Nanshi, old city family hospital.

The crooked neck street lamp next to the corridor of the community slowly lit up, emitting a faint yellow light, but also attracted several flying small mosquitoes and flies.

They flew around and seemed very interested in the crooked neck street lamp. Then they couldn't restrain their thirst. They flew up, fell down and never got up again.

Ye Xiaogu looked at the fruit plate on the tea table for a long time. There was a bunch of purple grapes on the fruit plate. The particles were full and the color was gorgeous. It should be very expensive.

Wang Pei tilted his head and looked at Ye Yixi. He asked, "have you figured it out?"

"If you don't think clearly, you can continue to think here. It shouldn't be a big deal for more than ten days."

Wang Pei's simple sentence pulled ye Xiaogu's thoughts back from the purple grape. Ye Xiaogu looked at Wang Pei. For a moment, he really didn't think such a thing would happen.

"You mean the reincarnation of the Heavenly Master is true. Bao'er values the inheritance of the Heavenly Master, not me?"

Ye Xiaogu hesitated for a moment, but he still felt that he could not continue to look at the grapes. He continued to look at the flowers for ten or eight days.

"Do you think you have any ability to make her look up to?" Wang Pei simply stepped on ye Xiaogu's heart.

Ye Xiaogu really wants to find out what advantages he has, such as washing and cooking. He looks handsome. Ye Xiaogu really thinks he has all these conditions. Yes, he has all of them.

But ye Xiaogu also thinks that bao'er really values these things

Ye Xiaogu looked at Wang Pei's confident appearance. It seemed that he wrote "nothing" in his eyes.

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly, hesitated for a moment, and said, "is the kidney easy to calculate?"

"......." Wang Pei looked at ye Xiaogu contemptuously, but did not say anything. He directly reached out to push ye Xiaogu down on the sofa and touched ye Xiaogu's waist.

Wang Pei suddenly stretched out his hand, and ye Xiaogu felt a little nervous at first. After a while, he felt a little itchy.

"No... don't touch it. It's itching." ye Xiaogu said simply. He was trying to reach out to block it. Unexpectedly, he smelled a stench.

This odor is not a feeling of rotten eggs, but a simple disgust, as if it was the feeling of directly drinking a few kilograms of edible oil.

Ye Xiaogu just felt that the smell suddenly came to his nostrils. If Wang Pei hadn't been around, ye Xiaogu would have vomited on the spot.

"Is this what you said about the good kidney?" when ye Xiaogu was covering his mouth and feeling sick, Wang Pei stretched his hand in front of Ye Xiaogu. Wang Pei's hand didn't look slender, but it was just a white hand.

At the moment, it seems that a little ink is dripping on the white little meat hand, which is dyed black in white and distinct.

Ye Xiaogu resisted his nausea and looked at the things in Wang Pei's hand. He frowned slightly, but the nausea was so strong that ye Xiaogu didn't speak for a moment.

Wang Pei seems to know ye Xiaogu's feeling, but the ink in his hand is directly sealed in a red ball of light. With the ink sealed, ye Xiaogu also felt the nausea in his heart suddenly dispersed.

"What is this?"

Ye Xiaogu took a breath and asked.

"It's a good thing for you and a bad thing for her." Wang Pei said simply. It seemed that there was something below. Ye Xiaogu didn't answer for a moment.

Wang Pei saw ye Xiaogu sitting quietly and didn't mean to speak. For a moment, he looked at ye Xiaogu and said, "why don't you ask me what this thing is?"

Ye Xiaogu was slightly stunned and said, "I'm not listening carefully?"

"Oh, that's right." Wang Pei seemed to react, looking at the red ball in his hand for a moment. This inexplicable sentence made ye Xiaogu slightly pick his eyebrows, which meant that he was at a loss.

"This thing means that you let off Yuanyang for the first time, and the harmony of yin and Yang, together with the miscellaneous desires in the body, dissipated, leaving some of this thing." Wang Pei said, looking at ye Xiaogu.

