This extremely tender feeling, Bai Feifei's subconscious eyes softened half a minute even if she had more resentment in her heart.

But she didn't feel the tenderness for a while, but she listened to ye Xiaogu whisper around her.

With that, before she could respond, ye Xiaogu turned around and waved to unclean.

"Monk, do your business."

"Brother Ye is blessed. This is also an old acquaintance?"

"It's also my wife. Don't worry about it."

In a casual sentence, he smiled and didn't answer. Ye Xiaogu walked at random and was quite magnanimous for a while.

But when he passed unclean, he inevitably slowed down.

As soon as the smile on his dirty face dispersed, he turned his head and looked at him, waiting for him not to speak.

Unexpectedly, even at this time, he hesitated and didn't say anything. He went straight to Chen Yao in the distance.

When he took Chen Yao to resist the sky and disappeared into the sky, unclean frowned, looked at the direction of his departure and wondered.

"Really a freak, Miss Bai, what do you say?"


Bai Feifei lowered her head, and the brim of the top hat covered most of her face. She couldn't see her expression for a moment, but looking at her shaking hands, the whisper must have tangled her a lot.

The girl's reaction was not pure. Although I didn't look carefully, I enjoyed it.

Several people in the field had different thoughts, but Yan que was still feeling the bridge of his nose. He was about to break the skin.


It's always faster to travel thousands of miles than to walk.

Ye Xiaogu didn't have special Taoist classics to follow before, and bao'er didn't say anything to instruct him, but he gave him some miscellaneous small skills to practice in Suzhou.

So up to now, he still doesn't know much. As for the essential life magic weapon for practitioners, he can't even see the shadow.

Ordinary life magic weapons are not so strange. At least they will save a lot of worry when they are on their way. A slightly higher level can also place a portable cave, which is much more natural and unrestrained than an RV.

But now he naturally doesn't have this treatment.

There were three people in the line. He held Chen Yao. Chen Yao held the little white fox transformed by bao'er in her arms. Layers after layers, the inner and outer layers could not be loosened.

Chen Yao is petite. If she is really another woman, it's fun to walk with her for a while.

"Why didn't you ask clearly just now? Do you have a clue now?"

"Ask clearly? How do you call it? Ask the monk directly. Who taught bao'er's celestial burial ice bite method?"

"That's not necessary. Although the monk has some foundation, he doesn't seem to know these things."

"That is to say, since he doesn't know, there's no need to ask."

He said it simply. Chen Yao looked at him and asked curiously.

"Seeing that you are so calm, do you already have an answer in your heart?"


"Who taught her this skill?"

The girl's words could not hide her excitement, as if a little girl met a favorite big star.

Ye xiaoguben wanted to make a joke, but as soon as he lowered his head, he looked at the little white fox in Chen Yao's arms, and the idleness in his eyes faded away.

"Don't say that. Yao'er, how did you go to yipinju a few days ago? Ren Hanxiang didn't follow you?"

"... I'm a Spirit speaking and not an ordinary demon clan, so I can drive it with secret methods. The eldest lady didn't come with me. I'm probably still on my way back now."

"On the way back?"

A thought flashed through his mind. There were too many things these days. For a moment, he forgot that he followed bao'er into the empty room, and only forgot Ren Hanxiang and his party.

Qianyun cave is a place outside the world. It takes several months to leave a sect like wandaomeng, even to resist the sky.

They just rely on the little white deer to pull the car to resist the air. They can't say they don't sleep day and night. They have to delay some days on the road.

More importantly, they didn't know where bao'er would move to qianyun cave at the beginning. At present, it's hard to say that they are still looking for clues nearby.

Thinking so, ye Xiaogu really had a headache for a moment.

"Is there any way to contact her? Or you can take me."

"Shall I take you? Where?"

"Chaotian Palace."

"Are you crazy?!"

Chen Yao listened to him talking about Chaotian Palace, and suddenly her face changed. If she hadn't stayed in his arms at the moment, she was afraid she could really jump up.

Ye Xiaogu saw that the girl's face was white, and he couldn't help but wonder for a moment.

"What's the matter? Look at you scared like this?"

"Chaotian Palace is different from ordinary religious doors. Ordinary people can't get in."

"Can't you get in or not? If you can't get in, you can ask for a favor. If you can't get in, is that place really above the clouds and more than the immortal cave?"

"Don't talk to me!"

Although there was no emotion in his eyes, Chen Yao was very clever and broke it in a direct sentence.

But between these words, in fact, she also understood ye Xiaogu's thoughts.

Among the Shizong sects, the largest sect must be the Wan Dao alliance with thousands of disciples of hundreds of sects. However, the Wan Dao alliance does not have the position of elder in charge of teaching, but the chief disciple is on duty in turn.

In other words, the handsome and elegant unclean monk and the chic cloth sword xiuxuanyuanhao are already the main affairs of Wandao alliance.

Since Chen Yao was ordered by Chaotian Palace to find Wan daomeng for a way to save bao'er, the unclean monk has no move now. The only thing he can find is the Chaotian Palace where he doesn't know where he is.

