On the South Bank of Cuiliu, Ren Hanxiang's villa.

Bai Feifei was more or less calm at the moment, but she still pulled Ren Hanxiang's arm, but she didn't see any action, just her tearful eyes.

Ye Xiaogu didn't explain. He said it was a trick. He wanted Bai Feifei to be quiet.

The night outside the window gradually rises, and it seems that it is inexplicably cold. In the living room, ye Xiaogu alone sits on the sofa heartlessly, but it seems that Ren Hanxiang and Bai Feifei are somewhat down-to-earth.

Ye Xiaogu thought about the ghost card. He sat on the sofa alone, holding his face with one hand, and didn't get up to turn on the light.

Seeing Ren Hanxiang's appearance, Bai Feifei also sat on the ground for a while and didn't get up for a long time. She even forgot to quarrel with ye Xiaogu.

As the night rose, the room looked a little dark.

Ye Xiaogu slowly closed his eyes and sat like this. Unexpectedly, he was very hypnotic.

Just when ye Xiaogu closed his eyes and took a nap. There was also a sound of flute outside the villa. Bai Feifei suddenly became much more energetic, but she gently put down Ren Hanxiang's hand, walked quickly to ye Xiaogu, and suddenly pressed it according to ye Xiaogu.

Ye Xiaogu was half asleep and half awake with his head in his hand. When Bai Feifei pressed down, ye Xiaogu suddenly fell on the sofa and woke up most of the time.

"Whose friend is this?! I've never seen anyone like you." Bai Feifei looked at ye Xiaogu's sleepy eyes, and a nameless fire burned in her heart. She wanted to slap ye Xiaogu again.

Ye Xiaogu stretched out his hand and barely blocked it. Yawning, he looked at Ren Hanxiang in the distance and asked, "haven't you woke up yet?"

"How can you wake up when you're like this?!" Bai Feifei doesn't release her anger, but she opens ye Xiaogu's hand and wants to slap ye Xiaogu.

Ye Xiaogu didn't care about Bai Feifei. He just stopped her and looked at Ren Hanxiang lying on the ground in the distance. For a moment, his heart moved slightly.

Bai Feifei looked at ye Xiaogu, but took the opportunity to pull ye Xiaogu's hand away. Bai Feifei wanted to pat ye Xiaogu on the head, but as soon as ye Xiaogu turned his face, he hit him directly in the face.


This sound was also crisp. Not only ye Xiaogu, but also Bai Feifei was stunned.

Ye Xiaogu looked at Bai Feifei's tied hands and feet, got up and crossed with Bai Feifei, but whispered in Bai Feifei's ear, "I'll clean you up later."

Bai Feifei was stunned for a moment.

Ye Xiaogu walks to Ren Hanxiang and takes a look.

The blood on Ren Hanxiang's hand has long stopped, and there seems to be no trauma. Although such blood loss may pass out, it won't completely lose consciousness like this.

"......." ye Xiaogu felt a slight abnormality in his heart. He reached down Ren Hanxiang's hands and feet, touched his waist and abdomen, and called Bai Feifei, "go and call the doctor in."

Bai Feifei listens to ye Xiaogu's words, and the whistle outside the window seems to be approaching. At the moment, she quickly walks out of the living room.

Ren Hanxiang is wearing a pajama. Although it is about to fall, the pajama Ren Hanxiang is wearing is still summer style, light and silky. There is no obstacle to start, and ye Xiaogu has a lot of trouble.

"There are no injuries in legs, feet, waist and abdomen... Have you been drugged?" ye Xiaogu simply touched it, but he didn't feel any hidden injuries. "I can only go to the hospital first."

This amount of bleeding and wound shouldn't have made Ren Hanxiang unconscious. At first, ye Xiaogu only thought that Ren Hanxiang was in a coma for a while. Unexpectedly, he didn't seem to recover consciousness after so long. At the moment, I also have some worries in my heart.

