Su Shi, bao'er's old house.

The night is getting dark, and the light rain outside the window seems to be endless.

The light in the bathroom was still on, and the dense hot air slowly dispersed between the hot water in the bathtub, blurring the two figures in the bathtub.

I can't say it's warm. I even feel a little cold.


Bao'er's face was as heavy as water, and he couldn't see any happiness or sorrow. Ye Xiaogu just held bao'er, and the dense heat was rising. They didn't say a word or see a word.

"Dong Dong......"

Outside the bathroom, there was a knock on the door, and then there was Wang Pei's voice.

"Can you move a place? You two have enough for most of the night? It's too much fun and it's very hurtful..."


Before Wang Pei finished his joke, bao'er took his clothes and covered them. He opened the door of the bathroom and went out.

Wang Pei was a little stunned for a moment, and only regarded it as disturbing bao'er and ye Xiaogu. For a moment, he couldn't help whispering.

"People have three emergencies. It's normal."

While talking, Wang Pei looked at ye Xiaogu lying in the bathtub and said casually.

"Young master ye, would you please give me some convenience?"

Although Wang Pei made a simple joke, to his surprise, ye Xiaogu just lay in the bathtub and didn't mean to get up at all.

Wang Pei wanted to bear it, but he couldn't help seeing that they were all here. He went straight to ye Xiaogu and said with a frown.

"Don't pretend to be dead. Get out. Don't be so ashamed."

Ye Xiaogu slowly opened his eyes and looked at Wang Pei. His face seemed calm and said faintly.

"When you saw me that day, I still loved you in every way. Is it because of my appearance?"

Wang Pei frowned slightly, skimmed his lips, and said impatiently.

"Don't get mad at me, get out!"


As soon as the words fell, ye Xiaogu suddenly pulled Wang Pei into his arms. For a moment, Wang Pei couldn't help shouting.


"Hua la..."

In the middle of the night, Wang Pei just wanted to go to the bathroom. At present, he is wet and really wants to slap ye Xiaogu.

"Have you had enough? I told you to go out. I'm not going to stop......"

Wang Pei originally wanted to continue to say a few words, but seeing ye Xiaogu's calm face, he seemed to have something on his mind. This originally angry words faded slowly.

"You said I was the reincarnation of a Heavenly Master. What's the relationship between bao'er and this heavenly master?"

Seeing Wang Pei calm down, ye Xiaogu held Wang Pei in his arms and said faintly.

Wang Pei frowned slightly and said impatiently.

"What do you have...... don't pull my belt!"

Ye Xiaogu didn't stop talking, but he knew each other for a long time. If you really want to talk about it, Wang Pei was very used to ye Xiaogu, but it also made ye Xiaogu happy.

Between kneading, ye Xiaogu approached Wang Pei's ear and said softly.

"Tell me, did the Heavenly Master fall in love with bao'er?"

Wang Pei frowned slightly, and some reluctantly glanced. He really turned over these old accounts, although it was not a privacy for Wang Pei.

But in the end, it is thousands of years. At this moment, it is still plain and has a sense of vicissitudes.

People in practice, based on calming the four flavors of happiness, anger, sadness and joy, emphasize a quiet and attentive mind and feel the Enlightenment of heaven. But just as the water is clear, there is no fish, people are clean and their hearts are fresh.

Those who pursue the great road in the world are persistent, do not have four tastes, and do not see joys and sorrows, but they are finally defeated by the long years.

After thousands of years of practice, people's sophistication, love, hate and hatred often lead to countless love robberies. Finally, even people with lofty mind can't stick to their original heart in these endless years.

Therefore, Wang Pei has always rarely recalled the past, so as not to have an uneven mind and affect his practice.

However, when ye Xiaogu asks, if Wang Pei doesn't talk about it, I'm afraid the dog won't stop. At present, he can only talk about that old past reluctantly.

"At the beginning of ancient times, demons were rampant. The first generation of Heavenly Master only knew his surname was Zhang. His qualifications were poor and could not be carved. Originally, he was just a poor scholar, but later, when he went on a study tour, he saw demons rampant and worldly charcoal, his mind moved the world and achieved a great road overnight. Then he wiped out the demons in Kyushu and finally died."

