
The blackout in the middle of the night didn't wake up many residents. Compared with the busy guard on duty, yipinju still seemed quiet and comfortable, but it was a little less decorated with lights.

Among the buildings of yipinju, only the windows on the eighth floor are faintly shining, which is somewhat prominent in the dark night. It's just that it's still a first-class residence, and few people will pay attention to the light in the window.

Ye Xiaogu didn't know how long he had been asleep, but he still sat on the ground, just tilted his head, and his mouth was a little bloody, but his Taoist robe was not damaged at all.

It's a little different from the dark and anxious four or five meters around Ye Xiao.

The arc on ye Xiaogu seems to disperse gradually, only one or two arcs jump from time to time.

When ye Xiaogu woke up, his shoulder and back were slightly sore. When he opened his eyes, he felt a little dazzling. It was already bright outside the window. It seemed to be noon.

"......." ye Xiaogu sighed and looked around casually, but he was silent for a moment.

The sofa that burned half all around, or the tea table that was still smoking, vaguely remained the momentum of last night.

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly, then stretched out his left hand and looked at the silver thread on his arm.

Ye Xiaogu originally thought that what he saw in Yuan body, Lei Yin should be integrated into his yuan body context with his breath. Unexpectedly, at the moment, the silver line still seems to be just a little dimmer.

"Do you want to lead refining day and night?" ye Xiaogu thought for a moment, then slightly closed his eyes and felt the silver strength in his yuan body.

Ye Xiaogu was attracted by his mind, and a thunder light the size of a pea was slowly gathered in his hand. It was just a thunderbolt. Only the light and shadow were different. This time, it seemed that there were more faint arcs, and there was a sense of rising potential.

Ye xiaoguben wanted to see the lightning ball in his hand, but there was a knock at the door outside the room.

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly, turned his back to cover the thunder in his hand, and slowly approached the door.

But the door opened slowly before we approached. Seeing this, ye Xiaogu's footsteps slowed down, and he wanted to gather thunder light on his hand.

"Mr. Ye?"

Behind the door, the visitor came in a suit and a black umbrella.


Ye Xiaogu's hand moves slowly, but he doesn't make a move. He just looks at it silently.

Silently, he looked at the room as if nothing had happened. His eyes skipped ye Xiaogu and looked at the charred sofa coffee table in the distance, "it's not small, Mr. Ye, did you do it?"

"......." ye Xiaogu frowned slightly. He wanted to admit it directly, but he dodged, "no, I just came."


Silently and simply replied. I didn't know how much I believed it. Then I looked at ye Xiaogu and said, "our young lady was suddenly injured yesterday and came back today. I took the time to escort her."

"......." ye Xiaogu didn't answer, just looked behind him.

Silently, Liu Shengyan turned aside. Liu Shengyan was still wearing yesterday's suit. At the moment, he looked at ye Xiaogu and said nothing for a moment.

"Do you two know each other? I'll take a look at this room first and you'll talk first." the silent words were much more casual. He walked to a room, directly opened the door and went in, leaving ye Xiaogu and Liu Shengyan in the living room.

"......." ye Xiaogu didn't speak when he saw Liu Shengyan. He wanted to go straight. After all, if he found out something silently, he would ask a few more questions. I'm afraid ye Xiaogu really couldn't answer.

But Liu Shengyan's sudden return gives ye Xiaogu an opportunity. Although ye Xiaogu has left some clues to refine Lei Yin in his hand, it takes too long to say if he really waits for ten days and a half months.

If you wait for decades, it is estimated that when bao'er appears again, he will come with his son and call his uncle.

Ye Xiaogu didn't want to go for a moment, and he didn't leave silently. It's hard to ask what. It's embarrassing to stand in the room now.

Liu Shengyan stood in front of the door and looked at ye Xiaogu. He felt inexplicable and strange.

Ye Xiaogu, who is used to the cover of his disorderly hair and full of ruffian Qi, is unavoidably strange to see him wearing a Taoist robe. At the moment, ye Xiaogu is less ruffian and more inexplicably clean and handsome.

But ye Xiaogu's eyes are still so simple that people can see through what he asks and reads at a glance. Like a child, he stands in front of you, just begging for candy, but there is no souvenir for the person who gives candy.

Liu Shengyan felt an inexplicable pain when he saw this place, but he opened his mouth and called out silence. He pointed to ye Xiaogu and said, "Mr. Ye wants to know where his wife has gone. Does it have anything to do with our Liu family?"

Between the words, he was silent and lost, but ye Xiaogu in the distance was suddenly surprised. He was surprised to see Liu Shengyan for a moment.

Ye Xiaogu doesn't know whether Liu Shengyan is really so ignorant and fearless, but he is shocked by Ye Xiaogu.

Although silent had a few affinity with himself, as the Minister of the Liu family, it was like what Chen Yao said, even if he suddenly burst up and killed ye Xiaogu directly. Ye Xiaogu doesn't feel any strange.

