Yipinju, roof.

An old man over half a hundred was wearing a cloud pattern Tai Chi robe, with his left foot falsely stepping and his hand doing Tai Chi.

A man in a black coat and a black bowler hat shook his black umbrella uneasily, with an embarrassed smile on his face.

"I didn't expect that old Meng would come after me. It really makes me feel lucky."

After a silent hesitation, he still looked at old Meng in the distance and said.

Meng Lao just waved Tai Chi and started. He was still indifferent. He said faintly, "there's no need to talk more. Since you don't want to die, I can only give you a hand."

Silent, the corners of his mouth raised slightly and smiled.

"What I said is that I just want to see all the demons come out. Anyway, I will die in the end. Why don't I see strange things while I'm now? After all, am I so lonely?"

Between the words, he walked slowly towards Meng Lao. Although the black umbrella in his hand had not been waved, the tip of the umbrella was still murmuring in ink, unconsciously outlining lines of texture.

Meng Lao saw the silent little action, but he didn't do it. He just snorted coldly, and his eyes were mostly contemptuous.

Although Meng Laohe and silent are old partners, Meng laoben is a decent martial arts successor and cultivates the heart of eliminating demons and defending Taoism. Even if he is familiar with silent, he is not much to see.

As for silence, although it looks like a human model all the time, it is actually a kind of weird. If it is not for the mediation of the Liu family, I'm afraid silence is really difficult to stay in the Liu family.

Except for these gaps, what really made Meng kill his heart was also the silent opening of this pinju formation.

Liu's array connects three tall buildings in the city center, starting from the science and Technology Park building in the East, the ocean international building in the middle, and finally the uncompleted residential buildings of Wangcheng international. The first line on the third floor becomes the central axis.

After that, it took the ring line boundary as the array, with three stars in one vein, claiming the potential of a circle.

Under such an array, with the opening of the main array on the ocean international building, it will gradually force the demons and ghosts in Nanshi to appear. However, there was a natural defect in this array at the beginning of design, that is, yipinju after reconstruction, which originally had the array set by bao'er.

I don't know whether it was unintentional or intentional. Silently, I really found the array left by bao'er and easily untied it, breaking the overall situation of the Liu family for decades.

"... I know you little old man won't listen, but there are some problems with the array this time. In the end, it's not simple to kill these monsters and ghosts. Even ordinary people all over the city can't run away."

Silently looked at the black umbrella in his hand, smiled and shook the umbrella handle, smiled and said, "what are you shaking in front of master Meng?"

Meng Lao's complexion was as old as before, but his palm posture had not changed at all. He said faintly, "even if there is a problem with the Liu family's formation, it's also the Liu family's business. My order is to kill you..."

"It's natural."

Silent, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, lowered his head and smiled.

But the words were not finished. Suddenly, several dark shadows sprang up on the ground and entangled Meng Lao's feet in an instant.

In a moment of consternation, Meng Lao suddenly opened the black umbrella silently and was about to turn into a dark shadow to escape. But in the instant of silently opening the umbrella, the sleeves suddenly split.

Between the rags in the sky, I was stunned. The black umbrella on my arm was decorated with silent flesh and blood. For a moment, it seemed a little disgusting.

There was a trace of blood between the silent neck, and then suddenly fell down.

Meng Lao frowned slightly, and his feet were full of strength. All the dark shadows split, and there was no trace any more.

"... hello."

While talking, after falling silently, there was a man behind him, still a dirty white coat, and the scalpel in his hand was still a little blood.

Chen Fei, the man who had a few faces with ye Xiaogu in the past.

Meng Lao seemed to know Chen Fei too. He took a simple look, but didn't look much. He turned and walked towards the distance.

Chen Fei restrained the smile on his face. When he was about to turn around and leave, he stepped on the black umbrella on the ground, smiled and said, "how much is your life worth?"


The silent corpse is still around. Chen Fei's leather shoes are wearing a black umbrella and looks like something serious. It seems a little strange.

