Suzhou, Yangjia courtyard.

The heavy rain outside the window suddenly fell, and everything seemed to be shrouded in rain and fog for a moment.

Some scattered cold air spread out of the window, but it was not as cold as ye Xiaogu at the moment.


Unspeakable silence, ye Xiaogu was wrapped with a white bath towel, so stiff by the window, but he didn't speak for a moment.

"Mr. Ye?"

Seeing ye Xiaogu's silence, the visitor raised his mouth and said with a smile.

"What's up?"

Hearing this, ye Xiaogu frowned slightly and said faintly.

Between the words, the strength of his body rose secretly, but he was also ready.

"I'm yuan Tian, Sandao club. I don't know what Mr. Ye thinks about this time?"

The visitor smiled kindly and reported his surname, but when the conversation changed, ye Xiaogu didn't know how to answer.

"My opinion?"

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly and asked subconsciously.

"It doesn't matter. Mr. Ye can think more for a while. It's not too late to figure out a lot of things."

Yuan Tian smiled kindly and said a word. The words fell, but he went straight out of the room and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this, ye Xiaogu could not help frowning slightly.

"What do you think?"

Liang Shun and Tong Liang have been killed by themselves, and they are logically just useless bodies, but yuan Tian seems to only come to take away their bodies.

As soon as he read it, ye Xiaogu didn't think much. After a while, he went straight into the bathroom.

In the bathtub, Liu Shengyan and Chen Yao were all dressed and soaked in it. Although they didn't see any welfare, it was tempting to see the pink faces of the two women.

"Yo, you two, is this a deep sisterly love, or do you think I have strong ability?"


Ye Xiaogu joked casually. Unexpectedly, the two women didn't answer. They just lay in the bathtub, which made ye Xiaogu look more.

shy? Or another calculation?

"........ Get up first. I've almost had enough rest. I'll take you back to see my first wives and let them decide what to do with you two."

Just as Liu Shengyan and Chen Yao bowed their heads and waited for ye Xiaogu to approach, ye Xiaogu said a faint word, cleaned up the clothes on the ground, turned and walked out.

This crisp appearance made Chen Yao and Liu Shengyan look at each other secretly, and even their secretly accumulated Qi suddenly dissipated.


"I said he wasn't like that."

"Bah ~ he has already felt something."


In the living room of the small building, the two women came out one after another. They saw ye Xiaogu sitting on the sofa, but slowed down and didn't answer for a moment.

"Come here."

Ye Xiaogu saw the two women come out and clapped their legs. He didn't say anything more.

Chen Yao and Liu Shengyan both frowned slightly. For a moment, they stood where they were, and ye Xiaogu was not in a hurry. They picked up the water cup on the tea table and drank water.

After all, Chen Yao was afraid of Ye Xiaogu. She frowned and pushed Liu Shengyan secretly. Liu Shengyan was pushed for two steps. She sipped her lips more or less uneasily, but she could only walk towards ye Xiaogu.

"Sheng Yan sits next to me. I have something to ask you. Yao'er, come here."

Ye Xiaogu naturally saw clearly Chen Yao's small movements. Seeing Liu Shengyan so obedient, he asked Chen Yao to come over.

Liu Shengyan was relieved when he heard the speech. He quickly walked to ye Xiaogu and sat down. Chen Yao reluctantly walked a few steps, but ye Xiaogu got up and held him in his arms, and directly sat back on the sofa.

"Sneak, cheat, pursue profits and forget righteousness... It seems that you have been in this world for too long. I have to treat your virtue in the future."

Seeing the little Keren in his arms, ye Xiaogu pretended to be harsh, but he didn't forget to knead between his words, which made Chen Yao struggle again.

"How dare you?"

Seeing Chen Yao's indisposition, ye Xiaogu frowned slightly and said softly.

The words were not severe, but Chen Yao subconsciously turned her mouth and didn't dare to answer for the moment.

