Su city, Yang family private club.

Ye Xiaogu rubbed his messy hair, yawned and walked slowly out of the room.

On the sofa, Wang Pei was still lying on the sofa, slightly closed his eyes and didn't seem to wake up.

Although the sunshine outside the window is not dazzling, it is more or less full of vitality in the early morning.

The living room just pulled up the gauze curtain, but it didn't block the light and shadow at the beginning of the morning. There was even a sense of elegance and leisure in the breeze.

Ye Xiaogu yawned casually and looked at Wang Pei lying on the sofa. He didn't think much, but went straight to the bathroom to wash.

When washing, ye Xiaogu inadvertently found the scar on his face, which was not long. He was only scratched by his fingernails.

Yesterday, ye Xiaogu and Wang Pei had a quarrel for a while. Ye Xiaogu protected his face. Wang Pei had no way for a while and was going to stop. Unexpectedly, as soon as ye Xiaogu put his hand down, he subconsciously smiled.

This completely annoyed Wang Pei. Originally, ye Xiaogu just felt that Wang Pei was a little itchy sitting on himself. There was really no meaning of laughing and joking.

However, when Wang Pei saw the smile on ye Xiaogu's face, he began to pull his backhand.

Anyway, Wang Pei didn't do any nail enhancement. Otherwise, don't mention ye Xiaogu. I'm afraid Wang Pei's hand will be hurt.

Between his thoughts, ye Xiaogu reached out and touched the scratch on his face. He didn't care much. He wiped his face casually and walked out of the bathroom.

Ye Xiaogu stretched at will and was thinking about what to do today. When he came to the living room, he saw that Wang Pei didn't seem to wake up and was curious for a moment.

Although Wang Pei just lay on the sofa and didn't change his clothes, he just wore that embroidered cheongsam. He didn't sleep well. One leg drooped. I really don't know whether the girl is so "natural and unrestrained" on weekdays.

Ye Xiaogu subconsciously approached the sofa and hesitated when he reached out, especially looking at Wang Pei.

Wang Pei still closed his eyes. When he fell asleep, he seemed particularly clever, and his slightly trembling eyelashes seemed particularly lovely.

Ye Xiaogu took a simple look, but he sighed slightly in his heart. He was also quite helpless for Wang Pei. If he was ordinary, he was afraid that ye Xiaogu would really only be regarded as this girl. She was really cute and pitiful.

However, ye Xiaogu has not been beaten by Wang Pei these days. In his mind, he has lost a lot of docile feelings for Wang Pei. This is not a docile kitten. It is clearly a little lion.

Between his thoughts, ye Xiaogu raised his mouth slightly, smiled, casually pointed the tip of Wang Pei's nose and whispered, "is it a little lion?"

The words fell, and ye Xiaogu shrunk his hand, but Wang Pei seemed to be sleeping very heavily, and there was no change in his eyebrows and eyes.

When ye Xiaogu saw this, his heart was slightly relaxed. It seemed that he was inexplicably relaxed. He simply smiled, and his eyes skipped Wang Pei's hands.

At the moment, it seems that Wang Pei's little hand is really small and delicate. It adds a sense of flesh besides being white, but he just doesn't like doing business.

Ye Xiaogu thought about the scratches on his face, and the smile on his face was also slightly sluggish, and he was more or less afraid.

However, at a glance, Wang Pei really didn't mean to wake up, and he slipped down the sofa with his white legs.

Maybe ye Xiaogu just ordered the tip of the king's nose. At present, ye Xiaogu seems to have a little more courage. He stretched out his hand towards Wang Pei's calf. This idea was normal. After all, it was the same as Gai Beitian's clothes.

When ye Xiaogu thought of this, he seemed to have a lot of righteousness and move quickly, but he was more or less afraid.

After all, Wang Pei has been thinking that his motives are impure and he doesn't want to get down to business all day. If Wang Pei wakes up and sees him, he's afraid he won't have a quarrel again.

In his mind, ye Xiaogu hesitated again. He just thought that this was just an ordinary move. There's no need to be so guilty, isn't it?

So, he touched his hand a little closer. After such a long time, when he was about to touch Wang Pei's calf, Wang Pei's calf suddenly lifted and looked at ye Xiaogu!

Ye Xiaogu was in a panic and took two steps back. He sprained his feet and sat on the ground.

"... I'm too lazy to talk about you. You're really..."

Wang Pei said faintly. He hasn't even opened his eyes. It seems that he has been closing his eyes to nourish himself.

Ye Xiaogu swallowed his saliva. Seeing that Wang Pei didn't seem to come to fight, he felt a little relaxed. After hesitating for a while, he still said.

"I want to help you..."

"What can I do for you?! can you help me like this? If I didn't watch, would you have to take off your pants to help?"

Although Wang Peiyan's words are fierce, they still seem to be more than plain. It seems that he has really seen through ye Xiaogu's nature.

Hearing this, ye Xiaogu couldn't help answering.

"That's OK. Do you want my help?"

"Push your nose on your face, shameless thing!"

Wang Pei scolded softly, but he still didn't see any action. He still lay on the sofa and closed his eyes.