Without reply, Chen Fei raised his mouth slightly and showed a smile on his face, but a cold color flashed in his eyes, and the scalpel in his hand pulled out a knife flower.

"What do you want?"

Just as Chen Fei was about to drop his knife, the black umbrella under Chen Fei's feet gave birth to a look of mouth, nose, ears and eyes, which was still silent.

Silent is also an old Jianghu in the monster. He is not strong against the enemy, but his means of running for his life is not bad.

Chen Fei saw the silent outline of the black umbrella, but he was not surprised. He smiled and said, "what do you have?"

"The asking price is not like this." he answered silently.

Chen Fei raised his mouth slightly and smiled. The scalpel in his hand flashed a cold light, but he didn't see how to do it. The black umbrella on the ground was cut from his silent arm.

Several meat branches were originally born on the black umbrella, connected with silent arms, so as to absorb the essence of blood and flesh.

Chen Fei directly cut the connection between the black umbrella and the body. For a moment, the blood color was like a spring. It was more spectacular than cutting the silent neck.

"Is this price OK?" Chen Fei smiled and said.

The silence on the black umbrella was silent for a while.

Although Chen Fei smiled again and again, the knife in his hand was not saved. But now is not the time to bargain. Maybe it's hard to escape death if he silently gives his private possession to Chen Fei. But at present, the bet is that Chen Fei can show mercy.

"... I see."

After a moment of silence, he still spoke.

When Chen Fei heard this, the smile on his face seemed to be more obvious. The scalpel in his hand turned dexterously and seemed quite satisfied.



A naked man sat on a cane chair swing, but he was a beautiful woman in his arms.

If this scene is changed into a drizzly morning, it may be really affectionate, but there are strange monsters outside the balcony. Coupled with the gloomy and gray sky, it really disturbed the interest for a moment.

Ye Xiaogu has been holding Wang PEI for a while. His legs hurt, but Wang Pei seems to be very comfortable and doesn't mean to get up for a moment. Ye Xiaogu can't hurry her.

The rattan chair is long, but Wang Pei is not tall. There seems to be something left lying on the rattan chair.

Ye Xiaogu was still thinking about being rude and making some sweets. Although ye Xiaogu is not a beast, it is inevitable that she will be moved when she is pregnant with beauty.

Especially looking at the white of Wang Pei's bathrobe, I really couldn't help swallowing my saliva.

Ye Xiaogu doesn't know why. Maybe if someone else had changed, it wouldn't be like this. If Xu Xiaoman was a little Taoist, maybe Bai Feifei, Liu Shengyan and so on, ye Xiaogu would not be so imaginative.

But Wang Pei lay in his arms, but he couldn't help thinking more.

"Is it eating marrow and knowing taste?" ye Xiaogu couldn't help thinking of Ren Hanxiang for a moment when he saw the whiteness of Wang Pei.

Just think so, it is easy to have some accidents.

Wang Pei had only been playing with ye Xiaogu for a while. At this time, he just felt comfortable pillowing ye Xiaogu. He didn't get up for a moment, so he looked at the big demon and little monster in the distance.

Just so pillow pillow, vaguely feel some strange under the body, for a moment is frowning to see ye Xiaogu one eye.

Ye Xiaogu only smiled, which could be regarded as a cover up for embarrassment.

"Would you like to get up and have a rest? Look at me, a masculine young man. How charming you are, isn't it a little inappropriate?"

Ye Xiaogu hesitated for a moment. Seeing that Wang Pei didn't seem to get up, he couldn't help saying.

But Wang Pei still didn't get up. He just pillowed ye Xiaogu, looked at the distance and said faintly, "isn't this what you think? Just think about it and think about it for a while."

Ye Xiaogu smiled and couldn't answer for a moment.

I don't know if it's because Wang Pei is so righteous. Ye Xiaogu gradually breaks the idea in his heart. The taste of Wang Pei is still so familiar that ye Xiaogu feels more or less addicted.

"What's the smell on you?"

