Beijing, in the hotel.

The night was deep and the cold wind was rising, with a little coldness.

The winter night in the north, although cold, still seems a little lively.

In addition to the shining neon lights, several passers-by returning late can be seen in the street.

In the hotel room, ye Xiaogu held Chen Yao for a while. At the moment, he was narrowing his eyes and planning to take a nap.

Chen Yao seemed to think of something suddenly. He patted ye Xiaogu's bald head and asked softly.

"Do you still go back to Tianmen?"

Ye Xiaogu said vaguely when he heard the speech.

"I haven't got a way to break through jiedan territory, and I haven't been found. Tianmen must go there."

Chen Yao frowned slightly and seemed to want to persuade, but on second thought, there seemed to be no reason to dissuade.

Ye Xiaogu fainted and narrowed for a while. Now Chen Yao asked, but he was awake again.

Feeling the faint touch and facing Chen Yao's beautiful body, ye Xiaogu really has a feeling that he can't control it.

Chen Yao was just worried and asked. Unexpectedly, she picked up ye Xiaogu's temperament again. For a moment, she really complained in her heart.

They made trouble again for a while, but it was almost dawn before they knew it.

At the moment, the night outside the window is full, but it won't be long before dawn.

Chen Yao was tossed by Ye Xiaogu. In the middle of the night, she ran into the bathroom with a little red face.

When Chen Yao washes and cleans up, ye Xiaogu also wears Tianmen's black suit. At the moment, he is tidying up his collar.

Chen Yao thought ye Xiaogu would be warm with herself. After saving for a while, seeing ye Xiaogu's very conscious appearance, she said in amazement for a moment.

"Are you leaving so early?"

When ye Xiaogu heard the speech, he raised his mouth slightly, looked at Chen Yao and said with a smile.

"What? Does Xiao Yao'er want to serve me again? Then I have to enjoy it."

"Bah ~........................................... Now that you have realized your shortcomings, don't be too strong in the future."

Chen Yao spat, but she was worried about ye Xiaogu.

Ye Xiaogu has numerous strong enemies along the way. Although he is lucky and inherited by the Heavenly Master, every bad turn into good.

But as the saying goes, those who drown are those who know the water.

Ye Xiaogu can't be so lucky every time. Once he is unlucky next time, ye Xiaogu may really go to the underworld.

When ye Xiaogu heard the speech, the smile on his face eased a little. He went straight to Chen Yao and approached Chen Yao's mouth. He wanted to kiss directly, but he smelled something vaguely, frowning and whispering.

"There's really a big fishy smell. Does that mean I'm healthy or something?"

"That means you're an animal!"

When Chen Yao saw ye Xiaogu coming, she stood on tiptoe and planned to kiss goodbye. Hearing ye Xiaogu's words, her face turned red and hurried into the bathroom.

Seeing Chen Yao's hurried appearance, ye Xiaogu raised his mouth slightly, but his face was inevitably gloomy when he looked out of the window.

Outside the glass window, a man in plain white will stand in the air and quietly look at ye Xiaogu.

Between the disorderly hair, there was a thin cheek. The elegance between the eyebrows was as old as before. It was clear that ye Xiaogu had been trapped in the Heishan mine once, and there was no serious lack of pit death.

At that time, ye Xiaogu didn't even see through Chen Yunsheng's dog face. Yan Ke naturally didn't see ye Xiaogu's true face.

Between his thoughts, ye Xiaogu subconsciously looked at his wrist and understood something.

"........................................... isn't this spell just that it can't hurt each other?"

In fact, ye xiaoguben also plans to keep warm with Chen Yao for a while, but he suddenly looks out the window at Yan Ke wearing a white robe.

Yan Ke stood outside in a white robe this evening. If ye Xiaogu hadn't had good psychological quality, he might have been scared to death.

At present, ye Xiaogu tidied up his clothes, but it's not good to show the existence of Baiyu heavenly palace in front of Yan que. However, he casually joked and forced Chen Yao into the bathroom.

Although Yan Ke was standing outside the window, he could naturally feel the words of Ye Xiaogu and Chen Yao at this distance. At present, he also looked at ye Xiaogu faintly and turned away.

Seeing Yan Duan's understanding, ye Xiaogu thought it was not over.

As soon as he thought about it, ye xiaoguyou went to the window and looked at the movement around him. He saw Yan Que's figure disappear, and his heart was slightly certain.

