Ye Xiaogu thought Wang Pei was just joking. When he came to the kitchen, he was startled when he looked at a little demon eating porridge in a small stew pot.

The appearance of this little demon seems to be pretty good. It's not big. It's only the size of a dog. It doesn't have claws and teeth. It only has four hooves, black hair, pig body and dog tail. It just keeps its head down and can't see what it looks like when buried in a small stew.

It seems that yesterday's porridge is still in the small stew. Ye xiaoguben wanted to cool down for a while and put it in the refrigerator. Unexpectedly, he rubbed around for a night.

Overnight porridge, although not summer, should not be delicious.

Ye Xiaogu couldn't bear to disturb the little demon for a moment. It's just that such a thing is not serious at home.

"Demon brother?" ye Xiaogu whispered, and then carefully picked up the spatula. This pot shovel is not very useful, but it can show its deterrent power a little.

Monsters are beasts. Ye Xiaogu doesn't have anything in his hand. I don't know if he will be bitten.

Ye Xiaogu's voice fell. For a while, the little demon seemed to have been addicted to the overnight porridge in the small stew, and never looked up to answer.

Ye Xiaogu looked at the little demon and resisted the impulse to rush up for a few times. After waiting for a while, the little demon raised his head and looked at ye Xiaogu.

The little demon was originally very strange, with a pig body and a long tail. This head is even more strange. The bird's beak has a hairy face, and its eyes are black, similar to the goat's head just seen.

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly, thinking of Wang Pei's warning, he didn't come forward for a moment, so he looked at the little demon with a spatula for a while.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" ye Xiaogu and the demon looked at each other for a while. Before they could make a move, they were patted behind them, which scared ye Xiaogu almost lost the spatula.

The little demon beside the little stew pot was also clever for a moment and rushed directly to ye Xiaogu.

Ye Xiaogu didn't have time to look back for a moment. Seeing the little demon rushing over, Lei Yin on his right hand moved. Together with Lei Guang, he planned to shoot it with a pot of shovel.

The thunder light is connected with the pot shovel, which can also be regarded as electric light flashing, with some momentum.

But ye Xiaogu just wanted to shoot it, but he was pulled by Wang Pei. For a moment, the little demon jumped out directly from ye Xiaogu's feet.

"What are you doing?" ye Xiaogu restrained Lei Guang, turned to Wang Pei and said.

Wang Pei looked at the thunder light on ye Xiaogu's right hand and said casually, "it's just a small fruit demon. I haven't even seen blood. Why do you need to go down with such a shovel?"

"......." ye Xiaogu didn't answer Wang Pei's words for a moment.

It's not strange for anyone to say, such as Bai Feifei and Ren Hanxiang, but it's strange for Wang Pei to say this. Although ye Xiaogu didn't see Wang Pei kill or set fire, like Xu Xiaoman, a little Taoist in Maoshan, Wang Pei has been around for many years. I'm afraid the blood in his hand can open a dyeing workshop.

It's a strange thing that such a person comes to stop ye Xiaogu from killing.

"Is there anything precious about that thing?" ye Xiaogu hesitated for a moment and asked.

Wang Pei smiled and turned around and went out. "There's no baby. The big demons and little monsters around here are running for their lives. They don't deliberately break into your house. You can easily kill others. It's a killing industry."

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly and followed Wang Pei out, "do you still believe in Buddhism?"

"Everything has a spirit. It's not that you have to abide by any dogma. If it breaks in, you can just drive it out." Wang Pei sat on the sofa at will and pointed to the little demon on the tea table. "Come on, drive it out."

Ye Xiaogu looked at the little demon who was still in a hurry to run for his life. Now he was eating apples with relish on the tea table. For a moment, he raised his eyebrows.

It's just that this thing is a foreigner after all. It doesn't matter whether ye Xiaogu stays or not. After this wave of monsters and ghosts leave, ye Xiaogu doesn't have a choice whether the Liu family will block the gap for a while.

"Don't use Lei Gang, just grab it with your hand and throw it out from the balcony." Wang Pei sat on the sofa. Although his words were casual, his face was full of interest. It seemed that he was looking forward to ye Xiaogu chasing the little demon with long tail everywhere.

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly. For a moment, he couldn't help looking at Wang Pei. "Can't this thing bite?"

"Don't you see he's afraid of a spatula? He's like a pig. How can he bite?" Wang Pei said faintly, but ye Xiaogu didn't know if he was wrong. He vaguely felt a smile on Wang Pei's face.

It seems to be watching ye Xiaogu staring at himself. Wang Pei took the pillow on the sofa and threw it directly into ye Xiaogu's face. "Go and catch it. Now it won't run around when it eats. Don't run around for a while, you can't catch it."

