Su Shi, Yang Jiayuan Zi.

The sky was so cloudy that even the air looked dull.

The rain may be much heavier than expected.

On the corridor bridge, blood color appeared at first.

Dressed in a black suit and holding Chen Yao in one hand, ye Xiaogu punched Liang Shun with his gray hair.

Stunned, Chen Yao forgot that it was a fight between life and death with ye Xiaogu, so she let ye Xiaogu hold herself in her arms.

The strong killing intention makes people feel inexplicably afraid.

This kind of fear seems to come out of the bones. For a moment, people don't even have the strength to resist.

As soon as Liang Shun died, Tong Liang was in a panic and was about to escape, but ye Xiaogu also chased Chen Yao.

The form was reversed in an instant. Both Tong Liang and Chen Yao were shocked. They didn't even know what had happened. Only the fear in their hearts was very real.

The long black wood grain gold stick was waved again. Several vines suddenly sprang up on the ground, as if there was a mold. However, the long stick had not been implemented. Tong Liang was punched through his chest and collapsed to the ground. His breath gradually disappeared.

Unable to speak, Chen Yao looked at ye Xiaogu's indifferent side face and was shocked for a moment.

"....... this is called coercion. When the acupoint is fully opened, it will have this effect. However, it is generally the friars after Tianmen territory who can have this ability. I can only maintain about ten breath."

"... flattering."

In a word, ye xiaoguyou looked at Chen Yao and grinned, but Chen Yao didn't listen to anything at the moment.

Ye Xiaogu is not surprised to see this. After all, this ability is still too rebellious to say.

When ye Xiaogu listened to Yuan Guiyi talk about the futility of opening acupoints, he also collapsed for a long time.

Although yuan Guiyi tried hard to explain the cultivation speed and facilitate the improvement of the realm in the future, ye Xiaogu just wanted to be more powerful. It took so long to lay the foundation.

The unspeakable depression can be imagined.

Later, ye Xiaogu pestered yuan Guiyi to teach a skill as compensation. Finally, Yuan Guiyi couldn't stand ye Xiaogu's entanglement and reluctantly gave a quick skill, but it was also very suitable for ye Xiaogu.

From the Yuan Dynasty, ye Xiaogu finally knows the boundary division of friars in the world.

In the past, there were three major areas of cultivation in the world: knot pill, transform baby and Tianmen. In front of it, people gather Qi and concentrate. Later, people often break through the gate of heaven, and the three corpse gods are cut off to turn five Qi into three pure and become immortal!

The reason why it was in the past is that now the spirit is poor, and most monks are not even allowed to enter the country, so it is impossible to talk about the realm at all.

Ye Xiaogu spent more than 3000 years in daozang. He only opened the acupoints of his whole body and connected the fourteen positive meridians. If he really had any achievements, he could not say, but he could take many crooked ways.

For example, the effect of Lei Guanghua wall, barely regarded as Zhenyuan body protection, is that the Qi strength of Zhengyang Lei Gang passes through Ren Du's two meridians, connects with 14 positive meridians and spreads into the air wall in a flash.

Although it has some differences with the real Zhenyuan body protection effect, the operation principle is basically the same, except that ordinary friars generally have to go to the jiedan realm, and the Zhenyuan savings in their body can break through the acupoints of Ren Du's two veins to achieve this effect.

As for the so-called coercion, it can be regarded as the momentum of heaven and earth after the release of Zhenyuan from the Tianmen realm. It moves heaven and earth with its own power, and all feelings of joy, anger, sadness and joy come into the heart.

Although coercion is not very useful in the battle of friars in Tianmen, it can almost completely crush low-level friars.

After all, people have a sense of awe, which can move heaven and earth. For low-level friars, it is difficult to rise the slightest idea of resistance, and they can only be slaughtered obediently.

Although the pressure is strong, the monks in Tianmen are not very useful. The low-level monks' acupoints are not opened, and their aura can not reach the world. Naturally, there is no place to learn, so now they have become ye Xiaogu's exclusive ability.

