South City, Ritz Carlton Hotel.

Time always seems to pass quickly. Compared with midsummer, the day in winter is so short that half an hour.

Naturally, I will also feel that I have lost so much.

There are fewer pedestrians and fewer vehicles in the streets.

At night in the noisy south city.

In the hotel suite, a tall, thin, bald young man breathed a sigh of relief and stroked the plump woman's long hair with satisfaction.

"The dog ~ is really with something, which makes me feel very uncomfortable."

With a vague remark, Rao Shiwang Pei has served ye Xiaogu several times these days, but he is still not used to it.

Ye Xiaogu has been practicing for a long time. After the acupoints are fully opened and the veins are unobstructed, his physical quality is thousands of times better than usual. When he has a good time, he is really like an animal.

But ye Xiaogu had to let Wang Pei go on, which made Wang Pei feel very uncomfortable.

Ye Xiaogu listened to Wang Pei's complaint, but he felt Wang Pei's cheek with satisfaction.

Wang Pei's words are true. Ye Xiaogu advances like an inch. As soon as he starts, he naturally has no chance to stop.

In addition to a few words these days, I'm talking about the conditions with Panlong Yufeng formula.

In today's world, there is a lack of aura. For Wang Pei, it is almost impossible to advance in a hundred years. Now ye Xiaogu throws out the dragon and Phoenix formula. Rao is no matter how shy, Wang Peidao can only eat the bait and obediently follow ye Xiaogu's words.

Ye xiaoguben came and planned to save with Wang Peiwen. For a while, Wang Pei felt more and more disgusted. He hurried into the bathroom. He didn't even have time to save with ye xiaoguwen.

Ye Xiaogu got up, took care of it at will, put on his shirt, went to the bathroom and said hello.

"I'll go out and buy a pack of cigarettes and I'll be back in a minute."

Wang Pei is busy watering his chest. He doesn't even want to say a word back. It seems that he is really angry with ye Xiaogu.

Seeing this, ye Xiaogu was more proud. With a slight smile, he opened the door and was going to go downstairs.

Although he told Wang Pei that he was going to buy cigarettes, ye Xiaogu just felt a little flustered in his heart.

This feeling lasted for several days. At the beginning, ye Xiaogu thought that he had made too much trouble with Wang Pei and hurt his body a little.

But even later, I felt vaguely that this panic came from the depths of my heart, inexplicably but also very firm.

".................................. Baby."

As soon as he read it, ye Xiaogu's face was also deep.

Under the nine world's incantation seal, ye little orphan can feel the emotion of Bao Er in a vague way. He has not gone through the eyes and leaves.

These days, ye Xiaogu and Wang Pei are very happy. The main reason is that after Lingtai knows the house and Dantian Qihai combine pills, they have already coincided with the heaven and earth, and the natural trend of Zhou Tian.

Ye Xiao Gu is still attentively sitting or practicing, or doing something else. There is not much difference in the actual operation of the essence of refining and refining the essence of blood.

In addition, Wang Pei helped ye Xiaogu a lot in the past and experienced great difficulties in Nanshi. Now ye Xiaogu also wants to be intimate with Wang Pei in his spare time.

Of course, the most important thing is that Wang Pei's plump and white body is shaking in front of him. It's hard to say that ye Xiaogu is turning a blind eye to anything.

Since Zhenyuan's practice can run by itself, ye Xiaogu is still a normal man in the end.

During the simple reverie, ye Xiaogu secretly estimated the progress of refining soul pill and went straight into the elevator.

After returning to Nanshi, it seems to have been very calm. The disciples of Tianmen and Sandao society mentioned by Fang Qingcheng never appeared.

"Bao'er should be all right.................. after all, if something really happened, those people should have come to the door."


As soon as the thought flashed, the elevator door opened slowly.

Many things are wonderful. What you have been worried about is always worried. As a result, it has become true.

In the lobby of the hotel.

As soon as the elevator door opened, ye Xiaogu saw two people in front of the elevator door.

They all look the same, even look the same.

