Su Shi.

Under the cover of several clumps of green plants, a modest house is more warm in the sunshine in the evening.

The furniture in the room looks old, but the broken wallpaper seems to be more beautiful.


In the bedroom, ye Xiaogu was lying on the bed, his white shirt half open, caressing Wang Pei's hair, but he didn't say much for a moment.

Wang Pei wanted to pretend that he didn't hear this and just skipped over.

However, when staying in ye Xiaogu's arms, looking at ye Xiaogu's plain eyes, he couldn't help feeling a little distressed.

Although Wang Pei doesn't know much about ye Xiaogu's situation, he also knows that ye Xiaogu is not so carefree as outsiders call.

"I'm her old acquaintance..."

Wang Pei hesitated for a moment and said, without looking at ye Xiaogu.

Ye Xiaogu looked down at Wang Pei, but he didn't see his face.

Originally, ye Xiaogu thought Wang Pei would pretend to be confused. Unexpectedly, Wang Pei said it straightly, although it didn't make any sense.

"Have you eaten yet?"

Wang Pei turned his face away from ye Xiaogu. Ye Xiaogu was naturally very interesting. He didn't talk about this topic and asked casually.

When Wang Pei heard the speech, he turned his face, lay down in ye Xiaogu's arms and said softly.


Ye Xiaogu caresses Wang Pei's big wave roll, which is not gentle, but ye Xiaogu doesn't care much.

"Neither do I, but I'm not hungry. I don't seem to eat much these days. I don't know if I'm so hungry that I can't feel my stomach."

While talking, ye Xiaogu reaches out and touches Wang Pei's back, but Wang Pei can't touch his stomach when he lies in ye Xiaogu's arms.

"After washing the marrow and gathering Qi, the idea of grain has faded, and the desire to open the valley is not greedy for words."

Wang Pei seemed very clear about ye Xiaogu's situation. He simply explained that there was no emotion on his face.

On the contrary, ye Xiaogu felt a little surprised and asked suspiciously.

"I don't feel anything. How can this happen? I won't be able to eat in the future, will I?"

Wang Pei glanced contemptuously at ye Xiaogu.

"It's not losing the ability to break the desire to speak... Aren't you so stupid?"

Ye Xiaogu smiled at Wang Pei and said faintly.

"Didn't I look at you disappointed and have some fun for you?"

Wang Pei frowned slightly, glanced at ye Xiaogu, and then turned his mouth for a moment.

"If you are really good for me, give me the heart refining flame. I feel that this thing may be really useful to me."

When ye Xiaogu heard the speech, he raised his mouth slightly, looked at Wang Pei and smiled vaguely.

"Do you feel particularly comfortable in my arms? Coincidentally, I also feel now... Why don't we hold it all our life?"

Wang Pei frowned slightly and spat softly.

"You are so beautiful. I came to see you today. Your family almost didn't kick me out with a straight face. If you really hold me like this, I'm afraid you don't know what to do."

Wang Pei said so, but ye Xiaogu didn't think so. He closed his eyes and relieved a breath, and said faintly.

"But it's really comfortable. It's like a quilt in autumn... Do you think this dress is a little flustered?"

Wang Pei listened to ye Xiaogu's words. At first, he didn't care, but when he heard ye Xiaogu's turn, he began to be rude. For a moment, he couldn't help glancing at ye Xiaogu.

"You try?"

Ye Xiaogu raised his mouth slightly, but he didn't start, and said casually.

"Look at you. I was beaten to death and bruised, but now I'm so arrogant. Girl, you're begging me now, not me. Can you correct your attitude?"

Wang Pei frowned when he heard the speech, and his heart suddenly lit up. He was about to get up.

But ye Xiaogu reached out and hugged Wang Pei, but he didn't let Wang Pei leave.

"Old husband and wife, just kidding..."

Ye Xiaogu raised his mouth, looked at Wang Pei and said with a smile.

Wang Pei frowned slightly, glanced at ye Xiaogu and thought about it, but he also said with a positive face when ye Xiaogu's words were soft.

"Who told your old husband and wife? I'm not kidding you. I have a lot to do. Give me the heart refining flame quickly."

