Su Shi, bao'er's old house.

Bao'er's house is not big. Now there are three or five people living in it. It really seems a little crowded for a time.

The light in the living room was on, and the table was deserted, and there was no food.

The four women were sitting on the sofa. For a moment, they were really beautiful. Even this room seemed a little classy.


When the door opened, ye Xiaogu came back with two bags of vegetables. There was a little rain and fog on his head. For a moment, it seemed like a little dust. He felt more or less relaxed.

"If you don't come back, I'll starve to death."

Seeing ye Xiaogu coming back, Wang Pei couldn't help saying. She is quite eager to see ye Xiaogu.

While talking, ye Xiaogu tilted his head and looked at Ren Hanxiang, who shrank into a ball on the sofa and covered his stomach. For a moment, he said casually.

"It'll be ready soon."

When ye Xiaogu enters the kitchen, Wang Pei is impatient to follow ye Xiaogu into the kitchen.

"Is Xiangxiang okay?"

Ye Xiaogu casually divided the dishes he bought into categories and asked casually.

Wang Pei smelled the speech, looked at ye Xiaogu with contempt and said.

"You dog don't know how to be considerate of other people's girls..... What are you?"

Ye Xiaogu managed to organize the dishes and said.

"Make tonic medicated meals tonight... Tremella stewed with rock sugar lotus seeds and red dates, bass stewed with fermented rice, stewed ribs with cabbage, and a black chicken with mushroom."

Wang Pei looked at ye Xiaogu and couldn't help praising him for a moment.

"I can't see you have a good conscience. When will you make a special seat for me?"

When ye Xiaogu heard the speech, the corners of his mouth raised slightly. Looking back at Wang Pei, he showed an inexplicable smile.

"If you want it, I'll make it for you every day. It depends on whether you like it or not."

When ye Xiaogu spoke, the desire in his eyes didn't hide at all.

When Wang Pei saw it, his face turned white and ye Xiaogu looked at it and said.

"Seriously, listen to what bao'er means. She doesn't want you to let Han Xiang go. Do you have to do something?"

When ye Xiaogu heard the speech, the smile on his face converged a little and said faintly.

"Don't say yet. According to her mind, she probably wants me to pick off the moon in the sky and give it to her."

Wang Pei naturally saw ye Xiaogu's emotions clearly. At present, he also advised him with wide words.

"Isn't she for you? Look at you. All the wives who come to the door can go. If the neighbors know, they won't laugh to death."

Ye Xiaogu washed the lotus seeds and red dates he bought, put them aside and soaked them, sorted out other dishes, and said.

"Don't tell me. If a neighbor knows that I'm accompanied by your four beauties, I'm afraid I can't tell who laughs."

"Bah ~"

"I'm not your wife."

When ye Xiaogu finished this simple sentence, Wang Pei spat and flatly refused.

Ye Xiaogu didn't say much for a moment, just smiled.

While Wang Pei and ye Xiaogu were chatting in the kitchen, Ren Hanxiang in the living room also stretched out, hesitated, and was going to talk to ye Xiaogu.

Bao'er was watching TV and said faintly.

"Take it easy first. If he doesn't give it to you, you can't do it. You really go to him now. I don't know if he'll come together and toss you a few times. I'm afraid I'll have to rest for ten days and a half months tonight, which will delay your business at that time."

When Ren Hanxiang heard the speech, he slowed down and sat back on the sofa.

Wang Pei came out after a while, looked at Ren Hanxiang and said with a wink.

"I bought a lot of things and said it was for you."

Ren Hanxiang's face was cold, but she didn't answer for a moment.

Ye Xiaogu cooked this meal for most of the day. She didn't finish it until the four women were a little sleepy.

Ren Hanxiang and Bai Feifei have never made a valley. They are really hungry and have a stomachache, but they can't answer.

Finally, ye Xiaogu arranged the food. The two women haven't eaten well for a while. Ye Xiaogu politely filled a bowl of rock sugar lotus seeds, red dates and tremella, brought it to Ren Hanxiang and said with a smile.

