A tall and thin man stumbled to the ground and looked at the distant fire with lingering fear.

The bow and arrow of the red maple tree spirit is not particularly powerful, but it's really powerful.

"In the future, you'll only talk half way. I'll throw you before I run. Do you believe it?"

After a while, ye Xiaogu glanced at the little sable and said casually.

"Hum ~......................."

"I advise you to run quickly. These red maple spirits are the monsters guarding here. They won't let you go easily if they know you're here to steal mushrooms."

The little sable snorted and responded angrily.

As soon as he said this, ye Xiaogu frowned slightly, looked at the little sable and said.

"Why didn't you say that just now?"

"You haven't asked just now. Besides, I really told you, can you kill the red maple essence? I advise you not to think about it. The red maple essence is associated with mangroves. If you kill her, I'm afraid you don't know what trouble will happen."

Listening to ye Xiaogu's words, the little sable jumped in his heart and quickly advised him.

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly when he heard the speech, but now it's not time to talk. Take it easy and jump away.

Ye Xiaogu's departure was more than a cup of tea. The red maple tree spirit wearing hollow leather armor also appeared in the forest expressionless, looked around and followed ye Xiaogu's departure direction.

Jumping all the way has accelerated a lot of progress.

The little sable hid in the collar of Ye Xiaogu's long shirt and looked around from time to time. He was also worried about what trouble ye Xiaogu would have again. He casually reminded him.

"Mangrove is a dangerous place, and the monsters living in it are all accompanied by mangroves. So don't be silly and say you want mushrooms in the future."

"The monster here is not as good as me. I can show you the way and talk to you."

When ye Xiaogu heard the speech, there was no special emotion on his face, so he said casually.

"Can you warm the bed?"

"Bah ~......................... Are you mentally ill? Do you think about me like this?!"

While talking, the little sable was ashamed and angry. He raised his claws, which was threatening.

Ye Xiaogu heard the speech for a moment, but he was inevitably stunned, looked at the little sable and said.

"I mean, your mink hair looks very warm. What's wrong with your mind? You're so small that I can't cover it. How do you want me to think?"

"Bah ~........................"

When the little sable heard ye Xiaogu's words, it was hard to argue, so he could only spit angrily, and didn't want to lose momentum at all.

Ye Xiaogu didn't want to quarrel with the little sable.

Although this little thing only looks like a small animal, its mind is similar to that of an ordinary woman. If you annoy it and leave ye Xiaogu here on the way, ye Xiaogu really can't find his way back.

The little sable seemed to understand that it was still a cooperative relationship with ye Xiaogu, and continued after a while.

"Only a hundred miles further, you should reach the center of the mangrove forest. There will be red maple spirits in twos and threes, and maybe some red maple bears."

"All the monsters in the mangrove have the same mind, so since you just provoked the red maple spirit, the monsters in the whole mangrove know you want to rob the mushrooms."

The little sable finished with a few simple words. You Qi looked at ye Xiaogu and asked.

"Do you know what this means? It means that even if you finally get a mushroom, there is no possibility of peace."

"Why don't you just say I'm dead?"

When ye Xiaogu heard the speech, he answered casually, and his eyes were full of calm.

In the past, ye Xiaogu might have been afraid of the head and the tail, but he was burned once in Xiaoxiang Academy. Ye Xiaogu also understood a lot and could not hide.

Between the words, he estimated that he was almost there. Ye Xiaogu slowed down and said softly.

"It's almost there. Where are the mushrooms?"

"Who told you to come in and see the mushrooms?"

The little sable heard the words, but he answered them casually. The words were full of insipidity, which made ye Xiaogu couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

"Although the front is said to be the central area, the real mangrove mushroom has to go more than ten miles. Finally, it comes to an open space with a radius of more than 50 meters."

"Wait for the moon to enter the middle of the sky. The moonlight will trigger the formation in the mangroves. Countless red maples complement each other like a sea of blood. The mushrooms will show."

The little sable said in a simple sentence. Ye Xiaogu raised his head and looked at the sky, but he slowed down and whispered.

"Wait half an hour to go in. It's still early."

The little sable didn't answer when he heard the speech. He didn't know what he was thinking.

In his spare time, ye Xiaogu looked at the red maples around him. For a moment, he really felt bored.

It seems that there are only red maples here, no other trees, and even no weeds. I don't know if it's because of the array mentioned by the little sable.

Ye Xiaogu wants to stay here until midnight, but everything is not always what he wants.

"Whew ~......................."

With a continuous sound of breaking the air, ye Xiaogu didn't have time to see what it was. Subconsciously, he jumped and dodged.

"Boom ~......................."

Ye Xiaogu just dodged three or five steps, but the maple tree that was standing exploded directly.

"The red maple spirit is coming?"

Between his thoughts, ye Xiaogu frowned slightly and didn't dare to look carefully.

"Go straight to the center! The noise made by this red maple spirit will attract other monsters!"

When ye Xiaogu dodged and heard the words of the little sable, he subconsciously rushed towards the forest.