Ye Xiaogu heard the speech, but the smile on his face did not decrease. He looked at Wang Pei Zhile and said casually.

"Who told you to talk to me like that?"

Wang Pei frowned slightly and was going to say a few more words.

Ye Xiaogu said faintly.

"Ask people for directions. Put your attitude right first. You are a dragon. Now you have to dish it for me."

When ye Xiaogu said this, his face was solemn and indifferent. Although his words were not tough, they were also straight to the heart. Wang Pei was stunned. He really thought ye Xiaogu was going to do something.

However, ye Xiaogu's serious expression didn't stretch for long, but in the twinkling of an eye, he caressed Wang Pei's hair and smiled.

"Are you particularly afraid?"

Wang Pei reacted and reached out to push ye Xiaogu away, but ye Xiaogu said casually.

"I'm afraid I can't give it to you."

Wang Pei frowned slightly and looked at ye Xiaogu.

"Don't you want to give it to me? Or do you really want to get something cheap?"

Hearing the speech, ye Xiaogu tilted his head for a moment, smiled at Wang Pei and said with a light smile.

"So you're really going to give me some benefits. Let me touch it..."

Wang Pei frowned and pretended to be serious.

"Be serious. What's the matter?"

Although Wang Pei looked serious, ye Xiaogu didn't care. He reached out and rubbed Wang Pei's fragrant shoulder.

This fragrant shoulder strap bone is naturally not soft, but it is smooth and white, but it is also worth playing with.

Ye Xiaogu didn't answer. He just rubbed Wang Pei's fragrant shoulder. For a moment, Wang Pei couldn't help frowning. When he was about to bear it, ye Xiaogu said faintly.

"The heart refining flame is attached to my heart pulse. If you really want to take it out, you might as well dig out my heart first."

As soon as ye Xiaogu said this, Wang Pei frowned and subconsciously was about to get up and leave.

After all, Wang Pei will not dig out ye Xiaogu's heart and kill him because of this heart refining flame.

But now that the heart refining flame can't be obtained, Wang Pei naturally doesn't have any mind to stay here with ye Xiaogu.

Wang Pei got up this time, but ye Xiaogu didn't stop him.

Although the touch of Wang Pei's body is indeed very popular with ye Xiaogu. It is as gentle as jade. He was born white and plump. It is really a rare beauty.

However, both ye Xiaogu and Wang Pei have their own track. Now that there is no heart refining flame, there is naturally less reason for interleaving.

Wang Pei was surprised that ye Xiaogu didn't ask him to stay. After all, ye Xiaogu used to hold himself all day. It's hard to meet now. He didn't blame his departure, but his mind seemed to be calm.

In his mind, Wang Pei didn't slow down. He straightened his bathrobe, still wearing his own pair of cotton slippers, and left straight away.

Ye Xiaogu was still lying on the bed with his white shirt half open. He was still speechless and didn't ask for half a cent.

Although Wang Pei had some doubts and exclamations in his heart, he couldn't get the heart refining flame right now, and there was really no reason to stay here.

When Wang Pei walked to the door, he suddenly thought that he should tell ye Xiaogu the address of the dragon's gate meeting, and even ask about the inheritance of the Heavenly Master.

Although ye Xiaogu may take advantage of it, and even ye Xiaogu may not know the inheritance of the Heavenly Master, Wang Pei doesn't seem to care so much.

"She asked me to tell you about the Longmen Conference..."

Wang Pei dragged him into the bedroom in cotton cloth. Before saying a few words, he saw that he went out. Between the three or five breath, ye Xiaogu seemed to close his eyes and fall asleep.

Wang Pei casually talked about the Longmen meeting and walked to ye Xiaogu. He hadn't thought of anything, but when he came to ye Xiaogu, he obviously felt a burst of warmth from ye Xiaogu.


It's not hot, but the warmth seems to penetrate directly into every corner of the body.

Every inch of skin, organs and even brain.

This current penetrates everything and impacts everything. Although it is not strong, it is so long.

In the yuan body, ye Xiaogu's heart pulse slowly gathered a red awn.