As a fox demon, bao'er is known by all families, but it is also related to the timing of the magic array under Liu Jiabu. At present, if there is any secret, I'm afraid ye Xiaogu is really hard to get away.

Unexpectedly silent, listening to Liu Shengyan's words, he looked at ye Xiaogu and then frowned, "who are you talking about?"

Ye Xiaogu's heart moved, but it was not easy to entangle. Now he turned and looked out of the window and said: "... Eh, there is a sun today?"

Silently, he frowned slightly. He didn't have any good words to say about ye Xiaogu's poor acting skills. "I can't tell you this time. Although I'm a minister of the Liu family, I'm just a minister after all. It's not my turn to be involved in the major events of your family."

Leaf small alone form a slow, but turned around, "thank you for your honesty."

"I can't be honest. After all, I'm not qualified to know these things." between the words, I looked at Liu Shengyan silently. For a moment, my heart moved faintly. I took the initiative to ask for resignation, "I think there should be no problem here, miss?"

Liu Shengyan's face was indifferent, but he waved his hand and said nothing.

The corner of silent mouth raised slightly, took off the black hat on his head and saluted. He didn't look at ye Xiaogu, but he left straight away.

Ye Xiaogu didn't really think he was silent and didn't find anything. Not to mention the bathtub that Chen Yao had soaked, it was the charred sofa coffee table, which also had some traces.

For people like silent, if they really want to find any traces, they will have some clues in the end.

But now, Liu Shengyan looked at it with a cold face and turned away. It's just that silence should have sensed something from Liu Shengyan's attitude. Maybe you have guessed that ye Xiaogu hurt Liu Shengyan.

The next road is hard for ye Xiaogu.

"......." as soon as he left silently, ye Xiaogu was slightly relaxed. He felt a little thirsty and wanted to take a cup of water.

Liu Shengyan looked at ye Xiaogu's actions, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "ye Xiaogu, don't you have anything to say to me?"

Ye Xiaogu took the water cup for a moment, then stared at the water flow, "... I accidentally broke your sofa coffee table. I have a chance to repair it for you. I can't buy you a set."

Liu Shengyan frowned and looked at ye Xiaogu's back. For a moment, he didn't know what to say. Just hesitated again and again, he didn't give up, and asked, "do you really have nothing to say to me?"

Ye Xiaogu was thinking about how to reply, and some hot water suddenly appeared in the water cup in his hand. Ye Xiaogu breathed out and hurriedly put down the water cup. Then he seemed to think of something. He said solemnly: "I took some dishes from the refrigerator... The water in the bathtub in the water washing room is not for me, but for your sister Yao."

Between the words, ye Xiaogu looked determined and described it bit by bit, which should be in line with Miss Liu's temper.

But between the words, ye Xiaogu heard Liu Shengyan's voice, "you hurt me... Even almost killed me. Do you have any apology or worry about all this?"

"Can't I compare with the broken tea table and the vegetables in the fridge?"

The words fell, but Liu Shengyan threw the door with tears in his eyes.

With the sound of the door, ye Xiaogu took a glass of water in his hand and took a sip of it. His eyebrows were more than plain, but he didn't have time to take a second sip. The cup in my hand still fell to the ground. Although I didn't feel it in my heart, my body still felt the hot water in the cup.

Just like ye Xiaogu at the moment.

Ye Xiaogu is not hard hearted. He is facing long-term business with Liu Shengyan and has seen the old man in Maoshan. Although he felt a little tricky and wanted to get away, at the last farewell, Liu Shengyan held ye Xiaogu from behind, and ye Xiaogu was not completely unconscious.

But different from what Liu Shengyan thought, ye Xiaogu didn't have no feeling, but felt too deep and sharp.

In ye Xiaogu's opinion, Liu Shengyan probably just hasn't seen such an accident, so he will have some favor for himself. But this feeling is not love or even like. It's just a helpless desire for help.

The more familiar Liu Shengyan is, the more certain ye Xiaogu is. Although the Liu family has a bright and big industry of Ocean Group, Liu Shengyan seems to be a little rusty, whether it is silent, Chen Yao, or even several powerful people of Changyuan commerce and trade.

I think the Liu family leader really doesn't have the idea of involving Liu Shengyan in this. However, as the eldest lady of the Liu family, she must also try her best to prove herself and enter this circle.

But it doesn't seem to have achieved much. In this way, maybe my heart is more eager for some points.

Ye Xiaogu's appearance brought Liu Shengyan to meet the long-term business talents. Perhaps it gave Liu Shengyan the illusion of being close to that circle, which also deepened his dependence on ye Xiaogu.

Although ye Xiaogu has always said that he is handsome and amazing, it is still difficult to say that he can haunt the eldest lady of the Liu family in a few months.

Liu Shengyan doesn't understand, but ye Xiaogu is very clear.

Liu Shengyan is looking forward to ye Xiaogu's concern, but he is also looking forward to entering the circle he has been looking forward to.

"... if you are so beautiful, don't look so passionate." ye Xiaogu couldn't help smiling bitterly for a moment, "what if you have feelings..."

