I Have a Dragon

Chapter 888: : The Power of Hanqin

Mo Nan's body flashed, and the next moment he appeared directly above Jin Jiaojiao's head!

This terrible teleportation made almost all practitioners unable to react.

"Presumptuous—" Shizhe Daxian roared, and he would never have let Mo Nan do the same.

The long picture of the starry sky behind him trembled, then burned in the sky, his body floated, and Mo Nan burst out in front of him, and the whole space was suddenly twisted and broken.

At the same time, he yelled, "Let me go!"

The corner of Mo Nan's mouth was tilted, and his right hand was instantly covered with a layer of scale armor.


With a blow from both sides, a short balance was formed, and a clicking sound of space friction was issued in the air.

Jin Jiaojiao was pressed by the power on the ground, and she cried in pain: "Daxian, save me, save me! I don't want to die--"

"I said, start with you!"

As soon as Mo Nan's voice came out, a little lightly under her feet, Jin Jiao Jiao screamed "ah ...", her body was broken and she was trampled into flesh.

But her original **** was able to overflow. Although she was extremely weak, she could see her body completely broken.

Her primordial spirit was almost crazy, even rushing towards Mo Nan.

"I'm going to fight with you--"

Mo Nan didn't bother her at all. Since killing Jin Jiaojiao naturally began to kill the second one, he just swiped gently with both pupils. Is the power of Jin Jiaojiao's weak and weak **** can withstand?

With a glance at the eyes, Yuan Shen shattered!

"Damn boy, dare to kill in front of Ben Daxian, and die!" Shi Zhe Daxian roared, and shot it against Mo Nan again.

"Hahaha, it's ridiculous! Zujiu Zhenzu is nine-fold, also worthy of being called Daxian!"

Mo Nan had not recovered before, and couldn't feel the state of Shizhe Daxian, but now he knew that Shizhe Daxian was the true ancestor when he fought.

This old thing seems to be thinking of looking for opportunity on Gushe Island to impact the great realm, because it is necessary to cross the thunderstorm in Zhenzu Jiuzhong's impact on Tongtian Realm!

This guy should have a lot of good things on him!


Shizhe Daxian was furious. He took out a long beast horn knife in one hand, and when this long knife came out, it spurred the rolling possession of the power of the beast. South split:

"You are only seven ancestors, not worthy of being my opponent!"

"is it?"

Mo Nan hung the Qinghan Guqin behind him, with a figure in his body, barely punched the long sword with the beast horn that had been split.


Shizhe Daxian's entire body lifted off, and the long knife held in his hand was almost released.

"You, you ... aren't Zhenzu Qizhong!"

"Haha, when I beheaded Zhenzu Nine, you weren't born yet!" Mo Nan's eyes opened sharply, and the power of the pupils turned into beams of light and cut away.

唰 ——

The two rays directly cut and cut off Shizhe Daxian's long knife.

This horrifying scene immediately made those distant monks panic and startled, one after another turning away. Seeing like this is that Shizhe Daxian is not Mo Nan's opponent, don't they stay here to die?

"You, what is your power?"

Shizhe Daxian looked at the hand and interrupted the knife, throwing it madly, his face had no longer had the majesty of Daxian, his eyes were full of blood-red hatred.

"Don't think that only you can have the help of the gods-God of the Wild, possessed!"

The long picture behind Shizhe Daxian suddenly skyrocketed, soared into the sky, and began to burn in the blink of an eye, as if it was a sacrificial power.


His cultivation went straight into the heavens at Zhenzu Nine!

This seems to be only a gap, but in fact, the gap is ten times larger!


Shixian Daxian took two steps in the air, and the world shook for it, as if a giant **** stepped out of the forest, and there were also a number of heavenly thunders all over his body, exposing him to majesty.

Some escaping monks saw Shi Zhe Daxian's realm gaining divine power, and then returned.

"Okay! It's the power of the Great Wild God!"

"Hahaha, our Daxian's magical power is worldly, this Monan boy is certainly not his opponent!"

Shizhe is so magnificent. He originally wanted to keep praying for divine power until he crossed the robbery, but now he has to use it. Seeing Mo Nan's stunned look, he was quite satisfied.