The red mans melted by the heart refining flame slowly gathered and continuously scattered bursts of warm currents, which reached all corners of Ye Xiaogu's element. With the surge of these bursts of warm currents, ye Xiaogu's consciousness gradually relaxed.

There was no pain, but under the impact of the current, ye Xiaogu gradually fell into a huge crisis.

Unable to resist, unable to resist. The Yang Qi in the heart refining flame is too strong. Ye Xiaogu has no way to resist and has no intention to resist.

Under the impact of heart refining flame, even thought and consciousness become slow.

In this endless warmth, ye Xiaogu seems to be sinking to death.

When ye Xiaogu's consciousness gradually dissipated, the impact of refining heart flame seemed to ease a lot.

Ye Xiaogu's consciousness gradually wakes up. In his mind and inner vision, he finds that there is no sign of easing the heat surge from the heart refining flame.

"... is Wang Pei back?"

There was a thought in his heart, but ye Xiaogu couldn't open his eyes at the moment. He could only concentrate on the yuan body and feel the heat surge in the yuan body meridians.

After a long observation, ye Xiaogu suddenly realized that although the heat surge of heart refining flame filled every corner of his body, the Lei Yin in his right arm seemed to attract many heat surges inexplicably.

"Zhengyang Leigang?"

Between his thoughts, ye Xiaogu subconsciously felt the Yuanti meridians of his right arm.

The Lei Yin, which symbolizes Zhengyang Lei Gang, appears very abrupt among countless meridians, but also undertakes most of the Yang Qi emitted by the heart refining flame.

"Thunder and fire are natural and strong in nature. They really attract these Yang Qi..."

Ye Xiaogu just felt it briefly, but his head was also smart. He soon thought about the details.

"Since this thunder lead can attract the Yang Qi from the heart refining flame, why not try this thunder lead to absorb the Yang Qi from the heart refining flame?"

In his heart, ye Xiaogu seemed to grasp a life-saving straw, slowly drove the aura in his yuan body, and gradually guided the Yang released by the heart refining flame into the silver thunder in his right arm.

Sure enough, Lei Yinzhen refused the heat surges from the heart refining flame, and constantly absorbed these heat surges. It seems that there is no end.

Time passed so slowly. I don't know how long it has passed.

When ye Xiaogu doesn't need guidance and the warmth from the heart refining flame can naturally flow to the thunder guide in his right arm, ye Xiaogu seems to be able to open his eyes.

Slowly opened his eyes. In front of him, Wang Pei stared at himself, which startled ye Xiaogu.

Before ye Xiaogu spoke, Wang Pei said softly.

"Don't bow your head."

Wang Pei didn't say it was OK. At this moment, ye Xiaogu subconsciously looked down and just looked at the plump white. For a moment, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth and said with a light smile.

"Why don't you take off my pants, too?"

When Wang Pei heard this, he was already very determined. Unexpectedly, ye Xiaogu didn't forget to make fun of it as soon as he opened his eyes. For a moment, he really wanted to get up immediately.

But at the thought of his naked body now, he could only endure it for a moment, frowned and said.

"Is everything all right?"

Ye Xiaogu's smile faded a little, but he was speechless when he looked at Wang Pei.

The night outside the window will rise, and the room is a little dark. At first, ye Xiaogu hasn't noticed it, but now he also finds that Wang Pei has a red glow on his face. It must be difficult for her to make a decision.

In his mind, ye Xiaogu also noticed that Wang Pei seemed to have put on a thin quilt, but only put ye Xiaogu's hand outside the quilt.

Ye Xiaogu subconsciously wants to put his hand into the quilt, but Wang Pei frowns and stares at ye Xiaogu.

"I'm going to get down to business with you. OK, No. I'll get up."

It's okay if you don't say this. Naturally, ye Xiaogu doesn't want to miss this opportunity. He quickly reaches into the thin quilt and puts his arms around Wang Pei's waist.

Wang Pei frowned slightly. If he hadn't taken into account ye Xiaogu's injuries, he really wanted to get up for a moment.

