Su Shi, Yang Jia.

The continuous light rain has not stopped. Although it is daytime, it is a little more gloomy.

From time to time, scattered pedestrians passed in front of the Yang family's yard, but no one knew what was going on here.

Although practitioners live in this city with ordinary people, there is a gap or irrelevant after all.

A pair of black cloth shoes slowly stepped under the bus stop. A tall and thin man in Tang clothes slowly raised his head. His eyes were mostly indifferent, but he couldn't see any emotion.

The Yang family garden in the distance seems to be filled with some ethereal feeling in the rain and fog, just like the Jiangnan in March, which is a little more poetic.

However, at present, there is no such relaxed leisure.

Ye Xiaogu stood at the bus stop and looked at the Yang family garden in the distance. There were a lot of emotions in his heart, but more calm.

Ye Xiaogu has no reason to kill. Although Yang long is arrogant, he almost killed ye Xiaogu. But Yang long is dead. The remaining members of the Yang family should not be punished.

But... Many things don't need any reason.

With a light step, ye Xiaogu jumped up and broke into the Yang family's garden the next second.

The old cloister building is more antique now in the light rain, but the silence makes ye Xiaogu's inexplicable corners of his mouth rise and show a trace of bitter smile.

"I knew I didn't speak so well. I only believed half a sentence. Unexpectedly, I couldn't believe a word..."

"Da ~..."

"Da ~..."


The sound of hurried footsteps and raised long knives came from all directions.

When going out, Wang Pei said in such a soft voice that Tianmen shot and asked ye Xiaogu to come and show his face. I didn't expect this to be a little jet lag. At least for now, ye Xiaogu broke in and there were a dense group around, except those who didn't wear white masks.

Before the Yang family's men came, ye Xiaogu took out the white mask from his pocket and put it on.

Since ye Xiaogu didn't come to show his face, he naturally had to find something to cover it. The white mask from Mu Tianxiong's hand is really useful. Although I knew the material was special, I didn't expect it to be waterproof in rainy days.

Between these thoughts, ye Xiaogu seems to have found a great business opportunity.

"Ding ~..."

"Ding ~..."


The light rain kept on, and some raindrops made some noise on the long knife, some hurried, some solemn.


The three or five breath seemed so long, but it seemed so short.

Together with the thunder and light, an electric arc suddenly surged within a radius of ten meters, hitting all the black attendants who rushed out around.

Without waiting for breath, ye Xiaogu moved Lei Guang and walked forward quickly. He had a series of fist shadows in his hand. He would die between his hands. He had a Adam's apple and a face. His fist was bloody. He took Lei Guang and burst out countless blood colors in the drizzling yard.

The blood color was mixed with the rain all over the ground. Dozens of Yang's attendants in black fell to the ground, feeling a river of blood.

The eyes under the mask can't tell whether they are happy or sad, just indifferent.

Walking forward, ye Xiaogu didn't hesitate much. Although these servants of the Yang family have some force, they are not the Lord after all. Since the Yang family has taken the initiative, they must rely on it.

In the small building in the distance, Yang long stood respectfully with his head down. Several people by the window were looking at the small courtyard in the distance.

The distance is too far, even people can't see clearly and can't hear the cry, but ye Xiaogu's breath is not blocked. It's still easy to find.

"Here comes..."

"Shall I take care of him?"

"... no, it's not the time."


These people simply said a few words, and Yang long didn't dare to look up.

When he came back, several people in front of him had disappeared. Just when Yang long was stunned, ye Xiaogu in the distance was also wantonly killing the remnants of the Yang family.

The capable men of the Yang family were divided into 18 groups and went to hang the 18 families who took refuge in Tianmen. Unexpectedly, all the hundreds of people were destroyed. For a moment, the whole Yang family was only empty shell.

Some servants of the Yang family, who knew how to fight, faced ye Xiaogu, who had fully opened the acupoint and practiced in Taoism for a long time. For a moment, they didn't even have the chance to scream.