Ye Xiaogu then hugged the pillow and looked at Wang Pei suspiciously. He was more or less worried.

However, Wang Pei seems to have noticed ye Xiaogu's eyes, but he has a straight face.

Ye Xiaogu hesitated for a while. Seeing that the little demon with the long tail of the pig seemed to be really about to finish the apple on the tea table, he put down his pillow and walked up directly.

Although he had seen it once just now, when ye Xiaogu came to the pig's long tailed demon like this, the pig's long tailed demon really ate apples all the time without looking at ye Xiaogu. He was really greedy.

"....." walking behind the pig's long tailed demon, ye Xiaogu especially looked at Wang Pei on the sofa, but Wang Pei seemed to know that ye Xiaogu would look at himself and put on a serious look early in the morning.

Ye Xiaogu frowned suspiciously. For a moment, he felt a little worried.

But at the last moment, ye Xiaogu still chose to believe Wang Pei and slowly stretched out his hand.

Ye Xiaogu held out his hand and grabbed the little demon with the long tail of the pig. It seemed that his tentacles were really similar to ordinary piglets, and there was no strange feeling. It was not painful or itchy, and it was not soft or hard to touch.

"It seems that... There's no problem." ye Xiaogu tried to touch the little demon, and then the corners of his mouth unconsciously raised a little, more or less happy.

But just when ye Xiaogu thought about Wang Pei's good, the pig's long tailed demon made a deep sound while eating an apple. It was really similar to the pig's cry.

Ye Xiaogu held his hand slightly and subconsciously looked at Wang Pei.

Unexpectedly, Wang Pei turned sideways and wanted to find a pillow to throw it. He didn't see it at this glance. He simply picked up the pillow behind him and threw it to ye Xiaogu.

"Ah, no..." ye Xiaogu looked at Wang Pei holding a pillow about half the size of a man, and he was going to hit himself. For a moment, I didn't have time to think about the amazing strength of the little girl. I just wanted to ask why the little demon with long tail made such a noise.

But Wang Pei seemed too lazy to explain so much. He directly copied the pillow and threw it on ye Xiaogu's face, "mother-in-law, you catch it!"

Ye Xiaogu wanted to reach out first and then hold the pillow. Unexpectedly, before he released his hand, he felt that the free demon with the long tail of the pig suddenly roared. With an incredible angle, he directly turned his head, opened his mouth and swallowed it together with ye Xiaogu and the big pillow.


In the dark, ye Xiaogu grabbed the big pillow and was slightly stunned for a moment, "what happened?!"

Yipin Curie, Wang Pei saw ye Xiaogu swallowed by the pig's long tailed demon. Instead of being surprised, he showed a smile like a conspiracy.

"Mr. Ye, is it comfortable inside?"

Ye Xiaogu was still at a loss. When he heard Wang Pei's voice, he frowned slightly for a moment. Lang said, "is it fun?"

"Fun, great fun."

Wang Pei answered twice, and the smile on his face couldn't stop. Although ye Xiaogu was swallowed into the little demon with the long tail of the pig, it seemed that he could still hear Wang Pei's voice.

As for the pig with a long tail, the little demon slightly closed his eyes and somehow turned into the size of a dog, so he squatted on the tea table and took a nap.

Ye Xiaogu was swallowed by the pig's long tailed demon. It was supposed to stink. He didn't look at things. Unexpectedly, vaguely, the belly of the pig's long tail demon seemed more spacious than expected.

Although ye Xiaogu couldn't see the boundary clearly, he just felt that there seemed to be no obstacles around him in the dark. At present, he tried to find the boundary slowly.

"What have you seen?" when detective ye xiaoguning found the border, Wang Pei didn't think it was too big, especially asked.

Ye Xiaogu frowned and didn't answer for a moment. He just focused on his hand towards the boundary.

Although ye Xiaogu used to have Yin and Yang eyes, he mostly saw some wronged souls, and his family was short. He seldom met such genuine monsters. He didn't know what to do for a moment.

Wang Pei waited outside for a while, but he didn't seem to see ye Xiaogu respond. For a moment, he looked at the monster with a long tail.

In the little demon's belly, ye Xiaogu groped for a while and couldn't find a place for a while. When he was still hesitating whether to ask Wang PEI for help, a huge suction came, and ye Xiaogu was directly pushed and led to the dark.


In his eagerness, ye Xiaogu couldn't help crying out. There was not even something to borrow around. Ye Xiaogu could only hold the big pillow for a moment, but seemed at a loss for a moment.