Simple board inch, standing straight, seems to have a good spirit.

One is dressed in white and the other is dressed in black.

Rao didn't say anything, but his eyes were simple. Ye Xiaogu just reached out and wanted to press the door closing button.

But when the elevator door closed at the beginning, one of them stepped on the edge of the elevator door and said faintly.

"Luo Yong, Luo Yi, I'd like to ask Mr. Ye for a face."

Hearing this, ye Xiaogu frowned slightly, simply looked at the two people and said.

"Fix a place. I'll come in the middle of the night. Don't worry, I can't run."

"Mr. Ye joked. Wangcheng international uncompleted residential building, I hope Mr. Ye will be on time."

Ye Xiaogu had thought that these two people would talk for a while. Unexpectedly, Luo Yong's words were as simple and clean as his words. There was no superfluous.

Straight back, the two walked out of the hotel hall in unison, but let a few passers-by who returned late have a few more eyes.

He pressed the button to close the door, and ye Xiaogu's face sank slightly.

"It's not like a dead hand. It's like a temptation... What's the matter with you, baby."

As soon as he read it, ye Xiaogu slowly closed his eyes, but he could not help frowning slightly.

There's no way. There's nothing to do.

He doesn't have enough chips in his hand, or even the qualification to be on the table. Now even if ye Xiaogu thinks about it, it's meaningless.

"Time is still too tight."

He sighed softly, but ye Xiaogu inevitably had some helplessness.

In this era, there is a lack of aura. Even if ye Xiaogu has opened all the veins in daozang, he should just have an empty shelf and be dissatisfied with it.

After that, ye little orphan tried to stimulate the essence of blood, but the time of refining the leaves was less than half a month.

Although ye Xiaogu is already a cultivation achievement in jiedan realm.

In this world, half moon knot pill, if you really say it, I'm afraid it can make people lose their big teeth.

However, compared with ye Xiaogu's dilemma, this strength is really insignificant.

Ye Xiaogu slowly breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at the floor sign displayed on the elevator, but also pulled the corners of his mouth to make himself look less gloomy.

There must be a road in front of the mountain by car, and it is natural for the ship to go straight to the bridge. It is useless to dream. Those who should come will always come.


When the elevator bell rang, ye Xiaogu walked out of the elevator and pulled his mouth again, which was a little more smile.

As soon as he opened the door, ye Xiaogu saw Wang Pei wiping his hair with a towel and coming out of the bathroom.

Listening to the sound of the door, Wang Pei casually said hello.


When ye Xiaogu heard the speech, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and smiled and gathered behind Wang Pei.

Seeing that they were bored again, Wang Pei could not help but frown slightly. He looked at ye Xiaogu and scolded him lightly.

"Can you stop being so sticky?"

Ye Xiaogu smiled and kissed Wang Pei's fragrant shoulder and said softly.

"Because my training is so beautiful, I can't let go of my love."

As soon as ye Xiaogu said this, Wang Pei spat and scolded.

"Bah ~......................... You don't have any greasy dog anymore. I've just finished washing it. Don't pester me anymore."

Unexpectedly, ye Xiaogu didn't continue to pester Wang Pei. He just held Wang Pei and smelled her.

Wang Pei's body also has a strange fragrance like bao'er. Besides being attractive, it smells inexplicably drifting.

As soon as he read it, ye Xiaogu inevitably asked with some doubts.

"Peipei's taste is really delicious. Is there any particular about it?"

Wang Pei wiped his hair with a towel and saw ye Xiaogu holding on. It was already sticky to her.

At the moment, hearing ye Xiaogu's leisurely comments, he couldn't help frowning, glanced at ye Xiaogu and scolded.

"What do you think you should pay attention to? You don't eat enough, and the dog is still paying attention to things. If you don't let go, I'll kick you over. Do you believe it?"

Seeing Wang Pei's fried hair, ye Xiaogu could only send it away and said with a smile.

"Why don't you use a hair dryer? Isn't it troublesome to wipe with a towel?"

