Nanshi, railway station.

There are many things that can explain a sad mood.

For example, seeing the autumn day near noon, such as the bus on the road, such as the trees on the side of the road, these things are of course nothing special, but in Bai Feifei's eyes, I feel very sad.

Last night I had an unforgettable heart to heart talk between women. There was no secret, but Bai Feifei at least felt much better.

In Bai Feifei's eyes, Ren Hanxiang is intimate and considerate. She looks as beautiful and mature as her big sister next door.

They said a few words, but they felt more and more unsatisfied. They changed places, strolled the street together, watched movies together, lingered until the early morning, and found a quiet place to drink some wine.

For Bai Feifei, last night was really a very satisfactory night. Ren Hanxiang was also a very considerate person.

But this kind of happiness didn't seem to last long. When Bai Feifei returned to yipinju in the morning and walked into bao'er's bedroom with the help of Ren Hanxiang, she actually faintly resisted.

But vaguely, Bai Feifei also wanted to see ye Xiaogu's reaction. In addition, her head was a little dizzy, so she lay on bao'er's bed.

Ren Hanxiang took off her coat for Bai Feifei. Not long after Bai Feifei was going to sleep, ye Xiaogu came back.

However, ye Xiaogu didn't have a word of concern, and even vaguely assigned himself to a completely strange role. For a moment, Bai Feifei suddenly woke up. When ye Xiaogu came to the bed, Bai Feifei ran out without saying a word.

"What are you running for? I'm not so embarrassed now... I don't have the money to go back." Bai Feifei sighed briefly. For a moment, she didn't realize that her cat was still at ye Xiaogu's house.

While Bai Feifei sighed, she passed a man in a ragged black coat, followed by a man in a red sweater.

Not far away, the man in a black coat stopped, and the man following him stopped. They looked up at the gate of the railway station, but they were silent and Nanbo recruited them.

"See? It's beautiful, isn't it?" he said silently, and his words seemed to turn enemies into friends.

Nanbo Zhao frowned slightly and didn't answer.

Naturally, they didn't mean the railway station gate in Nanshi, but the formation in the dark.

Under the perception of silence and Nanbo move, the bloody lines slowly surge under the railway station in Nanshi.

"It took a long time for the Liu family to prepare this time, and even the array was set up at the beginning of the planning of the railway station." in a silent and simple sentence, I was more or less proud in my eyes. "I have been in the Liu family for 32 years, but I have only handled three of them. Think about how huge the array surrounding Nanshi should be."

Nanbo Zhao had no words, but listened quietly.

After saying a few words silently, he seemed to feel that Nanbo's move was a little careless. Instead, he said, "Nanshi has now fallen into the hands of the Liu family. I'm afraid it won't be good in a few days."

"Now that I have explained ye Xiaogu's situation to you, you can only rely on yourself if you want to fight again. But you can't destroy Nanshi's array." he said silently, but looked at Nanbo's move, "what do you think?"

Nanbo Zhao frowned slightly, but also nodded.

"In addition, as I told you, ye Xiaogu is protected by a world shaking demon. The Zhengyang Leigang in his hand is much stronger than you. If you really want to revenge, you need to practice again." he said silently and looked at Nanbo's move, "I believe you are a smart man."

"Smart people should do smart things." he said silently and looked around. "It's up to you whether you go or not. What you do is up to you."

"Thank you." Nanbo's move, which had not been spoken for a long time, said softly.

Although it is low and inaudible, the silence is a smile, which is quite useful.

Nanbozhao walked slowly to the railway station, but he went straight into the nearby street and disappeared into the silent field of vision.

Silently raised his eyebrows. I don't feel strange about the choice of Nanbo's move.

"What a clever man." he sighed silently. He looked up at Nanbo's move inexplicably.

It's almost inevitable that nanbozhao doesn't want to leave Nanshi. His father Nanyuan died in the hands of Ye Xiaogu. Since he got eight storms, he has no reason to give in. It's just a silent speech, which can be regarded as clarifying the advantages and disadvantages, and also as pressing Nanbo's move.

