The numerous blue and purple auras roared, and thousands of Taoist dharmas resounded through the sky of the whole 10000 Taoist alliance.

The qianyun cave, which lies outside the mountain protection array, is like a huge and boundless honeycomb, releasing countless demon families.

From the moment it appeared, it was destined to see the blood well.

Bao'er's white fox screamed fiercely, and the invisible sound wave seemed to be the ripples in the lake. The continuous diffusion in circles soon shook back countless 10000 Taoist alliance friars rising from the sky.


When the familiar tin stick was tapped, the Golden Buddha light was accompanied by the dirty drink of the little monk in cloth, which turned bao'er's scream into Xumi.

On another hill, a lazy man with a dog's tail in his mouth raised his mouth slightly, jumped up and pulled out his knife directly. Between waving his knife, he directly brought out a vast white knife awn in half the sky!

With the two people fighting back, the concealed masters from all parts of the Wan Dao alliance competed to fight. For a moment, the thunder, lightning, flames and roaring runes added some color to the blue sky.


The morning and dusk are indistinguishable among the streams. It is as vast as a boundless sea of stars. In this nothingness, there are occasionally inexplicable stars dotted with this endless gloom.

Not so drowsy, even sober.

Ye Xiaogu tilted his head and looked at his right arm. For a moment, it really meant something strange.

His eyes were red. He had opened the magic heart lead. It was just because he opened the magic heart lead that he saw the so-called chaotic breath, just like a restless black snake.

The breath of chaos slowly climbed up the right arm, as if it was crawling and disappeared.

When ye Xiaogu was surprised, a small black snake appeared on his arm.

Gradually, these little black snakes seemed to flow into his right arm like endless madness!

But in the endless stream, the huge momentum was not as strong as a small spray. He also calmly watched the influx of these chaotic breath.

The strength of Qi spread and attracted circles of black Sanskrit.

These black Sanskrit texts were originally as black as ink. They were so black that they couldn't see the edges and corners, but occasionally there was a little aura, which seemed to add some mystery.

"What is this?"

Ye xiaoguben just thought of such an idea in his heart, so he attracted the devil's heart and emptied his mind to see what would change.

I didn't expect to attract something so far away.

When he was practicing, these black Sanskrit words often appeared when he was out of control and crazy, which helped him stabilize his mind and occasionally encouraged the crazy and evil thoughts in his heart. He didn't know what to say all the time.

Later, with the improvement of cultivation level, it was no longer necessary to arouse the body's potential. It was rarely led by the devil's heart, and I had never seen these black Sanskrit.

Now this thing appeared again, like a circle of light around him, and gradually moved to his right arm as if attracted by the breath of chaos.

Like an innate instinct, countless strands of black gas poured into the right arm, but it was firmly locked in the shoulder blade by the black Sanskrit and left in the right arm.

This mysterious scene lasted for a long time. Ye Xiaogu couldn't help yawning. Then he suddenly found that he could move!

The moment's ecstasy did not fade. He hurriedly stepped in the air and followed the direction of bao'er's departure, but did not notice that countless dark and cumbersome black Sanskrit on his right arm seemed to be tattoos.

The circles of black Sanskrit trembled with the heartbeat. Before he could resist the sky and go far, he couldn't help holding his head with both hands and kneeling on the ground to kick his breath.

With the heartbeat ringing in my ears like a drum, everything seemed to return to the beginning. The rage and killing intention at the bottom of my heart filled my mind, the cold sweat in front of my forehead and my body trembled.

Only the countless faint stars in the void seem to be watching and talking.


"Poof ~"

As soon as the blood color in the air appeared, the scene inevitably had some meaning.

"Is that woman crazy?!"

"No! Give me half a column of incense!"

Originally, the lazy sword with dog tail grass in its mouth changed the previous casual laziness, and the words were full of amazement.

On the contrary, it was not clean on one side, and there was a little clue, so he gave a direct order.

When the words fell, he directly stretched out his hand and drew a golden Buddha light in front of him.

As soon as the rune was displayed, he put his hands together and silently recited a Sanskrit. The tin staff beside him was not independent, and faintly scattered a faint light.

Lazy Jianxiu frowned secretly when he saw his appearance. He didn't say anything more, but the horizontal knife stood in front of him and continued to watch the movement.

In the middle of the air, bao'er moved like a flashing boundless phantom from time to time, rushing everything up to hinder the friars in qianyun cave, either flying or killing on the spot, leaving no mercy at all.

Qianyun cave is a strange danger outside the world. I'm afraid this peak is no less important.

Even the Taoist practitioners in 30000 feather coats and high crowns in the hall of the ten thousand Taoist League pinched their fingers and recited the formula, which attracted countless real yuan. It was like the rising rain and fog of the vast sea and rivers in Qiongzhou, supporting the mountain protection array. From time to time, it was still like the sound of broken glass on the array.

The demon clan has a unique talent, but living outside the world for a long time will not be the opponent of Wan daomeng who has occupied a great spiritual pulse. What bao'er thinks is also very simple.

All she wanted was to open the mountain protection array of Wandao alliance with the strange peak of qianyun cave, and then let the thousands of demon clan kill the human friars.

There are countless strong men in the ten thousand way alliance, but most of them are unknown little friars. Once these little friars are killed, it will almost be an unparalleled disaster, and the revitalization of the demon family may not be impossible to look forward to.

It's just that BoA's plan is so simple, but it's very difficult to implement it, and its survival is only on the front line.

In the hall of Wan daomeng, the Taoist practitioners who maintain the mountain protection array are spitting blood and falling to the ground under the impact pressure of qianyun cave. Even if there are small monks rushing to fill the vacancy from time to time, the mountain protection array is also in danger!

At the time of danger, bao'er felt a slight movement in his heart. For a moment, he screamed and directly turned into a demon body. He fiercely raised his claws and grabbed the mountain protection array in the air!


One claw didn't fall, just listening to a distant cry from the sky!

The golden light suddenly rose on the sea of clouds, and the ten thousand words of Buddhism suddenly fell to the vast land of nine days, directly pressing the Nine Tailed white fox outside the mountain protection array!

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