Ye Xiaogu smiled bitterly at what Wang Pei said at the beginning, but he vaguely understood Wang Pei's meaning for a while.

"Sure enough, just show your face?"


A casual punch exploded the head of the attendant in front of him, and the eyes under the mask were like Gu Jing wubo.

At this moment, ye Xiaogu didn't even meet an opponent who could test his practice achievements. As Wang Pei said, he was just showing his face.

Or... Just to see the blood.

The Yang family's garden was originally very large, with some winding corridors, but it was also very interesting. However, ye Xiaogu quickly walked over the wall and across the bridge, but he was also accessible all the way.

The blood color all the way was endless. There was still no emotion in ye Xiaogu's eyes.

This feeling is not like killing people, but more like cooking and washing dishes. It is difficult to stir up a little waves in ye Xiaogu's heart.

The building in the distance gradually became clear. Ye Xiaogu casually shook off the blood on his hand and straightened the neckline of Tang clothes, which was more or less the end of today's affair.

Ye Xiaogu's fist was very simple and rough just now. At present, his Tang suit is as bloody as blood. With the rain, blood drips down bit by bit, but the white mask is still as clean as before.

"I didn't expect it to be you."

Ye Xiaogu walked slowly across the long bridge, but at the end of the bridge was a bald middle-aged man - Yang Feng.

Under the mask, ye Xiaogu finally had some vitality in his eyes. After a simple look at Yang Feng, ye Xiaogu took off the white mask and said casually.

"What's unexpected? Haven't I been jumping around here all the time?"

Yang Feng smiled and said.

"Can you let me go?"

When ye Xiaogu heard the speech, he raised his head and looked at Yang Feng. The bald middle-aged man in front of him smiled. Although he was greasy, he inexplicably made ye Xiaogu feel friendly, perhaps because he thought of Lao Wang.


Before I could finish, several tentacles suddenly sprang up under the long bridge and entangled ye Xiaogu with the rising water waves!


The long knife was in the air, and the blade gave a low sound because of its extremely fast passing.


The long knife turned, but it was broken.

Ye Xiaogu's face was as usual. Yang Feng stood two steps behind ye Xiaogu, but his face was earthy. The tiger's mouth split and his blood color was slightly visible, but he still held the broken knife.

The blue thunder light wrapped by jinmang turned into a half man high thunder wall, which directly protected ye Xiaogu's back heart.

The thunder light wall was so strong that it broke Yang Feng's weapon that had been with him for many years.

"Body protection Zhenyuan?!"



The blue thunder light wrapped by jinmang suddenly exploded, and the fluctuating arc turned Yang Feng and the demon family called under the bridge into coke ash.

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly, subconsciously raised his head and looked at the sky. His face was more or less sad and sighed.

"... how could I be so awesome B?!"


After days of autumn rain, the temperature seems to have fallen sharply.

BoA's old house looks a little shabby in the light rain on the outskirts of the city.


When the door lock rang, bao'er on the sofa looked at the TV. Wang Pei got up and looked, whispering.


Ye Xiaogu came in naked and threw the white mask on the shoe cabinet. He also took a bag to pack the blood stained clothes and shoes outside the door and put them at the door.

Wang Pei could not help but frown when he saw ye Xiaogu naked and so indifferent.

Although bao'er has been vaccinated and knows that ye Xiaogu will not accept these things so easily, Wang Pei can't help worrying about whether ye Xiaogu will be out of balance for a moment.

For the demon family like bao'er and Wang Pei who have lived together for thousands of years, it may be natural to kill and seize treasure, but there will still be some pressure to let ye Xiaogu, a young man who usually crowded with buses to buy vegetables, do these things.

Between his thoughts, Wang Pei couldn't help walking to ye Xiaogu, holding ye Xiaogu directly and whispering.

"It's all right. Once born, twice cooked. The way of heaven is like this. The law of the jungle is the rule. You didn't do anything wrong."

Ye Xiaogu's hand moves slowly. Looking at his little hand on his waist, he can't help but secretly pick his eyebrow for a moment. Then he held Wang Pei directly and quickly walked into the bathroom.

