South City, Ritz Carlton Hotel.

The night outside the window seemed deep, and there were few pedestrians in the street.

The living room seemed a little deserted, and the table was clean, as if it had not been served for a long time.

The cold wind rose slightly, and the French windows were not closed. On the contrary, the cold air made a little lion on the sofa more enjoyable.

Compared with the coldness in the living room, the warmth in the bedroom is slightly obvious, and the spring is just off.

Ye Xiaogu took a deep breath, especially wiped his mouth, turned his eyes away and said casually.

"You can't linger any longer. Come back and play."

The words fell, and Wang Pei's little face turned crimson, but he looked at ye Xiaogu with resentment and scolded.

"Virtue ~........................................... Dog, I'll leave my words here today. If you don't loosen the rope for me, see how I can deal with you in the future."

When ye Xiaogu heard the speech, he wanted to turn around and leave. For a moment, he untied the bath towel and said reluctantly.

"OK, OK, let's have another round. I'll rub it. Don't do anything. Don't flop around."

When the words fell, Wang Pei was so frightened that ye Xiaogu really didn't know how to stop under the quilt.

After a long time, the spring stopped.

Wang Pei learned well this time and didn't shout anything. On the contrary, ye Xiaogu took care of the corners of his shirt. It seemed that he thought of something, but he also untied the rope on Wang Pei's feet.

It's just that I haven't untied much. I can only barely move.

"It's hard to let you go all the time. It's not for you to run. I'm not doing anything good. I'm doing business with my head. You have to make such a noise."

When ye Xiaogu spoke, it seemed that he was still wronged. Just think about it carefully, he was really wronged.

Nanbo is no better than others. He will not keep his hand on ye Xiaogu, and he is also a person who knows the root and bottom. For such an opponent, ye Xiaogu has been guilty for three or five days without good planning.

What's more, now we have to take care of Wang Pei's feelings. Ye Xiaogu is really tired.


When Wang Peiyi heard ye Xiaogu's words, he snorted with hatred, and his mouth was still unforgiving.

"It's best if you don't come back tomorrow. If you dare to come back alive, I have to kill you."

Ye Xiaogu felt inexplicable when he heard the speech. His heart trembled slightly. His fear of Wang Pei was much deeper than that of Nanbo.

After hesitating for a while, ye Xiaogu said in embarrassment.

"........................... Peipei, you forced me so much. For my own safety, should I consider doing something with you to ensure my personal safety? Why don't we have a child, so you're always reluctant to kill me?"

The words fell. Wang Pei glanced at ye Xiaogu coldly. He didn't have to say much.

Ye Xiaogu hesitated for a moment. He still felt guilty, but if he did something, he would die faster.

Since Wang Pei's gentle and lovely appearance was discovered, ye Xiaogu was confused.

The night outside the window is getting deeper and deeper, and it will be early morning in the twinkling of an eye.

At the beginning, ye Xiaogu and silent just made a few gestures at the door. Although they didn't know whether silent understood their meaning, since he came to the door, ye Xiaogu had no reason to procrastinate.

After trimming the collar of his shirt, ye Xiaogu looked back at Wang Pei.

Wang Pei seems to be still angry with ye Xiaogu. He looks out of the window and doesn't mean to look at ye Xiaogu more.

At the beginning, ye Xiaogu threatened Wang Pei with the magic real lion in the northern region. Wang Peiyou also believed ye Xiaogu's words and directly sealed his pulse gate.

I didn't expect ye Xiaogu to be so aggressive, which made Wang Pei angry for a while.

Seeing that Wang Pei was still angry, ye xiaoguben wanted to leave directly, but after thinking about it, he turned back and approached Wang Pei, whispering.

"Nanbo and I are enemies of killing our father. He doesn't know where he inherited the wind and rain of one of the eight doors. I'm not sure I can come back tonight."

"If you can't come back, you'll die outside to save me trouble."

Ye Xiaogu said this affectionate sentence, but Wang Pei said it coldly.

