The sea breeze is slowly blowing, with a bit of cold.

In the distance of the sea, the moonlight fell and rose with the tide.

Ren Hanxiang is in no mood to argue with ye Xiaogu after making such a big noise in the middle of the night.

After all, his words were so straightforward and hurt her. Naturally, she didn't have the heart to care about this unknown person.

Even if it was Chaotian Palace, no matter how dangerous it was, he would go, and she didn't feel bad if he couldn't come back.

Between her thoughts, she forced herself to take two steps by the sea. Finally, she couldn't help jumping into ye Xiaogu's arms and tiptoe to kiss him.

Unexpectedly, she took a rare initiative, but he stepped back and looked at her laughing.

"Look at this virtue. I haven't eaten well for a long time. I'm greedy now, aren't I?"

"Roll ~"

As soon as Ren Hanxiang heard this, although he knew it was his ridicule, he was still subconsciously ashamed and turned to go.

Before she could take two more steps, she was suddenly pulled by him, pulled into her arms and kissed hard.

The scenery is just right, and the sea breeze is slowly accompanied by a little sound of waves.

The two are a pair of children with lovers. It's a perfect ending to cry.

After all, he hasn't seen Ren Hanxiang for many days. He hasn't done anything good before. Now he's bored. It seems that he can't stop.

Slowly, the evening wind was as old as before. Seeing Ren Hanxiang still didn't let go, ye Xiaogu gently pushed her, relaxed his tone and joked.

"Is it an octopus mouth or something? With a suction cup?"


Ren Hanxiang glanced at him, and the dim night covered the blush on her face, which was not so embarrassing for a moment.

After a joke, ye Xiaogu stroked her long hair and whispered.

"Almost come on. It's no fun to stand by the sea and blow the cold wind this big night. Go home first."

"Hum ~ I think you're worried about the little fox at home?"

"I'm just worried about her. Do you want to take care of her too much?"

"Bah! Who is you..."

Before he finished, ye Xiaogu suddenly stretched out his hand and made a silent gesture at her mouth. Then he frowned and looked at the sea in the distance.

In the night, there was darkness, and the distant sea was like an endless void, inexplicably frightening.

"What's the matter?"

Seeing his face carefully for several minutes, Ren Hanxiang asked curiously.

"I feel something wrong."

"Something's wrong? What feels wrong?"

"I don't know."

What you usually see is nothing more than a glance. Otherwise, it is the sound, smell, and even invisible momentum, the power of real vitality.

But now obviously I don't feel anything. An inexplicable mood suddenly sprang up and couldn't stop at all.

It's not disturbing, because I can't feel the murderous spirit, but it's just like something peeping in the dark.

Just when ye Xiaogu frowned and thought hard, Ren Hanxiang suddenly grabbed him and said angrily.

"I think you're just putting on airs! You can't lose anything if you go back. A good big man is still pretending. You didn't pretend twice when you yelled at me?"

"Where did I yell at you? It's just a joke."

"You call that a joke?"

"Why is it not a joke?"

Because Ren Hanxiang suddenly interrupted, he had to take back his mind. They left the beach together in such a noisy way.

If he still had those eyes that could distinguish Yin and Yang, it is estimated that when he looked back just now, he could find a huge octopus spirit on the beach next to them.

That looks exactly like the monster killed by Nanbo's move that day.


Nanshi is not big at all. It's only 180 miles from south to north.

Originally, it was just a blink of an eye.

However, Ren Hanxiang seemed to be secretly brewing words for a while. At this moment, he talked endlessly and scolded ye Xiaogu for a moment.

Seeing that if she went back now, it was estimated that the girl would have to run out angrily. Ye Xiaogu simply took her to find a clean place.

"Why did you bring me here?"

"Soak in the sea water without flushing twice. When it is dry, stick Shanghai salt to make wax pig feet?"

"Bah ~ you are the wax pig's feet."

He suddenly turned around and took her into the hotel. The tone of the girl's words softened a little.

She has always been angry with bao'er. Now, seeing that he has a little mind to be with her, the resentment in her heart naturally dissipates without a trace.

In fact, ye Xiaogu didn't mean to get used to her, but he happened to see the lamp board of the hotel when he walked in the sky.

Ritz Carlton Hotel.

When I met the little Taoist, he brushed Liu Shengyan's card for the first time and took her here.

At that time, he didn't know bao'er's ability. He just thought that the little Taoist had great powers. Maybe he would catch bao'er back. He spent a lot of effort to control the little Taoist.

The past is like yesterday, as if it had just happened in the last second, and as if it had really been separated by many years.

He sighed in his heart. Ye Xiaogu didn't take Ren Hanxiang to the front desk. One didn't bring money, the other didn't think it was troublesome.

He took Ren Hanxiang with him to the presidential suite where he first lived. He grabbed a technique to seal the door, avoiding a lot of trouble.

Since this is a hotel suite, it is naturally decorated with purple and gold. It looks elegant at a glance.

Ren Hanxiang took two steps on the carpet with her feet, and suddenly sighed.