Walking slowly into the bathroom, ye Xiaogu saw Chen Yao who was still vigorously brushing her teeth, but he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, smiled and hugged her, whispering.

"What are you doing so hard? Anyway, I have to enjoy it in the future. I can't marry you or do anything with you. Now I have to make your little mouth tired."

"Are you finished? Are you proud of it or what?"

Ye Xiaogu said this casually, but Chen Yao fried his hair all at once, and wanted to let ye Xiaogu taste it.

Ye Xiaogu saw Chen Yao's Willow eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and the smile on his face was more publicized, but he whispered when he thought about it.

"Go back and accompany Bai Feifei first. I really can't control your little mouth wandering in front of me."

"Bah ~..................... Dog ~ don't think I'll come out to serve you in the future."

Listening to ye Xiaogu's words, Bai Feifei, Chen Yao has restrained a little, and she has hurt her mouth, but she doesn't forgive people.

Ye Xiaogu smiled and opened the prohibition on the ring. After sending Chen Yao away, the smile on his face disappeared.


The roof of the hotel.

Although it was dawn, there was no dawn, and there were no fingers in front of me.

Between the lights of the billboard on the roof, a man, with slightly long disordered hair, wearing a plain white robe, was inexplicably scared at the moment.

"Dada ~..........................................."

Black leather shoes made a light noise on the ground, but it was hard to avoid being harsh in the night.

The visitor was wearing a black suit and a bald head covered the handsome between his eyes and eyebrows, adding a bit of hardness and straightness.

"You're a little faster than I thought."

Yan que looked at the distant sky and said faintly.

Ye Xiaogu heard the speech, looked at the sky in the distance with Yan Que's eyes, and said faintly.

"Just now the girl said I'm fast. I can understand. Don't say I'm fast if you're a big man."

As soon as he said this, Rao Shiyan couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly, and the atmosphere between the two seemed to ease a little.

"You know what I want to do with you?"

With a slight smile, Yan Ke said faintly.

Ye Xiaogu was slightly stunned when he heard the speech, turned his head and looked at Yan Ke, and said in some consternation.

"You're overestimating my IQ. How can I know if you don't say it."

Yan Que's face looked as old and didn't seem to explain anything, he said faintly.

"After seeing Chen Yunsheng, I have been hiding in the four-star jade porcelain bowl, worried about meeting the ambush of the Zhou family after going out."

Ye Xiaogu heard the speech and didn't answer for a moment. He quietly waited for Yan Ke's next sentence.

Yan que said this, but he didn't see ye Xiaogu answer, but he looked at ye Xiaogu and said calmly.

"I've been following you since you came out of the underground tunnel. I've seen everything you've done."

As soon as he said this, ye Xiaogu still couldn't hang up on his face. He looked at Yan vacancy in surprise and said.

"Aren't you so perverted? If you have a need, just spend three or five hundred to get a full set of fast food. I also understand that you are lonely in the Heishan mine, but you can't say that you saw me all night?"

"I'm not joking with you. Now that I've escaped, I'm bound to take back everything belonging to my Yan family. Your strength is good. I appreciate you very much."

Yan Ke smelled the speech and was really speechless for a moment. He just thought about it and said it in a positive way.

When ye Xiaogu heard Yan que talking about the subject, the mood on his face also converged a little and said.

"Why do you want me to help you after watching me all night? Did you take pictures or record? Did you get angry on the Internet? I know I'm so big, I'm sure it's easy to get angry, but don't be so arrogant."


Yan Ke didn't answer. He just looked at ye Xiaogu and falsely led out a pill in his hand.

This medicine pill is as red as blood. It is only a virtual shadow that emits bursts of holy stripes. It seems that it is famous.

"The tiger and crane blood red elixir was left by my grandfather for me to break through the jiedan territory. The tiger is brave and the crane is Xianyi. This tiger and crane blood red elixir is the best of many advanced baby territory elixirs. Help me kill the Zhou family's father and son. This elixir is yours."

It seems to know that ye Xiaogu doesn't know much. Yan Qieyou also explained.

As soon as the name of Tiger Crane blood red pill came out, ye Xiaogu's heart actually jumped.

"What do you say?"

Without hesitation, ye Xiaogu looked at Yan Que and asked.

Yan que smelled the speech, raised his mouth slightly, smiled at ye Xiaogu and said faintly.

"Either you directly killed the Zhou family's father and son, or you come with me now and listen to my arrangement."

