Su Shi.

Bai Feifei frowned slightly and looked at ye Xiaogu with a happy face in front of her. For a moment, she really wanted to turn around and leave.

"What's the matter? What are you?"

In her mind, Bai Feifei looked at the blood color and appearance of Ye Xiaogu's mouth. For a moment, she couldn't help frowning slightly.

"Do you really work here? Be the host of that children's program? I can't see it!"

This sudden surprise really made ye Xiaogu a little ecstatic, and he was a little forgetful for a moment.

Bai Feifei frowned and said casually that she was a little overwhelmed by Ye Xiaogu.

"What's the matter with you?"

Between the words, Bai Feifei came close to Ye Xiao and looked in front of him alone.

Not to mention ye Xiaogu's appearance, the thing held in ye Xiaogu's arms makes Bai Feifei more or less curious.

Bai Feifei thought ye Xiaogu was hiding some treasure in her arms. Unexpectedly, she looked closer and saw that there were two little girls carved in powder and jade.

"... I had an accident. Do you think you can let my two daughters stay at your house for a few days?"

Seeing Bai Feifei approaching, ye Xiaogu calmed down a lot and began to talk about business.

Bai Feifei frowned slightly and looked at the big and small children in ye Xiaogu's arms. For a moment, she was really surprised and said.

"... is this the child you had with her? Twins?"

Between her thoughts, Bai Feifei had heard about bao'er with twins for a long time, but Bai Feifei didn't see bao'er when he came to Bai's house last time.

At the moment, seeing ye Xiaogu holding the little girl in her arms, she couldn't help but exclaim for a moment.

Ye Xiaogu was slightly stunned when he heard Bai Feifei's words.

But he didn't explain anything at the moment, he said.

"Help me look after them for a few days. Although they are young, they are also very sensible."

While talking, ye Xiaogu was in a low mood. Now he settled down. Ye Xiaogu estimated that he had to tie up his shoelaces and run faster.

"What's the matter with you? The fox spirit at home knows about your relationship with the female teacher?"

Bai Feifei finally took her eyes away from the two little girls in ye Xiaogu's arms and said casually.

In addition to his words, he also felt that ye Xiaogu's injury seemed to be more serious than what he had just seen.

At first, Bai Feifei only saw the man with bare upper body after work. It was a little strange.

At that time, I just took a curious look. Unexpectedly, I found that I was an acquaintance when I approached.

In fact, Bai Feifei didn't want to come up so easily at that time. He just saw some blood color on ye Xiaogu, and couldn't help worrying for a moment.

Besides, looking at ye Xiaogu at that time, he didn't see anyone with him. Bai Feifei couldn't help approaching for a moment and began to call.

Unexpectedly, at the moment, it seems that ye Xiaogu's body is not only bloody on his face, but also bloody on his arm. It seems that he is seriously injured.

Although Bai Feifei is a joke, after all, ye Xiaogu is not a good man in her heart.

However, Bai Feifei doesn't think it's bao'er who beat ye Xiaogu like this. Looking at these times, it's estimated that ye Xiaogu can carry it. If you change someone, it's estimated that ye Xiaogu has collapsed on the ground now.

"... are you rich?"

Bai Feifei asked casually, but ye Xiaogu didn't answer positively. He asked for money directly, and handed the blanket wrapped in two little girls to Bai Feifei.

"What do I owe you or something? You ask for money as soon as you see me. Where has Ren Hanxiang gone? How are you doing recently?...... Don't touch it."

Bai Feifei subconsciously took over the big and small children. He didn't look at them. Unexpectedly, ye Xiaogu didn't explain anything, so he directly reached out to Bai Feifei.

Bai Feifei was wearing this long white dress and didn't wear any personal clothes inside. Ye Xiaogu felt it so casually, but it also made Bai Feifei somewhat shy.

However, ye Xiaogu didn't stop. He simply touched it for a few times, removed the waist of the outer coat and long skirt, and seemed to have nothing like a wallet.

"... where did you put your money?"

Ye Xiaogu frowns slightly. He doesn't know when he will be in danger. Ye Xiaogu doesn't want to contact Bai Feifei.

"In the car, what's the matter with you? Is it a bad thing that your husband found out or something?"

Bai Feifei said something to herself, but there was no refutation from ye Xiaogu.

"Take me to get it."

Ye Xiaogu simply pushed Bai Feifei away.

Bai Feifei slapped on her high heels and was almost pushed down by Ye Xiaogu.

Barely reached the roadside car. As soon as Bai Feifei opened the door, ye Xiaogu went straight into the car.

"Hey ~ you're a real man. What do you want to say first?"

Bai Feifei frowned slightly and put the big and small children on the back seat. When she looked back, she saw ye Xiaogu holding his wallet and hundreds of dollars, so she left.

Bai Feifei was also puzzled for a moment. She stretched out her hand to hold ye Xiaogu and asked him for a moment.

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly, turned and looked at Bai Feifei. He was about to speak, but suddenly his head sank and his eyes darkened, and he fell directly into Bai Feifei's arms.