Ye Xiaogu took a simple look. It was only a while before Bai Feifei came in with the doctor.

Ye Xiaogu naturally gets up and gets out of the way. The doctor and Bai Feifei toss and turn, but they soon carry Ren Hanxiang out on a stretcher.

Ye Xiaogu stood by himself, but he didn't even have a hand. For a moment, Bai Feifei was inexplicably angry. He went straight to the ambulance with Ren Hanxiang, but he didn't say a word.

The long tailed squirrel on Bai Feifei's shoulder jumped up and down for a long time. He looked at ye Xiaogu and Bai Feifei. It was a little embarrassed for a moment.

Bai Feifei looked at the long tailed squirrel still in the living room, frowned and drank softly, "cat cat! Come here quickly!"

Ye Xiaogu also waved and turned his back to the long tailed squirrel.

The long tailed squirrel looked at ye Xiaogu and Ren Hanxiang. He jumped to Bai Feifei several times, but went to the hospital with Bai Feifei and Ren Hanxiang.

When the crowd dispersed, ye Xiaogu was left alone in the villa.

Ye Xiaogu moved his shoulders and neck, went to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, took out a bottle of yogurt, took a sip, and went straight back to the living room sofa to sit down.

Ye Xiaogu didn't turn on the light either. As the night grew darker, Bai Feifei was less, but it was much colder.

Ye Xiaogu himself drank yogurt from time to time, but he didn't seem to be nervous.

Will anyone like the night? Scientifically speaking, people are instinctively resistant to darkness, because it will cause sensory retardation, which will be somewhat harmful in the face of raids by predators in the dark.

Ye Xiaogu doesn't know when he suddenly got used to such darkness. The darker it is, the more calm he feels, and there is some inexplicable agitation.

In the dark, I don't know how long it took, but the door slowly opened, and the footsteps were very heavy, and came towards the living room.

The visitor seemed to find ye Xiaogu sitting on the sofa. For a moment, his footsteps slowed down. It seemed that he was in a dilemma.

"Come out so late to earn extra pieces?" ye Xiaogu said casually, drank the last bit of yogurt in his hand, shook it and put it on the tea table.

People in the dark hesitated slightly, and didn't know whether they should answer.

"The switch is on your right hand side. You can turn on the light if you are not used to being so dark." ye Xiaogu said, got up slowly and pushed the tea table beside the sofa towards the corner.

The man in the dark hesitated slightly. Only a moment later, he turned on the light and asked, "Why are you me?"

Between words, this person is very strong and handsome, and is clearly not a quick hand at the unfinished Kwai Tung building in Wangcheng.

Ye Xiaogu looked calm, but his eyebrows still couldn't help picking, "I don't know it's you. If I know it's you, I guess I won't wait."

Kwai Chuk laughed when he heard this.

Ye Xiaogu's ragged Taoist robe seems to be much more broken than that of Wangcheng international at the beginning, and even faintly bloody.

Where is the ghost card? Kwai pressed the finger, but it was a crackling sound.

Ye Xiaogu glanced and sighed in his heart, "it's really not you... It seems that it's really hard to please today."

Although the fast hand did not know what Ye Xiaogu meant, his task was to get the ghost card, but he did not ask much. He looked at the leaf Kwai and said, "I count three, give me the devil's head card."

Ye Xiaogu's mouth was slightly raised, but he couldn't help stretching and yawning.

Imperceptibly, this yawn was so smooth that it was a quick Kwai and some yawns.

"Someone took the ghost card first. You're a step slower." ye Xiaogu glanced and said faintly.

Hearing the words of Ye Kwai Gu, the quick hand did not reply, but slowly clenched his fists and gazed at the leaf.

Ye Xiaogu slightly raised his eyebrows and said in his heart, "that's why I don't want to meet such people... What's the matter with the thugs who contribute."

Ye Xiaogu's look at fiercely as a tiger does not look at Kwai's eyes. Just then, a voice came out of the window, "so you know where the ghost card is?"

