Nanshi, railway station.

Ye Xiaogu doesn't know if every railway station is so busy. There are people returning from a long trip and people who will go.

Although the crowd is not turbulent, it still looks a little smacking, and the air is inexplicably hot and dry.

"Is it hot?" ye Xiaogu asked Qingcheng casually, reached out and pressed on the air conditioner, "I'll turn on an air conditioner..."

Fang Qingcheng looked at ye Xiaogu and said, "are you so sensitive?"

"Yes, I was afraid of heat and cold when I was a child." ye Xiaogu said casually and looked out of the window.

"I'm not talking about the temperature. It's almost winter. How can it be hot enough to turn on the air conditioner." Fang Qingcheng said, stretched out his hand to open the door and went down.

Ye Xiaogu saw Fang Qingcheng get off the bus and went down with him.

The car stopped in front of the railway station. Although there are some people, it is not a holiday in the end. There are not many cars on the road. You can barely stop for a while.

"You mean it's the problem of the array?" ye Xiaogu saw Fang Qingcheng looking at the distant railway station and followed him for a moment.

Fang Qingcheng looked at it and said casually, "do you understand the eight trigrams of yin and Yang?"

"I know a little. I've read books for several months." ye Xiaogu said simply.

"Awesome, I really couldn't read a word after watching it for more than half a year." Fang Qingcheng frowned slightly. "It's really a piece of material if you can read it for a few months."

Ye Xiaogu frowned at Fang Qingcheng and asked, "what's the matter with you?"

"I ask you, what is the orientation of cold making fire?" Fang Qingcheng looked at the railway station in the distance, and his eyebrows thought more deeply.

"Leave the fire to rise in the East, dry in the south, Kun in the north, Southeast." ye Xiaogu casually said and looked at the railway station, but he didn't see anything different.

After ye Xiaogu's yin-yang eyes failed, he could not feel the simple yin-yang momentum, let alone the array that might have been covered up.

"A little level. Do you know the location of the railway station?" Fang Qingcheng said.

Ye Xiaogu was stunned. "I'm not very familiar. I don't usually go out... But this railway station faces south. It should be in the right position."

"No, although this railway station is the main text, it is located in the northwest of Nanshi, and it is in an inverse position." Fang Qingcheng simply said, but he directly took ye Xiaogu to the railway station, "inverse, trapped, born, killed... Eight array four, it seems that it is almost finished."

Ye Xiaogu slightly raised his eyebrows. For a moment, he didn't have any concept. Just as he approached the square in front of the railway station, he vaguely felt the heat waves coming from his feet.

"......" ye Xiaogu's face changed slightly, but Fang Qingcheng didn't look surprised at the moment since he pointed it out.

"Speaking of it, have you ever seen such an array?" Fang Qingcheng looked around and asked casually.

Ye Xiaogu thought for a moment and said, "I've seen it on the stairs of the Science Park building, the uncompleted residential building of Wangcheng international, and on the bullet train back..."

"You can, boy. Apart from this one, we've basically found 7788. Now let's go and have a look at the one on the bullet train." Fang Qingcheng said, walked in front of him and said, "which bullet train?"

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly and didn't follow up for a moment. After hesitating for a while, he said, "we don't have money here. How can we get on the bullet train?"

"Do you care whether others can check the tickets? Which one is it?" Fang Qingcheng smiled and said.

Ye Xiaogu frowned, but he didn't think Fang Qingcheng said about ticket evasion. But suddenly forgot the number of the bullet train back to Nanshi, "... Forgot."

"No, just a few words of praise, you forgot?" Fang Qingcheng was a little discouraged as he slowed down.

"However, I vaguely remember that I said silently that the array was formed around Nanshi and should be a train around Nanshi..." ye Xiaogu said, but he was slow.

Fang Qingcheng looked at ye Xiaogu and said, "what car goes around Nanshi?"

"... it should be on every train." ye Xiaogu frowned and said.

"Every train has it? Do you know what a big road is, and heaven and earth are in one breath, boy?" Fang Qingcheng stopped for a moment.

The so-called "big road is round and heaven and earth are in one breath" is just a general statement. It's like life with two hands, two feet, up and down, five zang organs and six viscera, only one heart can lead to gathering.

Only when Qi circulates can it become an array. This is the difference between the array and the talisman. The array circulates. As long as the array is not broken, it will last for a hundred years. The symbol is different. Although it is written, the Qi condenses in one place and moves as soon as it is led. Although it is strong, it also has a lot of surplus potential.

Since the train is in line, it can't be called array.

Carefully think about what I said silently. It really needs some means to close Nanshi with an array. Not to mention land and water links, it is not difficult to fly now.

If you really want to close the whole South City, it's still a little difficult.

Ye Xiaogu couldn't help thinking about it. Fang Qingcheng couldn't stop looking at ye Xiaogu and meditating. Simply, the railway station is full of people and things, but it doesn't care about Fang Qingcheng's Taoist robe.