After a while, ye Xiaogu found something different about Wang Pei. For a moment, he got up, looked at Wang Pei and said.

"What's the matter with you? Is there something wrong?"

"I'm not feeling well all over. Can you cure me?"

Wang Pei said faintly, but he still didn't get up.

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly and walked slowly to Wang Pei. It seemed that Wang Pei didn't get up and didn't even open his eyes.


Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly, hesitated for a moment, and still reached out to Wang Pei's forehead.

However, before touching Wang Pei's forehead, Wang Pei stretched out his hand and patted it, patted ye Xiaogu's hand open and said faintly.

"Don't move your hands. If you can cure me, I'll wake up laughing and sleeping."

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly. He was still hesitant. He was patted by Wang Pei, but he didn't withdraw his hand. Instead, he directly touched Wang Pei's forehead and said in a deep voice.

"Really sick?"

Between words, ye Xiaogu vaguely felt that Wang Pei's forehead was not hot, and even felt a little cold.

Although ye Xiaogu is a lame doctor in the half hell, he has helped all kinds of monsters to heal their wounds before.

However, most of those monsters have obviously broken arms and short legs. Even if they have internal injuries, they can clearly say what diseases they have, and even know how to treat them.

These monsters have been wandering for many years. Most of them are alone. These basic experiences are much richer than Chu Huan.

However, at present, Wang Pei's injury seems to be more than just ye Xiaogu running a leg.

Apart from others, ye Xiaogu is really rare when his hair is cold. Although people also have colds, it's really as cold as Wang Pei's hands. I'm afraid it's been a long time since the first seven.

Between his thoughts, ye Xiaogu didn't know whether the monster was different from people's body. It was not easy to judge for a moment. He could only attach himself to Wang Pei's ear and whispered.

"What's the matter with you? Tell me what I should do?"

Wang Pei raised his mouth slightly, smiled, still closed his eyes and smiled.

"Look, you're scared. If I die, you can still look for your old face with a shy face. Don't think I don't know. You're really such a person."

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly, reached out and touched Wang Pei's forehead, and said in a deep voice.

"Don't be kidding. You're fine. How could you suddenly look like this?"


Wang Pei was silent for a while, but he still didn't open his eyes. After a moment, he said faintly.

"It's an old problem, and there's no one to save in the world, unless you little bastard can fight for my anger and show the inheritance of the Heavenly Master as soon as possible..."

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly, hesitated for a moment, and asked.

"Do you want the inheritance of the Heavenly Master to cure diseases? This inheritance of the Heavenly Master has such curative effect?"

"... the inheritance of Tianshi implies all the accomplishments of the founder of Tianshi school. In the past, when Tianshi school was in its heyday, it still tried to remove thousands of demons and cleanse Kyushu. Now, the aura is weakened. Once the inheritance of Tianshi is in this world, I'm afraid it doesn't have to be easy for the gods to come down to earth."

Wang Pei spoke faintly, but ye Xiaogu reached out and touched his forehead.

"If someone else does it so many times, I really have to cut off his hands and feet, cut off his tongue and throw it on the roadside. Tell me, did you know I didn't want to hurt you so many times to annoy me?"

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly. Seeing that Wang Pei seemed to talk as old as before, he really didn't have any clue. For a moment, he stopped and stood by Wang Pei and said.

"It's not. It's all accidents. I really don't have any desire for you. I just think you're a demon and have a little blind date."

Ye Xiaogu confessed, but when he came to Wang Pei's ear, he suddenly changed his face and pushed ye Xiaogu away!

Ye Xiaogu was so caught off guard that he almost bumped into the tea table. If it didn't work well, he really had to lose one's life.

However, before ye Xiaogu got up, Wang Pei hated.

"Do you really think I'm a cat and dog?!"

Ye Xiaogu subconsciously rubbed his back. In his mind, he really wanted to say that he was really just a blind date as a cat and dog. Just listening to the meaning of Wang Pei's words, if he really said so, he was afraid that even if Wang Pei was ill, he would have to get up and beat ye Xiaogu immediately.

Ye Xiaogu hesitated for a while, more or less slowing down his strength just now. Then he got up and walked to Wang Pei and asked.

"Do you have any prejudice against monsters?"

Ye Xiaogu himself has no special resistance to monsters, and even has a special closeness between them. Except for boa, a big fox demon, ye Xiaogu opened Yin and Yang eyes when he was a teenager.

However, ye Xiaogu has rarely seen himself as a demon for so many years, but he has always resisted others saying he is a demon.


Wang Pei seems to have no interest in this topic. He is just silent.

Ye Xiaogu had no choice but to go to Wang Pei's side, lean against the sofa and sit on the ground.

"In fact, there is nothing wrong with monsters. Look, right? What are the advantages? The advantages of monsters... Um..."

Ye xiaoguben wanted to pretend to be relaxed and say a few words to enlighten Wang Pei. Unexpectedly, he just opened his mouth and wound himself in for a moment.

After all, it's rare to see such a thing with ye Xiaogu's business ability. It's really a little difficult for ye Xiaogu to find out the traffic advantages of a monster for a moment.