The red maple spirit behind him saw ye Xiaogu escape and immediately caught up with him.

For a moment, the arrows continued, and there was a loud noise after ye Xiao was alone.

Together with the fire and the huge sound, other monsters in the mangroves were really disturbed and surrounded by Ye Xiaogu!

In a hurry, ye Xiaogu led Lei Guanghua's wing, turned it into a flash of light and rushed out a hundred steps away!

But the monsters in the mangrove forest, I don't know if they were disturbed by Ye Xiaogu, rushed over from all directions in an instant!

Originally, according to the little sable, there were only three or two red maple spirits and other little demons here.

But with this momentum, ye Xiaogu fell between his feet, and the red maple essence seen in the corner of his eye was no less than 100!

These red maple spirits seemed to be carved out of a mold. They jumped lightly in pursuit and drew bows and arrows. For a moment, they made a loud noise and continued to ring through a distance of several miles.

Between the sound of the explosion, ye Xiaogu only saw continuous flames around him.

For a moment, ye xiaogurao was blessed with thunder wings, and he felt desperate.

"Where are you going next?!"

Ye Xiaogu didn't see the so-called open space, but the red maple spirit behind him didn't know how much he provoked.

I don't know how many of them there are, but there is no time for ye Xiaogu to stop and breathe.


In the rush, ye Xiaogu's warning suddenly appeared in his heart!

While ye Xiaogu was running away, he suddenly felt that it was dark in front of him. For a moment, Rao was chasing countless soldiers behind him. Ye Xiaogu couldn't help looking up at the things in front of him.

A red giant bear with a height of more than ten feet suddenly stood in front of Ye Xiaogu.

"Red maple bear?!"

When ye Xiaogu saw the red maple bear, he was so scared that he almost went back.

Previously, ye Xiaogu thought that the so-called red maple bear was two or three meters high. Unexpectedly, the red maple Bear looked like a high wall.

In addition to being shocked, ye Xiaogu subconsciously lowered his head and looked at the little sable.


The little sable, who had stayed at ye Xiaogu's collar honestly, didn't know when to run out.

Until this time, ye Xiaogu suddenly realized something. His body slowed down, frowned and sighed.

"Sure enough, did you hold my knife?"

"嘭 ~........................"

As soon as I read it, the huge red maple bear, which was more than ten feet tall, took a sudden shot at ye Xiaogu who was stunned in situ!


Flying dust everywhere, the broken red maple, together with the floating maple leaves, looked a mess.

The noise stopped for a while, and the red maple spirits who had been chasing came together in twos and threes.

The huge red maple bear slowly raised its paw. Among the dust, a group of monsters curiously approached to have a look.


After the smoke dispersed, the man who broke into the mangrove disappeared?!

The red maple tree spirits looked around blankly. For a moment, they couldn't feel ye Xiaogu's breath, and the huge red maple bear was stunned in place for a moment.

The bewilderment of these monsters did not last long.

Although they can't trace ye Xiaogu's breath, the breath of another little sable is very clear at the moment.

For a moment, the large group of red maple spirits and the huge red maple bear ran towards the far away.

In a messy red maple forest, only a slowly falling maple leaf is left.

The maple leaf hasn't landed yet. Suddenly it swings again. It floats directly and rises a little.

A flash of light flashed through the forest, but it seemed to be just an illusion.

Red maple forest.

A little sable jumped to the ground and hurried through the forest.

The ecstasy and excitement in his heart almost made the little sable unable to walk.

In fact, the little sable is right. The wandering soul stretching for hundreds of miles in the mangrove is the biggest barrier in the mangrove.

Ordinary monks who enter the mangrove forest have no chance to see the red maple spirit, and they will die directly in the wandering souls outside.

These wandering souls can cause great damage to living creatures, and not only physical damage, but soul damage.

So the little sable can only try to lead the friars into the mangrove again and again, and try to pass through the periphery of the mangrove with wandering souls all over again.

But unfortunately, the countless wandering souls are too dense and powerful.

Ordinary monks can't resist it at all. Even if they don't touch other unconscious wandering souls, their previous efforts will be wasted in the face of the red eyed wandering souls with deep killing intention.

The little sable tricked ye Xiaogu into wandering souls and kept the mind of escaping at any time.

But when I finally met the red maple tree spirit, I stayed with ye Xiaogu all the time, just because its biggest threat had been removed by Ye Xiaogu long ago.

From the moment when ye Xiaogu had three or five breaths and removed the wandering souls hundreds of miles away, the little sable took ye Xiaogu as its biggest threat.

Knowing that ye Xiaogu, like him, wants mangrove mushrooms, the little sable secretly plans this plan.

Ye Xiaogu must be guided to the gathering area of red maple essence and red maple bear. As long as ye Xiaogu is entangled with tea, the little sable is sure to get the mushrooms in the mangrove and run away.

Between the thoughts, the little sable's figure became more and more swift, and the ecstasy in his heart made him want to cry twice.

After hundreds of years of suffering and countless attempts and calculations, I didn't expect to achieve my wish at this moment.

