I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 377: Tiger demons come to peach blossom temple

"But a tiger who is about to become a monster, even if he hasn't opened his intelligence yet, he shouldn't still have animal instincts and be confused. How can he stop the road and eat people in Fengping Mountain?" Shen Ying was a little curious, "And those hunters entered the mountain for three days, Are you still safe?"

You must know that the nose of a tiger that is about to become a demon is not an ordinary spirit. Those hunters who wanted to hunt tigers must have set up traps, and how could the tiger not collide with them?

Hou Ping scratched his head, "I don't know about this either? Should I ask?"

"No, I'm just curious, those hunters are dying if they don't die, what can they know?" Shen Ying shook her head.

"Oh." Hou Ping nodded again and again, touched the back of his head, and laughed, "Then I'll go back to the temple to help first."

"Go, go." Shen Ying said.

When Hou Ping heard the words, he happily carried the stick and ran away.

"In the end, it's still a monkey, and its temperament is uncertain. I have to stay in the temple for a while." Shen Ying smiled.

The two stood side by side not far from the Peach Blossom Temple, watching the incense in the temple, and then saw Zhao Wenrong and his party also come to offer incense and worship, contributing a ray of incense.


At noon, he had dinner at Peach Blossom Village, and in the afternoon he played a few games with Shen Ying. After dinner, Lu Zheng wanted to go back to the city, but Shen Ying held him back.

"Lu Lang, you arranged flowers for your concubine in the morning, and now it's night, how about enjoying flowers with your concubine?"

Shen Ying invited him warmly, so Lu Zheng stayed at Peach Blossom Village for one more night and enjoyed the beauty of peach blossoms in full bloom.


The next day, Lu Zheng got up early in the morning, was served by Shen Ying to wash and was about to return to Tonglin County, but as soon as he went out, he met Zhu Yushan and Li Hanyu and his wife.

"I wish brother! Madam sister-in-law!"

Lu Zheng said hello, only to find that Li Hanyu's expression was okay, but Zhu Yushan's expression was not very natural.

"Brother Lu, Mrs. Sister-in-law is good." Zhu Yushan bowed his hands.

Li Hanyu took two steps forward and held Shen Ying's hand with a smile, "We want to relax, so we're here to bother you again, sister, don't dislike it."

"Sister, what are you talking about? I can't get out of Taohuaping on weekdays. I wish my sister would come and play with me every day." Shen Ying smiled, then turned to look at Zhu Yushan, "Could it be..."

Lu Zheng blinked and suddenly realized that the local exam had just passed, so he also suddenly looked at Zhu Yushan, "Brother Zhu, you..."


Zhu Yushan sighed deeply, "I missed the exam again."

Shen Ying, "..."

Lu Zheng, "..."

"Why this time?" Lu Zheng couldn't help asking.

I didn't say anything about ordinary people in the past, but now Zhu Yushan is already successful in practice. The last time he retreated, he forgot the time.

Zhu Yushan didn't speak, so it was only Li Hanyu who explained, "There was a flood, my husband helped my father stabilize the Lushui, and later I had a fight with a few monsters who were making waves, until the Lushui stabilized not long ago, and Sanjiang Road asked for help.

My father couldn't move lightly, so my husband and I went with a hundred sailors to support us. As a result, we were held back. We didn't return until the flood in Sanjiang Dao was completely over.

As a result, the day we returned was the day the state test started, and when we came back, it was already evening..."

Lu Zheng, "..."

Shen Ying, "..."

"Brother wish, condolences!" Lu Zheng patted Zhu Yushan on the shoulder, "Today next year, let's make a comeback!"

Zhu Yushan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he still nodded, "Thank you, I'm not too sad, I'm used to it."

After a pause, Zhu Yushan continued, "I don't believe it anymore. Dajingchao can still make a lot of water every year. If I continue next year, I don't believe I can't be admitted to a scholar!"

"Have ambition!" Lu Zheng gave a thumbs up.

Zhu Yushan, "..."

Thinking that he wished Yushan a splendid chest, a belly of poetry and books, and a famous literary talent in the Yizhou Mansion, but now he said that even a scholar has become ambitious?

I'm so... I really really want to be admitted to a scholar...

Li Hanyu couldn't help laughing, "So my father asked us to come out to relax, and my mother also came, but I went to Renxintang and was in the clinic with the Liu family sister."

Speaking of this, Li Hanyu's tone couldn't help but be full of admiration, "Liu's sister is really kind-hearted and beautiful, and her golden light of merit is really enviable."

Zhu Yushan and his wife came to relax, Lu Zheng naturally couldn't say goodbye to leave, and he himself was fine, so he didn't mention leaving.

As for how to relax...

Is there anything more relaxing than playing mahjong?

There is nothing that one round of mahjong can't solve, if not, then two rounds.

"Two tubes!"




"fifty thousand!"


Li Hanyu showed the remaining four cards in front of him and said with a grin, "I'm sorry for being stupid again, 50,000 or 70,000, give me money."

Zhu Yushan looked at the less than ten coins left in front of him, and looked at Lu Zheng, Shen Ying, and Li Hanyu of different sizes, but they were almost piled up into a piece of coins.

Zhu Yushan, "..."

Xiaocui carefully added tea to Zhu Yushan, "Young Master Zhu, you drink tea and extinguish the fire. As the saying goes, if you don't go to the gambling table, you won't lose. You go well and make a comeback next time."

"I'm rolling in..."

Zhu Yushan paused and took a deep breath, "Yes, comeback!"


An hour later, Zhu Yushan lost the thousand money exchanged from Xiao Cui with the consistent treasured banknotes.

"Young Master, Miss, lunch is ready, shall we eat first?" Xiao Cui said outside the door.

"Okay, let's eat first!"


Playing mahjong is actually a time-consuming entertainment activity. Li Hanyu feels that he has just entered the state, and the day is over.

However, Zhu Yushan's mood is obviously much better, because he seems to have changed his luck in the afternoon, the speed of losing money has slowed down a lot, and he can even play a game from time to time.

Zhu Yushan expressed his satisfaction, which shows that he is not unlucky.

In this way, it means that you have a great chance next year!

The four of them fought until You Shi~www.readwn.com~ Even when the tourists from Taohuaping went back to their home, they could only breathe a sigh of relief and ended today's battle.


Li Hanyu pushed the mahjong in front of him away, stood up and stretched, "It's getting late, we should go back."

Zhu Yushan nodded and was about to speak when he saw Shen Ying's face change.

At the same time, a tiger roar sounded not far from the south.

"Tiger?" Zhu Yushan was taken aback.

"Tiger demon!" Li Hanyu said immediately, "How can there be a tiger demon! So bold?"

The next moment, a scream sounded, and a demonic energy rose into the sky at the Peach Blossom Temple.

"Hou Ping!"

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