Different from the imagination, the cave is not gloomy, even vaguely dreamy.

I don't know what's on the wall of the cave. It's like silver powder blinking.

The cave is not wet, and even the stone walls are softer than ordinary stones, and there is a little coldness.

Even when ye Xiaogu was in a hurry, he didn't have much separation with Wang Pei. He directly led a blanket to solve the problem.

The night outside is getting dark. In addition to the noise, ye Xiaogu has almost started with Wang Pei. Now he has a rest.

After looking at the silver glittering Grottoes around, ye Xiaogu looked curiously and said casually.

"This place looks strange. Is there anything particular about it?"

"The old fox likes the small dark cave. I'm so bored."

Although ye Xiaogu was worried, after a while, Wang Pei didn't have a rule and secretly waited on ye Xiaogu.

Ye Xiaogu's Adam's Apple moved slightly, and he just felt it was not enough.

When they were about to get bored for a while, suddenly there was a loud noise outside!


When the loud noise came into the cave, ye Xiaogu jumped up with a guilty heart. For a moment, Wang Pei looked at Zhile.

"What's going on?!"

"What can happen? I don't know what kind of monster was provoked by the yamahara cat you teased. It's estimated that it's making a big noise now. I told you something was going to happen, you dog must be provoked. Now wait to be cleaned up by the old fox."

Compared with ye Xiaogu's panic, Wang Pei didn't care about the news after living here for so long.

Although the movement is really big, in Wang Pei's opinion, the qianyun cave is the territory of the demon family, and it is far away from the ordinary sect gate. In addition, bao'er is in charge, it is almost impossible to have any danger.

Ye Xiaogu has been raised from the sword these days. He is very frightened when he hears something.

At the moment, listening to Wang Pei's comfort, he couldn't help laughing and said.

"The cat went too far. Didn't my family pee on its head? It's not a big deal."

"Bah ~ dog ~ do you talk like that? Yamahara cat is a clean temperament. It's very embarrassing for us to make trouble on her head. You have to tease her and say it's me......"

Wang Pei suddenly stopped and saw ye Xiaogu's smiling face, but he said angrily.

"Dog ~ shame is not shame?"

Ye Xiaogu said with a slight smile.

"What's the matter? Isn't Peipei's ability? Ordinary women don't have the strength. Only my Peipei is the best in the world, which suits my heart most."

"Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh

Wang Pei was so ashamed to listen to ye Xiaogu's words.

While laughing, ye Xiaogu didn't go out to see what was happening. He smiled and wanted to make trouble with Wang PEI for a while.

Unexpectedly, after this moment of silence, there was a loud noise outside!

"Bang bang!!!"

Suddenly, ye Xiaogu was not mentioned. Even Wang Pei could not help frowning and looked at the movement outside in doubt.

"This momentum is not quite right............................"

Without saying a word, some white things suddenly floated down outside the cave.

Seeing that the movement was wrong, ye Xiaogu turned his wrists and drew the aura around, and made a black long shirt in the twinkling of an eye.

Wang Pei was held in his arms by Ye Xiaogu before he could react. He covered it with his long shirt and rushed out.

It might be interesting if it was ordinary, but seeing the emergency, Wang Pei couldn't help drinking for a moment.

"Dog ~ how long can you hold it? Don't put me down quickly!"

Ye xiaoguben wanted to hold Wang PEI for a while, but as soon as he walked out of the cave and saw the movement outside, he couldn't help but frown slightly and let Wang Pei down.

I couldn't see clearly before. Now I came out and found that all the small paper people floating down the sky were palm sized.

All over the world are small paper people, which are plain for a time, making people feel flustered.

On the other side, Wang Pei also turned out a long shirt and looked straight at the dashanping where the thousand cloud banquet was held.

"Go find the old fox first!"

When the words fell, ye Xiaogu led Lei Guanghua's wings, walked quickly behind Wang Pei, held Wang Pei and jumped away.