Ye Xiaogu couldn't help laughing when he heard the speech. He even reached out and straightened Wang Pei's sideburns. He vaguely saw the sweet sweat. I think she enjoyed it at the beginning.

"Give me a kiss as a farewell."

Wang Pei couldn't help turning his head when he saw ye Xiaogu's endless entanglement. Looking at ye Xiaogu, Wang Pei was going to reprimand him. However, when he looked at the sadness in his eyes, he couldn't help being a little stunned.

The lips are soft and moist, but the corners of Ye Xiaogu's mouth are slightly raised.

After a long kiss, Wang Pei's face seemed to ease a little and said faintly.

"Untie the rope for me and I'll go with you, so that you dog won't go away for a long time."

Hearing the speech, ye Xiaogu raised his mouth slightly, approached Wang Pei again, kissed him and whispered.

"Peipei is very good. Get used to it. When I come back, we'll have a good time."

While talking, Wang Pei raised his head in amazement and looked at ye Xiaogu, but he couldn't help frowning and scolding.

"You dog think you're so comfortable, don't you?"

Seeing that Wang Pei was going to blow his hair again, ye Xiaogu turned away with a quick smile, and didn't dare to say more to Wang Pei.

Nanbo has been looking forward to this duel for a long time. For ye Xiaogu, it may be a way to untie his heart knot.

Nanyuan's death, it's time for Nanjia's gratitude and hatred to come to an end.

In his mind, ye Xiaogu closes the bedroom door. When he raises his head, he sees the little lion blowing in front of the French window.

It seems that this little thing is really a strange enjoyment. The night wind is slightly cold, but it still holds its head high, its small eyes are narrowed, and its whole body has a faint blue outline, but it also vaguely sees a little mane moving with the wind.

It looks like I'm a little more angry.

It's just that

The magic real lion in the northern region hasn't enjoyed it for long in front of the French window, but it is suddenly picked up by Ye Xiaogu.

Seeing that ye Xiaogu was holding it, the magic real lion in the northern region didn't even flutter, so he dropped his claws and looked very honest.

Ye Xiaogu casually looked at the magic real lion in the northern region and said faintly.

"You little thing deceived that silly woman. I have a clear mind about you. I dare not ask for Tianmen's things, but since she likes it, I can't drive you out............................. I'm going out, and you can go with me. I'm really worried about keeping you at home."

The words fell, and ye Xiaogu didn't care whether the magic real lion in the northern region understood it or not, so he took it and walked out of the room.

"Click ~......................."

Ye Xiaogu tried to open the door, and it seemed that he could also open it.

"Sure enough, it's just a temporary intention, so you can't maintain this prohibition after self proclaimed cultivation?"

Wang Pei's momentum of moving the seal characters was so great that ye Xiaogu naturally saw it. Originally, he thought he would spend some skills, but now he didn't have the trouble he imagined.

Close the door with your backhand.

A tall, thin, bald young man walked away slowly with a little thing like a blue dog.


Nanshi in the night, especially in the winter night, is particularly cold.

This is not a big city. After all, there are few people who come out to make a living at night.

Ye Xiaogu stuffed the magic real lion in the northern region into his pocket and stood by the roadside waiting for a while. He really didn't even see the shadow of half a taxi.

Between the light and shadow of the street lamp, there were not even moths, nor any rising dust, just the heat of breathing.

Ye Xiaogu stood under the street lamp in a daze. He almost dallied for more than half an hour.

Between his thoughts, ye Xiaogu still doesn't want to face Nanbo's move.

Although ye Xiaogu's hands are not clean, there is always some difference between killing a stranger and killing an acquaintance.

In the past, when he went to Nanshi University for the first time, ye Xiaogu also played basketball with nanbozhao.

Ye Xiaogu actually likes Nanbo's move, but Nanyuan's death is some trouble.

After thinking about it for a while, ye Xiaogu still hesitated. Unexpectedly, the magic real lion in the northern region in his pocket suddenly fluttered out.