"Eat more and continue at night."


As soon as ye Xiaogu said this, Ren Hanxiang immediately colded his face and patted his chopsticks on the table. He just thought of bao'er and Wang Pei aside, and just stared at ye Xiaogu with hatred for a moment.

Ren Hanxiang was a little restrained. Ye Xiaogu smiled more brightly. Seeing that Ren Hanxiang frowned tightly, he felt a burst of fire in his heart.

"Cough ~...... after dinner, take Bai's girl to the airport. Don't worry about Han Xiang."

Seeing ye Xiaogu and Ren Hanxiang pestering here, bao'er coughed and mediated.

Ye xiaoguben wanted to make fun of him, but he inadvertently saw Bai Feifei, but he restrained a little and asked casually.

"Why take Miss Bai to the airport?"

"I said you would do it. Where did you get so much? Why?"

Bao'er glanced at ye Xiaogu, took a red jujube and said it faintly. Boa likes to eat sweets very much.

Hearing this, ye Xiaogu frowned slightly and said reluctantly.


"I have kept you for nearly ten years, and you are my dog."

As soon as ye Xiaogu said this, bao'er stopped ye Xiaogu.

Ye Xiaogu couldn't say a word when he heard this. On the contrary, the other three women on the table laughed happily.

After dinner, ye Xiaogu wanted to take Bai Feifei to the airport first. Unexpectedly, bao'er had to clean up and wash the dishes. Ye Xiaogu cried again for a while.

After stumbling, he finally drove Bai Feifei on the road.

The night is deep, and ye Xiaogu doesn't know how much time it is now. The autumn rain is continuous, and it's endless. It's plain and makes people feel heavy.

"Miss Ren, why did she......"

Bai Feifei sat in the back seat and saw some silence in the carriage, but she also said her doubts for a moment.

"Don't worry about adults, children."

Ye Xiaogu cut off this remark at random. Most of the words were frivolous. When he recovered, he also found that Bai Feifei's face was different. For a moment, he coughed and added.

"Cough... I haven't heard Miss Bai talk about your fiance. In fact, I'm quite interested in him."

Bai Feifei glanced at ye Xiaogu and said faintly that she could not see any emotion on her face.

"His family is also in decline. He has a high spirit. He supports the name of the wooden family alone and is very considerate in dealing with people and affairs."

After the words fell, Bai Feifei looked at ye Xiaogu through the rearview mirror, but only saw a pair of calm eyes.

Ye Xiaogu didn't answer, and the car seemed silent.

The light and shadow of the street lamp outside the window from time to time, which makes people feel some inexplicable loss.


Suzhou, airport.

There are still a lot fewer people in the airport at night. In the open hall, except for some waiting passengers, there is no crowded scene during the day.

In the waiting hall of the airport, a somewhat feminine man was looking forward to it.

In his expectant eyes, a man and a woman walked slowly in the distance.

The leading man has messy hair, tall and thin. He looks inexplicably strange in a Tang suit. He can't see clearly from a distance.

The woman behind the man was a little normal, but the long dress of the evening dress, although gorgeous, also seemed a little abrupt.

Seeing these two people appear, Mu Tianxiong couldn't care about anything else for a moment and walked up.

Without taking two steps, Mu Tianxiong's steps slowed down slowly. He didn't see ye Xiaogu holding Bai Feifei's hand, but because he walked into four men in black coats outside the airport gate.

Like Tianmen's black suit and white mask, the guards of the Yang family seem to be wearing a long black coat. Although they seem to affect their boxing, they are not slow to start.

Ye Xiaogu saw Mu Tianxiong slow down. For a moment, he really jumped in his heart. He felt inexplicably guilty, as if he had seen through what he had done with Bai Feifei.

Just when ye Xiaogu felt empty in his heart, Mu Tianxiong stepped up quickly, took out a wallet from his pocket, handed it to ye Xiaogu and whispered.

"Take her first."

Ye Xiaogu was slightly stunned when he heard the speech, and subconsciously caught the wallet.

