Beijing, suburban farm.

In the winter at three or four o'clock in the afternoon, the sky is also much gloomy.

The slightly hazy sunlight, together with the gradually emerging night, with a few cold winds, is even colder.

In front of the hut in front of the farm, several Tianmen disciples in black suits and white masks brought Chen Yao out.

Although there was no rope and no scar on her body, Chen Yao's small face didn't see the slightest blood color. She was so pale that she didn't have the strength to struggle.

On the bus at the intersection, a bald young man in a black coat came down. Although the black coat was more domineering, the young man's eyes and eyes were kind, but he didn't feel so fierce.


Seeing ye Xiaogu getting off the bus, several people in black in front of the farm pulled out their swords and held knives, but there was no meaning of words for a moment.

Ye Xiaogu took out the white mask from his pocket and put it on. As soon as the mask was put on, a knife light flashed in front of him!


The sudden burst of thunder, the golden awn wrapped in the faint blue light, flashed and directly swung the man away.

Although one person swung away, then three people rushed up.

At the same time, the two people guarding Chen Yao also began to pinch the formula and chant the curse. The spirit flashed and the momentum gradually rose.

Chen Yao's face was pale, and a little panic flashed in her eyes, but she couldn't do anything. She could only watch ye Xiaogu fight hard under the siege of several people.

At present, the four people are proficient in secular sword moves. Close combat is naturally much better than ye Xiaogu.

Seeing these four people make repeated moves, ye Xiaogu leads Lei Guang, but he also steps back quickly and dare not connect.

When he retreated, ye Xiaogu saw two Tianmen disciples guarding Chen Yao in the distance, but his eyes couldn't help being dignified.

The four people in front of them hurried to catch up, but they also staggered to block the two Tianmen disciples who pinched the formula and chanted the mantra in the distance. Secretly, they also had a plan for a long time.

Even if you put out the pressure, whether you can kill these four people or not, ye Xiaogu is hard to take into account the two Tianmen disciples in the distance.

You have to wait for an opportunity, or make an opportunity.

As soon as the thought flashed, ye Xiaogu suddenly gathered a thunder light ball in his right hand. After attracting Lei guangdang to open the two people around, he directly attacked the thunder light ball to the two Tianmen disciples in the distance.

Seeing ye Xiaogu's move, one of the four people suddenly rushed out and raised his knife!


The thunder light ball suddenly exploded, the dazzling brilliance scattered, and the blue arc flashed, but the man was unharmed. He directly jumped to the ground, dragged the knife with his backhand, and rushed towards ye Xiaogu.

"Biyilei method?"

A thought flashed, but ye Xiaogu's eyes were inevitably deep.

Although he knew that the five elements had their own cause and effect, ye Xiaogu couldn't help but flash a trace of amazement when he saw the man's horizontal knife scattering thunder.

Stunned, the three people in front of him hit again. At the critical moment, ye Xiaogu originally wanted to kill one person with Tang Dao and coercion, but now he had no time to keep his hand.


With a soft sound, ye Xiaogu's backhand aroused four Chi Tang Dao to resist, but he couldn't bear the strength of the three people. Under one blow, he retreated three steps in a row.

It was only when the three people saw the sudden appearance of Tang Dao and subconsciously left their hands that they gave ye Xiaogu a chance to breathe.

If it's normal, I'm afraid these three people work together, ye Xiaogu can't take it so easily.

Ye Xiaogu stooped down and gasped, holding a four foot Tang Dao in his left hand, and the continuous thunder light in his right arm spread half of his body. Although he still seemed to have some momentum, he still had some meaning.

The besieged four looked at each other, and a glimmer of greed flashed in their eyes.

The Tang Dao is cold and sharp. The steel is straight and slender. It is not an ordinary product at first sight, and it can change its size. It may still be a magic weapon.

Until now, the four people suddenly thought of Ye Xiaogu's identity and the big fox demon behind him. They all nodded secretly. When they first turned back and stretched out their hands, they put away their long knives and looked at ye Xiaogu and said.