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly, but now he didn't seem to have any other choice.

Compared with looking for an ethereal clue in the vast Tianmen gate. At present, the advanced pill is in front of you, and ye Xiaogu has to follow Yan que.


The distant sky was white with fish bellies, and the sun was shining at sunrise.

Yan lacked this plain white robe. In the dark, it was like a lonely ghost. On the contrary, it looked much more natural and unrestrained under the sunny sky.

Ye Xiaogu followed Yan que on the roof of the hotel until sunrise. There was no news or order from Yan que.

For a moment, ye Xiaogu looked at Yan Ke with some doubts and asked.

"Yan, don't you have anything to tell me? At least give me directions in the southeast and northwest."

Yan que smelled the speech, glanced at Chu Huan lightly and asked casually.

"Why did you throw out the four-star jade porcelain bowl when Chen Yunsheng shot that day?"

Ye Xiaogu listened to Yan Duan's words, and there was no guilt on his face. He said calmly.

"The situation was urgent. I wanted to throw you out first, but I threw you in front of Chen Yunsheng with a shake of my hand."

Yan que smelled the speech, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a joking smile.

But ye Xiaogu said with a positive face.

"If I really wanted to hurt you, why didn't I tell Chen Yunsheng that you were in the four-star jade porcelain bowl, but ran back without saying a word? I'm a man who pays attention to morality. If you don't kill me, I won't hurt you."

Seeing ye Xiaogu's way of speaking, Yan Ke wanted to have some preventive injections with ye Xiaogu, but he felt guilty unconsciously.

Yan que didn't know that ye Xiaogu couldn't even speak after being slapped by Chen Yunsheng. He just saw ye Xiaogu throw out the four-star jade porcelain bowl.

In this way, ye Xiaogu finished both good and bad.

Between the thoughts, Yan Ke still believed ye Xiaogu, but there seemed to be no reason to doubt.

Ye Xiaogu seems to know that Yan deficient is secretly paying attention to himself. At present, he pretends to be indifferent and looks up at the sunrise in the distance.

Apart from others, ye Xiaogu's face is really thick. At least Yan Ke can't see any shame after watching it for a while.

Yan Ke actually didn't pay much attention to this matter.

After all, he is a new acquaintance. Even if ye Xiaogu really handed him over to Chen Yunsheng, Yan Ke was not surprised.

If the roles were changed, Yan Ke might be able to do better. On this thought, ye Xiaogu's words are really sincere.

Seeing Yan vacancy, ye Xiaogu looked at it all the time. On the surface, the clouds were light and the wind was light, but his heart was also empty. For a moment, he frowned and pretended to be unhappy.

"Do you have any plans? If not, go back and think it over and come back to me."

Between the words, ye Xiaogu turned around and was about to leave, but Yan lacked stopped him.

"Seven days later, there will be a regular meeting at Tianmen, and all the masters will participate. We will start at that time."

Hearing the speech, ye Xiaogu secretly raised his eyebrows, looked back at Yan Ke, and said in disbelief.

"Us? Don't tell me, it's just you and me."

"No, it's just you, without me. My accomplishments are sealed by drugs and spells. I can only recuperate by pills. There is no hope of recovery in a short time."

Yan Ke's face was not red and his heart did not jump when he said this, but it really made ye Xiaogu jump in his heart.

If he didn't think about the tiger and crane blood red pill, ye Xiaogu really wanted to turn around and run away. But at the thought of his hope for advancement at that time, ye Xiaogu endured it for a moment.

Yan que could not help but praise ye Xiaogu for not seeing his appearance of leaving the scene although he frowned.

"You are really a loyal and righteous man with a good heart. If it were me, I'm afraid I would turn around and leave after listening to this condition."

When ye Xiaogu heard the speech, he smiled bitterly in his heart. His face didn't show anything, and said faintly.

"Don't be kidding. Do you have any plans? I'm not going to die with you. You can see that I'm so rich now. Why do you go to die with you?"

Yan Ke's mouth was slightly raised. It seemed that he thought of seeing ye Xiaogu and Chen Yao's bustle last night, but he converged a little and said.

"My plan is very simple and direct... Break it."

"Divide and break it?"

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly and asked subconsciously.

Yan Ke said with a serious face.

"Is to attack and kill one by one."

When ye Xiaogu heard the speech, he couldn't help feeling in his heart and blurted out.

"Are you TM teasing me? Is that your plan?"

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