Mu Tianxiong didn't explain much. He took out the white mask with his backhand and was about to put it on when he hurried. Ye Xiaogu suddenly shouted behind him.

"Only air tickets, no ID card!"


Mu Tianxiong almost stumbled and didn't look back. Ye Xiaogu didn't know when he came behind Mu Tianxiong. He was afraid to pat Mu Tianxiong on the shoulder and said casually.

"Take your wife first."


Mu Tianxiong was stunned when he heard the speech, and subconsciously looked at ye Xiaogu.

Ye Xiaogu glanced at Mu Tianxiong casually, took the white mask in his hand and said faintly.

"I'm very good. It'll take ten minutes at most. If you want to come, let her be a widow. Shall we play the deadly couple?"

Wood Tianxiong heard the words and said with a slight smile.

"Thank you for your kindness."

While talking, Mu Tianxiong really turned and left. Ye Xiaogu couldn't help raising his eyebrows for a moment, but before ye Xiaogu said a word, the four members of the Yang family had caught up.

Ye Xiaogu was trying to be reasonable. Unexpectedly, the four people showed their knives as soon as they entered the door.

His heart sank slightly. Ye Xiaogu secretly left his mouth, but he couldn't say that he turned around and ran away.

"....... hold on first."

As soon as the thought flashed, ye Xiaogu sighed and put on the white mask.

The white mask of Tianmen doesn't have a tie. It fits perfectly when it is put on your face.

I don't know if it's because of wearing this mask, ye Xiaogu's heart seems to calm down a lot.

As soon as the long knife appeared, the four members of the Yang family rushed over.

Under the mask, a trace of killing intention flashed in ye Xiaogu's eyes. The thunder in his right arm suddenly moved, and the golden, blue and green thunder light suddenly solidified.

For a moment, ye Xiaogu felt a surging force.





Ye Xiaogu suddenly provokes Lei Guang and rushes to meet the four pursuers of the Yang family. Unexpectedly, ye Xiaogu feels very happy when Lei Guang flashes.

Even when ye Xiaogu swam away, he easily knocked them down, but although the remaining two blocked ye Xiaogu's thunder with their knives, they also looked blue and lacked stamina.

Ye Xiaogu lit up the thunder light, but he didn't kill him. The remaining two looked at each other and ran away with one person.

Ye Xiaogu casually looked at the waiting hall behind him, but he didn't seem to see the figures of Bai Feifei and Mu Tianxiong.

"Run really fast. But..... Zhengyang Leigang seems to be much stronger?"

Ye Xiaogu casually looked at the thunder light in his hand. Seeing the night guard at the airport coming, he jumped away for a moment. He didn't have time to take a closer look.

A crisis is so simple. On the way back, ye Xiaogu is in a good mood.

As for why the Yang family chased Mu Tianxiong, ye Xiaogu didn't have time to think about it.

For Bai Feifei, ye Xiaogu really doesn't have any ideas at the moment, and doesn't know if he has seen Xu Xiaoman, a little Taoist, crying face. Ye Xiaogu also lost a lot of thoughts about these emotions that can't be protected.

Or maybe, just now I'm not too greedy?

Between his thoughts, ye Xiaogu stopped the car at will and hurried home. He can be comfortable for a long time tonight.


He opened the door at will. The night was already dark. There was no light in the living room. In the dark, ye Xiaogu turned on the light and was surprised to see bao'er lying on the sofa.

"...... Baby? Why are you sleeping on the sofa?"

While talking, ye Xiaogu thought that bao'er had a cold or something and was uncomfortable lying on the sofa to rest.

Unexpectedly, bao'er opened his eyes slowly, looked at ye Xiaogu and said faintly.

"Ren Hanxiang is uncomfortable tonight. I'll accompany you."

Ye Xiaogu was stunned when he heard the speech. When his Adam's Apple moved, he swallowed his saliva subconsciously. For a moment, he couldn't help being polite.

"Isn't that good? Although I have a great demand, I always want to have a wedding, and then we are doing it formally."

