When the crooked neck street lamp downstairs of Lao Wang's house gradually couldn't see the outline, ye Xiaogu stopped for a moment and looked back. There was a sense of loss in my heart. I was vaguely reluctant to give up Wang Pei.

"... ye Xiaogu, you are a real thing." ye Xiaogu slapped himself in the face with great strength, which woke up most of Ye Xiaofan at once.

At present, Lao Wang has no clue about his affairs, and it is unclear where bao'er has gone.

Ye Xiaogu is still thinking about Wang Pei's charm, which is somewhat out of shape. Bao'er doesn't count, except for his ability. He has been a fox demon for thousands of years. Even if he encounters problems, he has some means to protect himself.

But Lao Wang is not necessarily. The middle-aged old man doesn't use the ball, and the unit body measurement still lags behind the young man in the Bureau by more than half a lap every time. When such people meet the Liu family, ye Xiaogu can't do without worrying.

Even, ye Xiaogu vaguely felt that even if he met the worst result, he might not be sure. When he thought about it, ye Xiaogu frowned and looked a little hasty.

When he came out of the family home where Lao Wang lived, ye xiaoguben wanted to go back to the South Bank of Cuiliu, but suddenly he thought that he had just burned Ren Hanxiang's villa this big night. For a moment, his pace slowed down.

It's already early in the morning. I can't tell two or three o'clock, but it's also contaminated with the cold of midnight. It makes ye Xiaogu tremble slightly.

"... let's go to the hospital first." Bai Feifei and Ren Hanxiang only went to the hospital for a few hours and probably won't come back in the middle of the night. Ye Xiaogu had no clue about Lao Wang for a moment.

Simply, I'd better go to the hospital first to see Ren Hanxiang's situation. It's more or less a breath. In the middle of the night, ye Xiaogu really wanted to find a place to lie down for a while.

I walked all the way from Lao Wang's family yard, but the planning of Nanshi is so strange. When I came out of Lao Wang's house, it was closer to the hospital than from the South Bank of Cuiliu.

The new and old urban areas are just across such a Cuiliu river. It's not far, but it's a big circle.

Ye Xiaogu didn't know whether he had walked for half an hour or an hour. He just felt that the street lamp on his head followed all the way. When he got to the light, he also went to the inpatient department of the hospital.

"Hello, I'd like to ask a patient, Ren Hanxiang, who was sent over at seven or eight o'clock in the evening, what ward he lives in." ye Xiaogu lay on the counter, knocked on the glass and woke up the sleeping nurse on duty.

The nurse didn't seem to be very old. She was in her twenties. She wore a pair of panda eyes. She was somewhat unfit for the night shift, "... Do you know words?"

Ye Xiaogu was slightly stunned, and nodded subconsciously.

"Look for yourself. I forgot my glasses. You're worried because I can't find them for a long time." while talking, the little nurse handed the book to Ye Xiao alone.

Ye Xiaogu smiled and was amused by the little nurse. After flipping through the roster, I quickly found Ren Hanxiang's name. Next to Ren Hanxiang's name, Bai Feifei's signature was also there. The words were good.

"Thank you." ye Xiaogu nodded and didn't bother much. He quickly walked to Ren Hanxiang's ward.

The ward is much more simple this time. I don't know if Bai Feifei has no money. In the middle of the night, Bai Feifei also dozed off in front of Ren Hanxiang's hospital bed.

Ye Xiaogu took a simple look, carefully opened the door, looked at Ren Hanxiang and patted Bai Feifei on the shoulder.

Bai Feifei didn't seem to sleep well. She woke up after just touching it. Looking behind her, she found that it was ye Xiaogu. For a moment, she frowned, "Why are you here now?"

"After watching TV for a while..." ye Xiaogu said simply, his mouth slightly raised, and his face was relaxed and freehand, "is it all right?"

When the words fell, ye Xiaogu touched Ren Hanxiang's forehead, but this hand had not touched Ren Hanxiang, but was directly pushed away by Bai Feifei.