Wang Pei's eyes at ye Xiaogu were not happy or ridiculed, but simply surprised. It seemed that he was quite surprised that ye Xiaogu, a twenty-three man, could do such a thing.

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly, met Wang Pei's eyes and said, "what's your eyes? Isn't it good for a handsome man with integrity?"

"I don't think you have integrity, but it's strange that there will be people who like you besides her." Wang Pei said, as if he thought it was ridiculous and smiled at himself.

Ye Xiaogu frowned and looked at Wang Pei with a smiling face. It was clear that he should be angry, but looking at Wang Pei, he couldn't afford to be half angry... It was really like getting along with bao'er.

"Don't worry about it. I don't worry about it. What do you worry about?" ye Xiaogu frowned and said, "why does this thing make bao'er dislike? Is it because it will affect my Zhengyang Leigang cultivation? Or will it break my Heavenly Master inheritance?"

"Sure enough, you still acquiesced in your heart. She doesn't simply like you, does she?"

"There are really many toads with self-knowledge in this world..." Wang Pei seemed to think of Ye Xiaogu's persistent face, but he smiled happily for a moment.

"And... Who told you that the inheritance of the Heavenly Master should keep Yuanyang? Even your Lei Gang is still Zhengyang Lei Gang as long as it doesn't vent and don't mess before you grow up. In the past, when the heavenly master taught Zhengyang Lei Gang, the youngest was only six years old. Do you think if you follow the theory of Yuanyang, the boy doesn't have this savings and lacks this power?

Wang Pei looked at ye Xiaogu's face more and more ugly, and seemed more happy. "Lei Ben's wind and fire is fierce, and his nature is just fierce. After the inheritor of the Heavenly Master learned Zhengyang Lei Gang, guarding this Yuanyang is not only no good, but for those who are not qualitative enough, they just increase their heart fire, give birth to endless demons and endless disasters."

"But just because the Qi pulse was not smooth at the beginning of the inheritance of the Heavenly Master, Zhengyang Leigang contradicted it. Some Heavenly Master Qi charm will be gradually accumulated in the side branches. These Qi charm will leak out with Yuanyang and spread to others."

"The big fox in your family has been waiting for your Heavenly Master's charm and achievements for more than ten years... Do you make her feel flustered when you say you are comfortable?"

After Wang Pei talked for a long time, ye Xiaogu's face seemed so gloomy that he could have a storm.

Wang Pei seemed to be very satisfied with ye Xiaogu's expression at this time, and his face smiled endlessly. He especially reached out and took the grapes on the tea table and ate them with relish.

"Do you like grapes?" Wang Pei was eating grapes. Unexpectedly, ye Xiaogu suddenly said.

Wang Pei moved slowly and looked at ye Xiaogu. "I thought you really had to shout and shout a few times to calm down. I didn't expect you to have some temperament. Didn't you pretend to be so passionate at the beginning?"

"... do you also want the charm of the Heavenly Master?" ye Xiaogu didn't care about Wang Pei's ridicule, looked at Wang Pei and said.

Fish and water are happy and pass through the image of yin and Yang. Not to mention ghosts and demons, even the world's famous cultivation schools have recorded this double cultivation method, so ye Xiaogu vaguely understands why all monsters who see through their own inheritance of the Heavenly Master will make such jokes.

Now it seems that it's not just a joke, but it's really good for them. It's simple for Chen Yao and Wang Pei. I didn't expect bao'er to be the same... So it seems that demons are demons and people are people after all, so I can't read it all.

"Yes, but for me, you are a little better than the one with the bed. You might as well follow me in the future." Wang Pei looked at ye Xiaogu, but said seriously.

The words came out of Wang Pei's mouth. Ye Xiaogu really had an inexplicable intention in his heart.

Ye Xiaogu frowned, forced himself to cheer up and asked, "it's not surprising that bao'er is a fox demon. Why do you feel this way?"