In fact, the relationship between Chaotiangong and bao'er is very deep.

At the beginning, Ren Hanxiang wanted to take away the Heavenly Master charm from him in sushi. In the end, bao'er forcibly took away the charm and handed it to Ren Hanxiang without saying a word.

Now, bao'er is exhausted and weak because she forcibly leads qianyun cave. If she really needs ten thousand years of practice, it's OK to say that she's afraid of any damage to her consciousness.

His thoughts turned back and forth, and Chen Yao naturally saw them, but her small mouth opened, her eyes were full of hesitation, and finally she didn't speak a word.

When ye Xiaogu was about to return to the transmission array of the dragon's gate, she suddenly mentioned a word.

"Are you leaving here?"


He looked down at Chen Yao and said nothing.

Chen Yao trembled in her heart. Even though she was scared, she couldn't help whispering.

"I'll help you find the eldest lady. Ask her what she means."


The words fell, but there was no response from him. Chen Yao looked at him and was quite angry at the moment.

"What else do you want me to do? I've helped you so much. Do you really want me to die for her?"

"Yao'er is afraid of Chaotian Palace?"

"... I'm not afraid."

"What's that? I heard from you before that it doesn't seem to be a place to practice evil Dharma. Can you still refine your soul and grind your bones?"

"What do you know, you dog? You only know that the fox spirit is beautiful. Ren Hanxiang enjoys it there."

"She makes me enjoy it."


Chen Yao gave him a cold look. Although he doesn't smile when talking about these jokes, it eased the atmosphere a bit.

She didn't want to talk to ye xiaoguduo about Chaotian Palace, but it seems that she can't get around it.

"Chaotian Palace is not a dangerous place, but the palace leader has explained that he can't take you there without her orders."

"Can't you take me there? Tell me by name whether I won't let ye Xiaogu go there or not?"

When he asked this, Chen Yao turned pale and scolded him lightly.

"Virtue ~ do you really think there can be anything good? Chaotian Palace used to be a place where immortals soared. The cultivation and knowledge of the palace master are far better than you and me. Will she still like you?"

"I'm afraid she knows more. Generally, women who know more can easily find my strengths."

"Bang se ~ then Bang se ~ I don't want to say it yet."

Seeing that he began to ridicule the leader of Chaotian Palace, Chen Yao pouted and snorted. He really didn't want to talk to him.

Under the green wood mask, ye Xiaogu rarely laughed on his face. He just reached out and touched Chen Yao's cheek without asking too much.

Chen Yao said he didn't want to mention it more, but seeing his pretending to be deep, he really couldn't see it for a moment. He patted his hand impatiently and scolded.


"If Yao'er's practice is broken, I really should bear this responsibility."

"You son of a bitch, do you know that I want to practice? I just think you really regard me as your servant girl."

Chen Yao was also very angry when he said this.

The reason why she only obeyed the orders of Chaotian Palace was that the leader of Chaotian Palace promised that she could help her become a ghost and immortal and escape the body of words and spirits that hurt and die at one stroke.

After a hundred years of cultivation, she has been used to ups and downs. Even if ye Xiaogu is popular with her now, she is long past the age of moths flying into the fire.

Thinking so much, she was just thinking that she would never mention this again. She followed ye Xiaogu back to yipinju and waited.

But never thought that as soon as the ice in her heart rose, ye Xiaogu approached her forehead and kissed her.

I can't say any soft ear love words, just a dragonfly kiss.

In an instant, the mood in her heart surged like a tide. Chen Yao flashed a trace of softness at the bottom of her eyes, pursed her lips, and couldn't help but sneer.

"The dog ~ bites silently and feels miserable."

"How painful is it? Is it in my heart?"

"Bah ~ one more word, I really don't care. I said in advance, I'll just take you to Ren Hanxiang and tell her what to do."

Chen Yao said, and secretly his heart jumped endlessly.

Fearing that ye Xiaogu might see her guilty, she turned her back and took out a gold coin the size of a fingernail.

This coin is similar to the copper coin style, with an outer circle and an inner side, but there are no inscriptions, and the material does not show ordinary bronze, soft iron and so on.

As soon as the gold coin appeared, Chen Yao threw it out.

I didn't see pinching fingers and reciting formula. The golden coin fell into the mountains and forests below without any movement.

At the beginning, ye Xiaogu secretly looked forward to it, but now he was stunned and looked at Chen Yao.

"That's it?"

"Finished, what else do you want? Do you think I can change her directly?"

"What do you mean by this thing?"

"Have you seen the Golden Toad?"


"It's the kind of Golden Toad with money in its mouth. It's usually used to attract money. This coin is the gold in the mouth of the Golden Toad in the past."

"Gold in your mouth?"

Chen Yao saw that he didn't understand, but he threw him a white eye and explained.

"The Golden Toad for fortune is a spiritual thing. It is quite spiritual. The coins it holds will have one hall, thousands of miles, north, South, East and West."