Seeing Chen Yao, ye Xiaogu was very frightened. It was rare for ye Xiaogu to lean against the corridor bridge and quietly wait for Chen Yao to calm down.

"... let me go."

Although the pressure was strong, it was exerted by Ye Xiaogu, a half pot of water. Although Chen Yao was palpitating for a while, she calmed down and said softly.

"You said you would let go? You said you were a close servant girl, would you still do it?"

Ye Xiaogu smiled and said casually. The words did not look at Chen Yao, but just looked at the stream under the corridor bridge.

The stream was calm, but the weather was gloomy. It was inevitable that a few stuffy little fish got up for a breath.

Seeing this golden red and colorful carp, ye Xiaogu looked at it for several times.

Chen Yao frowned slightly and looked at ye Xiaogu's side face, but she also looked at the dry blood on ye Xiaogu's hands.

This man is more and more cold-blooded

"Have you made up your mind? If not, go home with me."

Chen Yao didn't answer for a moment, but ye Xiaogu said casually.

"...... You want to ask Liu Shengyan from me? Why so many excuses."

Hesitated for a moment, but Chen Yao said faintly.

Ye Xiaogu was slightly stunned when he heard the speech, but then the corners of his mouth raised slightly, pretending to exaggerate.

"Yo ~ this little brain is really smart. Since you guessed it, tell me what the three sabres meeting has done to her."

As soon as ye Xiaogu said this, Chen Yao couldn't help but frown slightly for a moment. She felt inexplicably disappointed.

However, the feeling was just a flash. Chen Yao didn't look at ye Xiaogu, lowered her head and lay down beside the railing.

"The relationship between Sandao club and Liu family is not shallow. It is said that the blood of Liu family is especially suitable for the secret method of Sandao club, so Liu Dongsheng was selected as the person to experiment the secret method..... Now, it's Liu Sheng's turn to smoke. As for what the wind blows, it seems that there will be a man named Wang Li, who used to be Liu Dongsheng's personal housekeeper."

At this point, Chen Yao doesn't have to say much.

Things are also simple, but the simpler things are, the more strength is often needed to solve them, because there is no room for the brain to play.

"Do you like fish? Let me hold you."

Ye Xiaogu didn't say much to Chen Yao. Seeing Chen Yao lying on the railing, he held Chen Yao's waist and picked her up.

Ye Xiaogu just stretched out his hand, and Chen Yao was in a hurry for no reason.

"Do you really think I haven't grown up or what? Let go!"

When ye Xiaogu heard the speech, he held Chen Yao in his arms. Although Chen Yao looked angry, he was also particularly liked by people.

"....... by the way, do you know Sandao can?"

When Chen Yao struggled, ye Xiaogu said something casually. Chen Yao glanced impatiently and said impatiently.

"Speak well if you want. Don't beat around the bush. I won't hide what I know. I'm so close to me."

"Aren't we so close? In the future, you will warm the bed with me every day. When I have had enough fun with my wives, will you wait on me and sleep?"

Seeing Chen Yao's impatience, ye Xiaogu not only didn't restrain half a minute, but amused Chen Yao.

In a few words, Chen Yao was very angry.

"Enough! You let go of me!"

"What's enough? Enough to see? You squatted outside my house for so long last night. Did you also see the smell?"

Chen Yao was so angry that he beat his chest and feet, but ye Xiaogu still kept on talking, and whispered in Chen Yao's ear.

Although Chen Yao wanted to resist, who would have thought that ye Xiaogu could not see him in recent months.

Seeing that the blood on ye Xiaogu's hand is not dry, Chen Yao doesn't dare to go too far although she wants to struggle.

Although Chen Yao didn't dare to go too far, ye Xiaogu was born with an inch. Seeing Chen Yao so clever, he couldn't help teasing him.

