"Excuse me, Mr. Ye."

"... I'm not in a good mood now."

"I'm in a hurry. I'm afraid I can't wait for you to be in a good mood."

As soon as Fang Qingcheng said this, an invisible Qi force rushed to him from around ye Xiaogu!

In the past, Fang Qingcheng was just an unknown disciple of Xiaozong sect in the secular world. In the past, even Liu family officials could draw with him in Nanshi.

Even if I later found a job in Sandao club, I should have achieved the cultivation of Dan realm at most.


The invisible Qi force suddenly came together, and the momentum was naturally extraordinary, but the Qi force was like thousands of cold blades. At the moment when Fang Qingcheng attacked, there was no strange sound, and he didn't even see how to move.

Just like a wisp of breeze melting dust, ye Xiaogu's Qi was easily dissolved by this Maoshan trail!

For a moment, even though his anger was hard to calm, he couldn't help but restrain his anger.

Fang Qingcheng didn't see the expression on ye Xiaogu's face, but it was a thousand year old fox. Naturally, he guessed his mind.

There are still unfinished wine and unfinished peanuts on the table.

Fang Qingcheng was not surprised. He went straight in, sat opposite him and filled him with wine on the table.


"No, I'm in a bad mood."

He pushed the wine cup with a cold face, and Fang Qingcheng's face became gloomy. Unexpectedly, Chen Weixi took the initiative to drink the wine at this time, looked up at him and said.

"Are you going to hold me like this all the time? Am I your daughter or something?"

"You are not my own daughter, but you are better than my own daughter."

After saying this, he lowered his head and wanted to kiss her. Unexpectedly, the girl pushed his face away and said angrily.

"Save it ~ son of a bitch, I'm hundreds of years older than you."

"Hundreds of years old is also my wife."

"Go blind ~"

She wanted ye Xiaogu not to protect her, but his soft words made them become you and me. For a moment, she forgot the meaning of the disturbance.

If ye Xiaogu hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid the consequences would be unimaginable.

Originally, he was still focused on the lack of clouds and moon. If Fang Qingcheng pointed out, otherwise he wouldn't rush out in the rain to find the girl.

It is precisely because Fang Qingcheng reminded him that he can allow Fang Qingcheng to sit and drink together now. Otherwise, I'm afraid it won't be as simple as invisible Qi just now.

You and I spoke happily. Fang Qingcheng saw them on the side. It seemed that they couldn't finish for a while and said.

"Is Mr. Ye really going to slow down?"


"Slow what? What do you mean? You called the beast mountain villa disciple?!"

Ye Xiaogu hasn't answered yet, but Chen Weixi's words are thin and angry, and she secretly wants to do something.

When an ordinary woman encounters such a thing, I'm afraid she has very little confidence.

In his mind, ye Xiaogu saw the girl's angry appearance. He didn't help to say two scene words for a while, but he felt a little empty in his heart.

At the beginning, Bai Feifei was also such a gentle and talkative little girl, but it was a little unhappy, but she took people to fight and kill, which was not vague at all.

When he was thinking whether Chen Weixi would be the best, Fang Qingcheng ate two peanuts and said faintly.

"There is a bureau, but it's not the idea of one of our side. Yan Hongxuan's cultivation is unfathomable. I'm afraid it may not be possible to succeed by ordinary methods alone."

"An ordinary way? Is there an unusual way?"

"There is an unusual way."

Fang Qingcheng glanced at ye Xiaogu, but didn't understand what he said.

The changes in his body have existed since he was a child, whether it is the inheritance of the Heavenly Master or the magic heart inspired by black Sanskrit. In short, it is a restless force.

This time, Chen Weixi and Zhang Zizheng made it clear that they wanted to provoke him and seek the violent walk of that power.

Although the purpose is simple, it is worth studying who the person using the plan is.

In the room, ye Xiaogu never spoke, but Chen Weixi and Fang Qingcheng talked very actively.

Watching her drink after drink, it seemed that she was drinking boiled water in front of her. For a moment, ye Xiaogu couldn't help but pick his eyebrows and put out his hand to stop.

"Don't drink. I'm afraid you'll be confused."

"Why are you such a dog? I'm not your daughter. You have to take care of what you do?"

"You're not my daughter. You're my wife. Why shouldn't I care? Put down the glass."

"Oh, you're a good dog. Come and grab it?"

While talking, the glass on the girl's hand shook twice in front of him, and a sly look flashed in her eyes.

She is good at body method. Naturally, she is still a little confident.

However, before she could give more blows, ye Xiaogu looked at her, slowly stretched out his hand and got the wine glass.

Chen Weixi originally wanted to make trouble twice, but under his gaze, she subconsciously obeyed and didn't bother at all.

He grabbed the glass and put it on the table. He touched a little wine and rubbed it between his fingers. He said faintly.

"Why did brother Fang remind Ye just now?"

"Don't worry, there's no poison in the wine. It's not compassionate about this girl or just unwilling to offend Mr. Ye."

"What's that for?"

