and kill God and Buddha to kill Buddha.

This is the second time that he cannot shoot Mo Nan!

Could this Monan have nine lives?

"I don't believe you have an artifact to help you escape the third time! Skynet is sparse and not leaking!"

Youdu said, his body flashed, and he even moved out horizontally, and at a second angle, he aimed at Monan.

She pulled the wild empty arrow in her hand again, and the horrible angry arrow was formed instantly, once again exuding the mighty power!

"It's a good thing Skynet is sparse and not leaking!"

Mo Nan stepped on the crumbling Long Beard Long Bridge, he spit out the blood in his mouth fiercely, his eyes looked at the King of You, who aimed at him, and the whole audience was silent at this moment because they all knew that The bright sky is about to fall.

Only the third arrow can fall, which is enough to become a myth of heaven!

"Do you think it was an artifact that stopped me from getting over your arrow?"

There was a slight tremor in the heart of Youdu King. At this time, he asked: "On top of the Tianwu contest, there is a fighting spirit to stop you! There are nine heavenly creatures in the demon soil to stop you ... Doesn't it depend on the artifact? what?"

"Hahaha! You said you were doing it for the sky! Okay—the sky is black and white, it doesn't matter! Sky arrows wear my body!"

Mo Nan said, the breath on his body skyrocketed, and all the magical powers enveloped him.

He was fearless, and with flesh and blood, he stepped forward directly!


bass! !!

Youduwang's eyes were cold, and Wanhuang cracked an empty arrow in his hand!

唰 ——


At this moment, the horrible cracking arrow seemed to shoot the crosshair, and the moment it shot in front of Mo Nan, it suddenly slipped out, and a bang came into the cliff of the Great Rift Valley, and the horrible crossbow did not know to wear How many thousands of meters deep into the earth, the echoing voices kept rolling.

"What? Impossible!"

The king of Youdu shuddered, and once again rose to the sky, rising to the sky, her figure bent like a crossbow, and two arrows shot at Mo Nan!


Huh! !!

A huge roar sounded again, and the two arrows slipped out again, and never shot into Mo Nan's body.

The King of Youdu was terrified of scalp. The breath on her body was loud, the voice was swollen, and it could be heard for hundreds of miles!

"Walk for the sky!"


Her angry arrows continued to shoot, but a total of eight arrows were shot back and forth, plus the arrow on the Tianwu Dabie, a total of nine arrows, could not hit Mo Nan!

It seems that he has a nine-day divine power to bless him, and even the arrow can't get close!


"Nine arrows are dead? How is this possible!"

The practitioners around were stunned in horror. Even the patriarch of the Moon Gods and the cold-leaf boat of Tiancefu, people like them could not take the wild arrows and arrows. How could Mo Nan hide easily? Passed?

Do not. Not to hide, but Tianjian to avoid Mo Nan!

"What's going on? Is there any artifact on his body? It must have been some powerful artifact under the magic soil!"

However, even with such an answer, not many people will believe it.

Mo Nan also exhaled heavily. His fist slowly released, and he glanced at the sky. Finally, the heavens still existed. He looked coldly at the weak Youdu King, and said in a deep voice: "You know why Is it? Your sky arrow is not worth killing me— "

When everyone else heard it, they all whispered and screamed.

However, King Youdu heard the words "unworthy to kill me", but it seemed as if she had been struck by lightning. As King Youdu, she had heard about the mission of the wild arrow.

If the other party **** it, the other party is indeed against the Tao of Heaven, the Five Virtues, the strength of the arrow, and one arrow can fall into the oracle.

She did it for the sky, but there was also a situation where the wild arrows could not shoot out.

That is, the other party did not violate the heavens at all, the other party is innocent! !!

"He, he beheaded the emperor Jiu Shao, and killed hundreds of thousands of soldiers ... why, why do they still occupy the heaven, and why are they still innocent?"

Youdu shook his head unbelievably and sat down weakly ...

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