Su Shi, bao'er's old house.

The night was deep and the cold gradually appeared.

It seems that there are many waves in the long night, which makes ye Xiaogu taste all the sweets and bitters for a while.


Looking at Ren Hanxiang and Xu Xiaoman who was sobbing in the distance, ye Xiaogu was really big on both sides of his head and didn't say a word for a long time.

"It's boring. My Mr. Ye, do you have to make a voice and choose one side?"

When ye xiaoguwu hesitated here, bao'er poured some oil on the fire with a sneer.

Sure enough, as soon as these words fell, ye Xiaogu felt Ren Hanxiang pinch his waist secretly, and Xu Xiaoman's sobbing seemed to be a little lower.

For a moment, the pressure in the room seemed to fall on ye Xiaogu. Ye Xiaogu frowned and sighed.

"Let's see... Everyone is tired so late. Why don't you take a rest first and talk about it tomorrow?"


"No, continue!"


As soon as ye Xiaogu's words fell, bao'er and Wang Pei immediately took down the stage and put ye Xiaogu on the fire for a while.

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly. At this time, he didn't dare to offend bao'er and Wang Pei. After all, Xu Xiaoman and Ren Hanxiang have given themselves a headache.

Between his thoughts, ye Xiaogu suddenly had an idea, raised the corners of his mouth, smiled and said.

"Since everyone is my wife, will you take this opportunity to arrange a number today?"

As soon as ye Xiaogu said this, bao'er and Wang Pei were suddenly cold. Although they talked and laughed, they seemed to indulge ye Xiaogu in every way.

But as bao'er said, there is only one person around ye Xiaogu, Hanxiang. They are not intimate with ye Xiaogu.

Compared with the cold faces of bao'er and Wang Pei, Ren Hanxiang just lay aside wrapped in a quilt and explained his ideas with practical actions.

Ren Hanxiang was the daughter of heaven in Chaotian Palace. If it weren't for the inheritance of the Heavenly Master, she wouldn't do such a thing with ye Xiaogu.

Since she has done this, Ren Hanxiang naturally thinks that ye Xiaogu should be her own.

Even if you want to leave in the future. At present, no matter how ye Xiaogu talks and laughs, he can't really do things every day.

For a moment, the three women were solved. Although ye Xiaogu had to take pains to persuade them in the future, at least at present, the three women didn't say to go. The only thing to worry about was Xu Xiaoman, who was simple in heart.

Seeing ye Xiaogu get up and cover up with his clothes, bao'er also guessed ye Xiaogu's mind and said faintly.

"....... don't think I don't know your mind. We are under the same roof for the time being, but if you really pull this little Taoist, I'm sure you'll regret it all your life."

When ye Xiaogu heard the speech, he walked slowly at his feet. He just looked at Xu Xiaoman's thin back and smiled at bao'er, especially nodding and bowing.

"It's normal for a girl to come here in the middle of the night. I'll ask what's the matter first. The three great beauties are more beautiful than the fairies in the Moon Palace. They have a heart for all things in the world and are kind to people......"

"If you don't talk, I'll kick you out!"

Ye Xiaogu can speak vigorously, but bao'er hates.

Ye Xiaogu smiled, folded his hands and bowed, and whispered an apology. The way he bowed his head and bowed down really made bao'er and Wang Pei turn their faces and don't want to see more.

"What's the matter? Why are you here so late?"

Ye Xiaogu took the opportunity to walk behind Xu Xiaoman. He wanted to hold Xu Xiaoman, but bao'er stared aside. Ye Xiaogu had to talk about business for a while.

"You've always lied to me, haven't you?"

Ye xiaoguben wanted to ask what was going on first and then make a long-term plan. Unexpectedly, Xu Xiaoman, a Taoist, threw out such a sharp question at once.

For a moment, ye Xiaogu was stunned, but then ye Xiaogu restrained a little smile and said.

"I didn't lie to you."

"... do you like me?"

Ye Xiaogu's firm response seems to ease Xu Xiaoman a lot, but then the problem makes ye Xiaogu feel a little numb.

Sure enough, when Xu Xiaoman asked this, the three women on one side looked at ye Xiaogu more or less, but they were also very concerned about the answer.

"Yes, I've loved it since I ran away from home and met you."