"Go back and watch your TV." Bai Feifei was more or less angry. Although she knew that ye Xiaogu didn't really go to watch TV, ye Xiaogu's casual appearance still made Bai Feifei a little unhappy.

"I'm gone. Who will pay for her medicine?" ye Xiaogu smiled.

Hearing about the medical expenses, Bai Feifei reacted more or less. He looked at ye Xiaogu and asked, "did you bring the money?"

"No." ye Xiaogu smiled, with a natural expression on his face. Inexplicably, it makes Bai Feifei feel a little beaten.

"Then you'd better go back and watch TV." Bai Feifei frowned and said.

Ye Xiaogu nodded and answered softly, "send her to yipinju at dawn. Don't go back to the South Bank of Cuiliu."

"Why? Wait, how do you know you'll be discharged at dawn?" Bai Feifei frowned slightly and looked at ye Xiaogu with some doubts in her eyes.

Ye Xiaogu looked at Bai Feifei's shoulder, turned the topic and said, "where's your long tailed squirrel?"

The words fell, and Bai Feifei didn't answer. A little squirrel's head came out of Bai Feifei's arms.

Ye Xiaogu smiled slightly and said casually, "you are so good to it and let it eat Nai?"

When Bai Feifei heard this, her face turned red, but she got up and kicked ye Xiaogu. However, ye Xiaogu was prescient and stepped back first. "There is some money under the pillow in my bedroom. The password for opening the door is 12071920."

"You don't go home in the middle of the night?" Bai Feifei took back her feet when she heard ye Xiaogu's words.

"You know, I've been working hard for less than 20 years. No, I'll add an extra clock for good business tonight." ye Xiaogu said a simple sentence without saying anything more, but went straight out of the ward.

Only Bai Feifei frowned slightly, not because of Ye Xiaogu's jokes. After the initial panic, Bai Feifei thought of some fine ends, but she didn't seem to want to take Bai Feifei with her.

"Cat cat, look at this little sister, I'll go back." Bai Feifei frowned slightly, and couldn't help walking up for a moment. But Bai Feifei didn't dare to let Ren Hanxiang alone in this ward.

After a simple explanation, the long tailed squirrel in the words obediently drilled out, jumped to the ground, and jumped to Ren Hanxiang.

Bai Feifei took a look, but quickly walked out of the ward. Bai Feifei wanted to ask ye Xiaogu a few questions, but she didn't expect to give a simple explanation. She didn't see anyone when she went out.

However, since they all walked out of the ward, Bai Feifei didn't go back. The night outside the window gradually slowed down. Bai Feifei was also ready to go to the South Bank of Cuiliu. Since ye Xiaogu specially came to inform himself, he was afraid that something might happen to Ren Hanxiang's family.

Bai Feifei was sure and went straight to the distance. At the corner of the corridor, ye Xiaogu slowly poked out his head, but he saw Bai Feifei's back, gently yawned, and then walked to Ren Hanxiang's ward.

Ye Xiaogu didn't really have anything to do. He wandered around in the middle of the night. He didn't have a clue except burning Ren Hanxiang's villa.

But if you really talk nonsense with Bai Feifei here, you might as well go to yipinju to get money for hospitalization. It's just that ye Xiaogu walked more or less in the middle of the night. He's really tired now.

"Really obedient." ye Xiaogu thought of Bai Feifei and couldn't help smiling for a moment.

Although he just took advantage of Bai Feifei's curiosity, ye Xiaogu didn't feel any sense of achievement at the moment. After opening the door of the ward, he looked at the long tailed squirrel. Ye Xiaogu was not surprised and directly reached out and pushed the long tailed squirrel.

"Move a place." in a simple sentence, ye Xiaogu pushed Bai Feifei's long tailed squirrel away directly. He farted and sat on the hospital bed, but he breathed a sigh of relief, "it's really comfortable."

The long tailed squirrel ran out on his own. Ye Xiaogu didn't take a closer look, but he moved his body, but he squeezed it with Ren Hanxiang, barely lying down.