"If you don't want to die, hand over all your treasures. If we are satisfied, we can give you two runaway mandarin ducks another three days to live. You don't have to question us. We can afford the three-day deadline."


The man's words fell, and ye Xiaogu didn't think about it. He put his Tang Dao on the ground with his backhand and said faintly.

"This knife is given to you. Come and get it in three days. You're going to die anyway. Take this knife if you want. Don't kill me now."

Ye Xiaogu said this with a very magnanimous appearance. It really seemed that he was very free and easy. He even hid the thunder light in his right hand. It seemed that he was really caught at a loss.

The speaker turned back and looked at each other. Then he picked up the Tang Dao inserted on the ground with the knife in his hand.

Starting with Tang Dao, a glimmer of joy flashed in his eyes under the mask. Then he turned back and nodded to the three people, but it really dispersed.

The two who had been guarding Chen Yao were still preparing spells. Unexpectedly, they seemed to have reconciled before a few moves. For a moment, they looked at each other at a loss.

Ye Xiaogu simply took a few breaths, went straight to Chen Yao, and took Chen Yao to the house.

On the contrary, the man who took the Tang Dao just now looked at ye Xiaogu and said.

"Mr. Ye, don't toss too much in three days. It's hard for us to find."

Ye Xiaogu said softly without looking back.

"I've been here for three days and I'm not going anywhere."

The corners of his mouth under the mask raised slightly, and the man said with a smile.

"So best."


Ye Xiaogu kicked the door shut, but there was no good face. Instead, he asked the six people outside the door to look at each other. There was no anger in his eyes, but more joy.

Now, if you catch such a fat sheep, you may be able to squeeze out some oil and water.

Regardless of the Tianmen disciples outside the door, ye Xiaogu took Chen Yao to the inner room and whispered.

"Isn't it hurt? I'll check it for you."

Chen Yao had some doubts when she saw ye Xiaogu coming unharmed, but she also understood that ye Xiaogu's Tang Dao was taken by those Tianmen disciples, and looked at ye Xiaogu with a little worry.

"Let's go tonight. You can't delay so much. I told you to go. If you don't believe it, you have to..... Dog ~ you're still moving at this time!"

While talking, ye Xiaogu directly took Chen Yao into the bathroom. As soon as the hot water in the bathtub was put out, it was inevitable to make a noise for a while.

The Tianmen disciples left behind in the dark saw the good play of Ye Xiaogu and Chen Yao, so they got closer and looked more.

Ye Xiaogu hugged Chen Yao and kissed him, but he suddenly said.

"If you want something, don't guard it. Say three days is three days. You six look at it. Are you afraid that someone will fly with wings?"

The Tianmen disciple who stayed in the dark hesitated, but he got up straight and jumped away.

Ye Xiaogu held Chen Yao for a while, looked down at Chen Yao's timid eyes, but his face was a little flustered.

Seeing this, ye Xiaogu couldn't help joking softly.

"Is Xiaoyao so afraid of death?"

Chen Yao quietly leaned against ye Xiaogu's arms and whispered.

"I'm afraid. It's quiet and empty after death. It's too hard."

Ye Xiaogu heard the speech, and the movement on his hand slowed slightly. He kissed Chen Yao gently and approached Chen Yao's ear.

"Then stay with me."

Chen Yao was slightly stunned when she heard the speech, looked around, and then looked at ye Xiaogu softly.

"What's your idea?"

Ye Xiaogu kneaded his hands and said faintly.

"Practice the ghosts and ghosts, stir up a bit of blood essence that is absorbed, and fight."

When Chen Yao heard the speech, he pushed ye Xiaogu and said with a frown.

"Then why did you come in with me?"

Ye Xiaogu said faintly.

"Acting, people are dying. With a little beauty like you, I don't do anything. I'm afraid they'll doubt it."

Chen Yao felt ye Xiaogu's action, but she couldn't help frowning and said.

"So you still don't let go?"

Ye Xiaogu raised his mouth slightly, hugged Chen Yaoyou and kissed again, saying softly.

"I'm glad to come. Xiao Yao'er will do me a favor."