In a moment, ye Xiaogu saw the source of the unrest.

It was a grand gathering with the gentle demons, but now there is a bit more tension.

Standing in the air, ye Xiaogu saw bao'er surrounded by many demon families far away.

In his mind, ye Xiaogu was trying to get close, but Wang Pei drank softly.

"Be careful!"

When the words fell, Wang Pei jumped to avoid, but he couldn't see the real strength. He just saw that the position of Wang Pei seemed to have a small black hole out of thin air.

"Burning dust in the silent world?!"

Seeing this strange way, ye Xiaogu moved in his heart, flew directly to Wang Pei, stretched out his hand to protect Wang Pei, and shouted loudly.

"Yanke! Get out!"

The words fell, and among the floating little paper people all over the sky, several people in black with black hangings and hats suddenly appeared.

It seems that he noticed ye Xiaogu. One of these people in Black opened the curtain cap and said.

"Mr. Ye, I didn't expect to see you here. It seems that you and I are really lucky."

Under the curtain hat, the man's hair was slightly long and his face was a little thin. Although he didn't wear that white shirt, he still looked a little gloomy at the beginning.

Seeing Yan Ke appear, ye Xiaogu frowned slightly and asked more questions, but those people directly shook away their disguise with their Qi.

Some rags were scattered. Ye Xiaogu saw these people, and the look on his face was really wonderful.

Yan Shao is standing beside him. It is mu Yingxiong who woke up ye Xiaogu on the snow mountain with black beetles.

At the moment, he is still wearing a Tianmen suit that hasn't changed for thousands of years, and his appearance is still feminine.

Seeing Mu Yingxiong, it's not surprising that Bai Feifei appeared next.

Although there was a quarrel with ye Xiaogu at the beginning, there was no gunpowder smell at that time, but the blood and tears made ye Xiaogu still remember.

Now she is also a face of indifference, wearing that white European evening dress, standing in the air, and she doesn't mean to say anything.

Seeing Bai Feifei, ye Xiaogu naturally sees Liu Shengyan taken away by Bai Feifei.

Liu Shengyan looks like a little princess in a long black lace skirt. You don't have to look at it. You know it's Bai Feifei's handwriting.

Although he also stood aside, Liu Shengyan had no God in his eyes and seemed to have been hit by something like magic.

Ye Xiaogu saw this acquaintance and thought it was almost the same. Unexpectedly, there was another person who had not seen him twice, but who was also very familiar.

She didn't wear that long white dress today, but changed into a light gray Taoist robe of clan system.

Compared with ye Xiaogu's long gown without any supplement, the Taoist robe on her body is quite meticulous, and there are all kinds of waist ornaments. The neckline is stacked one after another, and the outer coat, middle coat and inner coat are all equipped with a complete.

But compared with the woman's clothes, her headdress is very simple, just tied with a white cloth belt.

Ye Xiaogu also knows what the white cloth belt means.

After all, when early ye Xiaogu led out the fire of Xiao Xiang academy, she killed two people in the Chu family.

Seeing these people show up, ye Xiaogu frowns slightly. He looks at Yan Que and Chu Qingqiu strangely and wonders.

"What do you mean? I should carry zhanbianer's hatred. What do you want my wife to do?"

Listening to ye Xiaogu's mouth, Yan Ke's mouth slightly raised, smiled and looked at ye Xiaogu, but he didn't answer.

On the contrary, Chu Qingqiu raised his hand indifferently, and the little paper man falling all over the sky seemed to disappear in a moment.

With the disappearance of these little paper men, the thousands of monsters on the ground began to agitate.

Seeing this momentum, ye Xiaogu didn't react, but Wang Pei, who was protecting him, whispered.

"This is puppetry. That woman should have controlled those demon families on the ground."

"So many demon clans? She can control them all?"

"Who told you that you had to tease the Shanyuan cat just now? It is estimated that these demon families have been noisy for a while and are just angry."

Between the words, Wang Pei analyzed the current situation.