Ye Xiaogu's ears moved slightly. The voice of the visitor seemed very familiar. At present, he turned sideways and looked at the visitor.

I don't know when the visitor stood in front of the French window, with a smile on his face, wearing a black coat, a black hat and a black umbrella in his hand --- Liu Jiachen, silent.

"I've been a little strange for a long time. It seems that you really have a talent for painting, and you are so proficient in arrays." seeing the silence, the stone hanging in ye Xiaogu's heart dissipated a lot in an instant.

Silent, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, looked at ye Xiaogu and said faintly, "it's just a small plan of carving insects. The trick of eating is nothing."

Ye Xiaogu didn't chat with him, so he asked, "do you want that ghost card so much?"

"A pair of, missing one and a half, and not playing poker, is very difficult." silent corners of the mouth smile, but it is imperative in the words.

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly. For a moment, he didn't ask why he went to Ren Hanxiang's house to make such a ghost card. After all, ye Xiaogu can still stand here and breathe, not because he has any ability, but because he wants to keep his breath silently.

"He is a man, wearing a red sweater... Night running Sweatshirt... In his twenties, a young man who likes sports... Can fly." in the end, ye Xiaogu couldn't say it.

But at present, he can only try his best to make it clear and just ask for help to find the ghost card silently. After all, ye Xiaogu is not on the table even when talking with him silently. He just looks up.

"... you are very interesting, Mr. Ye." silently listening to ye Xiaogu finish, he thought for a while and said to ye Xiaogu with a smile.

"Really? Generally speaking, they are all women." ye Xiaogu nodded calmly.

"By the way, there's another thing today..." ye Xiaogu said, silent, just smiled. After a moment, he seemed to think of something, but his face suddenly realized.

Ye Xiaogu quietly raised his eyebrows, looked at it silently, and didn't speak for a moment.

"... the incident of miss... Was a bit Kwai......" silent simple sentence, words are not completed, ye little orphan is running away, directly toward the side of the fast hand side rushed past.

Seeing this silently, the smile on his face was more obvious. He said faintly, "break a leg, keep your hand, and come again next time."

Ye Xiaogu was already exhausted, but only when he heard the silent order, he hurried to catch up. But he was just sitting on the ground. The fierce elbow was on the back of the leaf. Then he suddenly sat on the Kwai's back.

Ye Xiaogu listened to the crack of Kwai's back, but was directly pushed to the ground by the fast hand. Then he felt that his right leg was pulled straight up.

"... it's true to lie in the trough." ye Xiaogu whispered in his heart. I don't know why there was a smile on his face, but with a crisp sound, he still closed his mouth and hummed fiercely.

"... the old man said that the inheritance of the Liu family has been broken since the young lady was born." silent didn't know when she stood in front of Ye Xiao alone, "the Liu family will only be the old man, so I can't help it... In fact, I like you very much."

Ye Xiaogu shouted wildly for a few breaths, and then barely slowed down. He raised his voice slightly towards the corner of his silent mouth and said, "it doesn't matter, professionals, I understand."

Listening to the voice of Kwai yah, but without a voice, she smiled, and then she moved to the door with her hands. "I saved a hand for you today."

Ye Xiaogu's smile was even more obvious. He grinned slightly. It seemed that he thought of something. Instead, he asked loudly, "is there anything wrong with the hostess of this room?"

"There's a little problem. I'll go to the hospital. Don't worry, you have a lot of things on your leg." I didn't look back. I just raised my black umbrella. "Goodbye, Mr. Ye."

When ye Xiaogu heard this, he didn't answer for a moment. His momentum slowed down, but he just lay on the ground, leaving only his strength to breathe.

Silent and Kwai come quickly and walk fast. If ye Xiaogu didn't lie on the ground and pant, they almost thought that silence had never appeared.

Ye Xiaogu didn't know how long he had been lying down. He seemed to straighten out his anger a little, so he rolled slowly around and looked at his legs.