"........ Can you be serious? What I asked was what happened to him and bao'er?"

Ye Xiaogu said a word casually, but his hand also stopped. For a moment, Wang Pei also slapped ye Xiaogu's hand and said in a hurry.

"Seriously! Seriously! Are your dog paws itching?"

Hearing the speech, ye Xiaogu leaned close to Wang Pei's cheek, kissed him lightly and said faintly.

"I thought you were itchy."

When Wang Pei heard the speech, he turned back and stared at ye Xiaogu. Ye Xiaogu also hurriedly comforted him.

"Let's talk about bao'er and the Heavenly Master..."

"Tell me! If you want to know so much, ask her yourself? Ancient heavenly masters have been handed down for centuries, and I have to give you a generation of algebra?"

Wang Pei saw that ye Xiaogu was soft, but he was tough for a moment. He was about to get up while talking, but he was pulled back by Ye Xiaogu.

"Don't hide, I know you've figured it out for a long time..... You recognized me when you first met me. I think this so-called Heavenly Master passed down from generation to generation. Apart from the power of inheritance, even your face hasn't changed too much?"

Ye Xiaogu had a little thought about Wang Pei, but he also saw it clearly. After a simple sentence, he kneaded Wang Pei's smooth belly and held Wang Pei in his arms.

Wang Pei frowned slightly. For a moment, he was really helpless and said in a deep voice.

"Do you really want to know?"

But ye Xiaogu didn't answer and knead himself. Wang Pei's soft body wouldn't be bored.

"The dissolute fox spirit not only lingered with the Heavenly Master Day and night, but also gave birth to a pair of twins with him day and night......"

Wang Pei wrinkled slightly, but he also said directly.


Ye Xiaogu heard the speech, and the movement on his hand slowed down slightly. He subconsciously thought of the big and small children, but his heart was cold and thin.

"Satisfied? Get out of here quickly, but it'll suffocate me."

While talking, Wang Pei got up in a hurry and couldn't care what ye Xiaogu thought for a moment.


"Hua la..."

Wang Pei just got up and didn't stand up straight, but he was pulled back by Ye Xiaogu and splashed a pile of water and flowers.

"Are you bored?"

Wang Pei frowned and was really helpless for a moment.

Ye Xiaogu put Wang Pei in his arms with a plain face and said faintly.

"Tell me, what is my past life that can produce a pair of cat demons with BoA's fox demon?"

When Wang Pei heard this, he was really frustrated for no reason. He sighed and said.

"I'm going to the bathroom. Don't pester me in the middle of the night, my young master Ye."

Ye Xiaogu said faintly when he heard the speech.

"Isn't this your little girl who has been making trouble with me here? Since you know, why do you have to make a corner?"

Wang Pei frowned slightly. For a moment, he couldn't stand ye Xiaogu's temper and said in a hurry.

"There are no grudges and grudges. One is the Heavenly Master of eliminating demons, the master of Taoism, and a monster in the wilderness. How can there be any intersection!"

When ye Xiaogu heard the speech, he pinched Wang Pei's chin and asked casually.

"Then why are you so indulgent when you see me?"

Wang Pei frowned and said impatiently.

"I told you earlier that the power of your Heavenly Master is useful to me, and if that fox spirit really develops you into a great heavenly master, don't I have to touch some light?"

Ye Xiaogu heard the speech, but his eyes were flexible and said softly.

"That's it?"

Wang Pei glanced impatiently and said in a hurry.

"What else do you want? You think everyone is as idle as you. A woman is looking for love. I can't tell how many people will die outside tonight!"

Ye Xiaogu was slightly stunned for a moment. After removing the ridicule in Wang Pei's words, it seemed that there was something else, and he was still in the dark.

For a moment, ye Xiaogu couldn't help looking at Wang Pei. He was about to ask, but he found that Wang Pei's pretty face was red, like a red apple.

"What's the matter?"