"When she came, she was afraid of delaying the time and separated Yunyue and baiyuexuan. Now Weixi doesn't know how long she can catch up with baiyuexuan."

"Bai Yuexuan? The cave pulled by the little white deer?"

"Well, it doesn't take much time to say, but I was a little anxious at the beginning. Now think about it, even if I don't come back on Yunyue, it's not bad to take Bai Yuexuan."


She didn't say it clearly, but she couldn't help blowing a word to ye Xiaogu secretly.

It's not that he didn't understand the meaning of the girl's words. In order to chase bao'er, he recklessly followed her and rushed into the empty room. He didn't even have a heart to support the meeting.

Now I want her to come back all the way for bao'er.

If it were someone else, I'm afraid it would be much worse than this girl.

After all, this place is the presidential suite. Apart from the corresponding objects, there is a European carved copper basin in the bathroom.

Ye Xiaogu put some hot water. When he took the basin out, he saw her standing by the French window looking at the night scene in the distance.

"Come and wash your feet."

She looked back at ye Xiaogu faintly and lifted her feet lightly. She was really determined not to do it.

Naturally, he was wronged. In particular, he helped move chairs and basins, and served them well.

"What did elder martial brother Zhou ask you to do?"

"Didn't he tie you up? I think it's going to be winter. Think about wearing a thick hat for me."

Ren Hanxiang glanced at him angrily, picked his toes, raised some foot washing water on his face, and said faintly after a while.

"Because of the Chaotian Palace?"

"How did you know?"

"Dog ~ you just think I'm a fool. You don't say anything to him when I'm present. I fainted when I wanted to talk. Isn't it obvious that you're hiding something from me?"

Ye Xiaogu smiled and didn't answer this.

The long night is short, but it seems to be a little long.

The light of the crystal lamp shines in the copper basin, lined with Ren Hanxiang's feet, which is as delicate and moving as curd white jade.

Women's hands and feet are the least deceptive. A real rich lady doesn't touch three inches of dust all her life. She doesn't even have a little thick old skin on her feet. She just looks like a child's feet.

Maybe it's because they go out in cars and sedans, and their feet haven't been off the ground. In addition, they are well maintained, so they naturally look like this.

In contrast, Ren Hanxiang has practiced for decades in the past. His feet are surprisingly tender. They can really be called a pair of wonderful things.

Ye Xiaogu lowered his head and raised the water. He simply pinched it twice and didn't dare to touch it more, for fear of damaging the beautiful scenery.

It's just

Before he looked more, Ren Hanxiang suddenly raised her feet and brought out some foot washing water, slightly wrinkled her willow eyebrows and scolded.

"Dog ~ what are you pretending to be dumb? I asked you what Zhou Yuan often told you?"


Ye Xiaogu just lowered his head and looked seriously. Unexpectedly, there was a splash of foot washing water in the head. It was really in place.

He casually touched the foot wash on his face, but he didn't answer at the moment.

Ren Hanxiang felt guilty when she saw his cold face, but she still forced her hard way.

"What are you pretending to be? If I ask you something, you'll show me your face? I just splash your foot washing water. What's the matter? You have to drink it for me today!"

Ye Xiaogu looked at the girl strangely.

Originally, I wanted to do it, but the green wood mask placed in my sleeve suddenly vibrated slightly, and the black Sanskrit sealed inside had been moving for too long.

"Ren Hanxiang, you're lucky this time, otherwise I'll really let you enjoy it."

"Roll ~"

Ren Hanxiang said she was unhappy, but at the moment, she still raised her feet and kicked ye Xiaogu.

The girl was originally wearing a skirt. Now she can't help showing her whiteness.

But ye Xiaogu didn't see much at the moment. She pulled her skirt to cover it and said faintly.

"Stop the wave. I don't have time to serve you."

"Bah! What are you talking about? What do you think of me?"

"What did you say?"

Although the green wood mask had some changes, he couldn't help laughing and joking close to her.

Unfortunately, before he could do anything, the green wood mask suddenly trembled, and the black Sanskrit gushed out in a flash, spreading to his face along his arm.

He used to have a smiling face, but now his face was black and white, and Ren Hanxiang screamed subconsciously.

Such a fuss naturally makes the atmosphere light.

The girl also quite consciously shrunk her feet, and even the emotion just rising from the corners of her eyes and eyebrows faded a little.

"This thing can suppress emotions and thoughts..."

"That means that thing won't work?"

"Ren Hanxiang, can you have some face?"

She tilted her lips, but secretly glanced at ye Xiaogu with slight disdain. He was so angry that even if he was suppressed by the green wood mask, he still wanted to clean her up for no reason.

"Why didn't you know you were such a woman? You know I can still want you?"

"I'm afraid you don't want me?"

"Yes, you're not afraid. Your senior brother was waiting next door day by day."

"Pick up your uncle, surnamed ye, you are really going too far!"

Ren Hanxiang said, really angry, ran to Ye Xiao before he was alone, and planned to make trouble with him twice.

Ye Xiaogu's face was solemn. He put out his hand to protect the green wood mask and said softly.