"Born... It's said that women who look good will have this inexplicable feeling." Wang Pei smiled and looked quite complacent.

Ye Xiaogu said casually, "you're not good-looking."

"Didn't you just praise me for what's so beautiful in heaven and earth?" Wang Pei seemed to be particularly concerned about this.

Ye Xiaogu said faintly, "it's just a joke."

"Say it again now?" Wang Pei frowned and said.

Ye Xiaogu looked at Wang Pei and said plainly, "bao'er is a fox demon. What are you?"

"I'm wang Pei." Wang Pei was looking forward to fighting with ye Xiaogu. Unexpectedly, ye Xiaogu's face became faster.

"Wang Pei is Lao Wang's daughter. We grew up together when we were young. She is not as good-looking as you." ye Xiaogu seemed to praise Wang Pei unconsciously, "The ghost nationality has too much breath and cold nature. You are not a ghost nationality. You should also be a demon... I thought you liked the Golden Jade Pipa so much, but you changed it. I think you should not be this pipa, but a spirit formed from the same kind of musical instrument."

Ye Xiaogu said indifferently. This time, Wang Pei's face changed slightly.

But as soon as ye Xiaogu's voice fell, Wang Pei stretched out his hand to take ye Xiaogu into his arms, knocked ye Xiaogu's head and exclaimed, "you really have a smart little brain. I didn't read you wrong."

Ye Xiaogu could have stretched out his hand and remembered, but he smelled the aroma of Wang Pei and indulged in Wang Pei's arms. It's meaningless to be lax, but he vaguely has inexplicable dependence.

"......." Wang Pei saw ye Xiaogu's hand move slowly in the corner of his eye, but there was a smile on his face.

But Wang Pei's smile didn't disappear, but ye Xiaogu raised his head from Wang Pei's words and looked at Wang Pei with a frown, "I've figured out that everything should have a result. I won't make this decision casually. Although I don't have much ability now, since you ask for my opinions on everything, I must have some strength... Go to bao'er with me. If it's true as you said, I'm willing to follow you. But if she really loves me..."

"If she really loves you, she has really lived in the dog's stomach for thousands of years." Wang Pei listened to ye Xiaogu's positive face. He was still frowning, but he couldn't help laughing at the last.

"Now I want to go back. I won't follow you until the results come out." ye Xiaogu's face flushed slightly. In fact, he was a little self-aware, but Wang Pei's mouth was straight.

"If I have to keep you here, what do you want?" Wang Pei smiled, but his eyes were cold.

Ye Xiaogu was also silent for a moment. Although there was some basis for this inference, after all, Chen Yao seemed to be simply asking questions in the past and didn't force ye Xiaogu to do anything. I think there may be something secret about the inheritance of the Heavenly Master on my body.

But this is only a speculation after all. Apart from others, now Wang peishou is in this room. Although there are doors and windows, ye Xiaogu just can't go out. At present, even if ye Xiaogu really fights with Wang Pei, it is estimated that it is meaningless.

Now the only way is to leave here first, and then find out the reason why Chen Yao and Wang Peidu are polite before the soldiers. It is a serious matter. Otherwise, I'll stay here with Wang Pei all the time. I'm afraid I've really delayed a lot of things.

"... let me go."

Wang Pei stared at ye Xiaogu coldly. Originally, he thought ye Xiaogu was really tough and provoked Lei Yin to fight with him. Unexpectedly, ye Xiaogu bowed his head and begged for mercy.

Wang Pei frowned slightly. For a moment, he was angry and smiled back. He opened his mouth and said, "OK, kneel down."

It is said that there is gold under the man's knee. Wang Pei has not finished this sentence. Ye Xiaogu knelt in front of Wang Pei.

The smile on Wang Pei's face was more obvious, and a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes, "come, *."