When ye Xiaogu heard the speech, he didn't care about the people in the distance for a moment. He leaned close to Wang Pei and kissed him gently.

"My Peipei is so clever."


As soon as ye Xiaogu kissed Wang Pei, Chu Qingqiu's backhand triggered the technique, and the demon family on the ground surrounded bao'er again.

But bao'er didn't make a move, just his strength overflowed, and forced the demon families around to be afraid and dare not go forward.

Facing the siege of these demon families, bao'er didn't seem to have the heart to kill, and even didn't mean to walk and dodge.

Seeing bao'er in danger, ye Xiaogu frowned slightly and looked up at Chu Qingqiu and Bai Feifei in the distance.

These people really want to say that Chu Qingqiu is the only one who has deep hatred with ye Xiaogu, so ye Xiaogu doesn't care.

"Feifei, bring Liu Shengyan first."

Between the words, ye Xiaogu's words are soft, but Bai Feifei is silent and turns a blind eye to ye Xiaogu.

Ye Xiaogu frowned slightly and was going to step forward. Unexpectedly, Mu Yingxiong attracted several vines to block ye Xiaogu a hundred steps away.

"What do you mean?"

At this point, ye Xiaogu couldn't help saying.

Mu Yingxiong hasn't answered yet, but Bai Feifei, who has been silent, said faintly.

"I said I would kill Feng Baoer. If you think I can't do it, I'll kill you today."

The words fell, and ye Xiaogu's face changed slightly. He was going to rush over. Unexpectedly, Bai Feifei's voice had just fallen, and Mu Yingxiong and Yan que took the lead!

Ye Xiaogu directly led Zhengyang Lei Gang to meet him and drank softly.

"Go and accompany bao'er!"

Wang Pei heard that Yan didn't make any trouble with ye Xiaogu, so he went directly to bao'er Yukong.

Bai Feifei came here for bao'er this time. Naturally, she won't be cruel to ye Xiaogu.

Naturally, Wang Pei can distinguish the importance. At present, he goes to take care of bao'er first and intends to persuade bao'er to leave first.

On the other side, ye Xiaogu faces Mu Yingxiong and Yan Ke's attack, but it is also dangerous for a moment, which means that it is more or less unsustainable.

Mu Yingxiong and Yan que are both inheritors of the eight sects. In particular, Lin Haisheng of Mu Yingxiong is dedicated to restraining Zhengyang Leigang of Ye Xiaogu.

In fact, ye Xiaogu was not relaxed during the fight.

"Whew, whew, whew ~!!!"

With the sharp sound, Mu Yingxiong directly met ye Xiaogu and suddenly burst into countless vines around him!

These vines came like sharp arrows in an instant. Ye Xiaogu didn't dare to be careless for a moment. He turned his back to trigger the four foot Tang Dao and blocked the horizontal Dao!

While dodging, ye Xiaogu gradually approached Bai Feifei in the distance, or Liu Shengyan who had been staring at nothing.

Since these people appeared, ye Xiaogu decided that Liu Shengyan was the killing move that might hurt bao'er, so he wanted to take Liu Shengyan back first from the beginning.

At the beginning, the three tailed green pineapple attracted by Liu Shengyan can shake the towering Lei Yunfeng. Ye Xiaogu is still terrified by the momentum of blocking the sky and the sun. How dare you let the three tailed green pineapple reappear?

In his mind, ye Xiaogu tried his best to get close to Liu Shengyan, but mu Yingxiong deliberately drove thousands of green vines to block it. For a moment, he also asked ye Xiaogu to turn back several times, and it was difficult to make a breakthrough for a moment.

Under the blessing of Lei Guang's wings, ye Xiaogu brought out the residual shadow when he ran, but the Ivy driven by Mu Yingxiong was extremely fast and had a surprisingly large number.

Although ye Xiaogu's body method is fast, he can't bear it. Mu Yingxiong blocks the way ahead in advance.