"....." ye Xiaogu looked at Ren Hanxiang's side face with a slightly solemn look.

Ye Xiaogu reached out and touched Ren Hanxiang's forehead. It was normal to start. Although ye Xiaogu didn't know when his left hand's function of dispelling Yin and evil would recover, it was comforting to touch it at the moment.

I used to think that Ren Hanxiang's inexplicable knowledge without eyes was less enchanting. At the moment, it seems that I feel a little relaxed in my heart.

Ye Xiaogu walked more than ten miles in the middle of the night. One leg has just been broken. At the moment, even ordinary people have to take a breath if they walk more than ten miles.

Ye Xiaogu's body is pretty good. Although he has a sore back and is paralyzed, he is more or less tired.

Squeezed into a hospital bed with Ren Hanxiang, ye Xiaogu is barely relaxed, but the hospital bed is not big. Ye Xiaogu is still somewhat embarrassed when he is close to Ren Hanxiang's body.

But ye Xiaogu didn't care too much. He just picked up Ren Hanxiang's injured wrist and looked at it.

Ren Hanxiang's wrist was wrapped with gauze. Ye Xiaogu looked at it and couldn't see anything. But if you really tear up the gauze, it's probably just a rough idea. Even if you see any traces, it doesn't make any sense.

Ye Xiaogu had already made clear the suspect's clue when he appeared in silence and Kwai Fu. Although I can't say how clear it is, I'm afraid even the man's home address has been known to the veteran who wandered around Nanshi like silence.

After all, Nanshi is so big that there are not many people with these skills. They are familiar with each other.

Ye Xiaogu yawned gently and took Ren Hanxiang's hand in his arms, reluctantly sideways and closed his eyes for a few minutes.


During this rest, ye Xiaogu had a good sleep without dreams.

However, in a daze, ye Xiaogu was suddenly pulled by someone and rolled directly to the ground. For a moment, he woke up with a start, "??"

Ye Xiaogu looked at the man blankly and saw a touch of snow white again. Although Bai Feifei was wearing a sick suit, she still wore this beige dress.

I don't know if Bai Feifei thinks this long skirt is safer over the knee, so she doesn't even wear a pair of leggings.

Ye Xiaogu was knocked over by Bai Feifei for no reason these times. He looked at a lot of welfare for no reason.

"Didn't you say you have something to do?" Bai Feifei didn't pay attention to ye Xiaogu for a moment, but pulled ye Xiaogu down, but looked at Ren Hanxiang first.

When ye Xiaogu heard this, he also reacted. He turned his face, got up slowly, and said calmly, "isn't it something for the little rich woman? I can't hide in the wardrobe."

Although he saw welfare, his face was not red and his heart was not jumping. It was basically ye Xiaogu's basic accomplishment.

Bai Feifei frowned slightly and said, "then you ran back and slept with her until dawn?"

Ye Xiaogu nodded very seriously.

Bai Feifei snorted. She had nothing to do with ye Xiaogu for a while. She just said, "I went to your house and now I'll pay the hospitalization fee first... Can you be like a man and have the face to take advantage of a girl who has been hurt so badly?"

Bai Feifei said, looking at ye Xiaogu with disgust, which looked like looking at a piece of fat intestines.

Ye Xiaogu raised his mouth slightly. He didn't mind whether he looked like a fat intestine. He just stretched his waist and breathed slowly, "... Much more comfortable. I really had a good sleep."

When the words fell, ye Xiaogu looked at Ren Hanxiang.

Although it's a wrist injury, it also means a little coma due to excessive blood loss. But it hasn't improved for so long. I think it's not just a simple flesh wound.

When ye Xiaogu saw silence, he begged silence to see Ren Hanxiang, but it seemed that silence didn't come.

But we are all adults, and we know the rules more or less. It's just like the polite words of coming to my house for dinner in the future. It's not good to say that when the whole village comes to his house for dinner, it will take decades to wait.