After he and Ren Hanxiang opened meat and vegetables, he was often bored with Wang Pei at bao'er's house. At present, ye Xiaogu didn't avoid meat and vegetables. As long as she was a good-looking woman, she wanted to do something.

Seeing Chen Yao's anger and cowardice, ye Xiaogu really couldn't help but want to do something. At the end of the corridor bridge, a red high-heeled shoe stepped directly on Liang Shun's body and stood dozens of steps away from ye Xiaogu.

Ye Xiaogu couldn't help but secretly raised his eyebrows when he stepped on Liang Shun's body. After thinking about it, he quietly approached Chen Yao's ear and said.

"If it's wrong, you'll run first. We agreed to be my servant girl to warm my bed. I'll find you if I still have life, good ~"

While talking, ye Xiaogu pushed Chen Yao away, but turned and looked at Liu Shengyan, pulling the corners of his mouth and smiling.

Liu Shengyan was still wearing his long black dress. The night was too dark last night. Ye Xiaogu just saw a few people vaguely through the thunder. Now when he saw Liu Shengyan again, he showed some praise.

After all, ye Xiaogu is not a first-time brother. He has seen all kinds of beauties, but he is really surprised to see Liu Shengyan wearing this long black dress.

Liu Shengyan was originally elegant and tall, with light eyebrows and apricot eyes, but most of them were dignified and elegant. This long black dress did not see any superfluous decoration, but it also lined Liu Shengyan's waist. With this pair of red high heels as the finishing touch, there was a little warmth in the simplicity and elegance, which was really difficult for people to look away.

Seeing ye Xiaogu looking at himself so recklessly, Liu Shengyan didn't see any emotion on his face. He just waited for ye Xiaogu to look at him enough with a smile.

"Your strength is really beyond my expectation..... You have nine mantra seals. I know you can't kill you in a short time, but will cause trouble. I also know you want to play tricks and give me three breath. If you don't die, I'll listen to you explain enough."

"Wait... Does Miss Liu take my life too lightly? If I don't die, just explain to you, am I taking too much risk? Unless Miss Liu is willing to be my wife, the business can be discussed reluctantly."

"Are you sick?"

Ye Xiaogu said with a smile. Liu Shengyan didn't speak yet. On the contrary, Chen Yao stood behind ye Xiaogu and said with a disdain on his face.

After all, Liu Shengyan's father is dead after all, whether ye Xiaogu killed him or not.

Liu Shengyan came to ye Xiaogu with the pain of losing his father. Ye Xiaogu asked her to be his wife. Don't go too far.

Chen Yao originally made up her mind to live or die with ye Xiaogu because of sandaohui and Liu family. Unexpectedly, it seemed that she really wanted to take herself back to warm her bed.

Apart from others, ye Xiaogu's appearance of begging for his wife everywhere is really unbearable to Chen Yao.

"We are all old acquaintances. It's troublesome for you to date in the future. Anyway, we can make do. We can also play mahjong when we're free."

Chen Yao was so angry that she wanted to rush up and slap ye Xiaogu.

Ye Xiaogu said with a cheap face.

If Chen Yao hadn't been afraid of Ye Xiaogu's accomplishments, Chen Yao would have done it long ago.

"........ Yes. Three breath time, you don't die, I'll go with you."

Just between Chen Yao and ye Xiaogu laughing, Liu Shengyan said faintly.

When ye Xiaogu heard the speech, the smile on his face suddenly converged, and a cold look flashed in his eyes.

"Do you really want me to die?"

"Three breath time, Mr. Ye, do you dare to answer?"

Ye Xiaogu's face was slightly cold, but Liu Shengyan was unmoved. He just insisted on the three breath time, but there was also a secret dependence.

At this moment, Liu Shengyan's momentum, ye Xiaogu's crazy cry in the depths of his mind to leave quickly, but in his heart, it becomes a little shallow.

"There are several wives in my family. You can only be a small one with me. Will you be too aggrieved? I have strong needs. You can't stand it in the future, and I won't stop. You have to think clearly."