Between thoughts, ye Xiaogu shouldn't have answered this question. He should just make a ha ha, or pretend not to hear it, and then persuade him slowly in the future.

But looking at Xu Xiaoman's back, ye Xiaogu still couldn't hide his emotions.

When he was in Nanshi, ye Xiaogu listened to bao'er's words and went to the banquet at Nanjia's house, but he also killed Nanyuan master by mistake.

Ye Xiaogu had a quarrel with bao'er. When they ran away in anger and fell on the overpass, all the hope in their eyes was aroused by the thin back of little Taoist sister.

Now, when she asks about this, how does ye Xiaogu pretend to ignore it?

After ye Xiaogu finished this simple sentence, Xu Xiaoman didn't answer. Ren Hanxiang and Wang Pei didn't speak. Instead, bao'er's face was slightly cold. For a moment, the whole room was like a cold winter.

When bao'er is angry, it seems that winter is coming, but the momentum is amazing.

Ye Xiaogu felt the movement. For a moment, he also turned back and blinked at bao'er, which was more or less regarded as comfort.

At present, if bao'er is really angry again, ye Xiaogu really doesn't know which head to take care of for a moment.


Ye xiaoguben pretended to be relaxed and blinked with bao'er. A figure flashed in front of him, but Xu Xiaoman, a little Taoist, jumped directly into ye Xiaogu's arms.

The copper coins and swords gathered and ran directly through ye Xiaogu's chest.

"So we can always be together."

Fishy and salty blood gushed out of his throat, and the corners of Ye Xiaogu's mouth were full of blood.

He was stabbed through his chest and seemed to hurt his lungs. For a moment, ye Xiaogu felt a little pain even breathing.


Suddenly, all the people in the field, even ye Xiaogu, didn't expect that the seemingly honest little Taoist sister should be so strong.

However, as ye Xiaogu was pierced by Xu Xiaoman's sword, all three women came forward for a moment.

Even bao'er has shown the virtual shadow of a white fox. This soft little hand shines on Xu Xiaoman's back and comes with a claw!

Between the lightning and flint, ye Xiaogu held Xu Xiaoman and reluctantly moved his body. He forced himself to pull the corners of his mouth and said with a smile.

"The little wife is joking..... Just forgive me......"

While talking, ye Xiaogu's mouth and teeth were bloody, and his face was pale. Just now, in order to protect Xu Xiaoman, the copper coin sword was broken in ye Xiaogu's body.


"Don't hurt her... Poof ~"

Looking at the blood color in ye Xiaogu's mouth, bao'er flew into a rage and grabbed Xu Xiaoman's collar to throw her out.

Seeing this, ye Xiaogu tried his best to shout. In a hurry, he couldn't help but spit out another mouthful of blood pressure.


It's a long night without sleep.

Ye Xiaogu doesn't know why there are so many things tonight.

Watching Wang Pei press Xu Xiaoman on the ground, ye xiaoguben wanted to pull out a smile and joke to liven up the atmosphere.

But the pain in his chest made it difficult for ye Xiaogu to speak.


Just when ye Xiaogu felt that he was about to see the king of hell, bao'er threw ye Xiaogu to the ground.

For a moment, the whole back of the head seemed numb.

Just as ye Xiaogu narrowed his eyes and watched his consciousness decline, bao'er directly reached out and dug into the wound on ye Xiaogu's chest.

For a moment, the blood Rou fluttered, ye Xiaogu trembled slightly, and a cold sweat came from his forehead.

Bao'er's face was plain, and he tore ye Xiaogu's wound.

"Hiss............... Hoo Hoo ~ ~"

Ye Xiaogu took a breath, and as bao'er dug out two copper coins buried in his chest, ye Xiaogu also exhaled in a hurry.

"What are you pretending to be? I don't feel it. What are you yelling about?"

Bao'er wiped the blood on ye Xiaogu's stomach, and casually said something. He thought of something in his words. He pulled the wound on ye Xiaogu's chest again. Ye Xiaogu trembled and almost fainted.

Seeing the blood coming out, bao'er even stretched out his hand to take a little and wiped it on ye Xiaogu's face.

"Go on, you're miserable enough now..... Don't you like lying to the little girl like this best? Go and try. If you stab you again, I won't care about you."