"It's simple..."

Fang Qingcheng grabbed two peanuts from the plate and put them directly in his mouth. He was a strong peasant. At present, he was innocent and bandit when eating peanuts.

"It's just because I'm not sure. If I annoy you, it's OK to succeed at that time. If it doesn't, it's still a lot of trouble."

"Baby, what are you afraid of?"

When he said this, ye Xiaogu suddenly remembered that he had met the master of the Yan Family in yipinju.

At first, he thought it was the old man of the Yan family who thought of the past, but on second thought, how could anyone who could sit in that position for so long be merciful because of this ethereal thing?

"What are you afraid of?"

Fang Qingcheng couldn't help laughing when he heard what he said, but in his expectant eyes, Fang Qingcheng didn't explain too much, but ate a few peanuts for himself.

When they said these words, Chen Weixi was still in the dark and at a loss, frowning.

"What do you mean? What are you talking about?"

Ye Xiaogu stretched out his hand and flicked her little brain, laughing and joking.

"You said you didn't want me to take care of it? Stay with me and don't leave. I can't. I'll find you a dog rope to tie it later."

"Roll ~"

Chen Weixi gave him a bad look. At this moment, it seems that she has slowed down from the panic of running away in the forest, but the mood at the bottom of her eyes was keenly perceived by him.

"Are you still afraid?"

As soon as he read it, ye Xiaogu couldn't help hugging the girl and rubbed her side face intimately. His eyes were full of reluctance and indifference.

People live a lifetime, there will always be some involuntarily.

Some people want to take the long single wooden bridge, while others want to take the Yangguan Avenue. The direction is different, the requirements are different, and the things they see in their eyes are naturally different.

But if it really gets in the way, no one can go on, then they can only make a living by their own abilities.

"What are you going to do after you break this move?"

"What else can I do? It has nothing to do with me."

"Whether it's related or irrelevant, it's all later. What's brother Fang going to do with the current matter?"


When Fang Qingcheng heard the speech, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

He wasn't surprised that ye Xiaogu would ask, but when ye Xiaogu really asked, he still felt happy that a big fish had taken the bait.

Ye Xiaogu was so obsessed with bao'er that he didn't even have the big noise in the Royal beast villa he expected. It really surprised him.

Maybe it's just because the girl's position in his heart is insignificant?

Fang Qingcheng didn't think about it. For him, all this was really on the right path.

Unconsciously, he ate two-thirds of the peanuts on the table and drank most of the wine. He clapped his hands with satisfaction and said.

"I've drunk the wine. It's almost time to start. Come on, Mr. Ye, I'll take you to Yan Hongxuan."

"... is that your plan?"

In the face of Ye Xiaogu's consternation, Fang Qingcheng looked at him with a smile, and his eyes fell on Chen Weixi in his arms, laughing.

"Didn't Mr. Ye ask me how you can do it alone? The method has told you. If it's done, everything is easy to say. If it's not done, it's boring to say later."

Having said this, Fang Qingcheng got up straight, but saw him sitting motionless.

Fang Qingcheng asked with a dull smile on his face.

"Mr. Ye, what are you doing?"

"Brother Fang is a Taoist of Maoshan?"

"I used to wear that outfit."

"When I see those little Taoists in Maoshan, they will set up a stall to tell fortune. Fang Qingcheng, have you calculated when you will die?"

The killing intention suddenly appeared, but the smile on Fang Qingcheng's face added a few points.

"Isn't brother ye also a Taoist who has been in Maoshan for several months? How about brother Ye calculate the fate of Fang?"


Ye Xiaogu stood up and walked away with Chen Weixi in her expressionless arms, leaving a smile on Fang Qingcheng's face.

Although Chen Weixi had some questions, she also felt that there seemed to be something wrong between ye Xiaogu and Fang Qingcheng, and didn't say anything for a while.

When he walked out of the side hall, she couldn't help asking.

"That man is not your friend?"

"Not really. Let's find a place to slow down."

"Go away ~ I don't have time to slow down with you."

"Seriously, what are you thinking?"

Seeing the girl in a good mood, ye Xiaogu looked at the main hall in the distance and said softly.

"When people are in the Jianghu, they can't help themselves. If people don't ask for trouble, things will find you."

"What are you doing so badly?"

"Where am I? You see, I'm very sunny."

While talking, he grinned and showed his big white teeth. He looked really sunny.

It's just that it hasn't been more than half an hour. Maybe Zhang Zizheng's body in the forest hasn't cooled yet. At the moment, his smile is so brilliant that it's not convincing.

With a smile on his face, he seemed to feel a little embarrassed with such a dry smile. After a smile, he approached her and whispered in her ear.

"Everything has me, madam, you can rest assured."

"Bah ~ why did you say that? I asked you, why did you leave just now?"

"I was hurt and forgot for a moment."

"Hurt? Where? Let me see."

"Internal injury, I can't see."

"I'll slap you and let you hurt yourself!"

She had just heard him say that she was hurt and was subconsciously worried. At the moment, listening to his joke, she slapped him.