When Wang Pei heard the speech, he glanced at ye Xiaogu and scolded him lightly.

"If you don't have anything to say, you don't feel tired. You don't have anything to eat tonight. Go to the nest and lie down by yourself. Don't walk around in front of me."

At this point, ye Xiaogu should stop on weekdays, but today is really special.

"Ah ~......................."

With a soft cry, ye Xiaogu picked up Wang Pei and went to the bedroom.

Wang Pei even dropped one slipper, so he shook his white feet and was carried into the bedroom by Ye Xiaogu.

Wang Pei slapped ye Xiaogu several times with a towel. Ye Xiaogu kicked the door regardless.

Between the light cars and the familiar roads, Rao is Wang Pei struggling several times, but he can only come by Ye xiaoguhu.

After several spring scenes, ye Xiaogu didn't enjoy himself very much. On the contrary, Wang Pei enjoyed it several times.

Seeing ye Xiaogu still hiding in the quilt, Wang Pei couldn't help but blush. He patted ye Xiaogu in the quilt and said powerlessly.

"What's the matter? Don't try to make up my mind. I'll tell you what a dog is. You just have to

long time.

Ye Xiaogu looked at the sky outside the window and Wang Pei in his arms. He especially reached out and stroked Wang Pei's long hair and whispered.

"I have something to do tonight. I'm going out."

Wang Pei heard the speech, powerlessly pushed ye Xiaogu and said vaguely.

"Just go out. What are you doing with me? Dog ~"

When ye Xiaogu heard the speech, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, approached Wang Pei and kissed him. After thinking about it, he still said.

"I'm going to meet Liu Shengyan, but I won't pick her up. I'll go to the capital with you in a few days. I'm going to see her before I leave."

When Wang Pei heard Liu smoke, he looked up at ye Xiaogu, frowned and scolded.

"I said you're a dog. Why are you so positive? You've been thinking about going to her for dinner for a long time. Get out of here. You'll pick a time in the middle of the night!"

Although he vaguely felt a sour smell, ye Xiaogu just smiled for a moment, touched Wang Pei's white fragrant shoulder and whispered.

"Don't I hate Peipei? I'll be back tomorrow morning, just in the middle of the night."

"Go away ~ dog ~ you'd better never come back."

The more Wang Pei thought about it, the more he felt angry. Rao was weak and pushed ye Xiaogu several times.

Thinking of Ye Xiaogu and Liu Shengyan, Wang Pei was really angry.

Ye Xiaogu tried to hold Wang PEI for a while, but Wang Pei's anger was hard to dispel. At the thought of her serving ye Xiaogu so much, ye Xiaogu still ran out. He really didn't want to see ye Xiaogu's smiling face for a moment.

Between pushing and bustling, ye Xiaogu you and Haosheng told Wang Pei a few words, but he still walked into the bedroom very actively.

"Click ~......................."

The backhand closes the door, the smile on ye Xiaogu's face gradually converges, and a little cold color appears in his eyes.


The night was dark and there were few pedestrians in the streets.

An evening taxi stopped in the street near Wangcheng international. The driver refused to say anything and continued to walk with ye Xiaogu.

Rao shiye Xiaogu is not very tough, but he shaves his head in the middle of the night and has to go to the uncompleted residential building of Wangcheng international. Even if the taxi driver thinks about it several times, he is a little frightened.

Seeing that the taxi driver didn't go, ye Xiaogu didn't force anything. Anyway, it was a matter of a few steps.

"Man, do you have any cigarettes?"

When he got off the bus, ye Xiaogu suddenly thought of something and asked again, which frightened the taxi driver. He quickly handed the cigarette in the drawer to ye Xiaogu, but then he was busy driving away.

For a moment, ye Xiaogu felt a little confused.

After lighting a cigarette, ye Xiaogu walked towards the dark Wancheng international uncompleted residential building in the distance.

The smoke in his mouth lit up a small red dot in the night, and ye Xiaogu's eyes seemed indifferent.

He touched the white mask in his pocket, but ye Xiaogu's heart was much more peaceful.