Chen Yao blushed, but frowned and scolded.

"Dog ~ you'll never forget it until you die. That's all you can do ~"

The words fell, but Chen Yao was mostly obedient. Instead, ye Xiaogu couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth and kissed Chen Yao again.


Suburban farm.

Night gradually rises, and winter nights always come earlier.

The night wind rises slightly. In the grassland behind the farm, the withered grass is also slowly swaying with the wind.


With the night breeze rising slightly, Chen Yao's white long wool clothes also shook with the wind, making a pair of slender Pink Jade legs more attractive.

There is a bald young man sitting in the middle of the grassland. He doesn't look particularly outstanding, but he has a peaceful eyebrow and eyes and is full of Confucianism, but he is also impressive.

"Yao'er, go back to the room first. I've vaguely found a way."

Hesitated for a moment, ye Xiaogu closed his eyes and concentrated, but said a faint sentence.

Chen Yao felt a little uneasy and pursed her lips, but it was not good to continue to disturb, so she went straight back to the cabin.

Although ye Xiaogu sent the six Tianmen disciples away with Tang Dao, how could the wolves who smelled blood be satisfied if they only ate a piece of meat.

If ye Xiaogu can't do anything after three days, I'm afraid he will suffer.

Chen Yao also knew the consequences. She didn't bother for a moment and obediently returned to the house.

Ye Xiaogu waited until Chen Yao left, then according to what Chen Yao said, he concentrated and calmed down, his consciousness was ethereal, his mind started from the center of his eyebrows and slowly expanded.

There was nothing else in front of me.

Ye Xiaogu has also entered the Lingtai knowledge mansion before, but now he still needs to explore step by step, look inside, and gradually become familiar with the Lingtai knowledge mansion in his mind.

Originally, according to the ordinary cultivation progress, ordinary friars would not deliberately develop Lingtai knowledge house. After all, it takes a lot of energy to concentrate on attracting Reiki, and the cultivation of Lingtai knowledge house is not very effective for ordinary friars.

Only some monks who specialize in mental and spiritual skills will deliberately develop Lingtai knowledge house.

Between his thoughts, ye Xiaogu closed his eyes and felt the size of Lingtai's house. For a moment, his heart sank slightly.

"Why is there no margin?"

Lingtai knowledge house is originally born of a person's spiritual knowledge. Logically, ordinary people are only an inch of space, and even friars specializing in this way are only tens of feet away.

But ye Xiaogu felt it like a vast, boundless, boundless world around him!

"Is my head broken?"

As soon as he read it, ye Xiaogu couldn't help smiling, although the joke was not funny.

After patrolling Lingtai to know the mansion, although there are some differences, ye Xiaogu can't stop like this. After all, time is tight.

The essence of blood in the Yuan Dynasty gradually moved, and the two veins of the governor ran smoothly through the veins of his back to Lingtai.

Ye Xiaogu's heart sank into Lingtai's knowledge house, and gradually turned a little blood when he saw the vast emptiness.

It's like this vast land. It's like a blood spring at the beginning.

However, the blood fountain was not big. It was only three or five meters around and didn't gush for long, leaving a pool of blood.

Seeing this blood, ye Xiaogu gathered his mind and began to gather these blood.

In the practice of ghost Road, there is the theory of "opening the soul" at the beginning. The corresponding Terran friar is to open up the Lingtai knowledge house, consolidate and strengthen it. In fact, it is also relatively simple.

Ye Xiaogu used to absorb Xu Xiaoman's Heavenly Master talisman, opened Lingtai knowledge house, and had a quarrel with Chen Yao in Ren Hanxiang's villa. In fact, he was familiar with this Lingtai knowledge house.

At the moment, I am familiar with the road. I have simply completed the two realms of flexibility and openness.

Moving and opening the soul is the soul gathering pill.

The so-called soul pill is stored in Lingtai knowledge house, just as Zhenyuan is stored in the Qi sea of elixir field.

If the ordinary ghost practices the ghost Road, it also needs to accumulate some strength for a period of time.