"What I fear most in this world is not the people who are born smart, but those who seem clumsy but gain wisdom by taking a cut." I silently looked at the railway station in the distance and said, "after all, such people... Have unlimited future."

The confrontation last night was not unexpected.

Nanbozhao accidentally found the array of the Science Park building, but also ran into ye Xiaogu. But on that day, he couldn't even beat a little squirrel with an unknown name and had to run away.

But later, nanbozhao accidentally found the ghost card in Ren Hanxiang's home. On impulse, he almost killed Ren Hanxiang with the wrong hand. Simply, leave your hand immediately at last.

Nanbozhao thought that the Liu family had something to do with ye Xiaogu, so he found silence directly under the urging of the secret method.

Although he directly suppressed the silence, it was a pity that nanbozhao had lost his normal consciousness. He just wanted to get the news of Ye Xiaogu from the Liu family, but he also gave a silent horse.

Silent didn't know that he confronted Nanbo Zhao for several hours, but before dawn, Nanbo Zhao's momentum gradually slowed down, but he fainted directly in front of silent.

Silence has many reasons to kill Nanbo move, but there is only one reason to save Nanbo move, that is love and curiosity.

Like ye Xiaogu, he has been a minister of the Liu family for many years. One of the reasons is that he knows the Liu family's plan.

The Liu family has a big plan and is proud to participate in it. Similarly, silent is also curious about the eight door inheritance of Ye Xiaogu and Nan Bozhao. He is also particularly looking forward to their decisive battle and the final earth shaking gorgeous performance.

To this end, the silent shot helped Nanbo recruit ease his breath, and even planned with him how to kill ye Xiaogu.

Of course, the silent heart naturally knows that ye Xiaogu is fooling around all day. Naturally, there will be no Nanbo move so hard. So I deliberately exaggerated ye Xiaogu's Zhengyang Leigang, so that Nanbo's move would not be really impulsive. I went directly to yipinju to kill ye Xiaogu. Isn't it a pity that it was a good play?

"I'm really looking forward to it... The inheritance of the eight gates, the strength at the beginning of the eight gates and the strongest strength of the eight gates." with a silent smile, I turned and left.

He told Nanbo Zhao about the Liu family's plan. Without such a rash ghost, it's time to continue his own business.

"Hey? Is this?" I didn't take a few steps silently, but I saw a lonely white Feifei on the roadside.

Bai Feifei is wearing a single coat and a pair of slippers under her feet. It doesn't look like an ordinary dress. But silent is not in the mood to care about Bai Feifei. The only thing that makes silent interested is that Bai Feifei may be able to see ye Xiaogu.

"Hello, little girl." silently walked up to Bai Feifei and said kindly.

Bai Feifei was still in a daze for a moment. When she heard the figure frowning, she turned her head, looked at it silently, frowned and said, "are you?"

"My name is silent." the corner of silent mouth raised slightly and smiled. "Go back and Tell ye Xiaogu that the things of the south family are not finished. Nanbo, the son of Nanyuan, will find him in a few days."

"What? What about Nanjia? Who are you?" Bai Feifei felt a little strange for a moment. When she was about to get up and ask, she silently opened the black umbrella, but suddenly disappeared.


Bai Feifei was slightly stunned, but then she frowned, "ye Xiaogu, what are you doing..."


South City, yipinju.

Perhaps it is near noon, but the autumn outside the window is much hotter.

Although the gauze curtain in the room was pulled up, it swayed with the breeze.

Fruit trays, paper towel boxes and water cups were scattered on the floor of the room, which seemed a lot messy for a while.

Ren Hanxiang didn't think that things would become like this. At the moment when ye Xiaogu suddenly got up, his eyes were as black as possible, and Ren Hanxiang couldn't move.

At that moment, ye Xiaogu seemed to be a beast that chose people and ate them, with a violent killing intention on his body.

However, when Ren Hanxiang was in despair, ye Xiaogu seemed to suddenly wake up and turn around, tilted his head and looked at Ren Hanxiang.