"You can force me to pray for divine power, and you are worthy of pride! Unfortunately, even if you regret it now, it is useless!"

Suddenly, Mo Nan smiled. He knew that Shizhe Daxian thought he was scared.

"I just want to see if this praying power is your own power! It seems, but it is so!"

"Abominable-you dare to blasphemy!"

Shizhe Daxian was furious, but his faith in the Great Desolation was from his heart.

This **** Mo Nan, even blasphemed the Great Desolation God!

He shook his fists fiercely, the power of the rolling wild body erupted, and the blue tendons on his neck were all raised. He lifted his fists up, and there was a trembling on the ground.

In the eyes of everyone's surprise, the pillars of the earth exploded.

The pillar of the earth is as large as a hundred meters, and it rises to a height of seven or eight hundred meters, and a dense forest of pillars is formed in an instant.


Shizhe Daxian stepped on the ground pillar, and hit a punch in front of Mo Nan!

Mo Nan's body also flashed, his right palm slammed out, and he caught the punch of Shizhe Daxian stiffly.


Monan's body flew backwards, broke dozens of pillars, and fell into the ruins.

"Hahaha, boy, do you dare to despise the great desolate god!" Shizhe Daxian laughed, and this punch knocked Mo Nan, but it surprised him.

嘭 ——

However, before he laughed, Mo Nan's figure rose from the ruins.

He shook his head gently: "I just want to lend your hand to see how strong my body can bear-it seems that this is really the case!"

Mo Nan reached out and took Qinghan Guqin back to his hands.

"She doesn't like killing people all the time, but the **** of killing is not here! Let me see what is the real power!"

Mo Nan slammed Guqin!


Suddenly, Xiao Sha's piano sound shrouded the whole world, and all the practitioners immediately felt that the sharp blade was against the throat.


Huh! !!

A white-colored piano rhyme turned into a half-moon shape and was cut straight out.

This piano rhyme looked soft and weak, but Shi Zhe was shocked at the sight of his eyes. All those pillars were cut past him, and then cut to him.

唰 ——

Shi Zhe's figure flickered, and she staggered away.

As soon as he was about to be proud, he suddenly looked back and saw that Qin Yun had already rushed to his long image of burning and sacrificing.


When Qin Yun hit in one shot, the whole long picture was shattered, and the flame of the sacrifice was directly destroyed!

"Do not--"

Shi Zhe roared, and wanted to pounce over the broken long picture with his hand to prevent it from bouncing, but letting him take any action was useless.

Mo Nan was indifferent again!

铮 ——

Shizhe's body suddenly stiffened, and the whole body fell on the ground with a bang. He climbed up from the ground in horror, and found that his realm had fallen directly from Zhenzu Nine to Zhenzu Eighth!

铮 ——

The third piano sounded.

Shi Zhe's body was suddenly bombarded. When he climbed up again, he found that his cultivation had fallen again, and reached the seventh ancestor of Zhenzu!


Three times in a row, Shizhe heard a desperate scream, and his cultivation fell directly to the true ancestor quadruple!

The piano is so famous that it cuts off a layer of realm!

What a hegemony!

"Ah, no, it's impossible! Impossible! I'm Zhenzu Jiuzhong, where is my cultivation?" Shizhe was so frightened that he was almost going crazy.

For practitioners, once they lose their cultivation, it is even more uncomfortable than death.

"Now-where is your god?"

Mo Nan gave a cold drink, stepped out with a slam, and stomped Shizhe to his feet with a bang.

For Mo Nan, there is no such thing as blasphemy, what about God? What about Xian? If he wants to kill him, he will return ten times!


How powerful was Mo Nan, who crushed Shi Zhe's body with one kick.

Killing Daxian is like killing a dog!

The monks of that ethnic group were frightened when they saw them, and they fled.

"Monan, kneel down for me--"

Suddenly, on that distant mountain top, the seven elders of the Xi Yao tribe, the uncle Shan and others gathered around, and a layer of light wall was arranged outside.

In the hands of the old people of the Seven Clan, he even choked a little girl's neck.

This little girl is not someone else, it is Yiner!

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