The so-called mangrove mushroom, the mink has long known where it is. Now, as long as it is less than a mile further, you can find the mushroom!

Between ecstasy, the little sable ran quickly, vaguely heard the movement behind him, much smaller.

"Has it been solved so soon? It seems that he has used the secret method, so is there any sequelae? However, from the cultivation of Huaying territory, the boy is quite powerful."

Listening to the huge momentum of the red maple bear in the distance, the little sable flashed in his heart, but he didn't think about anything else.

Although the impression of Ye Xiaogu is good and the feeling between words is OK, this does not affect the little sable to sell ye Xiaogu.

The footsteps of the red maple bear in the distance gradually approached, and the little sable was a little anxious for a moment.

"Where is it? It should be here. The moon rises in the West... The mushroom should face the moonlight."

Success is at hand. With hundreds of years of expectation, how can the little sable give up.

The trees on both sides regressed rapidly, and the little sable in the night seemed to be a breeze, passing rapidly in the red maple forest.


The little sable was in a slow shape. From the corner of his eyes, he saw a dome mushroom the size of a fist, accompanied by the root of a red maple tree.

The mushroom is as red as a red maple. It grows so small near the root that it will be ignored if you don't pay attention.

But the smell of the mushroom is too deep for the little sable.

Between ecstasy, the little sable trembled towards the mushroom, and the excitement in his heart was hard to say.


A breeze blew through the forest, but in the blink of an eye, there was a tall and thin man standing next to the maple tree. The blue, dark and blue mixed wings looked particularly dreamy, and the man's bald head was not very conspicuous.

"Can you take it off directly?"

Ye Xiaogu looked at the mushrooms on the ground and asked faintly.

At the moment when he found that the little sable had left, ye Xiaogu already understood the little sable's plan.

In a panic, ye Xiaogu didn't have time to fight with the red maple spirit. He directly recited the formula and returned to the Baiyu heavenly palace.

This would have been an extremely risky thing. After all, there are Chen Yao and Liu Shengyan in Baiyu heavenly palace. If ordinary monks escape to Baiyu heavenly palace in their fighting methods.

Maybe other friars will not have any special magic to restrain private cave, and they will be eaten in one pot at that time.

But the situation just now was too urgent. The little sable was so fast that ye Xiaogu was not sure where the mushroom was. Naturally, he didn't dare to hesitate.

Once the little sable ran away, ye Xiaogu's trip was in vain.

In his mind, ye Xiaogu looked at the mushroom beside the tree and waited for the response of the little sable.

The little sable looked at ye Xiaogu with fear. In his black eyes, he didn't know what he was thinking.

"They'll be here in half a quarter of an hour. I'll set aside thirty seconds for you."

Seeing that the little sable didn't answer, ye Xiaogu hurried again.

There are so many secrets in the mangrove. Ye Xiaogu doesn't know if there is any prohibition on the mushroom.

Anyway, at this time, ye Xiaogu doesn't mind waiting for a while.

"Do you know why this mushroom is so red? Because if you want to harvest this mushroom, you must wash the red poison outside with my blood, or you will die if you touch it."

As soon as ye Xiaogu said this, the little sable seemed to see that ye Xiaogu didn't understand anything at all, and said coldly.

As soon as these words came out, ye Xiaogu frowned slightly. Naturally, he wouldn't believe it easily.

But the little sable didn't give ye Xiaogu time to think, so he jumped close to the mushroom, and the blood color on his claws showed. He really dropped the blood on the mushroom.

The little sable's blood drops on the mushroom, and the color of the mushroom is really much lighter.

Together with this vision, ye Xiaogu vaguely felt that it seemed to be true.

But ye Xiaogu didn't have time to fade the comfort in his heart, but the little sable took the mushroom in one mouthful and ran away!

For a moment, ye Xiaogu didn't react!

The little sable took the mushroom in his mouth and rushed out a hundred steps away. He directly raised his head and was about to swallow the mushroom into his mouth!

Just then, a dark green light flashed around!

"Yi ~......................."

With a faint sound, the little sable didn't react for a moment, and countless electric arcs suddenly burst out in the whole forest!

Together with the electric arc, the little sable fell down, even before it had time to struggle for a second.

The dark green thunder light slowly covered up, and ye Xiaogu walked to the little sable and said faintly.

"You are really smart, but you are in a hurry. The first step in the layout is to see your opponent clearly. Do you think you see my cards?"

At the moment, the little sable is paralyzed and can't even speak. He can only look at ye Xiaogu with hatred. The mushroom is in his mouth, but he can't eat it.

The fully refined Zhengyang Leigang, together with ye Xiaogu's Zhenyuan cultivation at the moment, has barely had the momentum of the eight door inheritors.

Ye Xiaogu walked casually before the mink and directly reached out to take out the mushroom in its mouth.

Apart from other things, this little thing has a small mouth, but it really has toothband marks when it bites down.

However, the mushroom has been obtained, which is a rare comfort for ye Xiaogu.


Ye Xiaogu didn't finish reading. The mushroom suddenly exploded!

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