At the critical moment, Ren Hanxiang finally reacted and immediately wanted to run away, but he was pushed to the ground by Ye Xiaogu and pressed directly under him.

Ren Hanxiang felt that ye Xiaogu's momentum became less decisive and solemn, but with ye Xiaogu's gradually thick breathing, it became ambiguous.

Ren Hanxiang wanted to shout a few times, but as ye Xiaogu pulled his clothes, he couldn't shout a word, only a low sob and tears from the corners of his eyes.

The feeling of the body is rapid and violent, just like the rainstorm in midsummer suddenly pouring down, drowning everything in an instant.

Ye Xiaogu's rapid breathing, but the ink color in his heart gradually spread. With the Yang Qi in the yuan body, he was pushed away from ye Xiaogu's left hand.

During strenuous exercise, Ren Hanxiang's face flushed slightly, and his body seemed to become inexplicably hot.

While the Yang on ye Xiaogu's body gradually gushed out, ye Xiaogu's body was very abnormal and became cold, and the ink with his heart became deeper and deeper.

The fanaticism and desire in ye Xiaogu's heart were almost lawless and unrestrained. He completely lost his mind, and his actions became more and more violent.

However, when Ren Hanxiang couldn't bear it for a moment, the thunder guide on ye Xiaogu's right arm suddenly flashed, a purple arc surged in a moment, and suddenly jumped to ye Xiaogu's heart, but it scattered the ink color of Ye Xiaogu's heart in a moment.

As the ink color dispersed, the only Yang Qi left in ye Xiaogu's body was also retained.

The desire in his heart gradually dissipated. With the ink color in ye Xiaogu's heart gradually dissipated, ye Xiaogu's eyes gradually recovered their clarity.

"!!!" ye Xiaogu gradually woke up and saw that the scene in front of him changed slightly.

Ren Hanxiang lay on the ground, his hair wet with sweat, and his white neck and side face were flushed faintly.

Ye Xiaogu feels the warmth and softness of Ren Hanxiang's body.

Ye Xiaogu doesn't know what to do next. He just slowly bends down and sticks to Ren Hanxiang's back. He just feels the touch of Ren Hanxiang's body quietly.

Ren Hanxiang seemed to feel something vaguely, but as the heat in his body dissipated, he felt inexplicably tired for a moment, and he didn't even have the strength to play.

Ye Xiaogu feels it quietly. Fish and water are happy in the end. But as the desire in ye Xiaogu's heart dissipated, he also slowly took a breath and got up slowly.

Is it because Ben had such an idea, or why?

Ye Xiaogu looked at Ren Hanxiang's body lying on the ground, but he was silent for a moment.

The desire in that heart is far more serious than ye Xiaogu's imagination, and even is not controlled by Ye Xiaogu at all. He seems to be a pure consciousness, breaking through the shackles of moral and ethical rules, and only pointing out the deepest desire of Ye Xiaogu's heart.

"Desire?" ye Xiaogu felt a little moved in his heart. He wanted to put on the clothes on the ground directly, but the clothes on the ground seemed to be torn and broken, and he couldn't distinguish them for a moment.

In his mind, ye xiaoguben wanted to go straight back to the bedroom, but he didn't count. Ren Hanxiang still lay on the ground.

Ye Xiaogu hesitated for a moment, but he bent down and picked up Ren Hanxiang. He didn't dare to look at Ren Hanxiang for a moment.

Close to him, ye Xiaogu has some reverie in his heart. After all, at the beginning, ye Xiaogu was chaotic and didn't know what had happened.

But just as ye Xiaogu's mind began to read slightly, Ren Hanxiang grabbed ye Xiaogu's hand slowly but firmly.

It doesn't hurt. It's like a kitten's paw scratching gently. But with such a simple grasp, the idea in ye Xiaogu's heart suddenly faded.

Naturally, it's not teasing, it's just hate.

Ren Hanxiang has a good family background. At a young age, she has become a teacher of Nanshi University and has a bright future. There is even a fiance with A6 and a good-looking look.