"Fang Yuan... Formation... Silent. If you don't lie, how can you form this formation?" ye Xiaogu frowned slightly, but he couldn't get a clue for a moment. "Do you have a map of Nanshi?"

"No." Fang Qingcheng said quickly at this time.

Although there is no map, it is not a big deal whether there is one or not. After all, there are several Bagua positioning, north, South, East and West. I think that's how Fang Qingcheng found out the array in the railway station.

Ye Xiaogu slightly closed his eyes and recalled the line from the railway station, "the science and Technology Park building near the railway station... Wangcheng international, the highest in Nanshi..."

"Can it be interspersed?" ye Xiaogu suddenly moved in his heart and said, "although the trains around Nanshi have different directions, they are also in a hurry and almost uninterrupted. As long as they run according to the train schedule, we must be able to find out the train sequence that can draw a circle."

Fang Qingcheng slightly raised his eyebrows and said, "isn't this a little pompous? In case the train gets stuck on the road one day or is delayed, isn't it over?"

"The train may have problems, but the track will not change..." although Fang Qingcheng said casually, ye Xiaogu felt a move in his heart.

"It's the loop track around the city!!!"

Ye Xiaogu and Fang Qingcheng shouted in unison, but then they looked at each other and smiled.

"You have a lot of brains, just a little less than me." Fang Qingcheng patted ye Xiaogu on the shoulder while talking.

Ye Xiaogu looked at the five big and three thick Qingcheng, but he smiled and didn't say anything.

"Don't say much. Now hurry up and have a look." Fang Qingcheng was very alert and hurried.

Ye Xiaogu nodded and they drove out of the city.

The only difference is rail transit. Relatively speaking, there will be fewer passers-by, and it is not easy to have accidents.

Fang Qingcheng was worried. The laws and regulations were huge. Even newcomers like ye Xiaogu could find a clue, especially for some ghosts in the dark.

I'm afraid those things have found this array, but after the sweep of the Liu family, they still have no strength impact.

But once these ghosts are aware of the Liu family's killing heart, they are afraid that they will rush out even if they fight hard in the end.

At that time, if nothing else, the innocent passengers on the rail link alone will not be able to please.

But what Fang Qingcheng didn't expect was that what he was worried about was faster than expected.


Nanshi, railway station.

A long tailed squirrel jumped onto the counter, which startled the conductor.

"I need a bullet train ticket for the recent trip in Suzhou." a pretty woman said, which made the conductor inevitably look more at it for a while.

But the woman seemed to be in a faint mood. After buying the ticket, she went straight to the waiting room.

Bai Feifei doesn't know why it came to such a bleak end. This lonely situation really makes people feel sad.

Just thinking of the old man, Bai Feifei frowned slightly and whispered, "beast..."

Bai Feifei didn't expect ye Xiaogu to do such a thing. They all say they dare to say they dare not do it. Unexpectedly, ye Xiaogu is so smooth in his mouth and secretly dares to do these things

Think of the mess of the living room, the inexplicable smell and the fragrance of Ren Hanxiang lying in bed. Bai Feifei really wants to go back and ask ye Xiaogu what he has done.

But thinking of Ye Xiaogu's indifference and going out of the bedroom naked, Bai Feifei couldn't help beating the drum in her heart.

"It's more than a beast... It's a beast, hum!" Bai Feifei snorted, almost startling the long tailed squirrel on her shoulder.

While talking, Bai Feifei passed the security check and waited for more than ten minutes, but the train also began to check tickets.

How else can Nanshi be regarded as a port city? After all, it has developed transportation and smooth traffic. In eastern cities such as Suzhou, the bullet trains are also very dense.

Bai Feifei gently shook her head, forced herself to cheer up, followed the flow of people, checked in and got on the bus.

"If only I hadn't been to Nanshi..." Bai Feifei found her seat and sat in the car with a sigh.

Although it's a family affair, Bai Feifei didn't come to deliver it. But bao'er's indifferent stare in the guild hall. Even if Bai Feifei saw it, he felt that it was very beautiful for a moment.

Then he asked his family to do the job. The old man of the white family looked at this, that is, running errands. Although things were unusual, ordinary people were of little use. He thought it was not risky, so he asked Bai Feifei to come.

Bai Feifei also specially wrote down the same location of bao'er's house, together with ye Xiaogu's information.

I didn't expect that under such careful preparation, not to mention the beautiful big fox demon, he was only half dead by Ye Xiaogu.

Bai Feifei thought about ye Xiaogu, with his upper body bare and indifferent face. The more he thought about it, the more an unknown fire arose.

If the train hadn't left, I'm afraid I couldn't help but go back and beat ye Xiaogu.

All kinds of buildings outside the train retreated quickly. Even the mountains in the distance seemed to stay in their eyes for only a few seconds, but everything dissipated so fast that Bai Feifei didn't even have time to say anything.

"....." Bai Feifei suddenly missed Nanshi for some reason, but he snorted when he thought of Ye Xiaogu's indifferent face.