In a daze, ye Xiaogu felt around unconsciously.


Before taking ye Xiaogu to sober up, he was beaten solidly in his hand.

Ye Xiaogu was confused with his eyes. Although his head was still a little dizzy, he couldn't help looking around for a moment.

"... where is this?"

"My house."

Bai Feifei sat by the sofa and casually got a small white porcelain bowl. She didn't know what it contained. Even if ye Xiaogu was so far away, she asked about a fishy smell for a moment.

"... give me some money. I have something to do. Help me look after the two children."

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly and struggled to get up.

However, before she got up, Bai Feifei went straight back and leaned against the sofa, but also directly pressed ye Xiaogu below.

"Those two little clever have fallen asleep. What's the matter with you?"

Bai Feifei took the things in the small porcelain bowl and asked.

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly. He was really tired of Bai Feifei's questioning.

But now, Bai Feifei seems to have made up her mind. If she doesn't get the answer, she won't let ye Xiaogu leave.

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly. He didn't make a sound for a moment. He just looked around the room in silence.

It seems that this is also a kind of high-rise apartment somewhere. The room is not large, but it is very warm. The lights are dim yellow and warm colors. It seems to be reassuring with the cloth sofa.

The night outside the window is getting up. Unconsciously, ye Xiaogu has been sleeping for so long.

While ye Xiaogu was watching, Bai Feifei also looked at ye Xiaogu.

Ye Xiaogu didn't have any clothes on him at the moment. He just showed his muscles, which made Bai Feifei think of the situation that ye Xiaogu came out of the bedroom with his upper body bare.

It seems that Ren Hanxiang also thought of it. For a moment, it seems that he thought of something bad.

"The wound on your hand has a kind of monster poison. If you don't remove it, your wound will not scab and bleed continuously. You may die."

Bai Feifei shook her head, forced those memories away first, and said with a positive face.

When ye Xiaogu heard Bai Feifei's words, he turned back and looked at Bai Feifei.

Bai Feifei sat on the sofa, wearing a long white skirt. She hasn't seen it for a long time, and it doesn't seem to have changed much.

"This long skirt doesn't match you very much. It's too plain... Where's your squirrel?"

Bai Feifei was slightly stunned and said.

"Someone in the family went to cat's hometown and took cat to the bar mitzvah."

After Bai Feifei finished, she reacted and seemed to take ye Xiaogu away. For a moment, she also asked.

"Don't interrupt. I'll ask you something."

"Sit up straight first. I'll get up."

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly and said casually.

"If you don't say it, I won't let you get up."

Bai Feifei seemed quite stiff, and didn't get up for a moment.

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly and said.

"Can you press it in another place, or if you really want to panic, you can sit up directly."

When Bai Feifei heard ye Xiaogu's words, she couldn't help throwing the small bowl in her hand on ye Xiaogu's face.

However, he got up straight between his thoughts and looked back at ye Xiaogu's lower body.

Ye Xiaogu didn't hesitate. As he got up, he took a glass of water from the tea table and drank it lightly.

"Is that medicine in your hand? Give it to me. Give me some money by the way."

Between the words, ye Xiaogu stretched out his hand to take the small bowl in Bai Feifei's hand.

However, Bai Feifei frowned slightly for a moment, protected the small bowl in her hand, looked at ye Xiaogu and said.

"Can you look at it and explain why?"

Ye Xiaogu raised his head and looked at Bai Feifei, but his eyes were much more dull.

Although I was still looking forward to it, the more I see it now, the more I hope to leave as soon as possible.

The light in the room seems inexplicably warm, which matches Bai Feifei's character, positive, optimistic and sunny.

However, ye Xiaogu seemed a little uncomfortable in such light and shadow.

Under the dim yellow light, the muscle lines of Ye Xiaogu's waist, together with the wounds on his arm, showed a little down-to-earth animal nature for a moment.

A fleeing cub should not stay on this journey.

"Do you want to panic? If you want, I'll hurry up and meet you now."

Bai Feifei seems to dodge more or less under the gaze of Ye Xiaogu. But the next words of Ye Xiaogu made Bai Feifei look blue.

This time, without any hesitation, Bai Feifei smashed the porcelain bowl in her hand at ye Xiaogu.

Ye Xiaogu took the porcelain bowl and said faintly.

"Give me some more money."

While talking, ye Xiaogu picked out the black herbal medicine from the bowl and put it directly on the wound on his arm, but he didn't mean to say more.

With a cold face, Bai Feifei rushed into the room angrily, took her wallet and smashed it on ye Xiaogu's face. She was still silent. It seemed that she was really angry.

Ye Xiaogu's words at the moment seem to have gone too far.

After all, Bai Feifei just hasn't seen her for a long time. Just ask.

It's not long to meet in Nanshi, but maybe you can remember all of them for ten years.

Bai Feifei thinks that ye Xiaogu should be more or less his own friend, but now these words seem that ye Xiaogu may not really think that she is worthy of this identity.

Ye Xiaogu didn't seem to explain anything. He turned over hundreds of dollars and went straight out of the room.

