"What do you owe me? You owe me a life?"

Ren Hanxiang didn't look at him, and asked coldly.

She was also a soft nature. She opened her eyes and saw ye Xiaogu's face. I'm afraid she hasn't been so hard, so she kept her eyes closed at the moment.

Ye Xiaogu pulled the claws of the small white fox in his arms and said softly.

"Bao'er is in such a great difficulty. If she really needs to practice for thousands of years, I also intend to hide in the mountains and forests with it. Among so many old acquaintances, only you are the one I am most sorry for."

"Excuse me?"

Ren Hanxiang raised her mouth and asked back with a sneer. Even with her eyes closed, the resentment in her heart was hard to swallow.

After all, if you really want to say, his real wife is only Ren Hanxiang. Even bao'er has to step aside.

However, when he was young, he opened his eyes to Yin and Yang. Since then, he has been staying in yipinju with bao'er. There are few common things. Later, he began to experience many waves because of Liu Shengyan. Naturally, he also met many girls.

He was a dandy. He went through many great changes at one time. No one taught him how to love and hate. Naturally, he was dissatisfied.

In addition, he has a special identity and is inherited by a Heavenly Master. Chen Yao, a group of Chaotiangong girls, is willing to post upside down. After several praises, he is also floating.

If it weren't for bao'er's accident now, I'm afraid he really wanted to yell these girls to be natural and unrestrained together.

In the empty space, the deep and distant star sea attracted the black Sanskrit in his body, which seemed to calm the restless mood in his heart.

Despite the disturbance, everything was true, and he began to feel the bad deeds of dandies in the past.

Now, if he hadn't become a couple with Ren Hanxiang, plus many uncertain relationships and concerns, I'm afraid he would really hide in the mountains and forests and settle with bao'er for the rest of his life.

There are thousands of such thoughts, which are said to be confused, and the words have not been explained. However, Ren Hanxiang and Chen Yao are both strange women. They have guessed his mind by listening to his tone.

Chen Yao's face was slightly dim, but Ren Hanxiang patted Chen Yao's hand, slowly opened her bright eyes and said faintly.

"Ye, I don't understand what you mean by this. Please explain."

"Bao'er to me..."

The words are not finished, just listen to the dull sound of "bang"!

Ren Hanxiang clenched her fist and hit the bed board fiercely. At the place where she fell, she saw rags flying, and most of the bed board collapsed.

"Go on, talk well. I'd love to hear you talk about you and her. You'd better blow as if she could feed you at the beginning. The last handful of shit and urine pull you up."

"Bao'er has indeed raised me for more than ten years."

"She raised you for more than ten years! You have to remember her all your life!"

The sudden outbreak, not to mention Chen Yao and ye Xiaogu, even the little white fox transformed by bao'er suddenly drooped his ears and dared not face the Hedong lion with a guilty heart.

"Cough ~ I'll go to the bathroom."

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little tense, Chen Yao suddenly got up and ran away.

She just got up and didn't take a step, but she saw a little white fox coming up to her. For a moment, she was stunned.

"Take the little fox out to play. If he is sleepy, bring him in again."

Ye Xiaogu saw her in a daze and said a faint sentence, which made Chen Yaobai look at him.

She simply knew that this was not the time to make trouble, so she quickly walked out with the back neck nest of the little white fox.

As soon as she left, the room became much deserted.

Ren Hanxiang scolded, and he also felt a little out of shape, but he still looked at ye Xiaogu coldly.

Although he was scolded so sharply, ye Xiaogu's face didn't change, especially he leaned against the wall and sighed.

After a while, he said faintly.

"I hurried back all the way. You should be very tired. Go to sleep first."


Ren Hanxiang looked at him coldly and quietly meant to rest. I think it's really urgent.

In the past, when she taught at Nanshi University, she often wore a women's small suit. Later, she fell in love with him, mostly in skirts, especially purple.

The sky outside the window gradually darkened. In the room, there was only the desk lamp he had just turned on. The light and shadow were dim. Ren Hanxiang was wearing a purple dress, which was naturally charming and difficult to stop.

But in the romantic atmosphere, his face was black and white, which seemed a little scary, and some plain destroyed the atmosphere.

"What's the matter with your face?"

After a long stalemate, Ren Hanxiang, who was the first to attack, asked coldly.

When ye Xiaogu heard that he didn't answer, he reached out and touched the black spot on his cheek. A wisp of green Zhenyuan wrapped around his arm like a wisp of smoke and poured into the black spot on his face.

I saw that the black spot was like oil, with a colorful aura, and the black Sanskrit swam like a small tadpole. Finally, a large square black Sanskrit like a scroll appeared in front of him!

There are lines and columns, and there are rules between words and sentences!

However, this sutra is not fixed. It will change every other period of time. It seems that it is not just a sutra account!

"What is this?"

Although Ren Hanxiang, the son of the head of Chaotian Palace, has seen many rare treasures, she is secretly surprised by the spiritual black Sanskrit.

"Kung Fu, but I don't learn it. If you want to learn it, I can teach you."