"The beast... Is a mindless thing..."

Bai Feifei doesn't realize that ye Xiaogu is a brainless person. After all, he runs around with himself all the way. But ye Xiaogu did such a bastard thing.

Bai Feifei doesn't know what the relationship between ye Xiaogu and Ren Hanxiang is, but she vaguely feels that ye Xiaogu is a beast.

Just between Bai Feifei's low hum and disdain over and over again, the buildings outside the window seem to disperse slowly, and they have vaguely left the urban area of Nanshi.

"Beast... Deliberately picking on me and driving me away is for my third leg. What a rotten man." Bai Feifei thought so all the way.

The train was smooth. There was nothing to do. Instead, it provided Bai Feifei with a lot of free time to denounce ye Xiaogu's sins.

"Animals... What else do you say about your wife's bedroom? Will a big fox demon like you, an ordinary person? In the end, it's not sleeping with other women?"

Under Bai Feifei's careful thinking, he is clearly organized and justified, up and down, front and back, gradually enriching the view that "ye Xiaogu is an animal".

It's just that Bai Feifei doesn't have to think about some details and improve his point of view, but the speed slows down slowly.

Bai Feifei didn't notice for a moment, but the long tailed little squirrel that had been with him suddenly blew his hair. When he blew his hair, he rubbed Bai Feifei.

"What's the matter? Eat melon seeds? Bah, eat melon seeds!" Bai Feifei didn't calm down for a moment, but the next moment, the lamp flashed suddenly.

"... what's wrong with the car?" Bai Feifei frowned slightly, subconsciously looked out of the window, and then saw that the train seemed to stop.

Just when Bai Feifei was stunned, a burst of screams came.

The people in the carriage more or less reacted and looked at the junction of the carriage. Some had already got up, others turned over and continued to lean on the seat, closed their eyes and went to sleep.

Bai Feifei frowned and got up to look at the connection of the carriage.

But the faint scream seemed to stop suddenly, and there was no more to say.

"... is someone watching a horror movie?" Bai Feifei frowned slightly. She was a little tired standing between the seats and was about to sit back.

But just as Bai Feifei was about to sit down, he felt a breeze, accompanied by an inexplicable smell of blood.

Bai Feifei's complexion changed slightly, but she suddenly flew out without waiting to react!


Flesh and blood flying, in an instant, but suddenly a gust of wind hit.

The gap between the seats in the carriage was not big, but Bai Feifei was stunned, but she had no time to dodge.

Fortunately, the accompanying long tailed squirrel was always on alert. When the wind hit, it suddenly jumped up, accompanied by a gust of wind.

The sickle weasel has no means to protect people. He doesn't care about Bai Feifei for a moment when he is so close.

In the strong wind, Bai Feifei stretched out her hand to protect her head, but she didn't dare to get up for a moment. She just heard faint screams and bursts of wind.

When the wind stopped, Bai Feifei looked at the blood color in the carriage, but her face turned white for a moment, faintly retching.

The wind seemed to spread far away. It was thought that his cat had tangled with that thing to the junction of the carriage.

At the moment, I don't know how the war is going. Although Bai Feifei wanted to stay where she was, she couldn't help but want to escape from the strong smell of blood.

It happened that the car had been cut about a meter and a half by the high wind just now, and Bai Feifei subconsciously ran out of the car.

The air outside the car is much better than inside.

The train seems to have stopped on a bridge, and there is not much space to move. Above is the ring expressway, but there is some distance.

Bai Feifei didn't know where to run for a moment. She had to stay outside the carriage and wait for her cat. She didn't know if she could knock down the monster.

Although it is a sickle weasel and a rare monster in the world, it is still young, and sickle weasel is not a monster to deal with ghosts. If you really face a person, it may be simple, but a ghost without a shadow is actually a big challenge.

Bai Feifei was thinking about the long tailed squirrel. For a moment, she was thinking of enduring nausea and going back to the carriage to have a look.

But just when Bai Feifei wanted to go back to the carriage to have a look, there was a man who slowly climbed out of a half of his body!

Bai Feifei had never seen any blood color. Seeing this half of the man climb out, for a moment, he looked pale, his hands and feet were soft, and sat down on the ground.

The man seems to be really coming towards Bai Feifei. Although he is slow, he is very firm and climbs towards Bai Feifei. There was a long blood color behind him, with some blood foam, organs and intestines, but Bai Feifei was too scared to speak.

"... help me!" just as the half body man slowly climbed to a place only half a meter in front of Bai Feifei. Bai Feifei finally couldn't help shouting with her eyes closed.


It seems that in response to Bai Feifei's call, Bai Feifei suddenly heard a loud noise.

"Cat?" Bai Feifei whispered subconsciously and opened her eyes.

In front of him was a man in a black suit. The black suit was well cut, which set off the man's inexplicable height, and there was a blue arc jumping on his right hand from time to time.

"... ye... Xiaogu?"

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