Although Ren Hanxiang was in such a coma, ye Xiaogu was not worried for a moment. The man cut Ren Hanxiang's wrist between his moves. It was obvious that he wanted to kill him directly, but in the end, there was a line left, which showed that he didn't kill him.

Ye Xiaogu thought about the man's body and action, and felt vaguely familiar for a moment. After all, there are only a few people in Ren Hanxiang's circle who can communicate with ye Xiaogu.

Since this person has some hands, naturally he won't look at Ren Hanxiang's beauty. He should know her. If you think you're beautiful, you're just in a coma. You can't even take off your pants. This man is really inferior to animals. He's as good as ye Xiaogu.

Just think about it carefully now. Since the ghost leader is silent, the person who dazzles Ren Hanxiang is actually good. But not necessarily. It is not uncommon for a dog to bite a dog and eat black.

Ye Xiaogu frowned inexplicably when he read this. After all, if he was really cruel, maybe Ren Hanxiang would have to be unconscious for how long.

A day or two is fine. If it's three or five days, a month or so, I'm afraid ye Xiaogu really has to think about it. After all, not eating or drinking for three or five days is also quite dangerous.

Ye Xiaogu thought briefly in his heart. Bai Feifei paid the hospitalization fee and discharged from the hospital. Simply say hello and let ye Xiaogu walk out of the hospital with Ren Hanxiang.

"... take a taxi." it was already daybreak when I walked out of the hospital. Standing at the door of the hospital, ye Xiaogu held Ren Hanxiang and said.

Bai Feifei glanced at ye Xiaogu and said faintly, "don't you like holding her so much? Just hold her back. Anyway, I walked so far last night."

Hearing this, ye Xiaogu was still surprised, "yes, it's nearly ten miles away. Miss Bai, these legs are good?"

"You try later?" Bai Feifei glanced at ye Xiaogu and said.

Ye Xiaogu smiled and said repeatedly, "no, no, I've been weak since I was a child and can't go far."

"Did you fly to the hospital in the middle of the night?" Bai Feifei said simply and looked at the car on the road.

Ye Xiaogu smiled and didn't answer.

"Yesterday, I passed by the South Bank of Cuiliu and saw Ren Hanxiang's house burning. What's the matter?" Bai Feifei said casually and waved to stop a taxi.

Ye Xiaogu said with a serious face: "I was a little hungry watching TV last night, so I wanted to finish cooking noodles. As a result, I forgot to turn off the fire and burned it directly."

"Come on, you're still here. I'm afraid you have to lie down." Bai Feifei simply opened the door and let ye Xiaogu sit in the back of the taxi.

They got into a taxi and headed for yipinju.

"What's your plan now? Although she's not seriously injured, she can't wake up." Bai Feifei said, and looked at Ren Hanxiang.

In this taxi, Ren Hanxiang was put on his seat. At the moment, he looked ruddy and seemed to just fall asleep.

"You can show me for two days. I'll find a way." ye Xiaogu gently bit his teeth. It's really bad for a moment, so he threw Ren Hanxiang aside.

It's just that Lao Wang and bao'er's business is still hanging, and Ren Hanxiang is added. Even ye Xiaogu is a little stressed.

"That's two days. I have something to do myself. I'm not your nurse." Bai Feifei looked at ye Xiaogu seriously and said.

Ye Xiaogu smiled for a moment, looked at Bai Feifei and said, "even an animal, you are so loving. Now you feel troublesome lying alone?"

Bai Feifei frowned slightly and said, "you don't have to excite me. I have more experience than you."

The smile on ye Xiaogu's face was endless, and Bai Feifei whispered, "are you really so experienced?"

Bai Feifei frowned slightly and didn't answer for a moment. She just nodded seriously.

Ye Xiaogu said with a bad smile: "let's communicate at night..."

The words were not finished, but Bai Feifei suddenly burst up and pulled ye Xiaogu across Ren hanshanla.

"Pay attention to the influence!" the taxi master shouted loudly.

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