After walking out of the room, ye xiaogushun took the door with him. He wanted to take more steps. Unexpectedly, his head sank and he almost fainted again.

The wound on the arm has not been treated, and there is too much blood flowing out, so that ye Xiaogu inevitably has some energy loss now.

However, at present, ye Xiaogu really doesn't dare to stay more.

Ye Xiaogu was still thinking about whether he could stay at Bai Feifei's house for a while, but his heart was slightly cold when Bai Feifei said that her companion pet was not there.

Although Bai Feifei has some skills, she lost the sickle weasel. Bai Feifei is just a little worse than ye Xiaogu.

With Bai Feifei's strength at the moment, ye Xiaogu really didn't dare to stay more, for fear that those people in the dark would catch up with Bai Feifei at last.

This is an endless long distance, and now it is far from the end.

Ye Xiaogu bit the tip of his tongue, barely got up a little spirit, and staggered to the elevator.

When he left the high-rise building where Bai Feifei lived, ye xiaoguyou looked back. There were his two little girls and a less reassuring Bai Feifei.

It's getting late and the night wind is slightly cool.

Ye Xiaogu doesn't know what time it is, but he can't stop.

After playing a taxi, ye Xiaogu can finally tell the place clearly this time.

"Master, go to the road opposite the broken bridge and residual snow."


The taxi driver master was stunned for a moment. Ye Xiaogu was naked, covered his arms and was still bloody.

For a moment, if ye Xiaogu hadn't got on the bus, the taxi driver really wanted to refuse the load directly.

"The scenic spot of Suzhou, the road opposite the broken bridge."

Ye Xiaogu repeated it firmly.

Say it's a flash of light or something else.

Ye Xiaogu thought hard about the location of the private club at the beginning. Somehow, he now slept and seemed to think of the lake view he saw outside the window.

Maybe it's not good to think every day and dream every night.

However, when ye Xiaogu said this, the taxi driver didn't say much. As soon as he stepped on the accelerator, he went directly towards the famous lake view.

When the taxi arrived, ye Xiaogu didn't pretend to be miserable or cruel this time. He paid directly.

It's not winter now. There is no snow, and naturally there are many fewer tourists.

The private club was originally in a hidden place along the road. It was neither high nor abrupt.

Ye Xiaogu walked and stopped all the way. I don't know how long he walked. Finally, he found the private club.


Ye Xiaogu stood by the roadside and looked at it for a while. It seemed that it was not good to break in so casually. For a moment, he really hesitated.

Although the private club is clean after all, and there is not much security, it is not without.

Even if ye Xiaogu wanted to argue with Wang Pei again, he didn't have the ferocity to lead Zhengyang Leigang into it.

After all, this private club is full of ordinary people who are paid and have five insurances.

Master Nanyuan's death is especially in sight. Ye Xiaogu really can't have this heart.

"Why do you keep looking? Do you have any help?"

Ye Xiaogu stood at the intersection and looked at the distant building. When he frowned and thought, there was a voice behind him.

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly. The voice was not familiar, but it happened to be heard once at noon today.

"You're a little later than I thought..."

Ye Xiaogu frowned and turned around, causing the thunder to flash again.

Unexpected and reasonable.

This time it seemed that it was not the waitress, but a young man running at night.

Ye Xiaogu looked at the young man more than ten steps away behind him. For a moment, he really frowned and felt something inexplicable in his heart.

At the beginning, ye Xiaogu vaguely thought that maybe the waitress was the upper body of the monster, but now she is also certain.

However, thinking of the young man possessed by the monster, ye Xiaogu really couldn't do it for a moment.

"Now the people in Longmen have left. I've been with you for most of the day. Don't you have any back hands? Now let's talk seriously and go with me. I don't want to hurt you now."

This night, the young runner's mouth was full of a delicate and artificial woman's voice. Ye Xiaogu looked at it and turned his mouth.

"If you say you don't want to, you don't want to? I said I really want to. Do you refer to my opinion?"

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly, and the blue thunder in his hand suddenly moved. It seemed that he was ready to play a good game.

It's rare for the young runner to frown this night. He can't say anything about ye Xiaogu's eager appearance at the moment.

After all, what he said was clear. He just wanted ye Xiaogu to follow him. Even if you finally get to the place, how to threaten and bribe, that's what we'll say later.

At present, bao'er is out. Even the monster among the young people running this night doesn't want to entangle with ye Xiaogu at this time.

Although the nine world mantra seals are extremely powerful, no one knows how they work.

If you kill ye Xiaogu at once, maybe you kill bao'er indirectly, it's not a good thing.

"... do you really want to fight?"

The night running youth frowned slightly and asked casually.

But ye Xiaogu's fist came in front of him.

Ye Xiaogu took a breath and hit the young man who ran this night.


With a loud noise, although the momentum was amazing, the young runner did not have any scars that night, and easily avoided ye Xiaogu's blow.

"... I see. Do you think I'll leave?"

The thunder light made a loud sound, and several people ran out of the club in the distance to check. Just between the words of the young man running at night, several people in the distance fell to the ground in an instant.

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