Led to the black Sanskrit. When the black spots on ye Xiaogu's face went away, he was inexplicably handsome with his silver hair when he woke up to the Heavenly Master.

Ren Hanxiang was still sniffing and wanted to make a few sarcastic remarks. As soon as he saw his handsome face, he was slightly stunned for a moment, but secretly he was crazy.

He didn't notice the girl's look, and the scattered black Sanskrit gathered on his face again.

"This skill may be mysterious, but what is really precious is these black Sanskrit. These words seem to have some power, which is thousands of times stronger than the displayed skill. Maybe that skill is just a cover up."

Ye Xiaogu's face suddenly became black and white again. Ren Hanxiang's heart just warmed up, and it was a lot colder all of a sudden.

This person still has to pay attention to an eye relationship with others.

"Hum ~ are you still afraid that I'm greedy for one of your skills?"

"I'm really afraid you'll bring everything to your mother's house. The charm of the former Heavenly Master, today's black Sanskrit..."

"The charm of the Heavenly Master! The charm of the Heavenly Master! I knew you were still blaming me! Do you think I ren Hanxiang did so much to steal your baby surnamed ye?!"


Perhaps it reminded her of her sadness. Ren Hanxiang suddenly yelled at him.

At the beginning of those disturbances, ye xiaoguben didn't think much. Now seeing her shouting, he suddenly remembered the original scenery and deeds.

But those emotions just got up and disappeared inexplicably. When they arrived, their faces were still expressionless.

His heart moved slightly. He touched the black Sanskrit on his face and attracted Zhenyuan to take it off. Sure enough, his mood was much better.

"Are there such miraculous effects? Can you restrain seven emotions and six desires? Is it due to the restraint of mind demons during practice?"

Those black Sanskrit words are like a mass of ink, but they are much more sticky than ink and more similar to black mud.

He took off the black Sanskrit. Although it was temporarily removed from his face, he could only hold it with real yuan and virtual, otherwise he would still get into his body.

"Ye! You talk!"

He was busy studying the black Sanskrit. On the other side, Ren Hanxiang was angry when he saw him silently, as if he deliberately ignored her.

Seeing that ye Xiaogu ignored the girl again, it was estimated that she was really angry and jumped up. She simply looked back at her and was going to say something. She felt a little funny in her heart.

The corner of his mouth was slightly raised, and the words in his heart had not yet been said. Ren Hanxiang saw him smile, and his face was a lot gloomy at once.

Just when she was about to get angry, she listened to ye Xiaogu laughing and joking.

"When you talk about the charm of the Heavenly Master, I always think of the scene when I cleaned up in Suzhou."

"You just scream! Do you talk like that!"

As soon as her resentment disappeared, she was angry. However, she rushed over and was going to have a fight with ye Xiaogu.

But his face sank, and he put the black Sanskrit held in his hand far away, and said in a positive color.

"Be careful, this thing can't be touched by ordinary people."

"What if you touch it?"

"Thousands of miscellaneous thoughts fill my mind and dance with foreign demons at will."

"Cut ~ still talks like something serious. Have you seen it?"

"I've seen it."


Ren Hanxiang's smile faded and looked at ye Xiaogu and didn't continue to talk.

After these days together, she witnessed ye Xiaogu step by step to today, whether it was the rascal with a smiling face and flip flops in Nanshi University, or the dandies in Suzhou later, and the bloodthirsty and cold when the capital fled

Perhaps it was because he grew up step by step that Ren Hanxiang understood his efforts and bitterness.

In those days, bao'er never taught him to practice. He climbed and rolled with a bright Zhengyang Leigang. At that time, he smiled at her black and blue, which still made her remember.

"... Chaotian Palace is not an ordinary sect. Those who reached the top of the blue clouds after nine days of looting before the end of the Dharma Holocaust can enter the Kunlun immortal court. Later, after the end of the Dharma Holocaust, Kunlun collapsed and turned into Kunlun ruins. Occasionally, there are residual powerful powers that startle the world and have a Dharma door that can cure rebirth. Today, the world has little aura. If the immortals in Kunlun ruins are reborn, the whole world will collapse. So the former Tianmen garrison, Chaotian Palace, has become a Jedi. "

"Really can't go in?"

"Can I lie to you? Do you think I'm really the daughter of the head of the Chaotian Palace? The Chaotian Palace is independent and can't go in and out at all. I'm just a child adopted by my mother. In fact, I've only said I'm going back to the Chaotian Palace in recent years. In fact, I'm just saying something with a bronze mirror."

When Ren Hanxiang finished these words, he sighed with relief, slowly fell on his chest and sighed softly.

"I know you have a dog temper. You are willing to do anything for your aunt. But this time, no one has been able to do it for thousands of years. How many talented heroes tried to climb to the top of the green cloud, but finally fell on their knees in front of the Chaotian Palace, do you know?"

"Even so, I still hope to go to Chaotian Palace to ask."

"Ask? Ask what? When you ask, you think. When you think about it, you can't help it. Finally, don't you have to die in front of Chaotian Palace like thousands of predecessors?"

"Am I so stupid? Such a big head on my neck will still happen."