But the power came and went in a hurry. Ye Xiaogu felt a sudden light in front of him. For a moment, he narrowed his eyes and couldn't see clearly.

"Can't it be a treasure house? If it's really a magic weapon, martial arts and mental skills..."

"What are you doing with a big pillow? Give me a hand."

Ye Xiaogu didn't finish thinking about the objects in the adventure, but he heard Wang Pei's voice.

After waiting for such a while, ye Xiaogu adapted to the light and shadow outside. He opened his eyes and just looked at the little demon's head and put it on the ground so bloody.

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly and looked at Wang Pei squatting aside. It seemed that he was pulling the little demon's body in full swing.

"Didn't you say you didn't kill?" while talking, ye Xiaogu also threw the big pillow on the sofa.

"I'm just playing. Do you really think I don't kill?" while talking, Wang Pei turned and raised his hand, which was very clear and bloody.

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly. For a moment, he really didn't adapt.

"How can I save you if I don't kill it?" Wang Pei said casually, as if he didn't think it meant something.

"Didn't you deliberately let me be swallowed by it?" ye Xiaogu said with a frown.

When Wang Pei heard this, he was stunned for a moment. Then he got up straight and put his hand on ye Xiaogu's face, "take care of it."

Ye Xiaogu frowned and dodged. Although he had escaped Wang Pei's hand, the bloody smell could not be avoided for a moment.

Ye Xiaogu looked at the headless body of the little demon on the ground. Wang Pei seemed to be peeling the fur of the belly of the little demon.

"Go wash yourself first." ye Xiaogu frowned. For a moment, he didn't go in to pick up the fur, but turned to Wang Pei and said.

Wang Pei looked slightly cold, raised his hand, looked at ye Xiaogu and said, "are you afraid? Or something else?"

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly and looked at Wang Pei's hands stained with blood, but his face was calm. For a moment, he felt a sudden chill in his heart.

"Go wash your hands first." ye Xiaogu glanced and put his hand on Wang Pei's shoulder, gently pushing Wang Pei to the bathroom.

But Wang Pei seemed quite stubborn about it, so he stretched out his hands and looked at ye Xiaogu. Although she didn't say anything, her eyes still looked at ye Xiaogu so straight.

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly and looked at Wang Pei's stubborn appearance. There was really no way.

"Tell me, what are you afraid of, the blood, the little demon on the ground, or me?" Wang Pei quietly looked at ye Xiaogu, raised the blood color on his hand and said faintly.

Ye Xiaogu frowned, hesitated, and said, "no, I..."

Before he finished, Wang Pei reached out and touched ye Xiaogu's face twice. For a moment, he turned ye Xiaogu into a big flower face.

Ye Xiaogu lowered his head, turned his mouth, reached out his hand and wiped Wang Pei's hand on his shirt. He said faintly, "I don't want to see your hands covered with blood..."

"......" ye Xiaogu lowered his head. Wang Pei didn't see the expression on ye Xiaogu's face for a moment, but frowned slightly and said, "why? I'm afraid I'll pick you up one day? I'm afraid I'll get up in the middle of the night and eat you?"

Ye Xiaogu carefully wiped Wang Pei's hand and didn't speak for a moment.

Ye Xiaogu rubbed it carefully. The little demon's blood didn't seem as viscous as ordinary animals. After three or two times, it was all dyed on ye Xiaogu's shirt.

Ye Xiaogu simply rubbed and pinched a few times. He casually raised his head and turned his mouth to Wang Pei. He wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything at the moment.

Just approached Wang Pei and put his forehead close to Wang Pei's forehead. Wang Pei wanted to dodge, but he didn't dodge in the end.

Ye Xiaogu approached Wang Pei so close that he could feel each other's breathing, but ye Xiaogu didn't speak. Wang Pei can't feel ye Xiaogu's feelings in the end.

"....." ye Xiaogu smelled the smell of Wang Pei. For a moment, he calmed down inexplicably. After a while, he slowly walked into the washing room.

Wang Pei was left standing where he was, frowning and at a loss.

Ye Xiaogu closes the door and simply washes his hands. The demon's blood seems to be easily absorbed by fabrics such as yarn and cotton, and ye Xiaogu doesn't have much blood on his hands.

Ye Xiaogu simply washed his hands twice, and there was not much blood on his hands. Then he took some water and wiped his face.

The water was very cold. He simply washed his face. Ye Xiaogu also looked in the mirror for a moment.

This feeling is also very strange. Wang Pei may just think that ye Xiaogu is just afraid of her identity as a demon.

But ye Xiaogu is not, even not afraid, but... Longing.