Seeing this, ye Xiaogu was more proud, but his face was as usual, as if he had done nothing. He turned his head and looked at Liu Shengyan and asked softly.

"Where have you been since you left Nanshi? How much do you know about Sandao club?"

"On the day of the incident, we evacuated to Suzhou according to the plan, but then we heard the news, and the people who followed dispersed... Later, I met the former housekeeper Wang Li. He said something about what my father had done and hoped that I would continue to help Sandao club."

Between simple words, Liu Shengyan tried to speak plain, but his face was still a little sad and lost.

After all, she was just an ordinary person. Liu Dongsheng was threatened by Sandao. Naturally, he would not let Liu Shengyan enter this circle. It's just a pity that Liu Shengyan can't escape this fate between the great changes.

Several times of uneasiness and mood uncertainty, if it weren't for Chen Yao, I'm afraid Liu Shengyan would be difficult to support alone.

In his mind, ye Xiaogu subconsciously looked at Chen Yao. Seeing Chen Yao's little face crimson but silent, he couldn't help smiling and kissed her red and tender lips.

Chen Yao wiped her mouth again and again, but her face didn't hide her disgust for ye Xiaogu.

"Sure enough, she is a soft and warm-hearted person......... Without your help, I'm afraid it's really difficult for her to stick to it until now."

Seeing the disgust on Chen Yao's face, ye Xiaogu didn't care, and whispered a compliment.

"Hum ~... If you really think I helped her, you let me go!"

Seeing that there seemed to be some room for relaxation between ye Xiaogu's words, Chen Yao couldn't help humming and said.

When ye Xiaogu heard the speech, he couldn't help but raise his mouth slightly and approached Chen Yao's ear.

"Do you remember when I healed you that day? I'm really reluctant to come now. If she can go, you just have to put your heart at ease."

After a word, Chen Yao frowned, but her cheeks couldn't help but turn red. For a moment, she didn't make a sound.

On the contrary, Liu Shengyan looked at Chen Yao and ye Xiaogu curiously, and didn't know what they were talking about.

"...... Well, let's go back first. This place is unlucky. Although it looks good, if we spend the night here, we will wrong our Yao'er."

Holding Chen Yao for a while, ye Xiaogu raised his head and looked around casually, and said a word.

When the words fell, Liu Shengyan didn't feel anything. On the contrary, Chen Yao couldn't help struggling again, but ye Xiaogu didn't let go, but she couldn't get away.


Suzhou, bus station.

Ye Xiaogu holds Chen Yao, leads Liu Shengyan and stands directly in the bus station.

Chen Yao was originally dressed in brocade and silk. She had many designs and colors. She was also made of powder and jade. She had a small nose and mouth. It was very pleasant. It was inevitable for others to look more when they saw her.

What's more, Liu Shengyan's long black dress is elegant and dignified, with extraordinary temperament. It's just that there is a hole in the long dress. Although there is some cover on the chest, it still shows a little white.

Liu Shengyan's temperament is extraordinary. Now, with a touch of light white on his chest, he is naturally more eye-catching.

Seeing such two attractive women in old suits waiting for the bus with a man in an old suit has attracted the attention of many good people.

"....... do you have to bring us to show this face? Obviously we have a car, you don't drive."

Liu Shengyan didn't say that Rao or Chen Yao couldn't stand the eyes around him. In particular, ye Xiaogu wiped some oil on his hands from time to time, which made Chen Yao fidgety.

"I took two wives home today. Naturally, I want everyone to see my ability. Let alone the wind, scenery and light, at least people in this street should know each other, shouldn't they?"

Seeing Chen Yao's discontent, ye Xiaogu didn't feel ashamed at all. Instead, he was happy and glorious.

For a moment, Chen Yao and Liu Shengyan couldn't help glancing.

The three of them were sitting on the bus with such a high profile. As ye Xiaogu said, they told the world that even the bus driver kept looking back and almost hit a tree.

