I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 452: Taolin alchemy

He took Liu Qingquan to the sky again, and circled Tonglin County again, and then it was already late.

After a meal at Liu's house, Lu Zheng did not continue to summon Liu Qingyan in the evening, but went into the peach forest alone and went to talk to Shen Ying.

On the second day, he went to Shaotong Mountain and learned that Daoist Mingzhang had not returned, so he told Yuanjing about the conferment of the head of the Black Wheel King.

And then……

It is to take Shen Ying and Liu Qingyan for a walk in the sky every day, or study the "Chisongzi Zuoji Yushui Dan Jing" together.

Shen Ying has no interest in this golden pill method, but like Daoist Wansong, she is very fond of "Fire Avoidance".

However, Liu Qingyan is quite suitable for this practice. She has her own unique insights into various alchemy methods, and her alchemy proficiency is increasing faster than Lu Zheng's use of the light of luck.

It can only be said that she has accumulated too much knowledge about medical and medicinal materials in the past, and she was born to eat this bowl of rice.

But Lu Zheng isn't jealous either, his wife is no different from himself, isn't he still eating the medicinal pills he made?


In addition to the elixir, of course, Lu Zheng did not let go of his cultivation. He also used the light of luck, incense, golden light of merit, and medicinal pills, etc. to assist his cultivation.

Theoretically speaking, after Daoxing crosses the threshold of five hundred years, the general practice is the accumulation of water grinding time, and the practice curve will become closer and closer to the logarithmic function.

However, Lu Zheng is not affected by this rule at all. Although it has not evolved to a terrifying exponential function, the curve model of a linear function can still be guaranteed.

Moreover, as the self-cultivation level is higher, the cooling period is shorter, and it seems that there is a trend of gradually evolving to an exponential curve.

Curve overtaking! This is awesome!

Lu Zheng said to himself, "At least I have to stand up in front of Brother Hu, Senior Song and others. Although people don't care, of course I can't and don't care, right?"

As for Daoist Wansong... It seems that the distance is still far away, so I can't be in a hurry for the time being...


In the hot summer, under the old peach tree.

The flames rose, and the copper furnace roared.

Lu Zheng and Liu Qingyan sat opposite each other, pinching the seals, manipulating the flame, and at the same time playing runes into the copper furnace, controlling the decomposition and fusion of the medicinal materials in the furnace.

This is a kind of elixir that incorporates four kinds of elixir and twelve kinds of ordinary medicinal materials. It is difficult for Lu Zheng and Liu Qingyan to complete it independently, so they try to make it together.

If it can be successful, it will be of great benefit to the alchemy skills of the two.

Beside the two, only Shen Ying and Xiao Cui stood under the old peach tree to watch. Although the five daughters of Wuxiu Village happened to be guests, they did not go into the backyard, but waited in the frontyard to avoid suspicion.

At this time, Lu Zheng and Liu Qingyan had been sitting in front of the copper furnace for three days and three nights. All the elixir in the furnace had melted to form different liquid groups of medicinal materials, which were then fused and gathered one by one according to the order of medicinal properties.

When the two controlled the fire, controlled the fusion of the last elixir with the Pill Melting Method, and then controlled the Pill Formation with the Pill Condensing Technique...

As soon as Lu Zheng waved his hand, the lid of the copper furnace in front of him rose into the sky with a "bang", and then a dozen thumb-sized medicinal pills flew out one by one, and then drew a beautifully curved parabola in the air and landed on the ground. In the jade plate that Liu Qingyan held up, the center of the jade plate was the center of the circle, and it was spinning endlessly.

At the same time, the strong smoke mixed with the medicinal fragrance poured out from the copper furnace, filling the entire Peach Blossom Village in just one breath.

The smell of medicine is tangy!

The five Hua Yixing women who were waiting in the front yard involuntarily inhaled, and then they felt the magic power in their bodies lightly.

"What a strong medicinal power!" Hu Cainiang couldn't help but exclaimed, "This effect is much stronger than our Bi Luo Guo!"

"Can this be compared? Our Bi Luoguo is just a spiritual fruit from the Centennial Spirit Tree, with dozens of fruits at a time, and this pot of medicinal herbs uses four kinds of spiritual medicines!" Hua Yixing said.

While Hua Yixing and Hu Cainiang were talking, Lin Jinger, Yumingxin and Bai Tinger kept silent, just breathing in.

"Suck it! Just know it! I haven't seen a bit of the world, and I'm not afraid that I won't be able to take a breath!"

Hua Yixing couldn't help being speechless, and she taught the three sisters a lesson angrily. Then she turned around and saw that Hu Cainiang didn't talk to herself anymore, but just started to breathe hard...

"Suck it-"

Hua Yixing gritted her teeth and couldn't help taking a deep breath.

The medicinal power entered the body, and the true energy was agile, as if the bones were lightened by three or two.

So fragrant!


in the backyard.

Seeing that the medicinal pill fell into the jade plate, Lu Zheng and Liu Qingyan did their best, and Shen Ying brought Xiao Cui forward and smiled softly, "Congratulations to Lu Lang, congratulations to Qingyan, the pill has been successfully formed in one go, What a joy!"

Lu Zheng nodded, "Good luck."

Shen Ying and Liu Qingyan glanced at Lu Zheng together, then looked at the medicinal pills in the plate.

"Only 30% of the medicinal materials are used, so there are not many pills, only twelve." Liu Qingyan counted the medicinal pills in the jade plate, and then smiled, "The good news is that the medicinal materials are not wasted much, and the medicines are fused together. It's quite good, and it doesn't weaken the medicinal properties much."

"That's great!" Shen Ying nodded and smiled.

Taking out a porcelain bottle from her sleeve, Liu Qingyan raised her hand and poured the medicinal herbs into the bottle one by one, and then handed the porcelain bottle to Lu Zheng.

Lu Zheng took the porcelain bottle, and then sensed that there were five small vortexes in the front yard, trying to absorb the discrete medicinal power that permeated the manor.

And these discrete medicinal powers are not as good as one-tenth of the medicinal power of a medicinal pill.

so pitiful...

Turning his eyes, Lu Zheng said with a smile, "Actually, we don't have much demand for medicinal pills, it's just about to pick the green festival, why don't we invite some friends to gather in Taohuazhuang, have a small gathering, and hold a pill tasting conference how?"

Lu Zheng's voice just came out~www.readwn.com~ The rhythm of the front yard's inhalation was interrupted.

"No, no, my sisters don't get paid without merit, how can I receive such a panacea in vain." Hua Yixing's voice came.

The voice fell, and the five women who knew that Lu Zheng and Liu Qingyan had finished alchemy had already moved from the front yard to the back yard.

Liu Qingyan got up with a smile, and grabbed Hu Cainiang who came to support her, "Sisters don't have to be so outspoken."

"This is not an outsider, no matter how good friends are, you can't give away this kind of magic pill for nothing." Hua Yixing insisted, and Lin Jinger's four daughters nodded.

Lu Zheng said with a smile, "This time, Qingyan and I got an alchemy technique, and I invited friends to celebrate together. Everyone is a supporter. What does it mean to get an elixir?"


"Even if this matter is settled, the time will be set on the day of the Qingqing Festival, and the location will be in the Peach Blossom Forest, and a few of you will definitely join us!"

Hua Yixing and the girls looked at each other in dismay, and finally had to bow their hands and thank them.

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