"Yao'er means that the gold coin will eventually return to Ren Hanxiang? But there is no clue. How does she know where we are?"

"Do you think everyone can't call like your dog brain? I left a word when I reached out and took out the coin just now. What else do you want? You catch up and look for it now!"

After saying a few words, seeing that he was still questioning, Chen Yao was also a grumpy master and scolded him.

The girl looks strange and lovely. She has a pink face and a good aura between her eyebrows and eyes. She looks even more likable. She doesn't have that soft and cute temperament.

In the past, ye Xiaogu was picked up by this girl several times before he began to practice Taoism. At that time, the girl didn't know much about people, and she almost killed him several times.

Later, I recognized people and became familiar with them. I still didn't change my temper. Even if I can't beat her now, she still accounts for everything.

Scolding, she didn't notice a flash of emotion in ye Xiaogu's eyes.

When she finished scolding, Chen Yao looked up at him.

"What are you staring at me, dog?"

"Where is the agreed place?"

"Yipinju, is it difficult? Can I let them go to Wandao alliance?"

"Just right."

"What's right?"

"Go back and have a rest first. I can't open the empty room for the time being with my strength. Even if they have that little white deer that travels thousands of miles a day, it must take several months to come back."

"Hum ~"

Although Chen Yao had no opinion, she habitually snorted her disdain.

When she finished humming, ye Xiaogu's emotion at the bottom of his eyes became more obvious, but there was no language.

He walked in the sky. When he returned to the moon covering building, he specially went to find Yabo. When he finally returned to yipinju, it was almost midnight.

The layout of the room is as old as before, and there is no change in it.

After settling down the little white fox transformed by bao'er, they both relaxed a little.

Wan daomeng's trip said there was no danger. In fact, he was kind to xuanyuanhao and unclean. If he met someone he didn't know well, he would see blood.

Chen Yao herself also had some secrets in her heart. She was a little peaceful at the moment. As soon as she came back, she lay on the sofa and got up lazily.

When she saw ye Xiaogu come out of the bedroom and settle down the little white fox transformed into bao'er, she couldn't help but say a cheap word.

"It's finished? It's very fast. Is it because she has become a fox? Our Ye Da Shao feels very exciting?"

"You have to have a rule when you talk and do things. Yao'er, don't..."

"Don't what? You can't even joke? I've worked so hard for you, you're still attacking me now!"

While talking, the girl sat up, carelessly took the water cup on the table and poured a mouthful of cold boiled water.

At present, if there were a jar of Erguotou on the table, she would be bored.

Ye Xiaogu stood in front of the bedroom door and looked at her faintly. Her face was as heavy as water. She couldn't see any emotion.

She said as if she was used to sarcasm. She was a little worried in the secret world, but now she was a little unscrupulous.

The cup on the table was cold and white. She seemed to be acting as Erguotou. After drinking it, she could shake her head and point to ye Xiaogu and scold.

The past and old grudges have not been calculated much. Now it seems that it will be the time.

Ye Xiaogu looked back at the little white fox sleeping in the room, slowly closed the door and walked to the sofa.

Chen Yao hasn't noticed his face yet. At this moment, he doesn't converge. He carelessly occupies most of the sofa and doesn't even want to give up a seat.

"How long has Yao'er been with me?"

"Oh, what's the matter? Do you want to have an anniversary or something? Don't mention ye Dashao. Are you too many girls or too forgetful? You can't remember the day. Do you have the face to mention it?"


He didn't answer for a moment, and slowly took out some trivial objects from his sleeve.

The girl wanted to make a joke, but she accidentally caught a glimpse of what he took out, but she frowned slightly, pursed her lips, and said disgustingly.

"Are you disgusting? You pick up everything at home. Are you still a dog or something? Why don't you throw it away?"

"This is a special request from Uncle duck. It's not picked up."

"What do you mean?"

"Yao'er has been in the hall of my Ye family for so long, but I haven't taught you many rules."

"Dog, dare you touch me?!"

"It's just some gadgets. Uncle duck said it's harmless. It's just a little fun to mediate boredom. Why should Yao be so afraid?"

"Get out!"

Chen Yao pretended to scold hard, got up and planned to run to the room.

But ye Xiaogu took the door with him just now. It seems that he is understatement, but he has intangibly engraved the seal of Taoism.

She ran over and twisted the door handle. A black Rune flashed past and bounced her away.

"Instead of isolating the sound and breath, I also arranged a gathering spirit array and auxiliary guiding array inside. Bao Er can stay safely inside for several months."

"Go away! Dog! I'm not in the mood to play these disgusting things with you!"

"Yao'er doesn't want to, but ye is very happy. How about we compromise and combine education with fun? Just listen to the rules I set, and I'll reluctantly take it as a pastime."


She made a lot of noise and jumped up and down. It happened that ye Xiaogu still sat on the sofa and took out the gadget from Yabo's sleeve, looking calm and unhurried.

He actually wanted to try the means of covering the moon building.

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