After getting off the bus, ye Xiaogu put Chen Yao down and said.

"You go home first. Don't run around on the road, or I'll have to add food tonight."

"Hum ~..."

Liu Shengyan was still dazed, but Chen Yao snorted and pulled Liu Shengyan forward.

Ye Xiaogu stood at the bus stop and never started.

"It's reasonable to see? Such a high profile..."

Ye Xiaogu didn't finish reading, but he didn't know when a man in a suit appeared --- sandaomen, Yuan Tian.

"Mr. Ye, this move is very dangerous."

Simple words can be regarded as such a high-profile evaluation of Ye Xiaogu.

"Nothing. I'm going to decide between them. If you're really short of people, just go to the other people in the Liu family, not my wife."

Ye Xiaogu heard yuan Tian's words, but his face was flat and answered faintly.

"Liu's fitness should be the only thing left for Liu to smoke. It's very difficult for Mr. Ye to protect her."

Yuan Tian looked at the bus stop sign and said something casually. He also heard something in his words.

Ye Xiaogu heard the speech, but he didn't care. He nuzui and turned away.

Yuan Tian seemed to have no intention of entanglement. He looked at the bus stop on one side. The conversation between them was so short that there was no beginning or end.

When a bus came, Yuan Tian's figure disappeared in the twinkling of an eye.


BoA's old house.

It was still raining heavily. Ye Xiaogu was drenched with mud in the East and pit in the West. He finally entered the door and looked at the four women in the room. For a moment, he was a little stunned.

Bao'er and Wang Pei lie on the sofa, their faces are indifferent, but they are also somewhat inhumane. Chen Yao and Liu Shengyan stand aside with their heads down, but they seem restrained for a moment.

When ye Xiaogu saw this, he jumped in his heart and pulled out a smiling face, pretending to be a warm introduction.

"This is bao'er, Wang Pei..... This is Chen Yao and Liu Shengyan. Look at these four beauties. It's really fate. Yao'er, don't stand and sit down. They are all your own homes. Don't be so restrained."

"Kneel down."


As soon as ye Xiaogu's warm introduction was finished, bao'er said a faint word. With a dull sound, ye Xiaogu directly knelt on his knees, especially kowtowed to bao'er.

Seeing ye Xiaogu's appearance, Chen Yao and Liu Shengyan couldn't help but secretly raised their eyebrows.

"You take them to wash and change their clothes first."

Seeing ye Xiaogu kneeling on the ground, bao'er also patted Wang Pei and said a simple greeting. There was really some momentum of the head of the family between his words and deeds.

Wang Pei got up straight, took Chen Yao and Liu Shengyan and walked towards the bathroom. He walked past ye Xiaogu and kicked him with a smile. Ye Xiaogu immediately straightened his body and looked respectful and pious.

Seeing the three women leave, bao'er also picked up the water cup, took a shallow drink and said faintly.

"Mr. Ye, talk about it."

"A poor homeless girl and another innocent fairy in the painting. That's it."

Ye Xiaogu wanted to exaggerate Liu Shengyan, but when he thought about it carefully, it was estimated that bao'er wouldn't care, so he simply named it.

Between his thoughts, ye Xiaogu subconsciously glanced at bao'er. Bao'er drank water without salt and water, and seemed to have no intention of opening his mouth.

Seeing this, ye Xiaogu also got up slowly. He thought this level was over.

Unexpectedly, bao'er gave ye Xiaogu a cold look before he got up.

For a moment, ye Xiaogu knelt down on the ground.

"I didn't ask you who they were, I asked you why you brought them back. Mr. Ye, which song are you going to sing?"

"I just think they're pathetic. It doesn't mean anything else."

Bao'er said faintly. Ye Xiaogu hesitated for a moment and still answered.

When bao'er heard the speech, he gently kicked ye Xiaogu's shoulder with high heels and said faintly.

"Pity? Pity what? Pity their bodies?"

"That's not true. They are very miserable. There is an organization called Sandao society, which secretly cares about them."