Ye Xiaogu didn't go too far. He caressed Wang Pei's waist. This closeness removed the tenderness of his chest, but he also felt very comfortable.

"What a beautiful figure. I really want to get into bed and have a look."

Wang Pei frowned slightly, spat and scolded.

"Think about it... Are you all right? No, I got up."

Ye Xiaogu looked at the blush on Wang Pei's cheek. For a moment, he also restrained a little smile and whispered with Wang Pei in his arms.

"It's hard for you."

Wang Pei smelled the speech, looked at ye Xiaogu and said faintly.

"If you really think so, take out your dog's paw."

Ye Xiaogu smiled and said casually.

"The dog wants to eat meat. If you don't give it to him, you won't allow him to touch it."

Wang Pei gave a low hum, but there was nothing he could do about ye Xiaogu's naughty behavior.

Wang Pei doesn't know the effect of refining heart flame, but if ye Xiaogu is hot again after he gets up, Wang Pei really can't use it.

"The Yang Qi emitted by the heart refining flame seems to be very consistent with my Zhengyang Leigang. I simply guided it, and it has eased some."

Although ye Xiaogu didn't give up, he didn't hide anything and said directly.

"This thing was originally made by Zhengyang Leigang she gave you. Naturally, it will be attracted by your Zhengyang Leigang. It is said that Zhengyang and Zhengyang Leigang are using this heart refining flame, but it can't be borne by manpower and needs auxiliary medicine......"

Before the words were finished, Wang Pei was suddenly stunned.

"It seems that you are my adjuvant."

Ye Xiaogu touched Wang Pei's waist without any clothes. The touch was really soft as jade and people couldn't put it down.

Wang Pei frowned and looked at ye Xiaogu with hatred. He was about to say something, but he found that the smile on ye Xiaogu's face faded, but it seemed a lot indifferent.

Indeed, although Wang Pei was used by bao'er as an auxiliary medicine to temper ye Xiaogu's heart flame because of this hidden disease of the body.

But ye Xiaogu is not something carefully prepared for bao'er. Wang Pei is angry. Ye Xiaogu is afraid that it will be even worse.


Wang Pei couldn't help showing some pity. For a moment, he didn't know how to comfort ye Xiaogu.

However, ye Xiaogu said with a smile.

"What are you doing looking at me like that? You think I'm so bitter. Why don't you let me touch it again?"

Wang Pei frowned slightly and wanted to reprimand, but when he looked at ye Xiaogu's eyes, he couldn't help but slow down.

"It's so beautiful. What else do you want to do?"

Ye Xiaogu raised his mouth, but didn't say much. He stroked Wang Pei's back, but his eyes were indifferent.

As Wang Pei talked about the heart refining flame as if nothing had happened, the beauty and ambiguity at the moment seemed to disappear suddenly.

In ye Xiaogu's arms, she is no longer a beautiful and plump beauty, but a peaceful tool to temper her heart and flame. Even ye Xiaogu himself is just a chess piece for bao'er's plot.

Under such circumstances, ye Xiaogu is not so worried.

Wang Pei couldn't help saying that ye Xiaogu seemed indifferent for a moment.

"You don't have to care too much. The one in your family has an exquisite heart and doesn't have seven orifices. At least she's longer than you think. Besides, she's also for you."

Ye Xiaogu heard the speech, looked at Wang Pei in his arms and said faintly.

"It seems that you were the first one to wake me up. Now you put a veil on her and tell me that she is good for me?"

When ye Xiaogu said this, his eyes were cold and didn't cover up at all. Looking at Wang Pei like this, Wang Pei couldn't help but sip his mouth, subconsciously lying on ye Xiaogu's chest and didn't dare to answer.

It seems that seeing Wang Pei's submissive appearance, ye Xiaogu also realized that he seemed to show too much. At present, he raised his mouth, stroked the soft meat around Wang Pei's waist and said with a smile.

"What's the matter?"

Wang Pei didn't answer for a moment. Ye Xiaogu thought together, but his hand slipped down.

Wang Pei felt ye Xiaogu's action, but he couldn't help shouting and glared at ye Xiaogu angrily.

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