Wang Pei reached out feebly and patted ye Xiaogu for a moment, saying faintly.

"I think you just want to annoy me so that you can go back and find your old face, right? I won't let you do it."

When ye Xiaogu heard this, he smiled and didn't speak. He stretched out his hand and took Wang Pei's hand for a while.

The sun outside the window gradually glared, and the gauze curtain still looked thin. Near noon, the bright sun came in through the glass window. In addition to the fine pieces, it was mostly warm.

Ye Xiaogu * holding Wang Pei's hand, he also vaguely felt the dazzling sunshine outside the window.

"When are you going to play? Do you really think I'm your cat and dog?"

Wang Pei seemed to slow down, slowly opened his eyes and said faintly.

Ye Xiaogu said with a smile.

"How could it be my cat and dog?"

"It's my little lion..."

Wang Pei frowned slightly and looked at ye Xiaogu saying with a smile. He didn't say much for a moment.

The sunshine came in, and the smile on ye Xiaogu's face seemed to have a little more sunny feeling.

Ye Xiaogu looked at Wang Pei and said in a low voice.

"Isn't he handsome?"


The pride on ye Xiaogu's face hasn't dissipated yet. Wang Pei directly took out his hand and slapped ye Xiaogu's face, but he was very determined.

"Don't laugh in front of me in the future."

Wang Pei said faintly.

Ye Xiaogu slightly raised his eyebrows and looked at Wang Pei. It seemed that he was stunned by the light slap.

"... would you like something to eat?"

After hesitating for a while, ye Xiaogu still said. The words were as old as before, which made Wang Pei look more. Ye Xiaogu really looked like a dog skin plaster. He could not get rid of it. He was always so cheeky.

"Hum ~"

Wang Pei snorted, leaned over and closed his eyes again. It seems that the smile on ye Xiaogu's face is a little embarrassed.

However, for Wang Pei's moody, ye Xiaogu can't say anything about his dissatisfaction and complain. When ye Xiaogu was a teenager, he also met many violent and unprovoked monsters when he first opened his eyes of yin and Yang. He just got familiar with them carefully, but he also felt that they were kind.

Ye Xiaogu doesn't understand many things in Wang Pei's mind. Ye Xiaogu doesn't know everything about Wang Pei. Therefore, Wang Pei actually let ye Xiaogu down after all this fun. How could ye Xiaogu be angry.

Between thoughts, ye Xiaogu climbed onto the sofa and lay down beside Wang Pei without saying anything.

"Have you forgotten what I said again? Try again?"

Wang Pei turned sideways. Although he didn't turn around, he vaguely felt ye Xiaogu lying on his side.

If someone else should have stood up straight and avoided it in fear.

However, the man lying next to Wang Pei is called Ye Xiaogu.

Wang Pei's words fell, but ye Xiaogu directly stretched out his hand to hold Wang Pei, especially close to many.

Wang Pei frowned slightly. There was no reason for a burst of fire in his heart. He wanted to get up and beat ye Xiaogu.

Ye Xiaogu was not satisfied, and lowered his head close to Wang Pei's neck.

"Are your wings hard? You can't understand me, can you?"

Wang Pei frowned slightly and scolded softly.

Ye Xiaogu lowered his head, vaguely smelling the faint milk fragrance on Wang Pei, and said faintly.


Wang Pei frowned slightly, but he didn't answer for a moment.

"... it suddenly occurred to me. I don't know if it's useful. You're as cold as a popsicle now. Except for the feeling of flesh, it's really cool."

Ye Xiaogu lowered his head, hugged Wang Pei and said faintly.

Although the idea was sudden, ye Xiaogu felt that Wang Pei's hands were cold at the beginning. But the sun was still shining for a while. When Wang Pei slapped ye Xiaogu and turned around, ye Xiaogu vaguely found that Wang Pei's body seemed to tremble slightly.

Ye Xiaogu really doesn't know what Wang Pei's disease is, but at present, ye Xiaogu's brain really doesn't have any other ideas except to accompany her like this.

Wang Pei wanted to reach out and push ye Xiaogu away, but he didn't know whether it was the stupid way of Ye Xiaogu, but it really slowed down the chill in Wang Pei's heart.


Wang Pei frowned slightly. For a moment, he didn't easily push ye Xiaogu away, but he was still held by Ye Xiaogu, and even slowly released his repressive power.

Wang Pei turned sideways, and ye Xiaogu couldn't see Wang Pei's look. He just saw that Wang Pei seemed to be much more at ease. For a moment, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly, with more or less a smile on his face.

However, just when ye Xiaogu was still wondering whether this matter would be satisfactorily solved, Wang Pei, lying on his side, slowly released the power of repression and slowly opened his eyes.

But the eyes are red and the blood is endless!

That is, this seemingly slight move, ye Xiaogu was proud to get close to Wang Pei's neck, and even a welfare, but his chest was slightly cold.

Ye Xiaogu didn't feel it at the beginning. After a while, when he felt cold, he suddenly felt a deep chill!

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