It seems that ye Xiaogu feels a little dull. For a moment, he also talks about a topic casually.

Wang Pei frowned slightly. He was looking at the monster in the distance. Ye Xiaogu was always talking and was really upset.

"I remember you said you were born? Why don't I have this feeling in others, just you and boa?"

Ye Xiaogu didn't notice that Wang Pei frowned and said to himself.

Wang Pei wanted to put up with it. Unexpectedly, ye Xiaogu didn't finish it.

As soon as I said it, I talked directly from the front to the back, from top to bottom, citing scriptures, three aunts and six aunts, and those who knew and did not know.

"I remember I saw a black demon downstairs in this pinju during the Chinese New Year. It also had some flavor, but I didn't like it very much..."

"And when I first opened the Yin and Yang eyes, I also saw..."

"Are you finished!!!"

Wang Pei held back for a while. He couldn't help but turn around and look at ye Xiaogu and say, in addition to his words, he also stretched out his hand to slap ye Xiaogu.

But when he was lying down, it seemed that he could only touch ye Xiaogu's upper body. However, ye Xiaogu was still naked and showed strong muscles.

"What are you doing with your shirt off?"

Wang Pei's hand was raised. For a moment, there was really no place to start. He had to withdraw his hand.

Ye Xiaogu raised his mouth slightly and smiled, "isn't this shirt not too clean? I haven't had time to change it. I'm very muscular. I haven't practiced much..."

Wang Pei frowned and looked at ye Xiaogu showing off his toys like a child. For a moment, he wound around ye Xiaogu and condensed a white dress.

This white dress appeared suddenly. Ye xiaoguben summoned up his abdominal muscles, but for a moment he put on a white dress.

White clothes are not ordinary short sleeves, but like the style of cloth clothes, there are no patterns and textures on them, just a few cloth buttons at the neckline.


Wang Pei simply gives ye Xiaogu a white coat. It seems that ye Xiaogu is a little quiet and tilts his head to continue looking at his own scene.

Ye Xiaogu was still curious. Seeing Wang Pei's action, he was silent for a moment.

Wang Pei is not as gentle as Wang Pei at the moment, but like a good wife at home. When he lies in ye Xiaogu's arms so peacefully and skillfully, ye Xiaogu really has some inexplicable sense of happiness.

But ye Xiaogu understood the indifference in Wang Pei's eyes. The simple emotion was not attachment or satisfaction, but pure missing.

Ye Xiaogu didn't know what Wang Pei was thinking. Although he tried to gossip, it didn't seem to have any effect.

Ye Xiaogu is like a clown, suddenly facing the audience leaving the audience, he seems a little lonely and helpless for a moment.

Wang Pei's appearance was like a big and small thing in recent days, but it was not a surprise.

If bao'er's appearance brought dim and yellow lights all over the street, Wang Pei's appearance turned off the lights and shadows and pushed ye Xiaogu to the cold and dark stage.

The monsters outside the balcony are still continuous. With the gloomy sky, they seem inexplicably desolate and lonely.

Ye Xiaogu and Wang Pei didn't wait until these monsters came to the end, but they suddenly heard a loud noise.


The monsters suddenly burst into flames, and the scorched flesh and blood and frightened monsters began to tear up the whole queue. It seems that this flame is the general name. Countless magic methods have suddenly exploded among the monsters. For a moment, all kinds of monsters flee everywhere, which is not lively.

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly. He was going to get up and have a look. But Wang Pei just lay in ye Xiaogu's arms without saying a word and didn't mean to get up. For a moment, he blocked ye Xiaogu on the rattan chair.

"Excuse me."

When ye Xiaogu looked at Wang Pei, a man suddenly stood on the balcony railing, wearing a simple light blue jeans, about 20 years old, with broken red hair, a bandage on his upper body and a flower shirt at will.

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly, looked at the man and stammered, "you... You are the one... With the white coat?"

"Zhang Yan."

Zhang Yan smiled and looked at ye Xiaogu and said with a smile.