Ye Xiaogu's eyes in the mirror showed some greed and fanaticism. The emotion in his eyes was so hot that ye Xiaogu was afraid for a moment.

Wang Pei may be very sensitive to his identity. He doesn't even realize ye Xiaogu's emotion and slightly trembling hands.

Ye Xiaogu stayed in the bathroom for a while. Wang Pei in the living room also frowned slightly and snorted. Then he walked back to the pig's long tailed demon and then picked it up.

When Wang Pei was busy with his work for most of the day, ye Xiaogu slowly came out of the bathroom.

"What are you doing?" ye Xiaogu asked with a smile.

Wang Pei frowned slightly, raised his hand and looked at ye Xiaogu provocatively.

Originally, Wang Pei thought ye Xiaogu should say a lot of things. Unexpectedly, ye Xiaogu just smiled and seemed to have some meaning of disapproval.

Wang Pei pulled the fur of the little devil's tail, and threw it to the leaf little orphan at once.

The smile on ye Xiaogu's face was endless. He caught the fur and asked, "what's this?"

"Aren't you afraid?" Wang Pei looked at ye Xiaogu, said, and then wiped his hands with a paper towel on the tea table.

Ye Xiaogu just looked at the little demon's fur. Although there was some blood color, it seemed to be complete. I don't know whether Wang Pei peeled it well or the pig's long tailed little demon was easy to peel it.

"Are you going to make clothes?" ye Xiaogu looked, and didn't seem to think there was anything bright.

Wang Pei snorted, went straight to the sofa and sat down. He said faintly, "I don't know. The pockets made of fur and engraved marks can contain many things. They used to be used as brocade bags. Today you also borrowed the luck of Liu family Qingcheng..."

When ye Xiaogu heard this, he came up to Wang Pei and said happily, "what did you do for me?"

Wang Pei frowned slightly and said, "beautiful you, give it to me. You deserve this baby..."

While talking, Wang Pei seemed to see a trace of blood on his fingertips. Instead, he stretched out to ye Xiaogu, raised his head slightly, looked at ye Xiaogu provocatively, and said, "why? You're not afraid to shoot?"

Ye Xiaogu raised his mouth slightly, smiled, and directly took Wang Pei's fingertips, especially his tongue.

Wang Pei didn't expect ye Xiaogu to do such a thing for a moment. He quickly withdrew his hand, looked at ye Xiaogu with a disgusting face and said, "are you disgusting? Aren't you a pervert?"

"Eh ~" Wang Pei shook him a few times, but he felt that he was not ordinary enough. He got up and walked quickly into the bathroom. Originally, I planned to engrave directly, make this pocket, and then wash my hands. I didn't expect ye Xiaogu to come here.

When Wang Pei was still thinking whether ye Xiaogu was psychopathic or intentional, ye Xiaogu outside got up slowly, stretched out his hand to pull the collar, stretched out his tongue and licked his mouth, which seemed to be still aftertaste.

Ye Xiaogu's face showed an inexplicable smile, and his eyes were full of madness and heat.

The ink color on ye Xiaogu's chest has been surging since he met Chen Yao and was beaten half to death. Even when he finally heard the news of Nanbo's move, he was out of control for a moment. After venting on Ren Hanxiang, he only spent a little, but he never stopped.

Until now, I see the blood color on Wang Pei's hands, countless monsters and ghosts and the gloomy and dreary sky. Everything seemed to be whispering and encouraging in ye Xiaogu's ear.

Even if ye Xiaogu held Wang Pei's hand and smelled the taste of Wang Pei, he couldn't suppress that feeling for a moment.

The blood gas was boiling and constantly surging, as if it were shouting and whistling.

Wang Pei washed it with water. He felt a little sick. He thought that ye Xiaogu would come directly with his mouth open. He really couldn't accept it for a moment. He also squeezed out a lot of hand sanitizer. After washing it several times, he almost rubbed his hands red.

"Ye Xiaogu, are you sick?" after washing several times, Wang peicai frowned and came out angrily.

But to Wang Pei's surprise, there was no ye Xiaogu's figure in the living room.

"It's no use hiding. I tell you, you're finished today!" Wang Pei frowned, especially couldn't help his anger, and looked in several rooms.

But it seems that ye Xiaogu's figure is still missing.

"... aren't you so timid?" Wang Pei looked at the door and couldn't help whispering for a moment. On the balcony facing Wang Pei's back, ye Xiaogu slowly accelerated his steps, jumped up and rushed directly to the balcony with a smile!

There was thunder everywhere. In a burst of thunder, ye Xiaogu suddenly flew up, and his face was full of arrogant smile.

"Killing feast..."

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