Between the words, although bao'er's face was plain, he also moved the real fire.

Seeing this pressing question, ye Xiaogu didn't deal with the injury in front of his chest.

At present, if ye Xiaogu doesn't beg for mercy and doesn't say a few good words to bao'er, I'm afraid there's really no good fruit to eat.

But......... Ye Xiaogu subconsciously looked at Xu Xiaoman, who was pressed on the ground by Wang Pei, and then slowly got up.

The sword wound on his chest was bleeding, but ye Xiaogu didn't feel it.

"Ye Xiaogu......"

Seeing ye Xiaogu get up, Ren Hanxiang, who hasn't made a sound all the time, couldn't help but shout softly. In her eyes, she couldn't tell whether to blame or give up.

Blood dripped down his chest to the ground.

Bao'er looked at ye Xiaogu's bloody hand with a cold face, but he didn't look at ye Xiaogu for a moment.

"Peipei..... For your convenience......"

With too much loss, the pain in his chest seemed to fade away, but ye Xiaogu's head began to feel dizzy.

Wang Pei frowned and looked at ye Xiaogu, who was covered in blood. He didn't want to let Xu Xiaoman go, but he couldn't help but loosen his eyes when he saw ye Xiaogu's eyes.

"..... OK, Peipei, I'll sleep with you every day."

While talking, I don't know if he was hurt so badly that the light returned in general. For a moment, ye Xiaogu could pull the corners of his mouth and smile.

Wang Pei frowned slightly, pursed his lips, hesitated for a moment, and said.

"Don't hold on. Go back and find your fox spirit."

The words fell, but ye Xiaogu didn't look back. He leaned down and touched Xu Xiaoman's head.

"Scared? It doesn't matter... It's a family. I won't let them hurt you."

While talking, if ye Xiaogu said this for a few minutes, I'm afraid he would be white eyed by the women again, but at the moment, ye Xiaogu was covered with blood and no one answered for a moment.

"... I'll be with you now."

After ye Xiaogu finished this simple sentence, Xu Xiaoman stood up straight, and the guide sign in his hand was a guide according to his chest.

But ye xiaoguben was very worried. He rushed up, hugged Xu Xiaoman, trembled, grabbed her hand and whispered.

"Will you bury me before you die?"

Ye Xiaogu's hands and feet were weak and trembled slightly. Xu Xiaoman still didn't struggle.

Ye Xiaogu whispered with Xu Xiaoman in his arms.

"I told you to go back to Maoshan, but you didn't listen..... The world is too dangerous. I can't protect you, but I wish you peace."

Ye Xiaogu was trembling before. Now he speaks more fluently, and even his face is ruddy.

For a moment, this vision also made Wang Pei anxious. He took ye Xiaogu and stretched out his hand to lead Zhenyuan. No matter what others did, he just wanted to save him.

"Stop, let him go on. Eat what's in the bowl and look at what's in the pot..."

"I ran once. I only thought you were angry. Today is when you really want to die with this Taoist sister, and I will help you."

When bao'er waved, ye Xiaogu suddenly got out of Wang Pei's hands and fell in front of Xu Xiaoman.

"What are you doing? Stop playing, he's dying!"

When Wang Pei saw ye Xiaogu rolling to the ground, he was also in a panic. He couldn't care about bao'er's identity and said in a hurry.

Bao'er frowned slightly, but he also snorted. His hands were strong, but he pressed Wang Peisheng on the ground.

"Aunt, no!"

Seeing that Wang Pei was under control, ye Xiaogu lay on the ground without a sound. Ren Hanxiang didn't care about anything else. He got up straight, took bao'er's hand and said in a hurry.

"Hum ~ ~"

With a low hum, bao'er really didn't care. He threw Ren Hanxiang away, walked quickly to ye Xiaogu's back, and said faintly.

"... will you come back?"

Bao'er's feet were steady, and the corners of Ye Xiaogu's mouth were full of blood. When he was panting, he sobbed and whispered, vaguely unable to hear clearly.

"... bury me... Nanshan."


On his knees, Xu Xiaoman suddenly knelt in front of bao'er, but it was as if ye Xiaogu begged bao'er for her at the railway station that day.

Tears fell on the blood of Ye Xiaogu, mixed with blood, but there was no trace.