In a word, his eyes fell on Wang Pei in ye Xiaogu's arms, "who is this beauty?"

"My wife."

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly. Although it was some accident for Zhang Yan, it was not strange.

"Brother Ye is so lucky. Is this another one?"

Zhang Yan said with a smile. It seems that he knows ye Xiaogu's situation.

"No, this is the next one." ye Xiaogu casually touched Wang Pei's hair. Wang Pei cooperated with him and didn't sweep ye Xiaogu's face at all.

Zhang Yan raised his mouth slightly, and his eyes seemed to reveal a little surprise.

After all, in Zhang Yan's opinion, the woman in ye Xiaogu's arms is not only a monster, but also a great demon that has not appeared for thousands of years.

Zhang Yan had planned to rush in directly to fix the array of pinju. Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the door, he watched ye Xiaogu sitting on the balcony with Wang Pei in his arms. It was really a coincidence.

"... it's important. Can you make it convenient?"

Zhang Yan hesitated for a moment. These three or two greetings seemed to be enough. After all, he didn't come to visit. He simply said it directly.

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly. He didn't react for a moment. Zhang Yan came to his house to find any convenience.

Wang Pei said faintly, "go by yourself."

Ye Xiaogu smiled as he listened to Wang Pei's mouth, reached out and touched Wang Pei's cheek, smiled and said, "I really think I'm my next wife?"

Although Wang Pei knew ye Xiaogu was joking, looking at ye Xiaogu's smiling face, he could not help but slap him.

Seeing Wang Pei's consent, Zhang Yan jumped to the ground and walked straight to the bedroom.

Ye Xiaogu tilted his head and looked. He understood what Zhang Yan wanted to do.

Ye Xiaogu is interested in the array. After all, he read several Feng Shui Atlas of Xunlong Dingxue without learning anything else in the past few months. Feng Shui is not only a traditional culture, but at least it will be useful to move for decoration and find mountain graves after death.

Although ye Xiaogu also knows that human souls have the limit of the first seven, he has to go to the underworld in the twinkling of an eye.

Ye Xiaogu pulled his head and watched Zhang Yan walk past. Wang Pei in his arms didn't get up.

"I'll get you a pillow and I'll get up and see if it's ok?"

After hesitating for a moment, ye Xiaogu still spoke on his own initiative.

"What do you want to see? What can I do for you?"

Wang Pei said faintly. It seems that he really doesn't want ye Xiaogu to get up.

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly and was about to say something. At this time, the monster in the distance screamed sharply. I don't know if he was frightened before.

When ye Xiaogu was interrupted, he forgot to quarrel with Wang PEI for a moment. He just frowned and looked at the big demon and little monster running around in the distance.

The people of the Liu family didn't come quickly. At least ye Xiaogu and Wang Pei have been sitting here for most of the day. Not to mention that ye Xiaogu's legs are numb and his feet are sour. It's very tragic that he didn't eat a meal for most of the day.

But Wang Pei seems to be worried that ye Xiaogu will run out again. He has something on his mind. He has been pillowing ye Xiaogu for so long. He doesn't know how long it will be.

The killing continues in the distance. Compared with ye Xiaogu's momentum, the Liu family is obviously a lot more professional. First, they use the magic method to blow up these monsters, and then they surround and chase them. Soon, the whole monster team was forced to return to the city center.

Not long after Zhang Yan entered the bedroom, he came out with a smile. Although there was no aura, the array left by the treasure should be completely repaired.

"Thank you."

Zhang Yan also didn't go to the front door. He jumped onto the railing of the balcony, turned back and said something to ye Xiaogu and Wang Pei. He jumped out directly and soon disappeared.

"That boy is really smart... He has red hair, a bandage and a flower shirt. I'll do it when I have time. Wow, that's really handsome!"

Seeing Zhang Yan leave, ye Xiaogu couldn't help but speak.

"Don't look at him. One of you and he will die in the hands of the other."

Ye Xiaogu was secretly appreciating Zhang Yan's appearance, but Wang Pei said coldly.

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