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly and looked at the light gray cotton slippers Wang Pei was wearing. For a moment, he really didn't reach out. He just looked up at Wang Pei and said, "isn't your hobby disgusting?"

When Wang Pei heard ye Xiaogu's words, his face turned slightly red for a moment, and he whispered, "isn't this very imposing?"

Ye Xiaogu stood up with a frown and said faintly, "don't make any more noise. It's a waste of time for you and me to continue the stalemate. Before Lao Wang was rescued and bao'er saw it, your words were just one side of yours."

Ye Xiaogu may unconsciously appreciate his stature. Every time when he is in such a stalemate, ye Xiaogu, a tall man in his early eighties, can play a little psychological oppression.

Wang Pei was still sitting on the sofa. Ye Xiaogu suddenly stood up and looked at him condescending. For a moment, it really seemed that Wang Pei was weaker.

But just when ye Xiaogu was secretly proud, Wang Pei kicked ye Xiaogu on the stomach, "speak as you speak. What do you stand up to do?"

Ye Xiaogu tilted his mouth and covered his stomach. It was hard to answer for a moment. He had to sit back on the sofa.

Wang Peidao didn't care about ye Xiaogu sitting on the sofa, but he thought to himself.

What ye Xiaogu said is also true. It may not be much for Wang Pei to continue to stay here, but ye Xiaogu will be restless when he finally waits, and there will inevitably be a scene at that time.

Although it was in ye Xiaogu's body, he didn't give it sincerely, so he had to take it. Maybe he couldn't help but draw water with a bamboo basket.

"... is it a death wish to accompany the toad to see the swan?" Wang Pei looked at ye Xiaogu on the sofa. "It's a pity if the Swan really swallowed it."

"......." ye Xiaogu looked at Wang Pei and looked at himself. For a moment, he subconsciously rubbed his stomach. Wang Pei's sudden kick just now was so powerful that he almost didn't kick ye Xiaogu to his knees.

"... it's really a toad." Wang Pei looked at ye Xiaogu rubbing his stomach. For a moment, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth and show a smile.

"Come on, I'll go with you to see the White Swan... It's not enough to see you stretch out your left face and get a slap. You have to stretch out your right face to meet." Wang Pei said a simple sentence, but there was no action. Ye Xiaogu felt that the surrounding breath seemed to move for it.

Seeing this, ye Xiaogu got up and walked quickly towards the door. When he was about to go out, a red light flashed in front of the door.

"What are you doing?" ye Xiaogu frowned slightly. He really didn't dare to step on his feet for a moment.

"You're so kneeling and begging. When you get out of the door, you slip fast... Bring me a pair of shoes in the shoe cabinet." Wang Pei said faintly as he sat on the sofa.

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly and wanted to try to rush out. However, people are bound to be strong. When people are under the eaves, they always bow their heads, otherwise they will have to hit their heads.

Ye Xiaogu opened the shoe cabinet. He thought it should be three or five pairs of shoes. Unexpectedly, when he opened it, he saw a row of women's shoes with various designs and unequal heels.

Ye Xiaogu frowned, took a pair with him, went to Wang Pei and said, "do you really think this is your home?"

"I can't help it. I'm lonely. It's not like she raised a smart little Haba like you..." between the words, Wang Pei tilted his head and looked at the shoes held by Ye Xiaogu.

These shoes are a pair of black anti fur dress women's shoes with thin heels, bare upper and a tie.

"Can't see you still like this one?" Wang Pei raised his mouth and smiled. When I got up, the light gray cotton slippers under my feet turned into a pair of flat white shoes.

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly and said, "you can take it yourself. Why do you ask me to take it?"

"Smell the fragrance to know women and men. Where do you think you should look?" Wang Pei looked at ye Xiaogu and a smile flashed in his eyes.

"......." ye Xiaogu frowned and looked at Wang Pei, but he didn't answer.

Wang Pei stretched out his hand, touched ye Xiaogu's chest and said softly, "from the heart..."

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