Once ye Xiaogu intends to turn back, Namu Yingxiong can easily block ye Xiaogu's way.

After several attempts, ye Xiaogu suddenly slowed down, looked at Mu Yingxiong in the distance, frowned and said.

"You seem to have a lot more control over these vines."

"You don't have to praise me. On the contrary, your achievements are more amazing. After all, I spent so many years planning, and you have been promoted in less than a year. You deserve my praise."

Surrounded by vines, Mu Yingxiong looked at ye Xiaogu, but there were many praise words between his words.

When I first saw ye Xiaogu, ye Xiaogu didn't even master the thunder method. He was beaten black and blue on the ground by a common strong man.

In these short months, ye Xiaogu's achievements really amazed Mu Yingxiong.

"Can we just forget about it? Anyway, we don't have any hatred. We can discuss Bai Feifei's affairs again. We can enjoy it together."

The fierce fight just now is more or less to open the big scene. When Mu Yingxiong secretly prepared to have a good fight with ye Xiaogu, he didn't expect ye Xiaogu to make such a joke.

As soon as these words came out, without saying Mu Yingxiong, even Bai Feifei, who had been expressionless, couldn't help frowning and looked at ye Xiaogu.

Seeing Bai Feifei moving a little, ye Xiaogu smiled and continued to joke.

"Have you ever played rougamo? The kind sandwiched in the middle? Is it exciting to think about it?"


Ye xiaoguben thought that saying a few jokes would more or less ease the atmosphere. But ye Xiaogu still underestimated the nature of this matter.

Bai Feifei didn't speak, so mu Yingxiong couldn't help drinking and interrupted ye Xiaogu's joke.

"When I first saw Miss Bai, I really felt her blood and was ecstatic about it. But I have always liked her since then."

"I know your temperament is loose and unconventional, and I know Miss Bai likes you, but please don't make such disgusting jokes."

Mu Yingxiong said in a low voice. Looking at ye Xiaogu, he was more or less bad.

Ye xiaoguben came and wanted to say a few jokes and let Bai Feifei come back with Liu Shengyan. Maybe the matter was solved perfectly.

I didn't expect this joke to open, as if ye Xiaogu himself had become a joke.

Wood should male dark automatic true fire, and one side has been silent strict lack, also light cough, said.

"Mr. Ye, you and I don't have old grudges, but the fox demon and my Yan family are also feuds. I must do it."

"What a fart! There are so many people in Tianmen outside. Can you take good care of them? Just you people, what are you doing? Get back quickly!"

Ye Xiaogu listened to Yan Ke's words and was really a little big for a moment.

Mu Yingxiong didn't say it. Yan's silent burning dust was silent and the damage was amazing. Ye Xiaogu naturally felt a headache.

At present, these two people really want to fight. Regardless of the result, at least they can't help adding trouble to ye Xiaogu.

Seeing ye Xiaogu's angry appearance, Yan Ke's mouth was slightly raised, but when he looked at bao'er on the ground, a cold color inevitably flashed in his eyes.

Yan que pinched his fingers and read the formula. Bao'er, under the siege of the demon family on the ground, suddenly raised his head and looked at several people in the sky.

With bao'er's faint glance, Bai Feifei whispered first.

"Do it!"

When the words fell, Chu Qingqiu's spirit suddenly appeared. Together with Zhenyuan, the monsters on the ground rioted.

But bao'er's power is too strong. Even if these monsters were already agitated by riots and even excited by Chu Qingqiu's puppet skills, these monsters still dare not step within ten steps of bao'er.

Seeing that bao'er was still calm, Bai Feifei frowned slightly, without saying anything, and suddenly heard Mu Yingxiong's urgent voice.

"Be careful!"

When the words fell, Bai Feifei suddenly realized something. With a wave of her backhand, she just saw ye Xiaogu rush over!

Bai Feifei had no time to think about why ye Xiaogu suddenly appeared. He just wanted to reach out and stop him.

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