Although the words were full of rejection, ye Xiaogu's body was very honest. Before he went to the sofa, he took off his outer shirt in a hurry. With green eyes, I almost didn't drool in my mouth.

Bao'er blurred his eyes and reluctantly leaned against the cushion. He looked at ye Xiaogu faintly, but didn't say anything.

Ye Xiaogu walked faster and faster. The last hungry tiger pounced on the sheep and jumped directly on bao'er.

"Hey hey ~..."

Holding bao'er's body, ye Xiaogu couldn't help laughing happily for a moment.

But without waiting for ye Xiaogu to do more, he looked at bao'er's hand in amazement.

The blood color gradually rose. Bao'er put his hand into ye Xiaogu's chest with a plain face. For a moment, ye Xiaogu didn't even have time to feel pain.


As soon as the blood in his chest surged, ye Xiaogu couldn't help spitting blood on the edge of the sofa. Even at this time, he subconsciously avoided bao'er.

There was an inexplicable emotion in bao'er's eyes. Originally, he wanted to torture ye Xiaogu more. After all, ye Xiaogu's appearance just now is really a little disrespectful.

"Han Xiang cried to me earlier. She said she felt you wouldn't let her. She would always threaten her with this Heavenly Master inheritance."

While talking, bao'er slowly took out his hand. Although it was with some blood color, it also led to a touch of dark green brilliance.

"I thought about it carefully. I think you may really have this temperament. Since she wants me to be fair for her, I can't refuse. I'll give it to her for you."

With the xuanqingguanghua, ye Xiaogu's look suddenly withered for a few minutes, but the wound on his chest seemed to recover as bao'er took back his hand.

Everyone in the world knows that blood inheritance can't be forcibly taken out, but at present, this restriction may not be used on bao'er.

The backhand took away the xuanqingguanghua. Bao'er stretched out his hand and gently wiped the blood color on the corner of Ye Xiaogu's mouth. Even his face was suddenly soft.

"Does it hurt?"

Ye Xiaogu often tells himself that he is good at acting. At present, compared with the changeable fox demon, ye Xiaogu is really hard to beat.

Secretly moved his tongue, but also swallowed the blood in his mouth. Ye Xiaogu pulled out a smile and whispered.

"It's OK. We can try it. Do you think we can do it here or go to the bathroom?"

"Pa Pa ~"

"Wake up, don't dream... Go wash your mouth, scrub your body, and sleep on your sofa."

Seeing ye Xiaogu's evil heart, bao'er couldn't help but look cold for a moment. He patted ye Xiaogu's face gently and said a word casually.

"Ha ~ ~... Really, I've been waiting for you in the middle of the night. Run faster next time, and you'll procrastinate on such a small matter."

When ye Xiaogu was stunned by bao'er's two gentle shots, bao'er seemed to have nothing to do. He yawned and went straight into the bedroom.

Several thanks from Ren Hanxiang came from the bedroom. Ye Xiaogu lay powerlessly on the sofa. Looking at the blood beside the sofa, he felt a burst of loss and helplessness.

Although ye Xiaogu did vaguely think about this idea and threatened Ren Hanxiang through the inheritance of the Heavenly Master, it is not really a psychological pressure.

Although ye Xiaogu promises one by one, he still looks very affectionate, but he is a bed beauty like Ren Hanxiang. Since ye Xiaogu has grasped this handle, how can he really let go?

However, what ye Xiaogu didn't expect was that bao'er was so decisive. He waited for him to come back at night and went down according to his chest. He really took out the inheritance of the Heavenly Master.

"...... How lost."

With a dejected remark, ye Xiaogu smacked his mouth, and couldn't sleep for a while.

After a while, ye Xiaogu walked slowly to the bathroom and washed briefly.

Ye Xiaogu just finished washing, but Ren Hanxiang walked slowly to the door of the bathroom and whispered.

"Thank you... I heard from my aunt that you took the initiative to inherit this heavenly master. I wronged you."

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly when he heard the speech, waved casually, pulled Ren Hanxiang into the bathroom, and closed the door with his backhand.

With a soft cry, ye Xiaogu can finally vent his depression.

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