The white mask of Tianmen is really a sign. It's durable, dirt and moisture resistant. It's not the first time ye Xiaogu praised it.

He threw down his cigarette butts and ran over his leather shoes several times. Ye Xiaogu put on a white mask. The thunder in his right arm excited him, but he directly moved and jumped into the building in the distance.

Uncompleted residential building and roof of Wangcheng international.

In the night wind, a man wearing a black suit and shaving a board inch said casually.

"Here he is."

In the distance, a man dressed in a white suit and shaved an inch threw his torch into an oil bucket filled with wood. He was so angry that it really burst into the sky.

While walking quickly, ye Xiaogu didn't hide the thunder in his right arm, but he jumped to the ground, but he rushed to the roof between three or five breaths.

Several pieces of wood as a frame were burning in several large tin oil barrels around. In the distance, they stood in the center, one left, one right, one black and one white, waiting for ye Xiaogu.

Ye Xiaogu turned his back to cover Lei Guang and looked at the two brothers Luo Yong and Luo Yi in the distance. There was no expression under the white mask.

Luo Yong and Luo Yi seemed to have no intention to speak, but looked at ye Xiaogu.

Compared with the appearance seen before, ye Xiaogu only wears a pure white mask of Tianmen.

It is still a simple white shirt and a pair of black trousers, which is a little abrupt with a big bald head.

After looking at each other, ye Xiaogu took the initiative to say.

"Is there anything particular about this today?"

Luo Yong and Luo Yi looked at each other, but they also nodded, looked at ye Xiaogu and said in one voice.

"Point to point."

When ye Xiaogu heard the speech, a trace of inexplicable emotion flashed in his eyes, but he didn't answer. The thunder in his right arm excited him, but it immediately attracted the thunder light.

When the blue thunder light wrapped by Jin mang appeared, Luo Yong and Luo Yi didn't do it for a moment. It seemed that they wanted to see ye Xiaogu's moves.


In a hurry, ye Xiaogu took the lead, and Luo Yong, who was wearing a black suit, was the fist wrapped in thunder.

In the midst of the momentum, ye Xiaogu's fist had not been struck, but the thunder in his hand suddenly exploded.

The blue thunder light wrapped by jinmang suddenly exploded, as if it was not controlled by Ye Xiaogu.

Out of control?!

The blue thunder burst out in an instant, covering a land of tens of meters. Luo Yong and Luo Yi were all covered with thunder.

When the thunder scattered everywhere, Luo Yong and Luo Yi slipped out their weapons in their sleeves.

As expected, the thunder did not disperse, but suddenly solidified for a few minutes.

Together with the thunder light grid, ye Xiaogu stood ten steps away, but his hand was in the palm, and the thunder light led by his right arm suddenly pressed.


With a loud noise, the undulating arc hit the whole ground with countless shallow pits. Between the dust all over the sky, the two brothers of the Luo family can be vaguely seen.

With a slight shake in his hand, the long black stick in Luo Yong's hand suddenly slipped out again. Then he hid his backhand behind his back. It was about nine feet long.

Luo Yi held a short white stick, only two feet long, like an ordinary rolling pin.

One long and one short, one black and one white. Two brothers of the same family with similar appearance are really two good players.

Although the thunder light that ye Xiaogu just deliberately exploded dissipated his strength, Luo Yong and Luo Yi could catch this move unharmed, even without a trace. It can be seen that their skills are also good.

After Luo Yong and Luo Yiliang showed their weapons, the whole scene became dignified.

"Your weapons are very interesting. What do you say?"

Luo Yong carries a long staff and Luo Yi holds a short staff, bows down and leans forward slightly. He was ready to strike.

Unexpectedly, ye Xiaogu asked at this time.

Luo Yi's momentum rested, looked back at Luo Yong, saw Luo Yong nod and said.

"Ordinary stick moves, but one attack and one defense, one long and one short, take care of each other."

When ye Xiaogu heard the speech, he couldn't see any expression in his pure white mask. After a while, he nodded and said faintly.

"Looks good."

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