Seeing that the little thing fell to the ground and rolled, ye Xiaogu couldn't help frowning slightly and whispered.

"If you're dishonest, I'll step on it for you............................"

The words were not finished. Unexpectedly, the honest magic real lion in the northern region suddenly changed back to its original state.

A big lion with a length of several meters and a blue body suddenly appeared on the road. If it weren't for the early morning of this winter night, I'm afraid it would really disturb many passers-by.

Seeing that the magic real lion in the northern region changed back to its original shape, ye Xiaogu raised his mouth slightly, gently kicked the hind legs of the magic real lion in the northern region, and said casually.

"Frighten me or what? Don't say what you look like now, I am.............................."

Without saying a word, ye xiaoguben came to frighten the real magic lion in the northern region to become smaller. Unexpectedly, the real magic lion in the northern region fell down on his own.

Ye Xiaogu was slightly stunned and said casually.

"Let me go up?"

The magic real lion in the northern region didn't look back, but there was a faint circle of mane around his neck shaking with the wind. It looked very powerful.

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly and tried to step up.

As soon as he sat down, the magic real lion in the northern region directly stood up and jumped into the sky, shaking ye Xiaogu's stomach for a while.


Even on a winter night, the sea breeze still tastes fishy and salty.

People inexplicably think of blood, especially at such a night, they can't see the color of sea water.

In an open space along the coast, several large paint buckets were placed. Between the orange red flames, a * wearing a big red hooded sweater was on the coast, looking at the sea.

Behind the man, a man in a black suit waved his black umbrella in boredom. The bowler hat seemed to be worn from morning to night.

"He didn't say how long to come?"

In silence, Nanbo Zhao couldn't help asking.

Speaking of this, silent really blushed.

After all, it's polite to go to ye Xiaogu silently during the day. Without saying a word, ye Xiaogu closed the door behind his back, and didn't even go in for a cup of tea and sit for a while.

And I really didn't say anything clearly. I just ran back with my tail between my legs. It's really frustrating.

Between thoughts, silence is really angry, but it doesn't seem to be a big deal.

"It's hard to say. Ye Xiaogu is a person without any determination. He says he is greedy for life and afraid of death, but sometimes he is also positive. He is more decent, but he doesn't do less damage.................. what are you going to do if he doesn't come tonight?"

"Kill Liu Shengyan."

In a word, Nanbo Zhao didn't even turn his head, but it also made silent a little stunned.

Although this is short, if you kill Liu Shengyan and don't say how ye Xiaogu is, you will be silent. You are a little sorry in your heart.

Silence is also an old minister of the Liu family. He has been with the Liu family for at least ten years, not to mention a hundred years. He also watched Liu smoke grow up.

At present, if Nanbo's move really wants to kill Liu Shengyan, it's silent. It can't help but stop one or two.

Perhaps he felt his silent eyes, but Nanbo Zhao also straightened his waist and said faintly.

"If he doesn't come tonight............................"


Nanbo didn't say a word. Suddenly, the sea in the distance suddenly burst into a loud noise.

Between the blue light and shadow, a figure led the thunder, but it jumped lightly and fell directly on the open space.

Between the blue thunder light wrapped by jinmang, a tall, thin, bald young man, carrying a small animal like a puppy, all blue, directly appeared in the vision of silence and nanbozhao.

Ye Xiaogu.

"I knew you were out of breath when you ran. I might as well run by myself. You can hold on. If I die, I really can't explain to that silly woman."

While talking, ye Xiaogu shook the shrinking magic real lion in the northern region, and his face was more or less frightened.

Along the way, ye Xiaogu finally got familiar with the feeling of sitting in the magic real lion in the northern region. Unexpectedly, it didn't take long to turn along the beach. The magic real lion in the northern region really leaked air.

If ye Xiaogu hadn't been clever, he might have broken a bone.

"Bring her up."

Seeing ye Xiaogu joking with the little lion in his hand, Nanbo Zhao said a faint sentence.