"Ah ~..."

Wang Pei's subconscious surprise screamed, but he also regarded ye Xiaogu as in a bad mood and didn't struggle.

On the contrary, bao'er sitting on the sofa looked back at ye Xiaogu. Ye Xiaogu grinned secretly, but bao'er was blinded.

Wang Pei is still kind-hearted. He is very gentle to ye Xiaogu, and he is afraid that ye Xiaogu will not see blood.

But where did she know that ye Xiaogu saw a sea of knife mountain blood when he first opened his yin-yang eyes when he was a child.

Ye Xiaogu doesn't want to see the blood on his hands, but because he doesn't want bao'er to use himself as a tool.

If ye Xiaogu were really as fragile as Wang Pei thought, I'm afraid ye Xiaogu would have died in nanbozhao's hands in the Longmen martial arts.

No one is clean when people walk in the world.

In the bathroom.

The dense heat rises slowly. Ye Xiaogu and Wang Pei lie naked in the bathtub, but there are few words.

Ye xiaoguben wanted to wipe some oil with Wang Pei's compassion, but he had less desire for a moment with Wang Pei's delicate body.

Maybe he has been meditating in daozang for many years. At the moment, ye Xiaogu is not as reckless as he was at the beginning.

"...... Why don't you speak? Are you still angry?"

After a long silence, ye Xiaogu came to ask bao'er about the Yang family. After all, ye Xiaogu was in the dark. Ye Xiaogu himself felt a little uncomfortable. Unexpectedly, Wang Peidao was very worried. He looked at ye Xiaogu and asked softly.

Ye Xiaogu kisses Wang Pei lightly. His lips are fragrant and soft, which makes ye Xiaogu indulge.

The water temperature in the bathtub is just good. Soaking in this water, ye Xiaogu hugs Wang Pei. It seems that he is really weak and boneless.

"I'm very lost now, Peipei. Please comfort me with your body."

Ye Xiaogu said it in a simple sentence. Wang Pei subconsciously frowned and looked at ye Xiaogu, but there was little laughter on ye Xiaogu's face, but it was more white and heavy.

Wang Pei was also a little tangled for a while, and asked subconsciously.

"Are you lying to me?"

Ye Xiaogu heard the speech. Naturally, it is impossible to be honest at this time. At present, he just said faintly.

"Well, I lied to you. Just let me hold it for a while."


If ye Xiaogu swore at this time, Wang Pei was afraid that ye Xiaogu was joking, but it was ye Xiaogu's indifferent tone that made Wang Pei more tangled for a moment and didn't answer for a moment.

Ye Xiaogu didn't think much. Anyway, he didn't think much at the moment. It's good to play on weekdays, but it's just limited to playing.

After all, although Wang Pei and bao'er are close to ye Xiaogu, they are not Ren Hanxiang. Ren Hanxiang has a desire for ye Xiaogu, and they have already made mistakes, so ye Xiaogu will not refuse.

But if you and other women really want to do something, ye Xiaogu needs a little psychological preparation. If there is a next time, ye Xiaogu still hopes to have a wedding night and enjoy each other.

As the saying goes, when love is strong, mandarin ducks accompany and two know each other.

"... is it an ordinary power entanglement?"

Lying in the bathtub with Wang Pei, ye Xiaogu doesn't know too many details about the dispute. After all, bao'er doesn't say, ye Xiaogu's eyes are black.

At present, ye Xiaoshan only knows that there is a contradiction between the Yang family and the Zhou family where Zhou Yuanchang lives. The Zhou family seems to have some power in Tianmen, so it has evolved into a contradiction between Tianmen and the Yang family.

Although ye Xiaogu doesn't know much about the strength comparison between Tianmen and the Yang family, he seems to feel that the Yang family is too weak.

"Why do you want to fight even when you know you're not the enemy? Overestimate your strength? Or is there another saying? What does bao'er want to do here? He just wants to push me out to show my face and become famous and experience?"