Listening to bao'er's words, ye Xiaogu hurriedly led him to the business.

"I don't think you will miss the three knives. Mr. Ye, you remember very much... Since Mr. Ye has such a big face, you will destroy the three knives in seven days. I authorize you to accept them. Do you agree?"


Bao'er said simply, and ye Xiaogu was slightly stunned.

When ye xiaoguben came, he planned to take Chen Yao and Liu Shengyan home and let bao'er protect them. Unexpectedly, bao'er asked ye Xiaogu to go directly with Sandao, and there was only seven days.

If ye Xiaogu really has this ability, why take Chen Yao and Liu Shengyan home? Keep it well outside and moisten it from time to time. Isn't it beautiful?

Seeing ye Xiaogu's stunned face, bao'er was very happy and said faintly.

"Agreed, within seven days. It's five thirty-two now. I'll start counting. My Mr. Ye, you can go out."

"Oh, no...... Baby, can you change the conditions? Is it a little too difficult? As my first wife, you should have a little bearing, shouldn't you?"

Ye Xiaogu listened to bao'er's words. For a moment, he couldn't help frowning slightly and whispered an excuse.

Ye Xiaogu is not a lengtouqing, not to mention how other people in the Sandao club are, Tong Liang and Liang Shun can actually hammer ye Xiaogu on the ground. As long as they know ye Xiaogu has authority and avoids in advance, it is estimated that the person lying on the corridor bridge today is ye Xiaogu.

Not to mention yuan Tian, who was much stronger later.

These three people are just small errands. The people who are really in charge of Sandao Club haven't appeared yet. Even if ye Xiaogu really has a cavity of blood, he's afraid he can't spill it on others' heads.

Listening to ye Xiaogu mention the title of the first wife, bao'er stretched out her high-heeled shoes and gently stepped on ye Xiaogu's head.

"Mr. Ye, don't talk too full. If I were your wife, there would be no outsiders in this house."


There was no emotion when bao'er said this, but the indifference between the words still made ye Xiaogu tremble slightly, as if bao'er really killed Wang Pei, Chen Yao and Liu Shengyan.

At that moment, ye Xiaogu really didn't dare to recall.

"..... Mr. Ye, you can play if you want. As long as they are in this house, they can only be tied naked as your pleasure tools and can't be called Taoist names. When can they stop, or Mr. Ye, if you move a little compassion, throw them out. It's easy and easy. Do you agree?"

Seeing ye Xiaogu's silence, bao'er changed a condition casually.

When ye Xiaogu heard the speech, he subconsciously thought about the scene. For a moment, he couldn't help but have some thoughts. Just thinking about it, he couldn't help asking for mercy.

"Stop playing, baby. It's not easy for everyone."

"Who is not easy? Wang Pei is not easy? Chen Yao is not easy? Liu Shengyan is not easy? Or you are not easy?...... Can Mr. Ye block the three sabres meeting if you want to fight? You have all kinds of achievements, temper your heart flame, Zhengyang Leigang, and many beauties throw themselves into the arms. You picked them up?"

Listening to bao'er's old accounts, ye Xiaogu really buried his head in the ground for a moment.

"I understand. From now on, I won't bring other women back. I swear to God......"

"Bah ~..."

"You swear that if it works, the cat won't touch meat."

Bao'er spat lightly, and finally there was some softness between his words.

Seeing this, ye Xiaogu got up in a hurry and took off his coat and trousers.

"What are you doing?"

Bao'er frowned slightly and asked subconsciously.

"It's raining heavily outside. I'm covered in mud. I'm afraid I'll rub you."

Ye Xiaogu said with a smile.

"Rub it on me?"

Bao'er frowned slightly and asked subconsciously. At the next moment, ye Xiaogu jumped directly on bao'er. Eagerly, bao'er couldn't help pushing and bustling for a few times and said angrily.

"Dog, come with me! I haven't trained enough!"

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