Just now, there was a peaceful and endless spring in the bedroom. At the moment, with ye Xiaogu's injury, the three women were crying, sad or sad... For a moment, they even looked so sad.

"Are you proud? It's still what you want."

Bao'er then pulled ye Xiaogu up. It seemed that even his breath was fading.

Seeing this, bao'er frowned slightly for a moment, and vaguely felt that something was wrong.

"Who opened the six pulse gates for him?!"

Between thoughts, bao'er's plain face was finally a little flustered.

Although the ninth mantra seal is extremely powerful, it has many limitations. The simplest solution is that the people connected with the ninth mantra seal take Tanzhong acupoint as the guide and break the five pulse gates of Neiguan, Sanyinjiao, Tu Xing, Xinping and Zusanli at the same time.

Then the ninth mantra seal can be temporarily sealed off.

No wonder he didn't feel it when he looked at ye Xiaogu just now.

After a flash of thought, bao'er finally panicked, stretched out his hand to gather Qi, and slowly introduced the Qi strength into ye Xiaogu's injury.

"...... I'll come. Your cultivation is too strong and your Qi is too strong. I'm afraid you'll hurt his meridians."

Bao'er panicked. Wang Pei also approached Zhenyuan to help treat ye Xiaogu's injury.

With bao'er and Wang Pei's treatment, Ren Hanxiang felt a little certain. Then she realized that she was not decent at the moment. She carefully took down the clothes on the wardrobe and put them on. Instead, she walked slowly to Xu Xiaoman's body and pulled her out of the bedroom.

Xu Xiaoman's eyes were glistening with tears and sobbed in a low voice. She looked pitiful. If it weren't for the sword just now, I'm afraid she would really think she was a simple and weak person.

"You're better than me. I keep saying I want to kill him, but I haven't done anything. You're so determined that you can kill him if you say so... I really admire you."

Ren Hanxiang led Xu Xiaoman to sit on the sofa, casually cocked his legs and said casually.


Xu Xiaoman heard the speech, but he didn't answer for a moment.

In the bedroom, although ye Xiaogu was seriously injured, he was only a simple sword wound, not a Taoist curse.

With Wang Pei and bao'er, it's hard for ye Xiaogu to die.

"Then I'll go out."

Seeing that ye Xiaogu's injury healed, Wang Pei frowned slightly, but also casually said that he was about to turn and leave.

Unexpectedly, before he got up, ye Xiaogu grabbed Wang Pei, slowly opened his eyes, pulled the corners of his mouth, smiled and said.

"Don't go. I'm afraid she'll hit me."

After ye Xiaogu said this, bao'er slapped ye Xiaogu on the face.


But ye Xiaogu didn't feel it. He stretched out his hand and pulled the two women to his side, relieved his breath and said with a smile.

"Satisfied? Another little wife."

Before Wang Pei answered, bao'er snorted coldly and said faintly.

"I don't have time to listen to you. How did you untie the ninth curse? If you die, what do you want me to do?"

Ye Xiaogu was slightly stunned when he heard the speech. He subconsciously looked at bao'er, but he frowned slightly and said.

"Don't say that. It makes me look like your dog. Can you have some feelings? Barking husband?"

While talking, bao'er bit his teeth and really wanted to beat ye Xiaogu for a while.

However, ye Xiaogu smiled so much, but he also relieved his breath, held bao'er in his arms and said softly.

"You know I'm greedy. You still have to send me so many beautiful women to your arms. Now you feel uneasy when I accept them. Do you think it's a little wrong to be the first wife?"

Bao'er was held in his arms by Ye Xiaogu, and he seemed to enjoy talking softly, but when he heard ye Xiaogu's words, there was a burst of fire for no reason. He got up straight and raised his hand as a claw, which was about to be torn away according to ye Xiaogu's wound.

Seeing this, Wang Pei hurriedly took bao'er and said in a hurry.

"Stop pulling, I managed to cure it... You really want to be angry. Just slap him directly?"

When ye Xiaogu saw Wang Pei holding bao'er, he couldn't help but rejoice in himself for a moment, but when he heard the second half of the sentence, his smile was a little stiff, even his voice said.

"No, I'm seriously wounded. Don't do it..."

"Pa!! PA!! PA!!"

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