In his mind, ye Xiaogu could not help but frown slightly for a moment. Too much incomprehension breeds too much uneasiness.

This feeling is still uncomfortable for ye Xiaogu, a man eager to become bao'er.

But... Soon, ye Xiaogu felt very comfortable.

"Peipei? What are you doing?"

Ye Xiaogu is going to think about what bao'er has done recently. Unexpectedly, he is a little warm under his body. Wang Pei's small hand gently holds the majestic place.

"Don't you want me to comfort you?"

Wang Pei didn't look at ye Xiaogu either. The little face was crimson like a red apple, but the movement on his hand was also a little slow.

Ye Xiaogu was slightly stunned when he heard the speech, but he couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth. He took Wang Pei's hand away, especially hugged Wang PEI for a few minutes, and approached Wang Pei's ear.

"The little lady has a heart. I know you don't want to. Just lie down with me for a while."

As soon as he said this, Wang Pei could not help but feel warm in his heart. He wanted to hold ye Xiaogu for a good time to repay his affectionate words.

"Hoo ~..."

I felt the movement under me again. Ye Xiaogu couldn't help taking a breath for a moment. It's really comfortable that I haven't seen for a long time.

So far, ye Xiaogu is a normal man. This time, he doesn't dissuade much.

Wang Pei's little girl bothered several times. Ye Xiaogu forgot how to find bao'er for a moment. He only saw the jade beauty in his arms, but he was also slightly interested for a moment, but there was much joy between kneading.

The dense heat in the bathroom is accompanied by the lingering caress of Ye Xiaogu and Wang Pei, but spring is also gradually rising, which is sweet and warm like the tide.

In the living room, bao'er's face is indifferent, between the white fingertips and empty points, but countless light spots appear in the living room, dotted with stars, which makes people dizzy.

Bao'er believes that the light from his fingertips is the same as the dark green light on ye Xiaogu's body!



Wang Pei's little face was crimson, lying on ye Xiaogu, asking for credit, and whispered.

Hearing the speech, ye Xiaogu raised his mouth slightly, straightened Wang Pei's scattered sideburns and smiled, but he didn't answer.

Seeing ye Xiaogu's appearance, Wang Pei could not help frowning slightly for a moment, and said impatiently.

"Not enough?"

Seeing Wang Pei's grievance, ye Xiaogu couldn't help smiling for a moment, hugged Wang Pei and kissed him, whispering.

"A hundred times, ten thousand times... Just stay with me all your life."

"Bah ~"

"Then my hands are so sour."

Wang Pei spat lightly and subconsciously replied.

Ye Xiaogu smiled more happily and whispered.

"It's all right. Just lie down later. I know you're lazy."

"Bah ~"

Wang Pei understood at this time, and his face was more shy.

Seeing that Wang Pei was so passionate, ye Xiaogu couldn't help but move secretly. He hugged Wang Pei and whispered in her ear.

"Why don't we get married? Let's put on lanterns and lanterns. Isn't it good to have a sweet wedding night? I tell you, I really have a very good double cultivation skill......"

"Bah ~ bah ~ bah ~"

"Don't look at me now. Anyway, I won't be with you. I don't want to be one of your three wives and four concubines."

Ye Xiaogu didn't finish a sentence, but Wang Pei directly interrupted, and there was still much determination between his words.

When ye Xiaogu heard the speech, he just smiled and didn't say much, but the greed in Wang Pei's eyes didn't decrease by half.

Wang Pei naturally knows ye Xiaogu's mind, but at present, ye Xiaogu's Heavenly Master inheritance is taken away by bao'er and given to Ren Hanxiang. Wang Peidao won't really dig away the remaining heart refining flame of Ye Xiaogu.

If you want to reconcile the cold of ice Phoenix blood in your body, you can't do without ye Xiaogu at present. What's more, you have some good feelings for ye Xiaogu, but you're still reluctant to contribute to ye Xiaogu's arrogance.

The two people embraced each other, but they were also peaceful and harmonious.

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