Ye Xiaogu asked suspiciously, and Wang Pei didn't answer for a moment.

Ye Xiaogu thought for a moment, but he also realized something and approached Wang Pei's ear.

"....... this little face is so greedy. Are you ashamed now?"

With a red face, Wang Pei pulled ye Xiaogu's shoulder with his backhand and pressed it into the bathtub at once.

"Are you ashamed now?"

Before the words fell, ye Xiaogu stretched out his hand and stroked several times under the water, and played several times for a while.


The night is light and the light rain is hazy.

People in their sleep seem to enjoy the sweetness of their dreams, while sober people feel the cold of the night.

Bai Jia.


In the confrontation, a green vine suddenly ran out of the ground. Originally, he was still holding a long knife, but the beggar man just threw down the long knife and ran away.


Forcibly urging the green vines, Mu Tianxiong had been hurt by a knife for a long time. This Qi strength together led to a surge of blood and a spit of blood.

At the moment, there were no less than dozens of people standing in the yard, and they didn't easily rush into Bai's house.

In front of the front door of the house, Mu Tianxiong wore a white mask and couldn't see any expression. He took out the long knife and made a splash of blood for a moment.

"The little Taoist priest should have informed you? Why are you still the only one here? You're still a guest Qing. The Bai family is a famous family in the past. Now you're under the jurisdiction of the Tianmen gate. Do you despise it too much?"

In the yard, I don't know when the beggar suddenly appeared before these dozens of people, and there was no saber in his hand. He just said so casually.

Under the mask, Mu Tianxiong looked at the beggar lightly, but he couldn't help frowning slightly for a moment. It seemed that he had seen the man before.

But now is not a good time to speak.

Since the Yang family suddenly shot at Zhou Yuanchang, one day and one night have passed. All the guests who went to the Yang family for dinner on that day have been killed, plus Zhou Yuanchang.

The Yang family is already against the whole Tianmen. Although I don't know why the Yang family is so crazy, from the night attack of dozens of people, it seems that the Yang family is really determined to drive Tianmen out of the Soviet city and the southern provinces and cities.

Although Tianmen is powerful, it involves many monks after all. Xia breaks the ban with martial arts. These forces are not allowed by Tianmen, but it takes a lot of effort to digest them.

What's more, there are not only friars in this world, but also demons and ghosts in the underworld. It's even more troublesome to deal with them.

Although Tianmen has been entrenched in the north for a long time, it has always hoped to expand its influence in the south. However, at the moment, it seems that these seemingly scattered family forces are really like cats and tigers, which is hard to say lightly.

The dozens of people of the Yang family gathered around covetously. Even Mu Tianxiong couldn't help frowning slightly for a moment.

In fact, to tell you the truth, apart from the unexpected killing of several people at the beginning, if these ten people really start, it will really take some effort to take advantage of Mu Tianxiong's current strength.

In addition, the beggar who doesn't know the depth of the matter, the situation at the moment is indeed like what the beggar said. He really underestimates the Yang family too much.

Words are useless and there is no escape.

The two sides faced each other in silence for a while. Mu Tianxiong's eyes under the mask coagulated and his wrists turned, attracting the green vines underground. He should take the lead!





Sure enough, as Mu Tianxiong thought, the dozens of people who attacked were not all incompetent. If the green vines were unexpected, they could still have some miraculous effects, but now the bright sword and sword can't hurt them at all.

Mu Tianxiong's green vines can't hurt these people at all, but these dozens of people burst up in an instant. They drew their swords according to Mu Tianxiong.

For a moment, the light of the knife flashed and the killing intention was awe inspiring.

At the critical moment, Mu Tianxiong's heart crossed and gently bit the tip of his tongue. With this little blood on the tip of his tongue, he tried to urge Zhenyuan in his body. The green vines suddenly burst up, blocking out the sky and the sun for a moment, and barely covered the knife light of dozens of people!

However, these dozens of people are too much better than Mu Tianxiong. Mu Tianxiong's desperate struggle has not achieved much.