With his eyes closed tightly, ye Xiaogu's heart was free of distractions. He gathered his mind and attracted the blood in the Lingtai knowledge house, running and guiding according to the track said by Chen Yao.

Chen Yao was originally an immortal in the painting. In the past, her spiritual knowledge was beginning to open. She also had some experience in this soul gathering pill.

Blood moved with ye Xiaogu's thoughts, rising and falling in the vast Lingtai knowledge house, but gradually became the perfect phase of yin and Yang.

When ye Xiaogu first heard Chen Yao talking about this description, he still had some doubts. After all, the heaven, yin and Yang, and the eight trigrams are limitless. How could Chen Yao's little fairy in the painting lead to such a vision.

But at the moment, ye Xiao Gu himself did not obstruct what he did in accordance with Chen Yao's method of action.

"Is the ghost road the main road in the world?"

Rao shiye Xiaogu could not help feeling stunned when he saw the round phase of yin and Yang.

The essence of the blood is accompanied by the Yin Yang and the rounded circle, which constantly circulate, but it takes a very long time to merge together.

If it is normal, ye Xiaogu may not care about this time, but with a three foot sword hanging over his head, ye Xiaogu is still a little flustered.

Trying to urge, but also spent a lot of thought.

In this panic, ye Xiaogu didn't know why there was an impulse in his heart. He gradually had some other ideas.

The blood color that was originally just round is gradually falling and rolling in the heart of the leaf's solitary heart, but it is divided into two colors.

It is clear and shallow on the top and heavy and turbid on the bottom. It is divided into two colors and invades each other. It swallows the head and holds the tail secretly, and it is a phase of mutual growth and sustainability.

The real round phase of yin and Yang!

The color of yin and Yang is so different that even ye Xiaogu, who sits in the middle of the grassland, scattered spiritual lines.

The Taoist Holy stripe gradually spread, but it also alerted many sleepless people.

In the hut in front of the grassland.

Chen Yao sat on the sofa with her knees in her arms. A pair of fat little meat feet half stepped on the edge of the sofa. Her toes were full and plump, with white and tender feet. Her foot bow was not too high, but there was a graceful radian. A full grip made people salivate.

Chen Yao is a pair of small meat feet, but the jade legs are slender and straight, which makes people have to look more.

There was no good program on TV. Chen Yao just sat in a daze with her knees in her arms. She didn't know whether to run away or not.

As an immortal in the painting, Chen Yao naturally understands the loneliness of being trapped in the boundless darkness.

Endless silence is sometimes more terrible than fierce blood.

Chen Yao is so afraid of death that she can't help trying to please ye Xiaogu. When she sees the possibility of fawning on bao'er, she can't help but scrape up, but she just wants to live in peace.

But at present, the result seems to be a little different from Chen Yao's imagination.

Bao'er is missing, and ye Xiaogu is also surrounded by Tianmen disciples.

When the axe fell, Chen Yao naturally wanted to escape, but she was reluctant to give up.

What are you reluctant to do?

As soon as Chen Yao thought about seeing ye Xiaogu for the first time, ye Xiaogu's eyes couldn't help being slightly stunned.

Those eyes were not brilliant, but there was every trace of emotion flashing inside, so real and hot.

How sad and happy, they are like small fish in a shallow pond, luring Chen Yao to scratch a few times and follow closely.

Thinking of Ye Xiaogu's eyes, Chen Yao didn't see the TV picture in her eyes. She just had a red face and a giggle.


Just at this time, the Taoist Holy stripe dispersed in an instant and rushed through the hut, stretching out for a long time.

Chen yaochu was still a little confused, but then he was surprised and frightened.

"Beep, beep, beep................."

As soon as I could not finish reading, the lights lit up outside the window, and the Tianmen disciples left behind in the distance honked their horns, which was a reminder to ye Xiaogu.

However, just after the holy stripe dispersed, a sudden surge of Qi spread in a flash.


The withered grass on the whole grassland fell down. Together with the movement, Chen Yao frowned and looked at the closed back door, but she bit her teeth and walked to the front door.

"If I return to darkness, it's thanks to you. After all, you gave me light..."

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