As soon as he said this, ye Xiaogu's face was slightly cold, but he also casually put the magic real lion in the northern region aside and drew a seal character to protect it, but he also raised his head and looked at the silence in the distance.

The silent black umbrella led out a touch of ink as usual, but between the waving of ink, it falsely drew a seal character in front of the body.

Between the brilliance of ink, a small elephant is condensed.

The little elephant was dark and even had no facial features, but the unconscious woman on it was an acquaintance of Ye Xiaogu.

The white melon seed face has light willow eyebrows and attractive red lips, and its appearance is mostly exquisite and charming. It vaguely shows a charming spirit of resisting thousands of miles.

Ye Xiaogu didn't quite understand what the elephant meant by carrying Liu Shengyan.

But with the silent movement of the black umbrella, the little elephant slowly drowned the Liu smoke on his back into his body.

"Five minutes at most, she dies or you die."

Nanbo Zhao glanced at ye Xiaogu and said faintly.

When ye Xiaogu heard the speech, he couldn't help but raise his mouth slightly. He didn't want to say these words.

But seeing that even Liu Shengyan was affected and became a means to threaten himself, ye Xiaogu couldn't help but say.

"I've said a thousand times about master Nanyuan. Even if I hurt him that day, he came to me on his own initiative. If he killed me that day, would you also give me an explanation?"

The words fell, and Nanbo's move did not respond.

With the agitation of Zhenyuan, bursts of bloody Taoist patterns appeared around Nanbo move.

At the same time, a dark cloud appeared on the small open space.

The momentum has risen. Why doesn't ye Xiaogu answer?

The thunder lead in the right arm suddenly aroused, and the blue thunder light wrapped by jinmang rose again. However, ye Xiaogu was vaguely confused at the critical moment of the move.

"That bloody yuan looks a little familiar?"

"Whew ~ ~..................................."

A thought flashed by, and before ye Xiaogu looked carefully, the invisible wind blade made several sounds breaking the air in the air.

These wind blades are fast and invisible. Now it's this dark night. For a moment, ye Xiaogu can't be distracted.

Five minute countdown.


With a soft sound, ye Xiaogu took the initiative for the first time. The thunder light in his right arm wrapped half of his body, and the rising arc was like half of his wings.

In the night, Rao has several big oil barrels, and he can't see where the Qingfeng blade comes from. He just relies on Zhengyang Leigang to resist the attacking wind blade.

"Yiyi ~ ~........................"

With the continuous sound, ye Xiaogu's momentum was like a rainbow, and he approached dozens of steps one after another with the help of Zhengyang Leigang.

In a hurry, maybe ye Xiaogu promoted so fast that Nanbo didn't respond at all. He still just used this not sharp blade as an attack means.

Twenty steps

Within ten steps

Within ten steps of Nanbo Zhao with black leather shoes, Rao shiye Xiaogu vaguely felt something wrong, but Nanbo Zhao stood in front of him wearing a wide hood.

Liu Shengyan is shut up silently. Ye Xiaogu can't take this risk, but make a quick decision.

Put it out!!

The backhand Tang Dao slipped out of his sleeve, but in his hand, it was really excited, and suddenly became four feet long.

Ten steps away, ye Xiaogu doesn't even need a breath to rush over.

With a flash of cold light, Nanbo Zhao still wore his wide hood, as if he hadn't reacted from beginning to end.

In his mind, ye Xiaogu frowned slightly, and subconsciously stopped the Tang Dao half an inch in front of Nanbo's move.

"Miso ~................................................."

A light sound, with a touch of blood.

The blood color rose slightly, reflecting ye Xiaogu's stunned eyes and Nanbo's bloody eyes under his hood.

At the moment of stopping the knife, a blood line crossed ye Xiaogu's throat. It was not deep, but it was also very real.


This touch is not as fast as the wind blade, but with a bit of cold.

It's ye Xiaogu's own Tang Dao.

But why did he cut himself when he waved the knife to Nanbo?

But it was too late to think. Under the hood, Nanbo Zhao's bloody eyes watched, countless wind blades suddenly surged.

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