But ye Xiaogu didn't. when ye Xiaogu left bao'er, his monthly salary was only 1500 yuan. He didn't even have a stable job. What can he do without graduating from high school?

What's more, ye Xiaogu has a treasure in his family who can't tell what the relationship is.

Two people can become daily friends, but they really go through this line, but they don't know what to do for a moment.

Ye Xiaogu puts Ren Hanxiang on bao'er's bed and covers it with a cool quilt. It's hard to avoid seeing Ren Hanxiang's face at this time.

Ren Hanxiang seemed to be still inexplicably sleepy, slightly closed her eyes, her eyelashes trembled slightly, her face was still flushed, and there were some tears in the corners of her eyes.

Ye Xiaoshan just took a look, turned and went to the cabinet and took a suit of clothes with him. Ye xiaoguben doesn't have many clothes. Except for one or two pieces that bao'er occasionally buys to play, there may be only three or two sets of clothes a year.

Removed short sleeves, shorts and torn shirts outside, casual pants. There was only one suit left in ye Xiaogu's wardrobe, which was ordered by Han Xiang at the beginning.

Ye Xiaogu vaguely felt something wrong, but now there was nothing, so he had to make do with his clothes.

Simply put on his trousers, ye Xiaogu didn't put on his shirt for a moment. He just looked for bao'er's clothes.

Although ye Xiaogu doesn't want anyone to wear bao'er's clothes. But at present, ye Xiaogu really let Ren Hanxiang look like this. I'm afraid it's really unreasonable.

The clothes in the wardrobe also seem to meet BoA's consistent appreciation level.

Most of bao'er's clothes are not for wearing. Many times they just look good and buy them casually. But this looks good, but it's not the style of clothes. Maybe it's just a flower and a thick red, which is enough for her to buy.

Apart from the clothes you take with you, most of them in bao'er's wardrobe are such treasures.

Ye Xiaogu turned it over for a long time, but he didn't find anything that could be regarded as normal and barely wear. At present, I had to look at the clothes first, but there was not much surprise when I searched the wardrobe.

It seems that bao'er is really used to taking all kinds of clothes with him, even at home.

Ye Xiaogu turned it over again for a while, but he only turned out a few bikinis.

Ye Xiaogu stretched out his hand to pick the bikini shoulder strap, frowned slightly, didn't even dare to look carefully, and closed the cabinet directly.

Ren Hanxiang has just encountered such an accident. If ye Xiaogu really wears one for her at this time, I'm afraid she'll have to squat at ye Xiaogu's house with a kitchen knife every day.

It's just that if Ren Hanxiang lies down like this, I'm afraid it's also difficult.

In his mind, ye Xiaogu took down a bathrobe and went to the bedside.

There was no hesitation or hesitation. Ye Xiaogu opened the cold quilt directly, picked up Ren Hanxiang and put on her bathrobe.

When ye Xiaogu tied the belt of his bathrobe, he dared to look at Ren Hanxiang.

At the moment, although Ren Hanxiang is still inexplicably tired, his face seems to be peaceful, but he still slightly closes his eyes, but he doesn't wake up.

Ye Xiaogu took a simple look and was about to touch Ren Hanxiang's forehead. Unexpectedly, he suddenly heard the sound of the door.

Bai Feifei thought about many ways to return to yipinju. Ye Xiaogu should beg and explain, but none of them is like this.

Bai Feifei was alone. Without ye Xiaogu's plea and explanation, she returned to yipinju very cheaply.

Bai Feifei felt ashamed when she stood at the door. Just thinking about the suddenly disappeared silence and the look when he mentioned Nanjia, plus his cat and fare, Bai Feifei finally came back so shameless.

Bai Feifei thought she would come back on her own initiative. If she didn't help, Ren Hanxiang should come out to meet her. Unexpectedly, when I walked into the house, there was still an inexplicable smell on the ground.

Bai Feifei frowned and looked at the red bra straps on the ground. In the bedroom, ye xiaogujing came out slowly with her upper body bare.

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