In the room, it was quiet and deserted for a moment. Ye Xiaogu thought about it, looked out of the window and decided to go home first.

It is said to go home, but live in the same house, but it is only the difference between the 23rd floor and the 8th floor.

Back home, ye Xiaogu inevitably frowned. The layout and furnishings in the room always made ye Xiaogu think of bao'er and two little girls. For a moment, he couldn't help sighing softly.

Then he looked at the Lei Yin in his hand. For a moment, he wanted to sit on the site and continue refining the Lei Yin, but when he thought of the momentum of refining the Lei Yin, he was still worried about burning the furniture that bao'er liked very much.

But it's really difficult to find a place in the center of the city where there are no people.

"... Wangcheng international." when ye Xiaogu thought about it, he inexplicably thought of the old high-rise building in Nanshi. At the moment, I searched at home to see if there were fragmentary corner tickets.

However, it seems that I am in a tight situation on weekdays, and there is no surplus food for the moment.

After reading, ye Xiaogu looked at bao'er's room and went in to look for it carefully.

Ye Xiaogu doesn't often come in this room in ordinary days. At first, he just looked around to see if there were any notes. Most of them are looking for big cabinets. At the moment, I turn over the mattresses and pillows, but I have a lot of harvest.

"...... No." ye Xiaogu casually took out several stacks of red notes in the pillow. For a moment, he remembered bao'er's bitter cry about daily necessities.

Just thinking of these interesting things in the past, ye Xiaogu was suddenly dark in his heart. Then he simply took out a few, but turned and left.

Beyond words, this has not changed in the least.

Ye Xiaogu took the money and closed the Yiying water and electricity valve at home. He closed the window and closed the curtains. For a moment, it seemed that this once warm place was inexplicably deserted.

Before leaving, ye xiaoguyou left a note on the refrigerator, but he also regretted about bao'er.

After cleaning up, ye Xiaogu took a deep look at the room, but closed the door and left straight away.

Ye Xiaogu went to the supermarket to buy some bread, mineral water and a bear cushion. Wearing a black Taoist robe seems a little abrupt in the supermarket.

After finishing for several hours, it was almost evening when Wangcheng international came.

Looking at the familiar uncompleted residential buildings, ye Xiaogu couldn't help sighing. If Chen Yao had known it was Chen Yao, I was afraid ye Xiaogu would not have come. If ye Xiaogu doesn't come, Nanliang won't provoke Nanjia's old man and get angry with bao'er

Such a variety, at the moment, I don't want to avoid some exclamation in my heart.

Just looking at his arm, ye Xiaogu was sure, "there is still a chance to save... Baby, waiting for me."

Ye Xiaogu said to himself to cheer up, but when he was carrying this big bag of bread and mineral water, he had to climb the twenty or thirty floors, his momentum suddenly dissipated.

When he collapsed in the stairwell, ye Xiaogu almost wanted to go home, but it was just a joke.

It's just that ye Xiaogu really bought a lot of bread and mineral water. It seems a little difficult at the moment.

Although he was a little tired, ye Xiaogu climbed three steps and rested three steps. Finally, he moved a lot of things to the 30th floor after midnight.

Ye Xiaogu looked at the floor sign. It was almost the same. After all, this is a uncompleted residential building. Ye Xiaogu just wants to find a clean place.

Ye Xiaogu gasped and held the wall. His legs and feet softened for a moment. Unconsciously, he didn't eat anything this day.

"Go in and have some bread to make do with it." ye Xiaogu gasped and sighed, "... If only there were meat to eat, barbecue would be the best, preferably kebabs..."

Between these simple thoughts, ye Xiaogu faintly smelled the aroma of barbecue. At that moment, he almost put down his pocket with bread and mineral water in his hand and sat down on the ground, thinking that he was too tired and hallucinating.

Just barely walked into this floor, still slightly frowned.

It is still a familiar flat layer, but there is a faint fire in the distance at the moment.

Before the fire, a strong man was holding a string of barbecued meat, roasting a string of meat by a paint bucket, which was full of burnt wood charcoal fires. Although the big man is strong and strong, the kebab in his hand also looks small.

But the big man looked focused, but he was still roasted with fragrance and flavor.

Ye Xiaogu slowly put down his pocket. For a moment, he approached slowly and asked, "who are you?"

"I also want to ask you this sentence." ye Xiaogu walked slightly. Although he asked, the strong man didn't look up. At the moment, he answered faintly.

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly and didn't answer for a moment.

The strong man was surrounded only by the charcoal fire and the kebab, which seemed abrupt in the deserted uncompleted residential building of Wangcheng international. Ye Xiaogu naturally doesn't think that this strong man is just a kind of tramp who has nothing to do with breaking in. At least few tramps have such a mood and roast meat.

"Outsiders are not allowed here. If you don't go again, I'll be very polite."

Ye xiaoguben wanted to see the movement again. Unexpectedly, the strong man directly ordered him to leave. Although the words are simple and the tone is peaceful, I don't know whether the night wind is blowing slightly or what. Ye Xiaogu is inexplicably cold in his heart.

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