"Be careful, it's on you. You can't control it."

"What can't I control?"

"Although these black Sanskrit can suppress seven emotions and six desires, those miscellaneous thoughts do not dissipate out of thin air, but exist in it. Once triggered, I'm afraid it's not as simple as being entangled with demons."

"Hum ~"

Ren Hanxiang heard the speech and whispered a little unconvinced, but he skillfully avoided the green wood mask on his face.

Ye Xiaogu used Zhenyuan to separate the black Sanskrit again. This time, it took a lot more time than last time.

Ren Hanxiang followed him for so long in the middle of the night that when the day was about to dawn, he leaned vaguely against ye Xiaogu's shoulder and narrowed for a while.

When he felt a kiss on his cheek, Ren Hanxiang said vaguely.

"It's all right?"

"Almost. It seems that if the black Sanskrit leaves once, its activity will become stronger. I'm afraid I can't take it down casually in the future."

"What if you can't take it off? You dog still don't want that dog face?"

"I don't care about your appearance, but after depressing your emotions, sometimes what you say may not pay much attention to your feelings."

"Hum ~ what do I think you're worried about? You can't lie, and you're worried that I'll run away, right?"

"Xiangxiang, don't tell me. Anyone else can run. You're tied to me in my life."

"Hum ~"

"The carrots pulled out have brought out the mud. How can they be separated easily?"

"Can you stop being so disgusting?"

Ren Hanxiang frowned. She couldn't help but open her bright eyes. She frowned and wanted to scold again. She felt strange when she saw the green wood mask and silver hair on his face.

The mood in her heart was weak. She pursed her mouth secretly and didn't go on.

Her reaction, ye Xiaogu naturally saw in her eyes, but the casual youth in the past still grew up with the years, and the past is always the past.

He stretched out his hand to trim the messy hair around Hanxiang's ears, and did not speak for a moment.

The rising sun dispelled the cold left over from the long night and looked particularly brilliant with the rosy clouds all over the sky.

Ren Hanxiang lay quietly beside him and narrowed her eyes for a while before she whispered.

"Go back, for fear of delaying you, and I know you can't bear her."



"It's really more and more like a little aunt. Why don't you move out in the future? I'll meet you on the 15th day of the first lunar new year."

"Get out! I'm not going anywhere, just to get in the way of you!"

She said something like this. Ye xiaogurao took Qingmu, and Qingmu couldn't help smiling and kissed her in front of her forehead.

It was said that it was noisy in the middle of the night. In fact, it didn't take it for granted.

Only Zhou Yuan often took Ren Hanxiang away, which made him feel a little strange.

It is reasonable to say that Zhou Yuanchang is indeed a paranoid madman from what he saw in the capital before.

If he had to use any description, he was like a monk with too much blood. He could even assassinate his father in order to become an immortal and obtain greater resources and power.

However, after his father died, he didn't enjoy the joy of being in charge of Tianmen for a few days. He was instigated by Ye Xiaogu to fight with Yan Ke and others. Finally, he was banned by the array in the underground cave of Songlin Buddhist temple and sent to an unknown place.

According to the current situation, it is estimated that the guy should have reached the secret realm of the hidden world, and because it was some unexpected harvest.

Otherwise, he would not mention about Chaotian Palace, let alone come to him.

Between his thoughts, all kinds of thoughts were temporarily put behind him. With Ren Hanxiang, he jumped up and planned to go back to yipinju first.

I was used to the seclusion of the mountains. Now I see a lot of tall buildings under my feet. Inexplicably, I still feel a little strange.

The secluded world and the secluded world are indeed one day and one place, totally two worlds.


"What's the matter?"

"Nothing. I saw the house on the South Bank of Cuiliu below. I wonder if you want to see it?"

"What am I going to see? No kiss, no reason."

"I want to see it."


Ren Hanxiang didn't react for a moment, but ye Xiaogu jumped to the ground with her, not towards the villa on the South Bank of Cuiliu, but to the retired residential area on the other bank.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm in a hurry to come back. I always forgot to say hello to Lao Wang. Although I didn't bring any gifts today, I came back with my wife. I have to show him."

"Bah ~"

Ye Xiaogu smiled proudly. She gave him a white look, but she inevitably pulled the skirt. She was still a little nervous.

"Don't be so nervous. I haven't seen it before. Speaking of it, I'm wearing a mask on my face and my hair is not very human. Go and say it later."

"What did I say? You mean you can't hide out and let me say it?"

"How can someone come to the door? Help."

"Go away ~ love or not."

Ren Hanxiang was about to leave, but ye Xiaogu stopped them. They were tired of being around for a while, and the girl walked to Lao Wang's house reluctantly.

But the expected politeness was not used. Ye Xiaogu, who was far away, saw her stride back and said casually.



"What do you mean by asking me that? Do you still doubt me?"


After Ren Hanxiang said this, he didn't answer and ran straight to Lao Wang's house.

Look carefully, there is indeed a layer of ash on the door, which has been deserted for a long time.

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