The two people talk and laugh like this. In fact, they all have their own concerns, but they are afraid of each other and haven't said it clearly.

Ye Xiaogu doesn't know the details of this time, but for Chen Weixi, she has seen the black star bug, and naturally she has some thoughts in her heart.

Black starworm is not big, but it is a universal medicine guide for magic. Generally, those who are attracted by black starworm are confused with five senses and vague consciousness. Even the strongest cultivation is difficult to display.

Previously in the woods, she always thought she was desperately running away. In fact, the pace was slower and slower, and her body became more and more tired.

It seems to be running in the direction of beast mountain villa, but in fact it has always been in place.

The magic triggered by the black starworm is so powerful that it can almost ignore the cultivation level. It can be said that it is the first-class magic in the world.

However, although the magic is powerful, the trigger conditions are extremely harsh. One of them is that the mother worm must be planted in the body, and it needs to be cultivated for a period of time, supplemented by other magic pills to be effective.

Generally, if you can catch people against the enemy, you don't need to waste so much effort to arrange this illusion.

A thought flashed through her heart, and her face looked as old, but she had secretly thought of a place in her heart.

"... Longmen."

When ye Xiaogu picked him up from the dragon's gate, she asked him a few questions about the dragon's gate. Naturally, she knew where the moon covering building was.

Now I think those who stopped her on the road may not be to rob the cloud moon chariot, but to run for her.

The four main gates in the earthly world are all related to the lack of cloud and moon. Ye Xiaogu is bound to find the dragon's gate and take away her who has planted black starworms.

It's hard to break for a moment.

She frowned and thought for a long time. When she recovered a little, she had come to the door of a wing room.

The style of the wing room is very ordinary. It is a row. It looks like green tiles and white walls. There is no conspicuous decoration.

Share a very large yard. The yard is paved with bluestones and there are no green plants and bonsai. It is a spacious flat dam.

"Isn't this the welcome room of Royal beast villa? Are you still going to stay here?"

"Since I was invited here, I can't stay anywhere. I just have a rest."

Ye Xiaogu simply answered and took her into the wing room.

He had been to this place in the past, so he was familiar with the layout of the room.

After putting the girl down, he went straight to fetch a basin of water.

"Wash your feet and have a rest."

"When have you been so attentive? Didn't you pay attention to me before?"

"Madam is joking. When did I stop talking to you?"

"You've always ignored me!"

Chen Weixi looked at him with certainty and said that the firmness of this tone really made him unable to make up his smooth words for a moment.

He went to Hongfeng forest to find medicine for Liu Shengyan. Naturally, he didn't have any idle mind to talk to the girl.

In addition, he just experienced a lot of right and wrong at that time. Bao'er was not around. Liu Shengyan was possessed by three green roses. After so much experience, his mind naturally grew a lot.

People always have a growth process. In the past, he always thought about bao'er, but after he had a good relationship with Ren Hanxiang, he felt that the flashiness in his heart had dissipated, and he felt more real about bao'er.

He couldn't leave her, and he couldn't imagine losing her, so he kept running like this.

As for the treatment of the girls around him, in fact, since Liu Shengyan, he had no intention of paying attention to other girls.

But unfortunately, I met Chu Qingqiu and the little sable one after another, but I didn't want to insert willows into the shade, which was my fate.

For this white fate, he has been muddling along, and it is inevitable that he does not pay much attention.

Sometimes it's not bad to say two words to make you laugh, but when it comes to how much you like and how much you feel, it's actually a little reluctant.

But after such a experience, he didn't tell the truth. At least he couldn't let the girl leave.

"Have you made up your mind?"

"Have you thought about what?"

"Make it up. Let me hear what excuses you can make up."

"There's no excuse. You don't look good."

The girl sat at the table and looked at him for a long time. She secretly thought that he would say all kinds of excuses. She waited until she had a number in her heart before she took the initiative to pick something. Unexpectedly, she got such a reply.

For a moment, she was really stunned. She didn't answer a word for a long time.

On the contrary, ye Xiaogu took the copper basin to her feet and said faintly.

"There are all kinds of girls in the family. Ren Hanxiang is dignified and intellectual with glasses. Liu Shengyan is a young lady, bao'er is a smiling old fox, Yao'er is a lovely and clever kind, and Bai Feifei, a little neurotic, a little Taoist aunt who hasn't been in touch for a long time, and Peipei, who stays in the thousand cloud cave of Wandao alliance. She is also plump and deeply wins my heart ……”


"Don't shake your legs. Kick the basin over later."

"I'll kick it for you!"

He didn't say that. Fortunately, Chen Weixi kicked the copper basin directly. He hurriedly pressed the copper basin with both hands, barely protecting the basin, but she was kicked by the girl.

Ordinary girls have to wipe twice when they hear that there is ash on their faces. Everyone values the word "face". How can there be such a reason to tear down the stage face to face?

He just said that the girl was not good-looking. He counted the other women in detail. How could he make her angry?

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