"I'm afraid you'll miss your aunt and forget your dog head. I don't know where."

At this point, she just made a simple joke. Finally, how to do it depends on ye Xiaogu's meaning.

She touched ye Xiaogu's silver hair and asked curiously.

"Why does your hair turn white? Miss me so much?"

"I have bao'er with me. How can I miss you?"

Although he knew he was joking, Ren Hanxiang snorted angrily and pulled his silver hair.

However, his silver hair seemed to be very tough. He pulled it twice and didn't break it.

Seeing the girl as stubborn, ye Xiaogu frowned, patted her angrily and interrupted.

"Don't pull it. It's not my hair. Bao'er said it's a symbol of the Heavenly Master or something."

"It's a symbol of fart. Where is the silver haired Heavenly Master?"

Ren Hanxiang was quite angry and said something. Suddenly, he looked up at ye Xiaogu.

"Why do you still have the appearance of a Heavenly Master without the charm of a Heavenly Master?"

"Maybe it's life."

"Order you! Dog! It's made me toss for a while!"

"It's a pity that such a good girl doesn't give me a leaf to enjoy."

She planned for several years for the inheritance of this heavenly master, and finally drew water with a bamboo basket. It was just when she was angry that she heard ye Xiaogu's ridicule, but she suddenly jumped into his arms and pinched him twice.

Isolated from the black Sanskrit, his words have a little human touch, at least not as straight as before.

Ren Hanxiang was lazy and quiet for a while, suddenly remembered something, looked up at him and asked.

"What did you mean by that?"

"What do you say?"

"You said you were sorry for me and wanted to retire to the mountains with your aunt."


"Don't hide from me. Watch me talk."

Ye Xiaogu was caught by her as soon as she dodged, but she didn't know what to say.

At the beginning, he didn't see a good-looking girl and smell it. In addition, he had a conflict with bao'er before he got very close to Wang Pei and Ren Hanxiang.

Now, although I feel inappropriate, I have done what I should do and what I shouldn't do, and said what I should say and what I shouldn't say.

Now if he clapped his hands and left, I'm afraid he didn't say so.

The most important thing is that ye Xiaogu said this, and Ren Hanxiang heard it. It's not just whether he wants it or not, but also to Ren Hanxiang.

"Nothing. I think of my youth..."

"When you were young, you didn't do anything? I asked you to do it?! did I really bring you tea and wine and beg you to come?"

"Let's put this aside. We want to talk about our youth."

"I'm your uncle! Dogs don't learn well! Pick up three or four after eating dry and wiping clean. What's noble? I tell you, your surname Ye is a dog!"

"... don't scold so hard. You don't think about who served you before. If I were a dog, what are you?"

"I'm your mother!"

While talking, ye Xiaogu didn't know whether the angry women had so many words and could use them for three generations of direct blood relatives.

But when you think about it, he has no father and no mother, so it doesn't sound as hot as ordinary people.

Ren Hanxiang used to be a dignified girl. Now she really opens her voice, but she can't stop for a moment.

Ye Xiaogu was not easy to disturb. She looked at her red mouth and wandered away.

When Ren Hanxiang was tired of scolding, he said faintly.

"Would you like some water? It's hot here."

"Get out!"

Ren Hanxiang threw a towel in his face.

After a break, she looked at ye Xiaogu and asked.

"What do you like about her?"



"Don't call me aunt bao'er in the future. You and the leader of Chaotian Palace haven't seen each other for so many years. You're not afraid of being laughed at if you shout so hard."

"Who dares to laugh at me? There are many adopted children in the world. Practitioners are indifferent to seven emotions and six desires. They only pay attention to the inheritance of skills and reputation cultivation. It is common to adopt as an adoptive son and daughter when meeting a gifted younger generation."

"With the meaning of Xiangxiang, the leader of Chaotian Palace still sees that you have extraordinary talent? But I haven't seen you become a fairy or a God for so many years?"

Ren Hanxiang scolded so hard before. Now ye Xiaogu really recovered and hurt her. The girl was so angry that she couldn't find words to scold.

Seeing her trembling with anger, ye Xiaogu didn't comfort her, especially reached out and patted her on the shoulder, joking.

"Don't worry, take your time. The fragrance in my house is so beautiful. It can't serve someone specially. Why don't you have some talent to become an immortal or a God?"


"Look at those talented people. They don't say when they get to the Tao. They don't mention the pill on the third day and the baby on the seventh day. They say that I have been practicing for more than ten years, and have built a baby realm..."

"Are you finished? I have no ability. I just look good. Why? My mother just appreciates me!"

"She appreciated you and asked you to come and serve me? It's just moral ~"


Ye Xiaogu was deliberately amused in this remark. Ren Hanxiang said about it, but he simply played a fool.

Seeing her fluttering in her arms, ye Xiaogu's mouth was slightly raised. He was going to continue to joke with her. The black ball gathered in the black Sanskrit in his hand suddenly trembled.

After so long in vitro, this thing began to react.

The smile on his face faded a little, patted Ren Hanxiang, who was still playing with his temper, and whispered.

"Stop it. Get up and let me kiss. I have to put this thing back."

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