"....... I'll take it as your answer. Get ready, Mr. Ye, three interest."

Ye Xiaogu was ready to ease his mood, but Liu Shengyan said faintly, and his eyes were cold and fierce. It seemed that he was going to really move.

When ye Xiaogu saw Liu Shengyan, he couldn't help frowning. He waved behind him and said.

"Yao'er, you haven't left yet? You haven't become a husband and wife yet. Now you don't want to give up me and want to die with me?"

Chen Yao wanted to see what was going on. Seeing ye Xiaogu say this, although she knew that ye Xiaogu just wanted to drive herself away, she couldn't stand the ridicule for a moment. She snorted and really hid away.

Besides the action, I really don't want to stick to ye Xiaogu at all.

Seeing Liu Sheng's smoke rising, ye Xiaogu suddenly thought of something and said in a hurry.

"Wait, wait... Add one more item to your condition just now and take sister Yao with you. Otherwise, I think she will run out even if she really takes her back in the future. Well, I'll give you ten breath time and let you call enough. Sister Yao and you will accompany me home and be my wife."

Liu Shengyan heard the speech, but he didn't comment. When he was going to make a move, ye Xiaogu said in a hurry.

"Ninth curse seal! I'll call bao'er now, and you can't kill me. I advise sister Yao to pack up and be my wife together. Otherwise, I won't take this bet."

When it comes to the ninth mantra seal, Chen Yao and Liu Shengyan all look heavy.

Although I don't know the effect of the ninth spell seal, if ye Xiaogu really calls bao'er, at present, whether Liu Shengyan or Chen Yao, I'm afraid they can't kill ye Xiaogu, and even their lives can't be saved.

In fact, Chen Yao and Liu Shengyan knew the consequences of this at the beginning of making this plan.

Whether it's success or failure, bao'er is bound to get angry. At that time, I'm afraid none of the people involved will survive. This is also the reason why Nanbo was taken away at the last minute.

Ye Xiaogu really killed nanbozhao's father. Nanbozhao naturally wants to kill ye Xiaogu himself.

Although Liu Shengyan's plan is perfect, Neither silent nor Nanbo recruit is recognized. Naturally, it can't be said to try our best to help.

At the moment, the plan also died early with the departure of silence and Nanbo Zhao. Only the oral bet is left to restrain ye Xiaogu.

At this point, Liu Shengyan and Chen Yao looked at each other, but they had to bow to ye Xiaogu, who had been smiling.

"I promise you."

With Chen Yao's simple sentence, the smile on ye Xiaogu's face suddenly stagnated, but there was a cry in his heart.

"Be serious! You agree to such conditions!"

In the distance, Liu was smoking again, and ye Xiaogu was pale for a moment, feeling more or less powerless.


Su Shi, bao'er's old house.

In the living room, Wang Pei changed into a bathrobe, revealing a little white. Even the loose bathrobe could not hide Wang Pei's plump body.

At the moment, Wang Pei casually took two cups of coffee, put it on the tea table and said casually.

"How's it going?"

Bao'er held his cheek with his bare hands, and there was no joy or sadness on his face. He just saw Wang Pei's exposed chest in his bathrobe. The naked whiteness also made bao'er unconsciously curl his mouth and say something unhappy.

"I don't like coffee. Go and pour me a cup of boiled water."

"What's good about boiled water? It's less salty and tasteless. Your dog likes my coffee. It's rich and delicious and full of flavor..."

"Is it over? Can you talk well?"

"You aimed at me first."

With that, bao'er and Wang Pei began to play again. Only the countless light spots in the living room are left, which are secretly and continuously driven, like a vast sea of stars, which is difficult to figure out.

When Wang Pei and bao'er were laughing on the sofa, the two cups of coffee on the tea table were steaming with a little heat, and a little aroma rippled slightly.

Ye Xiaogu's last battle in the Yang family was cold in his heart.

"Why is this?"

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