"... it's quite chic." ye Xiaogu looked at his leg that had been twisted for half a circle and said with a smile, but the corners of his mouth jumped unconsciously because it was really painful.

"......." ye Xiaogu frowned, clenched his teeth, reluctantly sat up and touched the bones and joints on his feet. Then he was cruel and turned his calf back directly.

After a sour click, ye Xiaogu took a breath. The sweat on his forehead slowly slipped over the bridge of his nose and said to himself, "it's really not easy..."

In fact, ye Xiaogu hasn't learned any bone setting techniques, but if he doesn't connect the bone back now, he's afraid he'll be lame in the future.

Though the Kwai broke Ye Xiaogu's calf, he left some hands alone, just staggering the joints. But even so, normally without half a year's cultivation, it should be impossible to get out of bed. And this bone dislocation, ligament broken, basically bid farewell to high-intensity exercise.

Ye Xiaogu doesn't have any habit of playing basketball, but now he has to do some high-intensity sports.

"... not yet? Does Chen Yao really use any means?" simply break his legs, and ye Xiaogu pulled up his sleeves impatiently, but the silver thread on his arm still seemed shallow.

"Brother, I can't live without you. Look who I meet every day..." ye Xiaogu looked at the shallow Lei Yin in his hand and couldn't help whispering to himself for a moment.

But after reading a few words so simply, ye Xiaogu couldn't help sighing, "if the prayer is useful, I really should go home and set up a case, light incense and burn candles, and look forward to bao'er's return."

"No, cheer up." ye Xiaogu sighed in his heart and was inevitably frustrated. Just thinking of bao'er, ye Xiaogu slapped himself twice and was barely awake.

"... first call Lei Yin back now, or I'm afraid I won't go far." ye Xiaogu thought a little, and then he thought of his plan. "By the way, I've always planned to refine Lei yin? How much is how much. Isn't this a good time?"

Ye Xiaogu relaxed his breath and calmed his mind.

Although ye Xiaogu's spirit driving ability of his left hand has lost its effectiveness, the Yang Qi in his body is still alive. Ye Xiaogu meditated and concentrated, but he felt a warm current surging in his body in an instant. Then he sank down his mind carefully, and soon split the yuan body into two parts and gradually entered the state of cultivation.

Although he entered the yuan body, ye Xiaogu didn't have much ability to draw Qi into the body. But the mind runs smoothly with the Yang Qi moving from the left hand. First, it vaguely distinguishes the vein outline of the yuan body, and second, it tries to drive the Yang Qi.

But I don't know if it's because this Yang Qi is not refined by Ye Xiaogu's Qi. It's not controlled by Ye Xiaogu at all. It starts to run around between your thoughts.

Seeing this, ye Xiaogu was not eager to force him, but followed him slowly.

However, when ye Xiaogu's mind is smooth, the Yang Qi seems to work harder with ye Xiaogu's attention. From time to time, he touched the periphery of Lei Yin in ye Xiaogu's hand, and Lei Yin in ye Xiaogu's body gradually became clear.

Gradually, electric light flickered around ye Xiaogu, but there was some momentum.


"Now... To the hospital?" from Kwai Liu's south shore, the fast hand followed silent way without saying anything. When he came to the intersection, he could not help but ask.

The silent face showed a trace of ridicule and said, "I said I had to go and have a look. I don't know how many people died this day. Should I save them one by one?"

"And you and I are not the people who should do these things... Children love to make trouble, because they don't know the cruelty of the world." he whispered silently. The black umbrella lit a little on the ground, but the shadow of the black umbrella slowly solidified and separated the shadow as the size of an ordinary panther.

"Go and find out the man Ye Xiaogu said, and then return the ghost card." silent, a simple sentence, the fast hand is Kwai Ying. When he is leaving, he will turn around and ask, "this is not Ye Xiaogu's lie."

Silently, he looked at his Kwai quickly. "He is smarter than you."

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