Mu Tianxiong called out the green vines. For a moment, although he blocked dozens of people in the Yang family, in an instant, he either drew a knife to chop or was inspired by Taoism.

This seemingly vigorous green vine did not stop a breath and a half.

At the critical moment, Mu Tianxiong under the mask shouted loudly.

"Don't you help me yet?!"

The dozens of people were slightly stunned. On the contrary, the beggar standing at the end slowly raised his head and looked at Mu Tianxiong. The corners of his mouth raised slightly, but he couldn't help laughing for a moment.

"What are you calling?"

When they heard the speech, they were about to continue to rush up, but they heard several screams behind them.

The dozens of people in the Yang family were stunned. The beggar took out a long knife in his hand, but he walked through the crowd in a flash, but chopped the seven people to the ground in a moment.




The crowd had no time to respond, but mu Tianxiong used the beggar's rebellion to induce green vines to kill several more people.

Originally, there were only about thirty people. At present, more than half of them were killed and injured in a flash. These people of the Yang family were even more frightened for a moment. What they were waiting for was the pursuit of Mu Tianxiong and the beggar who didn't know his appearance.

The night was not over, the light rain did not stop, and the murmuring blood flowed slowly on the lawn in the white courtyard.

When Mu Tianxiong beckoned, the green vines that had been waving their teeth and claws slowly hung down, wrapped all the bodies around, smashed them, and soon absorbed them all.

With the green vines absorbing the corpses, Mu Tianxiong had been stabbed several times and healed quickly. The face under the mask was more feminine.

The dark beggar on one side turned his lips secretly, but he didn't think highly of Mu Tianxiong's means, and even faintly despised it.

"....... by the way, have you got any news?"

In this scene, dozens of corpses were completely swallowed up. Mu Tianxiong relaxed his breath and asked casually.

"What else can I hear? I'm just an external employee. I've seen several people in the Yang family."

While talking, the beggar also covered his face and put on a white mask in the twinkling of an eye.

Is he also a disciple of Tianmen?

Mu Tianxiong is not surprised to see this. Although he doesn't know the real identity of this person, Mu Tianxiong vaguely guessed his Tianmen code.


The knife is fast and the man is faster. If you don't practice Taoism, the sabre and body methods are first-class.

Mu Tianxiong had long known that Yang Jia Zhi had hidden disciples of Tianmen. After all, Tianmen and these Southern families talked for a long time.

In fact, Mu Tianxiong is also gambling. He has not received any news and clearly told him who is Tianmen disciple in Yang family.

The Yang family suddenly invited all people related to Tianmen through the dinner after the Longmen conference, together with Zhou Yuan, and removed hundreds of people.

One day and one night, the momentum was amazing, but there was no chance for these small families in Suzhou to go to Tianmen to explain and breathe.

That's why Bai Shaoqing is so nervous. Although Mu Tianxiong doesn't show any points, he doesn't have a bottom in his heart.

At present, I just try my best to arrange everything. I wear the standard clothes of Tianmen disciples and hope to take a chance.

I didn't expect that there is really no way for people.

"In Su city, there are only three or five families who belong to Tianmen. At present, the matter of the Bai family will be revealed soon. It's not time to be at ease if you want to protect the Bai family."

When Mu Tianxiong secretly congratulated himself, luansheng was crazy, but he said coldly.

The night is not over, and the light rain in late autumn continues to be cold.

"Has the Yang family closed the road?"

Mu Tianxiong frowned slightly and asked.

"....... this is not true. Although the Yang family has a sudden rise, they are not dead. They just want to drive Tianmen's forces out of Suzhou."

Luansheng maniac hesitated for a moment, but still opened his mouth and said.

Between the words, the chaos born maniacs themselves hesitated. After all, since the Yang family has taken the momentum, there is no chance to ease up. Why do they give these small families a chance of life.

"Anyway, since the Yang family has left a way, I will take the Bai family out. Take care."

Mu Tianxiong heard the speech, but he didn't think much for a moment. In a simple sentence, he also left quickly.

Disorderly born crazy looked up at the night sky at will.

The late autumn night is so beautiful.

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